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Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:02 am
by librarian_7
Considering that I joined my first ML site specifically in order to make dignified, cogent philosophical points...not to write that nasty smutty fanfic :lol: :lol: ...thanks, grace!

And the scotch is 25 year old single malt. Looks to me like the brand is pretty much obscured. My bet would Macallan...although a nice Talisker would be good.


Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:06 am
by wpgrace
librarian_7 wrote:Considering that I joined my first ML site specifically in order to make dignified, cogent philosophical points...not to write that nasty smutty fanfic :lol: :lol: ...thanks, grace!

And the scotch is 25 year old single malt. Looks to me like the brand is pretty much obscured. My bet would Macallan...although a nice Talisker would be good.


Well... we're all glad you overcame THAT qualm...

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:13 am
by PNWgal
wpgrace wrote:
Ya know, only an author would notice the damn print in the book! Touche P, touche.

You're a mod AND an author, on a fic-based site... sorta like the Best of Both Worlds... huh Miley? 8-)

And no, did not see the scotch... do YOU know what brand she brought him?

LOL - I'm cursed with noticing minutia like that, Grace. (someone's lookin for a smack-down with that Miley talk ;) )

No, I didn't know about the scotch - that's why I asked. Although Lucky gave a really good answer. ;-)

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:25 am
by bluedahlia3
I know this is sort of off topic, but I've been giggling at the two of you. I have two daughters, two years apart. They were in the back seat of my car one day, a very long time ago, and I was trying to drive somewhere, when I hear the oldest one say "Mommy, mommy, Lexie's breathing my air." Just saying. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:34 am
by wpgrace
bluedahlia3 wrote:I know this is sort of off topic, but I've been giggling at the two of you. I have two daughters, two years apart. They were in the back seat of my car one day, a very long time ago, and I was trying to drive somewhere, when I hear the oldest one say "Mommy, mommy, Lexie's breathing my air." Just saying. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Also off topic, I really like your avi...

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:38 am
by GuardianAngel
blue, that is too funny. Gotta love 'em.

I looked through that scene a few times but you can't see what type of whiskey it is.

P, it figures you would notice what was written on the opposite page in that book. You're so weird that way. Just one of the reasons you're a keeper. :)

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:49 am
by wpgrace
Oops... But you DO gotta love us...

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:06 am
by Fleur de Lisa
P-diddy~~you rock my world!!
Copying you again: we are anti-Miley at my house, also.

Stop borrowing my clooooooothes.

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:44 pm
by wpgrace
GuardianAngel wrote: Image

She remembers Mick being there. Josh thinks it's because Mick saved her from the TA and her mind is trying to process it all. Beth pushes it all aside and goes off to work.

I really liked Alex in this scene... it was a short scene... but he did a good job, IMO, of being Mick, but being an earlier version of Mick... clearly a less pulled together Mick, but a Mick trying really hard to be independent--and having to struggle to do it--of the woman. Who we later found out was his wife... and sire.

Only I already knew that when I saw NSTAV and OOTP cause I had seen later eps first... but same point pertains...

And he looked good. Did I mention that he looked good?

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:53 pm
by GuardianAngel
You might have mentioned it a time or two, grace. LOL I agree. Mick was trying really hard there. God knows how hard that must have been for him.

Okay, on with the show....

Mick goes to see Bobby, the cop that worked the LeeJay case with him and obviously a friend. Bobby is blind so he cannot tell that Mick has not aged. All the same, Mick takes a risk visiting Bobby.


Mick gets the file on the murder of the first wife. He wants to give Beth the file to prove to her that LeeJay is guilty. Mick gives his friend a hug before leaving. We can tell how much Mick cares for Bobby.


Mick crashes the booksigning and brings the file with him to give to Beth. Before entering, he attaches a tracking device under Julia's car. Our couple is looking purrty.


Beth's a little put out that Mick would bring the file there. It's really not the place or time. Julia comes over and then LeeJay. One big happy group. :o


After LeeJay gives his speech, Mick meets him in the men's room. LeeJay reveals that he knows what Mick is and then he stakes him.


Kind of just to let him know he can. He removes the stake and then pushes his head through some glass and makes it look like Mick did it to him.


He's a crazy F*&k$r. Mick slips out and meets Beth outside.


He asks her to trust him and to read the file. Mick goes home to brood. It's something he does very well.


As he sits there playing with his Bic (which I know delights FdL) we get a flashback of how Mick meets LeeJay. The PI was hired by LeeJay's wife, Eileen. Eileen was scared of her husband and hired Mick to help her.


After a visit from Eileen where Mick finds out LeeJay hit her, he goes after LeeJay to threaten him.


A young, silly Mick thinks this will do the trick.

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:11 pm
by wpgrace
GuardianAngel wrote:
He's a crazy F*&k$r. Mick slips out and meets Beth outside.


This ep had a lot of angsty Mick... gotta love it! All upset he didn't kill LeeJay... angsty over missing his friend Bobby, about saving the Julia chick, about Beth believing his "dad" had framed Lee Jay and not believing him... full plate of angst for our boy.

And he looked realllly fine while feeling it all. However to show I am an equal opportunity admirer of beauty, I will say I thought Beth had a particularly good hair episode here and I loved her dress she wore to LeeJay's party.

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:29 pm
by PNWgal
*quietly squeeing*

Almost....almost.... ;-)

When Mick says "Trust me"? I'd believe him if he told me the President decided to move out of the White House and into a tent in my backyard.

And you are quite correct, Grace - Beth DID have a good hair scene there.

And oh GOODY - young and stupid Mick....

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:11 pm
by SirenSong
Yay! Episode discussions! Sorry I'm late to the party.

While I liked this episode, I didn't love it. Alex's performance at the end sold it though, as others have mentioned.

Did anyone else think that Beth's dialogue was so out of place in that last scene? I mean Mick is her friend. She knows that he's been shot. She walks into his place and sees him kneeling on the floor, obviously in physical pain, and she starts some stupid dialogue about having dreams about him. Ummmm....hello! How about helping the bleeding guy who's about to keel over! It just seemed waaaaaayyyy too contrived to me. I think they still could have gotten the same effect if she had rushed in after him and taken it from there.

My fave line of the episode (other than the "I'm a vampire" line) was Josef's "I've got some time to kill". :D Josef always gets the best lines. ;)

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:28 pm
by wpgrace
SirenSong wrote:Yay! Episode discussions! Sorry I'm late to the party.

While I liked this episode, I didn't love it. Alex's performance at the end sold it though, as others have mentioned.

Did anyone else think that Beth's dialogue was so out of place in that last scene? I mean Mick is her friend. She knows that he's been shot. She walks into his place and sees him kneeling on the floor, obviously in physical pain, and she starts some stupid dialogie about having dreams about him. Ummmm....hello! How about helping the bleeding guy who's about to keel over! It just seemed waaaaaayyyy too contrived to me. I think they still could have gotten the same effect if she had rushed in after him and taken it from there.

My fave line of the episode (other than the "I'm a vampire" line) was Josef's "I've got some time to kill". :D Josef always gets the best lines. ;)

Yes. This always seemed weird to me... she KNEW he was shot which is supposedly why she came to his apartment... she can see the blood on his coat... I would imagine, since WE can... so yeah...

Of course then he says his lines and I forgot she was in the scene...

Re: Out Of The Past (Episode Two)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:42 pm
by wondergirl9847
I love the camera angle when LeeJay staked Mick. The blood dripping looks cool (I'm wierd, I know. I loved the blood dripping from his chin in LLF after chomping Tejada's neck too. LOL) and I like when shows do wierd angles. Makes it more interesting to watch, like when they flipped the camera upside down when Mick walked into the morgue in the first ep.