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Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:16 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
grace, so what you're saying is that you tired of him drinking out of a glass?

Just trying to get some clarification.
And glad to know that I am not the only one that found his post-injection euphoria erotic.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:20 pm
by wpgrace
Fleur de Lisa wrote:grace, so what you're saying is that you tired of him drinking out of a glass?

Just trying to get some clarification.
And glad to know that I am not the only one that found his post-injection euphoria erotic.

When there were other methods available, yes, but that was the whole MickPoint, wasn't it... denial of the pleasure AND the temptation... Drat!

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:24 am
by GuardianAngel
I thought the injection scene was sexy. Especially his rush. Oh yeah. Would have loved to have seen more of that. :)

And now, the introduction of Mick's BFF...*drum roll*.......Josef.


Josef is one of the oldest vamps in L.A. He's rich and powerful. And paranoid. He obviously enjoys what he is and protective of their secret. He thinks that Mick is fighting a losing battle by existing on retail blood. That sooner or later, Mick's inner vampire will demand to be fed.

I think this line is a loaded one - we are introduced to one of Mick's major battles in the show and to the major diffence between Mick and Josef.


Is Josef wrong to push Mick? Or is Mick crazy not to follow Josef's example?

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:35 am
by PNWgal
I don't think Josef pushes Mick to rub salt in the wound. I think he pushes Mick to embrace a part of himself he can't ever change. And...I think Josef worries about Mick (as much as he worries about anything). I know the issue of fresh vs. bagged was never really raised on the show (fresh being better than bagged), but Josef could just be looking out for Mick's best interests.

And of course, if Mick goes off the deep end and starts killing people if his vampire gets out of control, Josef's going to have to take drastic steps.

Is Mick crazy? Is it self-sacrifice or foolishness to deny himself the basic necessity of being a vampire? Being a vampire is sort of like being pregnant - the problem's not going to go away if one ignores it. Denying himself because of some preconceived notion that he's "making up for what he is" seems a bit tragic to me.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:48 am
by Fleur de Lisa
The difference between Josef and Mick, for me, was that Josef completely embraced who he was. He made no apologies and didn't fight against his inner vamp. It would have been extremely interesting to see more of his backstory in the subsequent season. Perhaps he struggled a bit with inner demons? Who knows.

Mick never chose to be a vamp, so his entire existence was in fighting his demons. Everything he did, from drinking bagged, being a P.I. was about retaining his humanity. Again, it would have been interesting to see how season 2 would have developed since Mick chose to re-turn.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:21 am
by Raven
Agree...the rush Mick experiences from injecting blood is definitely Sophia once said in an interview..."I mean...just look at him." I also love to watch Fever Kitchen Mick drink and savor his first sip of blood...lush lips pursed, eyes closed, pleasure radiating at the slow swallow...good lord, I'm hopeless...really.
The interview...looking back now, sure, it's not Mick I see in the episodes, but at the time, expecially the full length version, he charmed the heck out of me and I didn't even notice it was a tool to convey Moonlight's vampire lore...I'm not a vampire person, so that's not surprising in my case. I agree with PNWgal..."I'm undead, not dead" was tremendous. And "What makes life worth living? Love, love makes life worth living." Uh, whoa, good thing hubby fell asleep already! (yeah, he didn't even make it through the interview :lol: )
I'm one of the seemingly few who loved this episode. I loved the "ouch" and the "some people find them attractive" and "I work for Kelly" and how in your face he was to professor and the under the breath..."I hate that" and "I'm fine, how are you" as Beth breezes in.
And Josef, a one man comedy show was brilliant. The famous quotes were born. He's never been more "ON" than when he engaged Mick in that banter and he was brilliant.
And the actual point that I became Mick'd up... "I can smell her on you man." He had a beautiful vampire split lip, red raccoon eyes and his focus was saving Beth. For the first time since he saved her from Coraline, Mick's purpose and focus is on rescuing her and her life is dependent on it. There was something so compelling about it...flashes of the first time...carrying her the present, the noble walk from the wreckage with her, safe in his arms.
The ending touched my heart...him gently fending off all her memories of him and being surprised, uncomfortable, and for a second, a flash of something he couldn't begin to comprehend as his eyes closed within her embrace.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:25 am
by coco
Raven wrote:Agree...the rush Mick experiences from injecting blood is definitely Sophia once said in an interview..."I mean...just look at him." I also love to watch Fever Kitchen Mick drink and savor his first sip of blood...lush lips pursed, eyes closed, pleasure radiating at the slow swallow...good lord, I'm hopeless...really.
The interview...looking back now, sure, it's not Mick I see in the episodes, but at the time, expecially the full length version, he charmed the heck out of me and I didn't even notice it was a tool to convey Moonlight's vampire lore...I'm not a vampire person, so that's not surprising in my case. I agree with PNWgal..."I'm undead, not dead" was tremendous. And "What makes life worth living? Love, love makes life worth living." Uh, whoa, good thing hubby fell asleep already! (yeah, he didn't even make it through the interview :lol: )
I'm one of the seemingly few who loved this episode. I loved the "ouch" and the "some people find them attractive" and "I work for Kelly" and how in your face he was to professor and the under the breath..."I hate that" and "I'm fine, how are you" as Beth breezes in.
And Josef, a one man comedy show was brilliant. The famous quotes were born. He's never been more "ON" than when he engaged Mick in that banter and he was brilliant.
And the actual point that I became Mick'd up... "I can smell her on you man." He had a beautiful vampire split lip, red raccoon eyes and his focus was saving Beth. For the first time since he saved her from Coraline, Mick was completely engaged in her rescue and her life depended on it. There was something so compelling about it...flashes of the first time...carrying her the present, the noble walk from the wreckage with her, safe in his arms.
The ending touched my heart...him gently fending off all her memories of him and being surprised, uncomfortable, and for a second, a flash of something he couldn't begin to comprehend as his eyes closed within her embrace.
Raven ITA with you. I love this episode and love all the same scenes as you. The "ouch" scene is a favourite of mine. Love, love, love the hug at the end too :D

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:45 am
by librarian_7
I have always thought that one of the most important moments in that ep was during the hug, when he dropped his head to her shoulder, and took some comfort from the embrace. It was a very vulnerable moment for him, very telling.


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:50 am
by wpgrace
librarian_7 wrote:I have always thought that one of the most important moments in that ep was during the hug, when he dropped his head to her shoulder, and took some comfort from the embrace. It was a very vulnerable moment for him, very telling.


Acting. Good acting.

He's very handsome, but he can act.

Not that we're getting a chance to see that right now... pffftttt.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:50 am
by Fleur de Lisa
Oh grace, I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but I will be watching this episode tomorrow.

Just wanted to keep you up-to-date. On every thread.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:22 am
by wpgrace
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Oh grace, I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but I will be watching this episode tomorrow.

Just wanted to keep you up-to-date. On every thread.

You're really just trying to up your post count...

You can't fool me... :roll:

And I'm not jealous... not at all... really, not... I swear... :?

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:23 am
by Fleur de Lisa
Nope. Just trying to annoy.

I have achieved my goal!

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:26 am
by wpgrace
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Nope. Just trying to annoy.

I have achieved my goal!

You acheived that goal several days ago, dearest... just noticing? ;)

As long as you and BFF are watching the eps... DO at least convince her to join your one woman buy-out-Target campaign, hmmmm????

I mean, be a little productive...

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:33 am
by Fleur de Lisa
I just can't wait to see her expressions while she is watching it. She has heard me go on and on about ML, that is why she caught the last 4 eps. I really want her to see the first 12, because they were so different from the last set--the way they were shot, and in tone. This is the one that starts it all off, so, it is imperative she sees it.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:38 am
by wpgrace
Fleur de Lisa wrote:I just can't wait to see her expressions while she is watching it. She has heard me go on and on about ML, that is why she caught the last 4 eps. I really want her to see the first 12, because they were so different from the last set--the way they were shot, and in tone. This is the one that starts it all off, so, it is imperative she sees it.

Really? She's heard you go on and on?

Do tell.