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Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:23 pm
by redwinter101
Well going back to my old friend imdb, this season he has been in episodes of Southland and Leverage. If it was a re-run, he's got LOADS of credits....


ETA: here's a link to his page:

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:26 pm
by coco
redwinter101 wrote:Well going back to my old friend imdb, this season he has been in episodes of Southland and Leverage. If it was a re-run, he's got LOADS of credits....


ETA: here's a link to his page:
Bones! I knew that I'd seen him in something else. :thumbs:

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:42 pm
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:Well going back to my old friend imdb, this season he has been in episodes of Southland and Leverage. If it was a re-run, he's got LOADS of credits....


ETA: here's a link to his page:
Hmmm... I'm gonna go with Leverage for $200, Red... :giggle:

I only watched that a time or two... but unless I caught some rerun on cable, it must have been Leverage...
Tho, yes, given how much attention I pay to most tv shows, it COULD have been some rerun on cable... :roll:

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:38 pm
by GuardianAngel
I probably saw him on Bones too. The Closer as well. Boy, he sure does get around.

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:41 am
by wpgrace
And seriously... have ANY of us paid this much attention to an itinerant journeyman actor before???

Oh what obsession will do...

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:44 am
by wondergirl9847
I enjoy FdL because we get to see Mick hang out with a different female than Beth. It was HIGHLY entertaining to see how he reacted to Morgaline. The humour was fun in this ep too, from the snarky waiter ("If you don't eat, why do you keep meeting people at restaurants?" Hee!) to Mick's reaction to her eating food to Beth hearing Morgan oohing and aahing over the phone. :snicker:

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:12 am
by MoonMarg
Back to the money side of things. Most of the cases Mick worked on were just vampire cases - keeping the secret under wraps. The first 3 episodes didn't involve a client at all. So does he do these out of the goodness of his heart or would he get paid from Josef? I remember when watching Fever and Josh hired Mick, I thought finally he's going to get paid for doing a job!! :snicker:

I always thought Mick had probably accumulated a fair amount of wealth over the last 85 years - especially as he didn't have kids to provide for or groceries to buy! And as such , he probably didn't need to many proper cases to work on.

I'm wondering how Morgan would have felt when she found out she only got $10000 out of the $50000 for the job!!!

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:12 am
by Luxe de Luxe
Oh yes, there was a lot of fun seeing the chemistry in this.

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:12 am
by GuardianAngel
Luxe de Luxe wrote:Oh yes, there was a lot of fun seeing the chemistry in this.
On that note.....

Mick waits for Morgan at a restaurant. He's hoping she'll accept an apology from him and take the job as his photographer on the Haggins case.


He starts by saying he wasn't sure if she would show up. She admits that she didn't either. She's obviously wary.


But quickly gets over it as she sits and orders her lunch after confirming that Mick is treating.


Mick seems surprised? Confused? by her order.


Mick doesn't order anything and his excuse to Morgan is that he's on a special diet. She comments that so is everyone else in that town. Body image freaks (I loved the line and the utter disgust in her voice).


She wants to know what the meeting is about. Mick starts his apology.


Morgan doesn't accept it easily. She wants to know just WHAT he's apologizing for as she lists his transgressions from that night in the cemetary.


Mick says he apologizes for it all. His excuse? Again, that she looks so much like someone he knew a long time ago. Morgan tells him that if that is how Mick treated HER, she guesses that it didn't end well. Mick tells her that it didn't.


He offers Morgan the job as a way to make things up to her. He needs a photogapher. It will be $10,000 for a couple days work. She accepts the apology as her food arrives. She offers Mick a french fry.


Which he turns down and tells her to enjoy them for him. Morgan asks for the details on the case and Mick fills her in. She thinks it's sordid.


Mick begins to defend the job but she stops him, saying that she meant it in a good way. She then asks Mick about this ex-girlfriend that she reminds him of - she wants to know what happened. Did she cheat on him? He corrects her, saying tha it was his ex-WIFE and that fidelity wasn't their problem. That it was a complicated relationship and he'll just leave it at that. She smiles, saying that it sounds like a story. Mick gives a little laugh.


He changes the subject and asks if she's interested in the job. She recaps - $10,000 for following people around and taking pictures of them having sex. She's in.


Gotcha! But exactly who has who?

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:09 am
by allegrita
Awesome recap, GA! I love this scene... Morgan seems so honest and so completely human. She's wonderful at mimicking a modern woman, except that she orders carpaccio (which is raw steak) and french fries...? :wtf: But I agree...exactly who's caught who? Um... I'd give the laurel to the lady here. Definitely.

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:23 am
by darlingcat
Nice summary, GA :rose:
This scene and the one later during the stakeout are the only ones I have watched many times from this episode. It is not one of my favorites :snicker: But Mick looked gorgeous in these two scenes.
I didn't like Morgan, sorry! I guess I couldn't get past the fact that she was deceitful and manipulative towards both Mick and Beth.

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:25 am
by GuardianAngel
LOL. Yeah, Alle, I thought her choice of food was a little weird too. Carpaccio with french fries? But then, were the FRENCH fries suppose to be a hint? Along with Coraline's favorite wine?

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:28 am
by allegrita
Well, DC, Moonlight is full of deceit and all parties. That's part of the fun of it--like I said earlier, I love the moral ambiguity in the show. Everyone is damaged. Everyone makes questionable choices. Mick does; Beth does, too. So it depends on how you look at it. I agree that Coraline was definitely pulling on the puppet strings in this scene, and elsewhere in the episode... but that was the story of her relationship with Mick, I think. She pulled the strings and he tried to find scissors to cut them. Watching the dance here gives me a lot of insight into their relationship, good and bad.

ETA: Yeah, GA, maybe the FRENCH part was another hint... Coraline certainly dropped her share of 'em, and owned up to it in the shower, too.

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:36 am
by Luxe de Luxe
I adore this scene and it's here I think that we really get our first glimpse of the chemistry between these two. Morgan seems adorable! She's beautiful, witty and refreshingly unaffected by L.A. hype.

She's also totally unsettling Mick here -- Wha? She's eating the fries, actually eating them! -- and an unsettled Mick is a sexy Mick.

Re: Fleur de Lis (Episode Nine)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:43 am
by darlingcat
The look over the sunglasses was very sexy! Gorgeous Mick :hearts:
But the remark "you and all the body-conscious freaks" was kind of rude :no: