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Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:12 am
by darkstarrising
Luxe de Luxe wrote:How did I miss this, dsr? There has been some speculation on other threads over the years, about the motivation for Josef's 50year coma-vigil: Is it because he really loves and misses her or is it driven by guilt at having this happen to someone he was only trifling with? I think you've answered that beautifully here. A lovely insight into Charles Fitzgerald.
Thanks, Luxe :hug: The Josef we see in the series is a billionaire playboy, seemingly content with superficial relationships....but when Josef opened the door to Sarah's room for Mick and Beth to see, he was almost shy, knowing that he was opening to door to a part of himself that he'd kept very private. That's what made me think about what transformed Charles into Josef.

Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:14 am
by darkstarrising
Marigold wrote:It is wonderful to hear Josef's thoughts on Sarah. He does not often tells us his true emotions, but when he does, he goes all out. :Mickangel:

I love the title and the mention of the pendant. :cloud9:

Well done, DSR! Thank you! :rose: :hearts:
Thanks, Marigold and you're very welcome :hearts: Josef comes across as tough, but you could see his love for Sarah. In this story, you can feel his heart breaking as he leaves her.

Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:17 am
by darkstarrising
allegrita wrote:I can't believe I've never read this story before! :slaphead: I love this; it's so deep inside Josef's head, a place he almost never lets us see. He's questioning so much, regretting so much here. And I can absolutely see him cutting ALL ties with the names Charles and Fitzgerald. :Mickangel:

What I like about this is that it's a part of Josef that never leaves his head. Even when he was talking with Mick and Beth about Sarah, he was more guarded than that. Here, he's completely open... because he's not saying anything out loud, where he could be heard.

This is heart-wrenching, and very sad, and revealing.
Thanks, alle :hug: Exactly! Josef can't let others see his pain or know that he loves a woman frozen in time. It's too personal, too private, too heart breaking. Even with his best friend, he can let him know only so much.

Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:21 am
by darkstarrising
jen wrote:DSR


In many ways, we are looking into the heart of a man who seems more like Mick than the snarky, always in control Josef Kostan.

His love and dedication to Sarah Whitley was total. Still is. While Charles Whitley is no more and he physically lives the lifestyle of a hedge fund trader in L.A., with the freshies and Kostan Industries, et al, a piece of him will forever be with Sarah in New York. To see Sarah Whitley, a privileged woman of the 1950's adjust to the world of today holds a lot of dramatic potential (IMHO) but whether that will ever happen or not, she has proven that the heart of this vampire is not as cold as he would like us to believe.

So glad this popped up on Active Topics!

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
thanks, Jenna :hug: That's a very interesting perspective - the similarity between the two men. And that last observation, that Sarah has proven Josef is not as cold as he appears is spot on. Over 400 years, he has been many men, but Charles was the one who lost his heart to a human woman and paid dearly for it. Josef is the man who will not let than happen again.

Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:33 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Oh my... :hankie: You've given us a look into Josef's heart and soul, and shown us why Josef is the way he is now. This is beautiful and beautifully written. So many favorite parts have already been quoted, but I have to say how much I love the part about gold locket.

I don't think I ever read this one before, and I'm so glad I found it. Like fine wine (or Josef's scotch) is has aged well with time.

Thanks, dsr! :hug:

Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:15 pm
by allegrita
I'm just following MLC around, enjoying the stories she has popped up to the top. :teeth: This is almost a Josef voiceover, except that he's not talking to the audience, he's talking to Sarah--and to himself. What a great view into his head in a time of tremendous loss, sorrow, and disruption. This is the moment when the vulnerable Charles Fitzgerald dies and the imperturbable, cool, and snarky Josef Kostan is born. His heart remains with his lost love, though he takes her locket as a memento, and a reminder to never again allow himself to be soft.

Re: Heart of Gold (PG) Champagne Challenge #101

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:21 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Alle, your comment needs a "like" button. :thumbs: