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Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:54 pm
by darkstarrising
I admit, I missed the 'Joe' connection (sometimes, dsr can be just a bit clueless :blushing: ), but when you mentioned it, there was one other similarity to our ancient vampire....notice that Joe was the center of attention, with all the ladies flocking around him....

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:59 pm
by librarian_7
Yes, I noticed "Joe" was the life of the was Josef. I find it interesting, because I really think Jason is not really that way naturally. He always seems like a pretty low-key guy, when he's just being himself.

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:28 pm
by darkstarrising
librarian_7 wrote:Yes, I noticed "Joe" was the life of the was Josef. I find it interesting, because I really think Jason is not really that way naturally. He always seems like a pretty low-key guy, when he's just being himself.
Which indicates just how good an actor he is. If you want extremes, he can be a really nasty villain ('Lie to Me') or a sympathetic one (as Kronos in 'Supernatural)'. He does comedy well as seen in 'Searching for Sonny'.

So why can't the powers that be see this and get this guy a steady job?

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:31 pm
by librarian_7
Preachin' to the choir, sistah. And AMEN to that. I think he could do a bang-up job as a studly hero type, too.

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:45 pm
by allegrita
TOTALLY. :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

I keep thinking back to that cool pilot he did about Washington, DC. It was so darn good, and he was awesome in it. It would have given him so much room to stretch his acting muscles. :sigh: Oh well... maybe the perfect thing is right around the corner. :fingerscrossed: :pray:

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:25 pm
by Lilly
One of the first things I did when I got home last night was watch this. OMG - what I do for this man. :mdrama:

He was wonderful, of course. :hearts: But this show -- blehhhh. (Maybe I'm turning into a cranky, humorless old woman, but this was just NOT funny. :nonono: )

Back to Jason, though ... there's was actually more of him than I expected. :teeth: And he looked wonderful. :happysigh:
HotMicks wrote:^ Awwww, I feel so bad for all you Jason fans. We're so spoiled with Alex right now, seeing him every week, and you all have to be patient and hope for even just a few minutes of your guy. Big group hug to you all! :ghug:
Thanks so much for this, HM. I love Alex, too, but you right, it is hard to have to wait -- especially when Jason is such a fantastic actor (not to mention a sweetheart of a guy). I can't bear to think that he's already had his "big" break. He is capable of so much more.
darkstarrising wrote:If you want extremes, he can be a really nasty villain ('Lie to Me') or a sympathetic one (as Kronos in 'Supernatural)'. He does comedy well as seen in 'Searching for Sonny'.

So why can't the powers that be see this and get this guy a steady job?
Amen, sister! :notworthy:

Alle, I often think about Body Politic and the potential that role had. :sigh:

I didn't expect Joe here to have much depth, but I had hoped he'd have a chance to exercise his comedic chops a bit more. That said, he made me smile a whole lot more than any of the "regulars" -- so yay! :blinksmile:

I've only had a chance to make 2 quick caps, but the expression in the second in worth the price of the episode...



Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:42 pm
by allegrita
Oh, Lilly--thank you! Those are awesome. :hearts: And thank you for reminding me of the title of "Body Politic"! :slaphead: With this stupid stuffy head, I swear I have no working brain cells. :dunce:

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:19 pm
by Lilly

Here are a couple more. For a show supposedly in HD, the quality is pretty poor. On the other hand, any Jason is good Jason. :teeth:

Love the way he moves... :happysigh:




Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:19 am
by Josefismysire
Thank you, Lilly, for the JD fix. :hug:

You are so right. ANY Jason is GREAT Jason! :heart: :heart:

Sigh. :happysigh: :happysigh:

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:42 pm
by maggatha3
I watched it!!!! :cheer: :cheer: But he does own the whole screen doesn't he? :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Jason to guest on "Rules of Engagement" - 2/18

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:44 pm
by allegrita
That's a perfect way of describing it, Tula. :hearts: