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Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:09 pm
by allegrita
Yes, but they're all using fake accents of other countries. :snicker:

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:37 pm
by wpgrace
allegrita wrote:Yes, but they're all using fake accents of other countries. :snicker:
:giggle: And btw, I'm not complaining... I happen to like the particular foreigners who have invaded our tv... love one of em... guess which!

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:39 pm
by GuardianAngel
Audrey said she wanted to feel safe. Where else would Beth bring her but to Mick. They go to see him at his office.


Mick sympathizes, says he heard they had a rough night but wants to know how he can help. Beth tells him that if Audrey was sure she saw someone out there, maybe she did. Not Shepherd himself but one of his followers. She tells Mick if he'd watched her report he would have seen them. He watched it (Silly girl) and says they were a rainbow coalition of psychos. Mick goes over to his desk to run the report.


Beth points out the infinity scar on some of their hands. The ones with the scars call themselves Shepherd's 'Family'. Mick turns to Audrey to ask if any of these guys have bothered her in the past.


She says they have, usually when Shepherd was up for parole. But none have every followed her before. She's getting worked up. Mick puts his hand on her shoulder to calm her and tells her that he's going to look into it.


She gets a call and steps away to take it. Beth tells Mick that the girl will be staying with her another night, until they know what's going on. He comments that the girl has really gotten under Beth's skin. She has. She feels bad for Audrey - it looks like the girl hasn't had a good night's sleep in 14 years (a little harsh but I get what she means). Also, Beth feels a connection. She could have been just like Audrey after her kidnapping. Mick tells her she's a survivor.


True. But Beth tells him how ironic it is that even with Shepherd in prison Audrey never felt safe but Beth's kidnapper was never found but she always felt safe. (Mick? Oh, Mi-ick? Talk about perfect opportunity). Mick nods and changes the subject. He asks if Beth wants him to sit outside her house that evening. She tells him not to, that they'll be fine. He decides to do some internet reseach on the psycho coalition. Beth watches him as she waits for Audrey.


That evening, Beth and Audrey are talking at her place. She asks Beth how she met Mick. Her answer is they met on a case a few months ago and stayed in touch. She then wants to know if there is anything going on between them. Beth doesn't really answer, just gives a coy smile.


Audrey wants to know because she's seen the extra toothebrush in the bathroom which prompts Beth to correct her. The toothebrush belongs to Josh. (O-kayyyyy). Audrey sounds a little confused when she asks if Josh is the boyfriend. Beth tells her that things are 'iffy' right now and Josh is out of town and she's been distracted (oh, is THAT what you call it?).


Beth gets a call from Buzzwire and Audrey tells her to go in, that she'll be fine. She'll watch Pride and Prejudice again. Beth says okay, she won't be long and she's off.


Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:18 pm
by wpgrace
Soooooo.... after a loooooong lead in for this ep... we finally get a little Mick in the story! Yes, I timed it... it is over 6 minutes without Mick...
They really shouldn't've done that... but he's finally here! :giggle:

And so in-charge. :happysigh: Tho when he offers to hang out outside her building overnight... cause he IS a night person after all... WHY does she say no?? :slaphead:

And notice his lovely hand on Audrey's shoulder in that one pic... :melts: (I bet if he'd've asked Audrey did SHE want him standing guard overnight, that girl would've said YES!)

From Shallow Grace

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:09 pm
by mwj01
I LOVE Shallow Grace! :snicker: Really, had he addressed Audrey, how could she have possibly resisted, between that face and the shoulder touch?

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:20 pm
by wpgrace
mwj01 wrote:I LOVE Shallow Grace! :snicker: Really, had he addressed Audrey, how could she have possibly resisted, between that face and the shoulder touch?

Ohhh! You just gave me shivvers! :snicker:

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:42 pm
by darlingcat
I find interesting how Beth doesn't deny that something is going on between her and Mick.
And she volunteers that things are "iffy" between her and Josh.

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:20 pm
by nayp
Another episode that was one of my favorites. The scene for me was Beth touching Mick's face and the sunrise, and him walking away. At that time, both felt worlds apart, and if this show was given the time to grow and not rushed for some kind of love scene wishing for a new season, I would have hoped Moonlight would have so made this romance something more than "because I love you" in Beth's apartment, and more OMG how can we over come this difference...

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:59 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
the look on Beth's face when she's asked about Mick looks like an admission of interest to me.

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:18 am
by GuardianAngel
Luxe de Luxe wrote:the look on Beth's face when she's asked about Mick looks like an admission of interest to me.
LOL. I should have been more literal. She doesn't voice her answer but, yeah, her smile says it all.

There is only one line that bothers me in the last scene. Mick offers to sit outside Beth's house but she tells him not to, that she's fine. Every time I hear that I can't help but talk back to the screen, reminding Beth that it's AUDREY who needs the protection. Her answer should be she'll be fine or even we'll be fine.

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:33 am
by Luxe de Luxe
I thought that line was about Mick offering to be a back up to Beth watching over Audrey, but that Beth was saying that she was fine to watch over Audrey on her own.

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:42 am
by wpgrace
I kinda agree with GA here... Beth was helping Audrey, yes. But her natural narcissism is coming to the fore here in a really big way. She is remembering, whether she wants to or not, her own experience... and is becoming more and more self-focussed. I am not criticizing... She does have that narcissistic streak, again, she's in the media... don't they all? And if ever there was a time to indulge in that, it is here. She is facing, for the first time, head on, her own trauma. This could be a psychologically make or break time for her.

And in the end (and I know, we aren't there yet) but she handles it pretty calmly, IN THIS EP.) That balcony scene is amazingly low key and calm. From both of them.

But I think GA is right... what begins as Audrey's battle, for Beth, ends up as her own. Audrey is all but forgotten by the balcony scene... Beth put the baby to bed and hustled out to Mick... who then hustles away from her... but we'll get to that...

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:19 pm
by redwinter101
I loved the scene with Mick, Beth and Audrey at Mick's office. Mick's concern is palpably genuine - and it's for Audrey; the soft voice, the welcoming words, the hand on the shoulder. Sigh. Who wouldn't feel safe after that?

But then we're back to a delicious moment of awkward with Beth's statement about always feeling safe. It was again so delicately played by both. Just super.


Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:43 pm
by helloeeze
You notice when Beth leaves and Mick checks out the computer and finds the stalking of jury members and Beth's apartment, they state the city for every jury member but when it gets to Beth, there is no city listed! Darn I always wanted to know where she lived, although I figure it was Santa Monica or somewhere near the ocean.

Re: 12:04 (Episode Eight)

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:01 am
by coco
mwj01 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote: Image
Donovan was hands down THE creepiest ML villain! This pic is really unsettling! :? And he had those crazy Manson-esque followers. Of all the ML villains, he was the only one really that was so one dimensional, the character I mean. The actor seems very good, although I haven't seen him in anything else.
Wonderful discussion everyone. I love this ep in so many ways particularly that last scene with Mick, Beth & Audrey. Mick is so genuine in his concern for Audrey and his brief conversation with Beth about feeling safe and all the underlying things going on there that Beth doesn't know yet. Just love it. :thumbs:

A little :offtopic: for the ep discussion but we watched a ML marathon last night trying not to fall asleep as we had a really early taxi call to the airport and needless to say I fell asleep but actually woke up to that particular scene. Scary wake up call this morning that was. :giggle: