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Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:13 pm
by Moonlighter
Wow, just getting here to read the follow-up to Suffer Not Silently and again, you were just spot-on with Josef and Mick's relationship. I love Josef exerting his power, but reining it in just a little because of how much he cares for Mick. At this point, Mick knows to tread lightly, but his feelings for Beth (and her stubbornness) make that almost impossible sometimes.

I also like the fact that Beth is an integral part of this one-shot, part two, yet she's not present in a single scene. (Yes, scene -- LOL!!)

You had so many great lines that I won't rewrite your whole story here, but the description of Josef pulling out the buckshot was fascinating. I loved the "tentacle" image of the poison spreading before Josef got those suckers out of Mick's back. As a matter of fact, my back is feeling a little itchy just thinking about that!

Wonderful, PNWGal, just wonderful.

Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:41 pm
by PNWgal
Awwww...thanks, Moonlighter! :hug:

First and foremost, Josef is going to want to silence any threat to the vampire community, but he also cares deeply for Mick - and Mick cares deeply for Beth. But, if Mick doesn't keep Beth quiet, Josef will take care of things himself.

I'm glad that scene with Josef and the buckshot worked! I didn't want to be too graphic, but I wanted to get the point across.

Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:41 pm
by jen
Just came by for a reread of this lovely story and didn't see a previous comment.

I apologize for that.

The first episode of Moonlight intrigued me. The notion of a vampire hero was novel, to say the least but it was at the end of the second episode, when the preternaturally strong, powerful and (I thought, anyway) quite charming Mick St. John begged Beth not to look at him in the voice of a wounded child that I promptly melted into a puttle of goo. Emotional vulnerability works.

Who knew vampires could be so cool?

Thank you for this is a very logical continuation of that episode. It shows a scene we never saw but understood anyway. Mick needed more help than Beth could give and he would want her out of danger. Beth is already powerfuly drawn to Mick, although she doesn't yet know why. All she knows at this point is that an enigmatic, elusive and very charming man saved her life and she wants to return the favor.

I haven't watched that for a couple of months. Time to watch it again.

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:20 am
by redwinter101
Good Lord!!! I cannot believe I never commented on this.

*hangs head in shame*

It's a brilliant follow-up to Suffer Not Silently and the Mick/Josef interplay is superb:
PNWgal wrote:"Help now," Mick rasped. "Bitch later."
PNWgal wrote:Mick glared weakly over his good shoulder. "Will you just get on with it?"

"Such a brave little soldier. Hold still."
But, best of all, it really does fill in a big blank - not just in terms of who did what at the end of OoTP, but what saving and protecting Beth meant to Mick - and why he never told Josef what he was doing.

Simply marvellous.


Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:25 am
by PNWgal
Later is ALWAYS better than never, Red. :hug:

I'm so glad you liked it and thought the Josef/Mick interactions rang true. :rose:

I don't think it was easy for Mick to keep any secrets from Josef, but I've always felt this was a big one that he kept very close to his vest - because I think Josef would have taken steps to end his decades-long vigil.

Thanks for coming back through for a reread and for the lovely feedback!

Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:55 am
by maggatha3
:heart: I have read this story again and again..yet never commented on it? Go figure..

Mick is hurting in more than one ways here...and more than one secrets of his are revealed that very Beth and Josef as well. Josef, a helpful friend but always looking out for the tribe, gives an ultimatum. Beth just entered a new page in her life and almost does not know yet. You have drawn that scene so perfectly, could be just in the show... I am actually really happy they all are going to face happier days together.

Re: Salvation in Suffering - PG-13

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:51 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Ah, and Josef finds out about our intrepid reporter, Beth. His first encounter - well, nonencounter I guess - and she has already managed to impress him when he was totally prepared to send her to St. Peter. Beth just has that kind of effect on people (and vampires)!

A wonderful sequel. :flowers: