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A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:06 am
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Mick walked into Kostan Industries and noticed that everyone at the security desk was dressed in green, as he looked around everyone showing their ID cards was wearing something green. Mick recognized a low level IT vampire stopped by security.

“Sir, you’re out of uniform.” The guard said.

The vamp sighed. “You’re kidding. I don’t have anything green. It makes me look sallow.

“I’m sorry Sir. Not only are you not wearing the uniform color but….you have on the forbidden color. I can’t let you in the building under these circumstances.

Mick smiled Forbidden color? Josef had a lot of strange quirks but forbidding a color that seemed extreme even for him.

“Mr. Kostan never comes to my floor unless his computer is broken. Can’t you pretend you didn’t see me?

“I’m sorry Sir. I’ve taken my kids to the La Brea museum but I don’t want to become a resident.

The vamp growled but stormed out of the building. Mick walked up to the desk and showed his drivers license. The guard smiled. “Mr. St. John Would you mind putting this on before you go upstairs?

It was a bright green bow tie.

‘It’s really not my style Fred.”

“Sir….if you wouldn’t mind, otherwise I have to call upstairs and ask Mr. Kostan to meet you outside.

Mick was stunned. ‘Okay, I’ll put it on. He was fumbling with the tie when three of Josef’s freshies arrived at the desk. Tangie said. “Jade, can you help Mick with that?

Jade and Aquamarine both fussed over him until it was perfect.

Mick smiled. “Tangie, that’s a lovely emerald green dress you’re wearing.

“Thank you.

“Aqua, Jade, it’s unusual that you girls wear the same color.

“It’s not the same. Jade corrected. “She’s emerald, Aqua’s forest and I’m pastel.

Mick nodded. “Of course. How foolish of me. Can I escort you ladies upstairs?

The four of them rode up in the elevator and Mick was about to ask about green when the elevator stopped on the 89th floor. Josef’s personal assistant Laura was standing in front of the doors blocking everyone‘s path, she was the gate keeper and if she was stopping the elevator two floors below him it was serious.

“Ladies, are you sure you’re ready for inspection?”

“Yes.” Tangie said.

“No, red?


“Did you check their underwear? Laura asked.

Mick could hold his tongue no longer. “What the hell is going on?”

“Settle down St. John.” Laura snapped. “I’ll get to you in a minute.” “Did you check their underwear?”

“Of course Laura.”

“Are you sure no one is wearing anything red?”

“I’m positive.”

“What about your hair?”

Tangie touched her auburn locks. “That’s my natural color.”

“Not today, at least not in this building.”

Tangie frowned. “Do I have to dye it green?”

‘No, but you can’t set foot on his floor with that hair. Laura handed her a set up keys. “He called you because he needs you to drive the Ferrari out of the building. Nothing red can be on the property after 3P

Tangie nodded. “Okay, I’ll take it straight home. Girls make sure you keep him calm.

Laura let Tangie pass and ring for a down elevator.

Laura was still inspecting the girls. “Do you have any rubies?

No. They whispered.

“What about toenail polish, lipstick or blush? Is there anything red in the name of the shade. Pinks are allowed but no reds.

They handed their makeup to Laura and Mick growled. “Laura, let me out of here. I’m not a freshie.”

“No, you’re a guest and we have important business today. Are you wearing anything red? Socks? Shorts?

“I’m not showing you my underwear. You’ll have to take my word for it.”

Laura laughed. “I’ll leave that to Josef. All right, you’re all cleared for the top floor.” She stepped out and closed the door.

When the doors opened again Josef was standing at the door. “Mick, it’s good to see you. Ladies, take my decanters of blood and bring them home. I can’t have anything red on this floor.

The freshies hurried to his office and Mick whispered. “Explain.”

“It’s a bet with Jim Cunningham.”

“A bet?”

“Yeah, we were talking about Christmas and so much red and green. Well, he bet me that I couldn’t ban one color from my office that someone would slip up.

Ahhh, so how did you decide who got red?

“He set the bet so I picked the color. I chose green.”

“Why? More people are likely to have red things. Laura is checking makeup.’

“She better be. I’m checked the whole place the last two red things were my blood and the Ferrari which is why I needed my girls.

“Well, if you managed to ban a color what makes you think Jim hasn’t been just as successful.

Josef grinned “He’s in a lot of trouble if he has been.”

Mick was confused.

“My business is green, his business is red. If he’s going to live up to the color red that has to include his books. If he’s running at a deficit….then he needs the hundred grand we bet.

“Josef, you’re sneaky.”

“How do you think I lived this long?

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:59 am
by MickLifeCrisis
LOL! That was cute! :snicker:

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:25 am
by allegrita
Ooh, Josef, you are very sneaky! Somehow, I'm thinking Jim Cunningham is going to be running "in the red" after this bet. :snicker:

Great response to the Challenge! :highfive:

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:13 am
by francis
How adorable! Mick sure doesn't know the intricacies of Color. Same Outfit, pffff! :rolling:

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:07 pm
by cassysj
MLC - Freshies bring out the fluffy in me.

Alle - Jim will learn who he's playing with.

Francis - Mick should learn the subtlety of fashion.

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:40 am
by cassysj
Shameless bump

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:15 am
by Kee
cassysj wrote:Shameless bump

I'll say. And all this time I thought it was a new story. :thanks:

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:38 am
by allegrita
I love your red and green stories, Carol! :teeth:

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:36 pm
by cassysj
Glad you enjoyed it Kee. Alle I do have fun with the girls.

Re: A Green Christmas PG-13

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:51 am
by allegrita
This one is a classic! :clapping: :clapping: Now I'm off to read your red one! :hyper2: