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An Eternal Rose - Rated R

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:51 pm
by JosefsRose
Ok running through my back catalogue. This was a follow up to Every Rose has its Thorns. Alt ending.

An Eternal Rose

She awoke in the dark, confused and with a gnawing in her gut. She tried to figure out what had happened to her. She was unable to do so, and her head ached, and the pain in her stomach distracted her. Unable to make sense of what had happened she turned her attention to where she was. Quickly she realised she had a sheet covering her, and removed it from her face. It did nothing to improve the situation. She turned her head to the side noticing how close the sides were to her. It didn’t occur to her that she shouldn’t be able to see. Tentatively she reached out her hand to touch the wall. It was smooth and cool to the touch. Cold even, yet it was not uncomfortable. She reached around herself to find the boundaries of her confines.. She tilted her head forward, noticing that there appeared to be a door at her feet. Her scream resonated in the steel confines of her prison. Then the door opened and the light flooded in. She slammed her eyes shut as it hurt, like needles pressed into her eyes. She heard the exclamation of the owner of the shadow at her feet.

“Oh shit!!” There was a frantic flurry of movement, then the light dimmed and she felt herself moving forwards. “Here, you can open your eyes now.” The voice was gentle and had a slight Hispanic accent. Gingerly she opened them, ready to close them again if needed. She was still laid back, but slowly sat up. Eyes widening as she realised where she was. The morgue.

“Why?” it was the only thing she could say. As she swung her legs over the edge. The sheet fell from her naked body. The cool air felt good to her, but she winced as her senses were assaulted.

The man who had freed her held out a gown. “You might want to put that on.” He looked away. She put the gown on, pulling it closed about her breasts. “Tell me, what do you remember?” He avoided her question with one of his own.

She shook her head as if it would shake loose the memories that eluded her grasp. “I…I don’t know. I have images but I can’t make sense of them.” She looked at the man at her side. He offered her is hand to help her down. Taking it she landed lightly on her feet. Graceful as a cat. She tilted her head and inhaled, her eyes lightening as she picked up the scent of fresh blood. Her head snapped towards it.

“Are you hungry?” He reached for a beaker and poured the contents of a bag into it. Holding it out to her.

She growled as she grabbed it form him, downing the contents in two gulps. He features shifting back to a more human look. “Oh my God. Oh God” she closed her eyes and dropped her head. “What happened? Oh God .Oh God .OH GOD!!!!!” She sat in a chair that was behind her, her head resting in her hands. Finally she looked up. He was stood before her again, offering her another beaker full of blood. She took it, studying the gelatinous liquid. “Thank you. I never asked your name.” Then she took a mouthful of the drink. This time taking her time.

“I’m Guillermo. I need you to tell me who you are. It’s just…..well I….” he wasn’t sure what he should tell her.

She picked up on his unease, and took pity on him. “I have two names. Rose Thorne, who died in a fiery crash, and Bella Donatella. Who until recently was alive and well running a security business.” Her voice faded as she spoke the last word, images of a gallery and Josef coming forward in her mind. “I worked for Josef Kostan. I was at a gallery, I was returning some stolen paintings.” She paused waiting as the lost memories came forward. “He got shot, I tried to block him.” Then she stopped. She remembered being in his arms as her world had gone black. The look of despair on his face, and his whispering her name. “I need to get out of here. I have to leave.” She went to rise, but Guillermo placed a restraining hand on her shoulder.

“Your not going anywhere. I hate to tell you this but your dead. You were brought in here, DOA. I’ll give a friend a call, then we’ll decided what is going to happen.” He gave her a look, that told her to stay, and he went into his office to make the call.

“Any chance of getting some proper clothes, I feel a little under dressed.” There was a hint of sarcasm, and amusement in her tone, and she gave him a wry smile. She heard his laugh and she focused on her new senses. She knew from talking to the cleaners that her usual five senses would be altered. So she focus on them first.

Hearing, she focused on the sounds around her, aware of the hum of the chilling units, the sound of footsteps in the corridor, Guillermo’s voice on the phone, she noted she could also hear the responses of other caller. Then she recognised the voice. She smiled. Forcing her self to tune out of the conversations, she turned her attention to her sight.

The light was at a bearable level. She looked about her, noticing the small things she would never normally see. The scratch marks on the metal surfaces, the dust floating in the air.

Touch was a strange sensation. Everything was hyper sensitive. The cloth of the gown she wore seemed rough on her skin. She could feel the grain of the wood of the chair she sat in. It even felt warm.

Taking another sip of the blood from the beaker, holding it in her mouth. She could separate the integral components of the blood. Taste the donor, they had been drinking at some point as she could discern the alcohol. The subtleties of the blood eluded her.

Then she inhaled through her mouth. Realising she didn’t need to breathe, she gave a chuckle. Then she sniffed. The assault was blinding. She smelt everything. The blood in the glass beaker, the stale old blood in the drains, the acrid smell of the cleaning products, sweat, perfume, and decay. She shook her head trying to clear it but it didn’t help. Then the vision hit her. She recoiled in the chair. The images striking her with their clarity. Her lying on the autopsy slab, the police wanting a ballistics match to the bullet that struck her. Guillermo standing over her, removing the bullet from her chest. She quickly looked down at herself, running her hands over where she had seen the injury. There was nothing there but smooth skin. She yawned and closed her eyes, drifting back into sleep.

Rose woke up to find herself laying on a leather seat, a gentle hand resting on her side, her head in someone’s lap. She shifted and a soft voice told her. “You might want to keep your eyes closed, there’s little protection against the light.” Yet being stubborn and curious, she opened them a crack. She inhaled sharply at the pain but refused to close them. Slowly the discomfort eased, and she ventured to open them more. Her focus was off and everything appeared blurry. Blinking a couple of times helped and she noted that she was in a classic car. Her head was in Mick’s lap and Beth was driving.

“Er hi Mick.” Rose had twisted to look up at him. “Do you mind if I sit up. I’m feeling nauseous.” The hand moved and then helped her to sit up. The light was brighter now she was sat up and she squinted. “Thanks. Where are we going? I need to see Josef.” She noticed that he wouldn’t look at her. Then she remembered that Josef had been shot. “Where is he?” Still no reply. “No. Don’t you tell me he’s gone. He can’t be.” Tears ran down her face and the sobs shook her body. Her fledgling emotions running riot.

“Whoa, hey there. You don’t need to cry. Josef survived the attack, but he took the opportunity to relocate. He died in the public eye, from his injuries. The bullets were silver.” Now he looked at her, Rose’s question was unasked. “I don’t know where he’s gone. He didn’t even tell me.” He looked forlorn. Rose could feel his sense of loss. It made her own stronger and the tears continued to fall.

“I need him Mick. I need Josef.” She felt desperate. Not noticing when the car pulled into the underground garage of Mick’s block.


Mick could do nothing to settle Rose. The pull of needing her sire was too great. All he could do was to offer her words. “I need you to try and calm down. Getting upset won’t help.” She continued to cry and Mick twisted to face her grabbing her by the shoulders. “Bella I need you to focus.” The use of her name brought her to the present.

“My name is Rose.” Her voice cold and hard. “And do not tell me to calm down. I’m trying to comprehend everything. I’ve got to figure it all out, annnnnd……..” She stopped, closing her eyes inhaling sharply. When they opened they were silver and with a quick movement she was out of Mick grasp, and then out of the car. Before either Mick or Beth could react she was gone into the stairwell.

“Take the lift. I’ll take the stairs.” were his words to Beth before he too was gone. Beth shook her head.

“Oh boy, those vamps.” Then she headed to the elevator.

Rose had made it up the stairs only to pause at the door before her. She knew that Josef had been here. She could smell his scent, and feel the attraction of her sires presence. Yet she stood still, not moving. Another gamut of emotions rushing over her. It was stood like this that Mick found her. He just about ran into her. Her whole body was relaxed, as she inhaled. “He was here, and not long ago.” She spoke so softly it was only with his vamp hearing he caught what she had said.

Mick remotely opened the door and stepped inside. Then the lift arrived and Beth came into the hallway. She was wary of Rose as she was a fledgling, but she still stood next to her. Placing a hand on her arm in a comforting gesture. Mick was stood just inside the doorway and called back. “Are you two coming in?”

The two girls smiled at each other and walked in. Both stopped in their tracks. There asleep on Mick’s sofa was a disheveled Josef. Rose took a hesitant step, and looked at Mick and Beth. Mick nodded and she took another step and then crossed the room to Josef’s side. Josef looked awful, he was unshaven his hair was in disarray. He was still in the same clothes he had been wearing since the incident. They were stained with his and her blood.

Behind her Mick lead Beth into his office to afford her some privacy. She heard the door close, and even that slight noise did nothing to rouse the slumbering figure before her. Silently she stood before him, unsure of what to do. She knew he need to be in a freezer, and he needed blood. His skin was sallow, and paler than normal. Without thinking she bit into her wrist and placed the wound to his lips. Such as he was Josef reacted on instinct. He latched onto her arm with a force that made Rose gasp. After just a few swallows, his eyes opened, and his crystalline blue ones bore into her. He drew away and hissed. “No, you can’t be here.” The couch stopped his movement. Rose reached forward and placed her hand on the side of his face.

“I’m here Josef.” She allowed herself to transform before him. “And I need my sire.” She gave him a smile, which was ever so slightly sad. Josef continued to look at her. Then put his own hand over hers. He closed his eyes and took in her scent. It was still hers, yet he could smell the disinfectant from the morgue, and underlying it all the unmistakable scent of his blood. He pulled her to him. Rose landed in his lap. She giggled, and he smiled.

“I think your sire also needs you. I thought I had lost you.” He tenderly traced the features of her face. Then his hand applied pressure to the back of her neck, urging her forward. He kissed her first then turned his head so his neck was bared. “Take what’s … I offer you.” Rose tasted his neck, swirling her tongue over the area she would bite. She felt his arousal grow beneath her. She smiled against his flesh, and then sank her new fangs into the column of her neck. Josef felt no pain, only bliss as she fed. Josef groaned as she fed, the eroticism of it, bringing him to a climax as she withdrew her fangs and sealed the wound. She sighed contentedly.

The snick of the door opening brought them both back to reality. Rose bolted to a standing position and Josef rose to a seated one. The smell of his arousal filling the room. He shot a look at Mick that warned him to say nothing. “Are you two okay now?” Beth queried. She had caught the look between the men.

“Thank you Beth for asking. We’re both better.” Was Josef’s genuine reply. “Let’s go home.” He stood from the sofa, adjusting he pants as he did so. A smirk forming on his lips.

“Where is home Josef?” Rose looked concerned. He turned to look at her.

“Anywhere you and my brother is.” He looked to Mick, who just nodded. “I think my twin brother is going to have to make an appearance. But until then. I think the Beverly Hills Wiltshire should do adequately.” He pulled Rose to his side and whispered in a tone only she could hear. “I think we need some bonding time and a double wide freezer sounds just right.” Rose shivered at the thought. “Well we shall take our leave of you. Mick.” then he faced Beth. He offered his hand and she returned the gesture. Instead of shaking it he placed a light kiss on the back of her hand. “Beth, always a pleasure.” Then with his arm about Rose, they left the apartment.

Beth turned to Mick. “Another happy ending.”

Re: An Eternal Rose - G

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:18 pm
by francis
I really like this. Rose's Need for her sire was so palpable. I doubt this has a G-Rating though. :biggrin:

Re: An Eternal Rose - G

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:30 pm
by JosefsRose
I am out of prcatice of the rating system :blushing: :shrug: . Can you remind me please.

Re: An Eternal Rose - G

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:14 pm
by francis
G is for Kids :winky: . This here I would rate R as in restricted, the sex Scene would warrant that. :smooch:

Re: An Eternal Rose - Rated R

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:04 am
by JosefsRose
Many thanks Francis, I have altered the rating.