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Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:59 am
by cassysj
I do not own any characters from Moonlight or Back To The Future, no copyright infringement is intended.

Emmett arrived in 2015. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to find his cousin but Mick was still in LA and using the same name.

He knocked on the office of Mick St. John Private Investigations. A beautiful blonde answered the door.

“Is Mick St. John here?” Emmett asked.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“Ummm No. Can I make one?’


“My name is Emmett Brown and I’d like to talk to him about…

The blonde stared at him “Emmett Brown? Wait right here, I’ll get him on the phone. She pulled a rectangle box out of her pants and tapped it.

“Mick, you need to get back here. Emmett Brown is here for you.” The blonde put the colorful box down and said.

“He’ll be here in ten minutes.”

Emmett smiled. “You seem to know me”

“Mick’s mentioned his cousin. I’m Beth Turner, his fiancee.”

Emmett grinned, if Mick was engaged he had moved on so his work here was done. “I can’t really wait. Tell Mick, I went back home.

The woman grabbed his arm with surprising strength. “Don’t go. He’ll be so disappointed. He’s been waiting for 30 years.

Emmett noticed her cool temperature. “You’re like…..Mick?”

Beth smiled. “Yes. I got my membership to the clubhouse a few years ago.

Emmett frowned. “I’m sorry.

Beth shook her head. “I’m not. I wanted it.”

Mick came running into the office and caught Emmett in a fierce hug.

“Emmett it’s been so long.”

“I’ll leave you boys alone.” Beth said.

“How are you? Mick asked. “Where have you visited?”

“Just here. I’m going to destroy the machine and….

Mick shook his head. “No. I was wondering if you’d be willing to make another trip to the past.

“No. No. No.! Emmett yelled. “I don’t ever want to see 1952 again.

“Me either. I am so happy now I wouldn't change my life for anything. I was thinking of the French Revolution.

“Mick are you crazy? If we mess with something that big the ripples in the space time continuum will…

“I don’t want to change the French Revolution. I want to collect some plants.”

Emmett was pacing back and forth. “Since when did hortaculture become a hobby?”

“Emmett there’s a plant that can help mask the symptoms of vampirism. It lets you eat, sleep, be normal for a while.

“Mick…..are you still so unhappy?

Mick shook his head. “No, I’m thrilled to be immortal as long as I’m with Beth. I wouldn’t mind having some prime rib again but I need it for my friend Josef.”

Emmett shook his head. “He doesn’t strike me as the type to want a non-liquid snack.”

“It’s not just for for him, Josef’s wife……her turning went badly and she’s in a coma. Coraline says this plant will either wake her up or set her free.

Emmett sighed. “ He couldn’t deliberately let someone suffer.”

“I thought Coraline was dead.”

Mick smiled. "A lot happened and Coraline is still alive. A year ago her family was destroyed and their now extinct plants. She needs more of them to make a synthetic “cure” to protect us against the group that killed the Duvalls. I may need to pass as a human if this organization wants to reveal our secret. Beth and I could be in grave danger.”

Emmett shook his head. “How am I going to hide a car in the middle of a Revoultion?’

Mick smiled. “Coraline will help. Can I count on you?

Emmett shrugged. “You’re the only family I have left. Let’s go Back To the Revolution.

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:39 pm
by allegrita
Oh my gosh!!! Emmett is going to help them get those plants for the Cure!!! :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2:

I really love this story, Cassy. You've done such a great job of tying in unfinished storylines from the show. Now you're helping Josef rescue Sarah from her limbo state, and touching on the Legion story as well. And Mick turned Beth! :cloud9:

I can't wait to find out what happens when they go to France. :teeth:

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:04 am
by jen
Of course!!!!

Now the Back to the Future tie in snaps into clear focus!!

Coraline sounds like she is finally developing some responsibility and wisdom.

About time.

Thank you!


Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:16 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Wonderful! Emmet found that Mick is indeed happy (Beth was turned a few years ago but is still his fiancee? What's taking him so long?? :laugh: ). And now he's willing to go back in time to the French Revolution to help them make the cure and save the Community from the Legion!

What clever story telling - I love it! :clapping:

(There's more, right? :fingerscrossed: )


Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:00 pm
by cassysj
Alle - Thanks so much. I wanted to do this like a teaser at the end of BTTF 1. If you have a time machine you may as well use it.

Jen - :hug: Time travel makes everything possible

MLC - :laugh: First Beth had to convince him to turn her, then she couldn't get married during vamp training and with trouble with Legion they've just been busy. :snicker:

I was going to end it here like the teaser from BTTF 1 but I've gotten a couple of ideas about the French Revolution since I wrote it. :cheering:

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:08 pm
by francis
This is a good thing to do with the time travel machine. I hope it works.

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:25 pm
by allegrita
Ooh, this is so cool! You can do a Back In Time II! :cheering: :cheering: :cheering: :cheering:

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:11 am
by Marigold
Great idea! :hearts: Mick and Beth are together, and happy. The cure will help Josef by either bringing Sarah back, or by giving him closure.

I hope their trip back to the French Revolution goes well. :fingerscrossed:

Thank you, Carol! :flowers:

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:34 pm
by jen
Just saw this chapter and reread it again and the comments.

Yes, time travel does make everything possible. When they come back, Josef may be married to Coraline, Beth may be the resident head of the Legion working on reducing the vampire population of L.A. while unknowingly being the tool of Lance (who is alive in this reality) to strike back at his sister.

Then, they will have to go back and fix all that and more problems may result!

Looking forward to the next chapter! I remember when Josef was talking about his 'committment issues' and Mick said, 'me, too' I guess he wasn't kidding. For crying out loud Mick, marry her before she decides she's waited long enough!!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:09 am
by allegrita
I love this ending with a hook for a future story. This has been so much fun to revisit! :hug:

Re: Back In Time Ch 11 PG-13 Moonlight Crossover

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:47 am
by allegrita
I love that this story is so Moonlight and so Back to the Future, all at once! It's wonderful the way you gave it a teaser ending, just like BTTF, and tied up a bunch of loose ends from ML, too! :yahoo: :hearts: :thanks: