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Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:18 am
by librarian_7
For our April challenge. No infringement intended, as always. Thanks to Allegrita for a read and suggestions!

Fortune’s Fool

He’d told her it would be a little cool for a picnic in the park, but as usual, she was too headstrong to listen.

“It’ll be the perfect temperature. The paper said it would get up to 63.”

Charles cocked an eyebrow thoughtfully. From what he’d seen, and smelled, the thermometer wasn’t going to be getting out of the 50’s that day. The cold didn’t bother him, of course, but Sarah was considerably more fragile. But as usual, he found her impossible to resist.

And shortly, he found himself trailing after her across a grassy meadow. Even at noon, the spring sun was still misty, the light softened by rolling clouds. It was still more than bright enough for him, but he ignored the glare in his eyes for the radiance of her happiness. It was in everything about her—the way she walked, the sound of her laugh, the waves of scent rolling off her. He knew he was besotted, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care, because she didn’t care. And today, he wanted to be her attentive lover, the kind who would carry the picnic basket in the park, following a beautiful young woman with a plaid blanket folded over her arm, looking for the ideal spot to alight. In the distance, he could hear children laughing, their high voices floating on the cool breeze as they ran and played.

Finally, at the top of a small rise, just next to a wooded copse, she paused, turning to him. “I think this’ll do,” she said.

Charles set down the basket, his hand going into his jacket pocket to find the little jewelry box. He flipped the catch one-handed, and extracted the item within by touch. “Looks good to me,” he smiled.

Sarah shook out the blanket, and spread it carefully on the grass, smoothing out a wrinkle here, a lump there, and anchoring it with the basket on one corner. “I know you don’t really eat,” she said, “but I thought we could share a glass of wine.”

“To gaze on you is feast enough for kings.”

“That’s beautiful, Charles. Is it from a poem?”

He shrugged. “I don’t remember. But it seemed appropriate. Now turn around, I have a present for you.”

Her eyes sparkled as she obeyed, and he brought the chain of the filigreed heart locket around her throat, fastening the clasp at the nape of her neck. She turned again, into his kiss, and he thought there could be no greater happiness, no more perfect moment than here, than now.

He knew the one thing she wanted, more than anything else. He’d refused for months, telling her of the danger, of the consequences of becoming as he was. She hadn’t nagged, hadn’t begged, but nevertheless, the question had remained on the table. He thought about having her forever, frozen in time, his perfect lover, his perfect mate for all eternity. Weighed that against the idea of her aging, of the slow decay of life claiming her, taking her away from him. And suddenly, he found he couldn’t live with the idea of it, couldn’t bear the idea of her changing. He didn’t care anymore what was natural, or right, or safe. If she wished it, he would turn her, and she would be his forever. If he felt any foreboding, any faint ripple of fear, he ignored it.

As he drew back, he nodded, and murmured one word to her.


But even as he said it, the thought crossed his mind. “Whatever happens, I am fortune’s fool.”

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:29 am
by allegrita
Oh, Lucky... this is so poignant. :hankie: :hankie: :hankie: This is the pinnacle of their relationship, in a way--the moment he decided to do it. From here on, fate carried them like an avalanche toward disaster. It breaks my heart, but at the same time, it makes me oddly happy that Josef and Sarah had that one afternoon of bliss. :cloud9:

It's perfect that this happened when he gave her the locket. :hearts: And I think it's also perfectly apt that, even as he made the decision, his thoughts echoed that most tragic quote from Romeo and Juliet: "O, I am fortune's fool!" :bmoon:

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:24 am
by francis
This is wonderful, so happy and sad at the same time. He's totally besotted by her, she could get away with anything with him. He knows he's a fool, yet he will do whatever she wants. They both don't know yet how tragic this will turn out, they are so happy. I love this little scene.

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:53 pm
by Lilly
Lucky, this is wonderful! :heart: Of all the Josef and Sarah pieces that have been written, this is truly the most joyful. There's so much packed into so few words here -- the scene just glows. Josef seems to have cast off 350 years of darkness and it's as if he's seeing the "light" for the first time.

Of course, we all know how it turned out -- that light was just a brief flicker in his long lifetime -- but in this moment, he is young again and truly happy. :hearts: I just love this. Thank you.

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:19 pm
by librarian_7
Ah, Lilly, I was hoping you'd like this one! :teeth:

It seemed to me that Josef put so much emphasis on that locket, it had to have a special significance. When we saw the scene of him giving it to her, he seemed radiantly happy--and it occurred to me that it might have been the point when he made that fateful decision.

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 8:01 pm
by cassysj
This is beautiful. The idea of it being the day of the locket is perfect. He was giving her his heart and his vampire soul. Sadly it didn't work out how they wanted but this moment was pure joy.

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:29 am
by Marigold
I love this! :clapping: :clapping:

What a wonderful backstory for the locket. I am glad that Sarah and Josef were able to enjoy one last afternoon together. :hearts:

Beautifully done, Lucky! :rose:

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:22 pm
by jen

This is fabulous!

Throughout literature, there will be a single point that all things seem to narrow down onto. In Moonlight, to me, it was the Turning issue involving a human and vampire couple. Mick and Beth, or Josef and Sarah, as you have shown us here.

This section sums it up beautifully:
And suddenly, he found he couldn’t live with the idea of it, couldn’t bear the idea of her changing. He didn’t care anymore what was natural, or right, or safe. If she wished it, he would turn her, and she would be his forever. If he felt any foreboding, any faint ripple of fear, he ignored it.
You have taken that brief scene we saw the the end of Sleeping Beauty and given it depth and life, enhancing a lovely moment.

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 2:17 am
by Shadow
So beautiful and filled with so much delight! Truly a magical moment for Josef. He seemed to be purely in the moment, even knowing he was at such a crossroads not only in Sarah's life but in his own. The last line is perfect. The words whatever happens truly sum up the dilemma of an immortal in love with a mortal.

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 2:56 am
by darkstarrising
How did I miss this?
He knew he was besotted, but he didn’t care.
This is a lovely glimpse into a moment in time, where love causes us to do things we otherwise wouldn't and Charles is no exception.
He thought about having her forever, frozen in time, his perfect lover, his perfect mate for all eternity. Weighed that against the idea of her aging, of the slow decay of life claiming her, taking her away from him. And suddenly, he found he couldn’t live with the idea of it, couldn’t bear the idea of her changing. He didn’t care anymore what was natural, or right, or safe. If she wished it, he would turn her, and she would be his forever. If he felt any foreboding, any faint ripple of fear, he ignored it.
There is so much in these few sentences. Charles knows better, but love silences his fears, or at least causes him to throw caution to the wind. His thought about Sarah being 'frozen in time' was meant as being immortal and ageless. Little did he know just how literal that phrase would be.

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:18 am
by cassysj
As sad as things turn out I do love this story

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:06 pm
by allegrita
Me too. It gives me happy AND sad sighs. :happysigh: :sigh: It's like a magical, golden moment caught in amber for eternity. The moment when all possibilities seemed endless. :heart:

Re: Fortune's Fool (Challenge #148) -- PG-13

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:52 am
by librarian_7
So nice to see this being re-read! I do love writing a good Josef/Sarah story from time to time.
