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Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:26 pm
by wpgrace
mwj01 wrote:You're so right Red! And what he recalled was a man completely in love with his bride on their wedding day. It was certainly about much more than passion and obsession for him, and in the end we saw that it was for her too.

Which just makes their break up the more tragic... AND explains Mick's pining for his supposed dead wife for 22 years... that scene in DF, with Josef over drinks at the loft... when Josef tells the monk story... Mick was still missing her, mourning her... not just feeling guilty for murder... he had just murdered Dr Feelgood and wasn't all that broke up about it... Mick could DO murder and not break a sweat.

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:32 pm
by redwinter101
Grace, I agree. And I also think he was missing the vibrancy of that existence. Josef's monk story is appropriate in more ways than one as we are pretty certain that Mick's been living a monk-like existence for some time. Keeping all those emotions bottled up, isolating himself from warmth, touch, passion - that's the polar opposite of what he had with Coraline and I'm sure that those memories of connection, passion, pulled at him ever more strongly as the dark years passed by.


Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:38 pm
by mwj01
wpgrace wrote:
mwj01 wrote:You're so right Red! And what he recalled was a man completely in love with his bride on their wedding day. It was certainly about much more than passion and obsession for him, and in the end we saw that it was for her too.

Which just makes their break up the more tragic... AND explains Mick's pining for his supposed dead wife for 22 years... that scene in DF, with Josef over drinks at the loft... when Josef tells the monk story... Mick was still missing her, mourning her... not just feeling guilty for murder... he had just murdered Dr Feelgood and wasn't all that broke up about it... Mick could DO murder and not break a sweat.
No, we'd seen him murder several times and recover rather quickly. It's what he thought he'd done to her that tore him up.

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:42 pm
by redwinter101
mwj01 wrote:
wpgrace wrote:
mwj01 wrote:You're so right Red! And what he recalled was a man completely in love with his bride on their wedding day. It was certainly about much more than passion and obsession for him, and in the end we saw that it was for her too.

Which just makes their break up the more tragic... AND explains Mick's pining for his supposed dead wife for 22 years... that scene in DF, with Josef over drinks at the loft... when Josef tells the monk story... Mick was still missing her, mourning her... not just feeling guilty for murder... he had just murdered Dr Feelgood and wasn't all that broke up about it... Mick could DO murder and not break a sweat.
No, we'd seen him murder several times and recover rather quickly. It's what he thought he'd done to her that tore him up.
And that's particularly revealing to me given that at the time he killed her, even without the need to save Beth, Coraline was crazy. She wasn't just the seductive woman he'd loved for so long - she was also the manipulative, desperate creature she had become. In so many ways Coraline's death should have been a release for Mick - but it was just another bar on the prison cell.


Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:53 pm
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:
mwj01 wrote:
wpgrace wrote:
mwj01 wrote:You're so right Red! And what he recalled was a man completely in love with his bride on their wedding day. It was certainly about much more than passion and obsession for him, and in the end we saw that it was for her too.

Which just makes their break up the more tragic... AND explains Mick's pining for his supposed dead wife for 22 years... that scene in DF, with Josef over drinks at the loft... when Josef tells the monk story... Mick was still missing her, mourning her... not just feeling guilty for murder... he had just murdered Dr Feelgood and wasn't all that broke up about it... Mick could DO murder and not break a sweat.
No, we'd seen him murder several times and recover rather quickly. It's what he thought he'd done to her that tore him up.
And that's particularly revealing to me given that at the time he killed her, even without the need to save Beth, Coraline was crazy. She wasn't just the seductive woman he'd loved for so long - she was also the manipulative, desperate creature she had become. In so many ways Coraline's death should have been a release for Mick - but it was just another bar on the prison cell.

Arghh!! I agree with all the above... that's the part that kills me about the show!

THIS was the interesting relationship! This was the difficult dangerous and complicated one!

THIS was the one that they could've built a second-- or ninth-- season out of!!!!!! Grrrrr. :stir:

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:04 pm
by redwinter101
Grace, we feel your pain, hon. We do. Well, here we do at least.

Conflict is interesting. Conflict creates drama. Without the Mick/Cora dynamic, MickBeth becomes fundamentally less interesting too. It is the strength of Mick's feelings for Coraline, good and bad, that make his CHOICE to be with Beth all the more difficult and interesting. This is where the action is, er, should have been.


Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:42 am
by wpgrace
*nods with Red*

Whatever might've happened with MickBeth would have been more interesting if Cora were still around... Talbot did not make an exciting foil... no matter how many times Mick asked if he should be jealous... cause in the end, why would Mick be jealous of him? But Beth had reason to be jealous of Cora... much more dramatic....

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:46 am
by redwinter101
I agree. Talbot was a white hat.

Coraline on the other hand was the real deal, particularly as Mick had admitted as much to Beth (and how unconvincing was his post-shower scene, "This isn't what you think"?). Cora was competition - not just for Mick's love but for his focus, his sanity even. Even as Morgan, Mick's is-she-or-isn't-she drove him to distraction, assault, all kinds of out of control behaviour.

And once again, I'm angry about Coraline just getting discarded so carelessly. I think it's interesting that over the last couple of months there has been a lot more Cora fic written - it seems as though the hatred is abating and more rational assessments of her strengths and weaknesses (as a character) are taking its place.

Now someone just needs to write that "what happened to Coraline after Lance took her" fic. It's probably out there somewhere - anyone read a good one?


Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:14 pm
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:I agree. Talbot was a white hat.

Coraline on the other hand was the real deal, particularly as Mick had admitted as much to Beth (and how unconvincing was his post-shower scene, "This isn't what you think"?). Cora was competition - not just for Mick's love but for his focus, his sanity even. Even as Morgan, Mick's is-she-or-isn't-she drove him to distraction, assault, all kinds of out of control behaviour.

I always laugh heartily when he speaks that line... SUCH a guy! And you are SO right... it isn't just his love that Cora threatens... it IS his focus-- Good BOB he can't see anything else when she's around... thing or one-- and yeah his sanity. As we all know, I love the crazy Mick from The Ringer... just LOVE him nerve-wracked like that!

And once again, I'm angry about Coraline just getting discarded so carelessly. I think it's interesting that over the last couple of months there has been a lot more Cora fic written - it seems as though the hatred is abating and more rational assessments of her strengths and weaknesses (as a character) are taking its place.

Yeah.... tho not so much in the MickBeth thread... still raw nerves over there... a few anyway...

Now someone just needs to write that "what happened to Coraline after Lance took her" fic. It's probably out there somewhere - anyone read a good one?

There are a few that have Cora still living and reappearing... but most DO seem to deal with the Cora part as peripheral to the continuing MickBeth story... so still not quite the Cora story we are probably waiting for. Phee has Cora living in her Emma saga of course and Cora is integral to Phee's story but hasn't focusses on what had happened to her, VampFan has her living and having survived torture from her family, but again peripheral, Greensleeves has her living and being evil, and after Mick not for love but for his blood, tho we don't know what happened to HER... so in terms of taking up the actual What DId Lance Do With Cora angle... I'm not remembering reading one...


Would LOVE to see a few stories deal with what Lance and family did to Cora... who the HE is... and what does Mick do about Lance vampnapping her...

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:22 pm
by redwinter101
This scene from The Ringer is one of my favourites. Mick is completely thrown by Morgan - and very unsubtle about it, much to Beth's chagrin. I'd tried a while ago to take some caps of Mick and Morgan in the same frame but I couldn't get anything I was happy with. Then I stumbled across some promo pics I hadn't seen before!

Here's one:



Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:36 pm
by SirenSong
You have to thank CBS/WB for one thing at least......they were incredibly good about giving us lots of good promo pics to whet the appetite. You don't see that done for a whole lot of shows out there.

One HUGE fault of ML season 1 --- they never truly delved into the REAL MickCora relationship. They hung crazy and obsessive out there on a stick and stuck people on the treadmill chasing it. What a disservice. Both Shannyn and Alex had stated in interviews that this was really love between these two characters. That what started out as crazy and intense ended up truly turning into love. What an utter shame that we never got to see that. It would have added so many levels to the story. Instead they went for the cheap and predictable route. Shame on the writers for that.

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:43 pm
by redwinter101
Lord how I agree :sadface:

There were some wonderful moments (particularly in Sleeping Beauty and The Mortal Cure) but they were so few and far between. And then the ridiculous way Coraline was just dropped from the final four. Still sighing about that one...


Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:12 am
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:Lord how I agree :sadface:

There were some wonderful moments (particularly in Sleeping Beauty and The Mortal Cure) but they were so few and far between. And then the ridiculous way Coraline was just dropped from the final four. Still sighing about that one...


Unfortunately I think SS is right... the writers took the lazy way out in some ways. They got that the audience enjoyed MickBeth... and while they went around letting Mick talk about difficult dangerous and complicated, they never much SHOWED us difficult dangerous and complicated... and the MickCora relationship had all the earmarks of being that... for themselves and for MickBEth...and would've made far more compelling viewing. But they just sugar coated MickBeth and made Mick hesitant to commit to Beth for rather ill-explained reasons.

And Red... you are right too... leaving Cora in limbo was so antithetical to our Mick it just makes the brain hurt.

Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:16 am
by redwinter101
I've been thinking about this all day (while I should have been doing other things) but coco's wonderful vid (check it out here: Love is a Losing Game ) has inspired me to do something about the "It wasn't meant to be." I feel a fic coming on....


Re: M & C appreciation thread 2

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:18 am
by wpgrace
SO doing the happy dance around my computer now!!!!!!!!! :cheering: tho actually my happy dance does not look like this, but ya gotta work with what ya got!

That would be awesome Red... just awesome...

And we're in the Cora story-arc now with the SciFi channel showings... tho 12:04 is thrown in weirdly... between The Ringer and FdL... with no mention in 12:04 of Morgan... they needed a line or two about her to serve as a transition from The Ringer and on to FdL... another lost detail...