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Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:50 pm
by redwinter101
:smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch: :smooch:

For Grace. Because that's precisely what I meant.


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:56 pm
by francis
I didn't get the reference to baseball because I don't know the game. Is Stealing Home the same as a Homerun? Going through all four bases at once?

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:05 pm
by redwinter101
francis wrote:I didn't get the reference to baseball because I don't know the game. Is Stealing Home the same as a Homerun? Going through all four bases at once?
No - it's not the same. Normally, a runner can move onto the next base when the batter hits the ball. He "steals" a base if he manages to make it to the next base before the pitcher throws the ball. In the case of stealing home, the batter (or Mick, in this case :happysigh: ) manages to make it from third base to home. Stealing a base is a risky move; if the pitcher spots what you're doing, he can throw the ball to the baseman and get you out (if you don't reach the base in time) so it takes timing, speed, nerve and just a little chutzpah.


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:07 pm
by francis
Thanks for explaining that. So Beth is the pitcher? :laugh:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:07 pm
by redwinter101
francis wrote:Thanks for explaining that. So Beth is the pitcher? :laugh:
Life is the pitcher...

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:14 pm
by draco
I too would like to thank you for the explanation. But I fear I will never get this game :dizzy: :shrug:
But that's no hindrance for the story so far, which t I'm very glad for :biggrin:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:27 pm
by redwinter101
:giggle: Oh, draco - in the terms of this story it just means that after all the struggles in his relationship with Beth, Mick made a decision to take a risk on reaching his ultimate goal - home.


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:26 pm
by wpgrace
And of course stealing HOME (the final base, the base upon which the current batter is standing, the base that the defense is protecting most of all) is particularly difficult and rarely attempted and rarely achieved... as the pitcher (particularly if right-handed, which most are) can see third base out of his/her eye AND can see the runner heading for home.

But it does happen on occasion. Mick did it. :yahoo:

And how do you know baseball, my beautiful BritishRed? I was surprised to see the title referencing baseball... but it's an incredibly cool metaphor and I just LOVE it... home. :cloud9:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:47 pm
by redwinter101
:giggle: Thanks, Grace - delighted you liked the metaphor. Delighted. :cloud9:

I love baseball. It's such a common theme in US TV and film that it's part of our cultural landscape on this side of the pond, even though it's not played here. I'd love to go to a game but every trip I've made to the US has been in the off-season so far.


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:32 pm
by allegrita
Yes--exactly right. Good for you, grace, for bringing that up--becase it occurred to me too, but I neglected to mention it. And your explanation is soooo much better than mine would've been, anyway. :hearts: :smooch:

And beautifully done, Red, because it's very subtle and yet it's absolutely a Mick thing to think about this in terms of baseball--even though he doesn't ever mention it. Just an awesome, subtle, Red-ly metaphor. :flowers:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:34 pm
by redwinter101

Thanks, alle. :smooch: And Grace's explanation is so much better than mine would have been, too. :snicker:


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:05 pm
by fairytoes
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful story Red! :hearts:

I loved "Homecoming" and I love this story just as much.
Thank you Red! :hug:

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:01 pm
by redwinter101
Thanks very much, fairy - I'm so happy you enjoyed it. :hearts: :hearts:


Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:55 pm
by GuardianAngel
I'm so glad you continued this story. Especially with such a happy addition.

The whole thing is wonderful (every last crumb) but I really liked these lines:
Her answer was in her glow, the light in her eyes, the quickening of her pulse. "I'm trying very hard to be just a little annoyed that you did all this without me."

"Mmm, how's that working out?"

Her laugh reached into him, warming, comforting, "Not so well. It's perfect."
It feels so....right. Quintessential Mick/Beth. I can see the smug smile on Mick's face, the twinkle in Beth's eye.

This story gave me an effervescent feeling that I hope lasts a good, long while. :)

Re: Stealing Home (M/B, PG)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:03 pm
by redwinter101
:hyper2: Oh thank you, GA! I hope the feeling lasts, too...

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
