Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

“Gabe you got a minute?” Mick said when Gabriel came home from school. Gabriel took a seat on the sofa.
“Sure dad. What’s up?” he said sitting his backpack on the floor.
“Listen; there are some things we really need to talk about. Father to son” Mick began. Gabriel closed his eyes and shook his head saying to himself.
Please dad not the sex talk again.
“No. It’s not about sex. Although I hope you knowing that vampires can on occasion procreate, are taking precautions….you know….if you are. Anyway, I do want to talk about Zoe. You know you can’t keep planting things into her parent’s minds just so you can see her everyday. Gabe she’s 14.” Mick said looking at his son.
“Dad, I’m 8. Don’t you think you should be worried about me?” Gabriel joked.
“Gabe you know what I mean. To everyone else, you are a 17 years old. I think you should be honest with her folks.”
“And what if they freak out?” Gabriel asked already knowing what he would continue to do to Zoe’s parents.
“Why don’t we just see how it plays out? I’ve invited them to dinner tonight. Let’s just see how it goes?” Mick said.
“Ok Dad”

Paul and Katherine were handsome couple. Paul worked for a very prominent law practice that handled only high profile cases and Katherine was a very hyper stay at home mom. She was thrilled to accept an invitation to dine with the St. John’s always being a little curious about the stunning couple.

Beth didn’t really like to cook and since she no longer consumed food, she had even less interest in cooking it. So she hired a catering company to bring all the food in ahead of time. She was running around the apartment arranging everything nervously.
“There here!” she called out. Mick and Gabriel came down the stairs looking like any other father son….if the father and son were male models! Mick opened the door.
“Hi! Paul Katherine. Zoe. Thanks for accepting our invitation!” Mick said as he shook the parent’s hands and welcomed them all in.
“Oh my!” Katherine exclaimed “Your apartment is beautiful!”
“Thanks” Mick said. “Let me introduce you to my wife Beth. And our son Gabriel.” Zoe and Gabriel shyly looked at each other and turned away.

“Well, let’s all sit down” Beth said as she went into the kitchen to retrieve the platter of hors d'oeuvres. After nibbling and getting to know one another they all sat down to dinner.

“Gabriel I understand that you’re the star of the swim team At Westlake Prep?” Paul said.
“Well sir, we have a great team this year. Everyone’s been working hard to prepare for the meet against Loyola” Gabriel said not wanting to take attention away from his team mates. Paul smiled and thought to himself how unpretentious the boy was.
“Dad, he’s being modest!” Zoe said. “He set the new school record in the butterfly stroke.” Paul’s eyebrows went up.
“Really? What was your time?” he asked.
“2:09.52 sir” Gabriel said shyly.
“Wow! That’s impressive! You may have an Olympic candidate on your hands Mick!” Paul said laughing.

After they had finished dinner they sat having coffee and Mick decided it was time to lay all the cards on the table.
“Paul…Katherine. Beth and I invited you here to talk about something. It seems that Gabriel and Zoe have grown attached to one another and we wanted to talk to you both as parents” Mick said. Paul and Katherine looked at each other with shocked expressions. Then they looked at Gabriel and Zoe who were now seated next to each other holding hands.

“I see” Paul said sternly “How old are you Gabriel?” he asked.
“I just turned 17 sir” Gabriel replied hating to lie.
“You know that Zoe is only 14 years old?” he asked. Zoe rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Dad! I’ll be 15 in two months!” she exclaimed. Gabriel decided to speak up.
“Sir I want you to know. I don’t smoke, drink or do drugs. I’m a straight A student and I would never ever hurt Zoe in any way.” He said.
“I see. What about your friends?”
“Sir my only friend other than Zoe is Brian Petzer” Paul smiled and nodded his head. Brian he liked.
“Gabriel, I think you’re a really good kid, but the age difference bothers me” Katherine who was a little more understanding about this particular issue decided to weigh in.
“Paul dear, Zoe is a smart girl. I think we should trust her. After all, you were older than me when we met in high school. Remember?’ Paul had indeed forgotten that fact. And he wished that Katherine had not brought it up!

Mick and Beth said nothing. This would have to be Paul and Katherine’s decision Katherine looked to Beth.
“What do you think Beth?” She asked.
“Well of course we had our concerns about their ages, which is why we wanted to speak with you, but we know our son and he would never do anything to compromise Zoe” Beth said finally.

Paul sat back in his chair and stroked his chin while he thought. The boy appeared to be perfect. Smart, athletic, polite and respectful of his elders. He guessed there would be no harm in letting them see each other.
“Alright Gabriel. I will give you my permission to date Zoe. But understand that there are rules. Her curfew is 9pm on school nights and 10pm on the weekends! Not a minute later!” he said.

Zoe smiled and ran to give her dad a kiss on the cheek. Gabriel stood in front of the man and offered his hand.
“Thank you sir. I promise I will take good care of her” Gabriel said gallantly.

Brittany watched Gabriel and Zoe walk into school together. Her friend Marcy nudged her side.
“Looks like your potential boyfriend has gotten himself a girlfriend” she joked.
“Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts! I’m sure a boy like Gabriel St. John has needs and I know that’s something that little rich tease isn’t doing!”
“Oh give it up Brittany! They look happy. If Gabriel had of been interested in you don’t you think he would have done something about it by now?” Marcy said thinking to herself that she didn’t think her friend was good enough for Gabriel St. John.
“I swear that he will be my boyfriend by the time prom rolls around!” she said walking away to class.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »


For a minute there I expected Mick and Beth to tell Zoe's parents everything and that could have meant a lot of new residents in La Brea.

Maybe judging Gabe by the rules of humans his apparent physical age is not fair. He may be able to decide more rationally and control the situation far better than most. I have no doubt he is capable of controlling Brittany's urges. Question is, will he want to?

Looking forward to more!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe was a little afraid of being alone with Josef’s wife. Gabriel had told her she was a fierce vampire with lightning quick speed and very serious demeanor. It would be under Isabelle’s guidance that she would learn the ins and outs of the vampire world as well as it’s laws. Zoe had hoped that Julian would be her instructor but the head guy Balthazar decided that it should be Isabelle.

She sat nervously on the sofa in Isabelle’s penthouse watching the graceful woman walk in front of her.
“I must say that I was amazed when I was told that your memory was not affected” Isabelle said. “Julian’s right. Your love for the little one must be strong indeed. But understand that it is for that reason only that I am willing to help you. And know that if Gabriel is hurt by you in any way, there will be no where for you to hide. So you understand?” Zoe slowly nodded her head.
“I…understand. I would never do anything to hurt Gabriel” she said.
“That pleases me. Let’s get into your introduction” Isabelle said calmly.

Gabriel was in Josef’s office with Brian who was discussing various stocks with Josef.
“So as you can see Mr. Kostan Paccar Industries could give you a return of 1.8 billion dollars over a two run.” Brian was explaining.
Josef grinned widely.
“Brian you really need to come and work for me. Forget about high school. It’s overrated” Josef said
“I don’t have a broker’s license” Brian said.
“Not a problem”
“Or a college degree”
“I can take care of that”
“I’m only 14!” Brian exclaimed.
“No one has to know” Josef laughed.
“Okay. My parents would kill me”
“Alright. That would be a problem.” Josef said.

Gabriel was bored. He didn’t understand why he just couldn’t tell Zoe about vampires.
“You’re sure Isabelle won’t hurt her uncle Josef?” Gabriel asked.
“Gabe, you know Isabelle would never do that……well not without a reason. Zoe is fine. What is it with you and your father’s obsession with mortals?” Josef said in exasperation
“Hey! Mortal in the room!” Brian joked raising his hand.
“You are more than mortal Brian. You’re like some future world money generator” Josef said. Brian nodded his head in recognition
“Why thank you Mr. Kostan”
Is that all you two ever think about is money?” Gabriel asked leaning back on the chair.
“What else is there?” Brian and Josef said simultaneously.

Zoe was trying to take in all Isabelle was telling her. Like the oldest vampire was a man in Vienna named Ansgar. And of the different vampire bloodlines. And some of the things that Ancients could do that younger vampires couldn’t. By the time they were finished Zoe felt like she had just studied for her SAT’s. She sighed with relief when Gabriel came into the living room and gave her a big hug.
“Was it that bad?” he asked looking down at her tired face.
“It was a lot to learn. But I’m glad that I know.” She said

Brittany had a plan. A fool proof plan. Dylan was throwing a party after the swim meet at his parent’s house in Beverly Hills. Gabriel would have to attend and she was pretty sure that Zoe wouldn’t be able to. But she would make sure the Zoe heard all about the party.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

I wish there was some way Gabe could catch on to Brittany's intentions in advance and head this off.

Vampires may have reputations and being ruthless, and inhuman but a fourteen year old after a that can be scarey!
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe’s parents and Mick and Beth were all at the swim meet ready to cheer the team on. Gabriel looked over and waved at his folks and blew a kiss to Zoe who was on the other side of the pool with the other cheerleaders. Gabriel was the first swimmer on his team up. He took his position at the edge of the pool with all the other young men. The whistle blew and they all jumped in. Gabriel immediately took the lead and kept the lead for the entire length of the race. Everyone cheered but Zoe cheered the loudest. Gabriel’s dad looked on with pride that only a father could show at his son winning a sporting competition.

In the end Harvard-Westlake Prep ended up beating Loyola all across the board. The swimmers all shook hands with the opposing team and went into the locker room to change.

“Wow! St. John! Your son is an outstanding swimmer!” Paul said to Mick shaking his hand.
“Thanks Paul!” Mick said.
“Let Katherine and I know if you’ll be able to make it to the club on Saturday.” He said as he took his wife’s hand turning to leave.
“Will do Paul” Mick replied.
“Is Gabe coming home with us?” Beth asked
“No babe. I think they are having some kind of celebration for the team. We’ll seem him later.”

Gabriel came out of locker room and immediately picked Zoe up in his arms.
“Congratulations!” She squealed as she kissed him.
“Thanks!” he said lowering her down. “Come on, let’s go dancing.” He said.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to the party for the team at Dylan’s?” she asked.
“No. Why would I?”
“Duh Gabriel. Because you’re on the team. You can’t skip it. They’ll think your disloyal” she said forgetting that Gabriel knew very little about the working of student life.
“Ugh. Those guys act like idiots once their out of the water” he complained.
“I know but you should go if even for and hour”
“Alright. But I’ll call you and say goodnight” he said kissing her.
“Okay, but take me home first” Zoe said happily.

Gabriel hated this part of High School life. The posturing and posing; it was all ridiculous behavior from scared little boys! He walked into Dylan’s house which was crowded already with kids dancing and drinking alcohol.
Dylan walked over to him.
“Hey Gabriel! I’m glad you came! You wanna a beer?”
“No thanks Dylan. I have to drive.”
“Man, one beer won’t kill you!” he joked.
“No, but my father will” he said with complete seriousness.
Dylan nodded his head. They had all seen Gabriel’s dad sitting in the stands in his leather jacket. He looked like he could take someone’s head off if he needed to!

Gabriel sat down in a chair and watched the stupidity surround him.
“Hi Gabriel!” a voice said. Gabriel looked over and saw it was Brittany.
She was the last person he needed to see. Brittany was what could be classified as cheap. He had heard many boys talk about having sex with her and he knew it was the truth because he knew how much she regretted it.

“Hi” he said then quickly looked the other way. She sat down next to him. “You were great today!”
“These parties are kind of dumb huh?”
“Yes. So why did you come?”
“What else is there to do?” she asked shrugging her shoulder.
“There’s always something better to do than this” Gabriel sighed.
“See, I knew there was something about you. You’re so deep! No other boy here would say that” she said looking right at him and scooting a little closer. Then she leaned over towards him.
“I have a secret to tell you” she whispered. Gabriel moved a little away from her.
“What is it Brittany?” he said becoming bored with her advances.
“Just this” she said then she leaned over and grabbed his face and kissed him. Gabriel pushed her away.
“Brittany! What are you doing? Don’t kiss me! Ever!” he yelled and got up and stormed out of the party and into his car.

Marcy was standing close by and saw the whole thing. She now understood Brittany’s plan. She would make sure that Zoe heard about the kissing part but not the part about Gabriel pushing her away. At that very moment Marcy hated her friend.
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Good far Marcy!

The best thing Gabe could do is to tell Zoe about it immediately. That would fend off some seriously hurt feelings. Gabe does show a lot of maturity and intelligence.

Isabel will, I am sure, see through this in a heartbeat (pardon the pun).

Thank you!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

I hope everyone had a grand holiday and a great long weekend!

Zoe had just finished the dishes and was getting ready to brush her teeth when her cell phone rang. She saw it was her friend Page.
“Hey Page! I thought you were at the party?” Zoe asked looking around her room for her bathrobe.
“I’m still here Zoe…..look; I thought you best hear this from me rather than someone else. Gabriel just left….and well,…..he was kissing Brittany Hayes.” She said sadly although no sadness was actually felt. Page had always been extremely jealous of Zoe and found that she took great pleasure in delivering the news about Gabriel’s conduct.
“I don’t believe you” Zoe said matter of factly.
“Zoe, I know you love the guy but everyone saw it! As a friend, I’m just letting you know before school on Monday.”
“Look Page, I have to go” Zoe said and hung up immediately. Zoe sat down on her bed. Gabriel would never do anything like that. Especially with someone as obvious at Brittany Hayes!

Gabriel was furious on the drive home. He had to get to Zoe and speak to her. Almost everyone from school had been at that party. Someone had most likely already called her! Damn it! He thought. What was the problem with high school kids? Is this the way it would be in college as well? Gabriel sped down the road, anxious to get back to Zoe and explain.

Zoe looked at her watch. It was almost 10pm. Why hadn’t Gabriel called her? Where was he. Page said he had left the party. The longer she thought about the possible scenarios, the angrier she got. She heard a light tap on the door. She opened it to find Gabriel standing in her doorway.
Gabriel knew immediately that she had been told and his thoughts swept into her mind, he knew it was Page O’Neil and he also knew exactly how Page felt about Zoe. He closed his eyes. He was surrounded by petty idiots he thought to himself. Zoe had her arms folded.
“How was the party?” she said curtly.
“Not good”
“That’s not what I heard Gabriel”
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Idiots. An 8 year old vampire has more brains than a teenage girl. How can Page do something like that? Why not 1) wait until Gabriel got a chance to explain 2) tell her that Gabriel pushed Brittany away 3) if she didn't see that, keep her mouth shut?
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

“Zoe. You know me. Does any of the story you heard sound like anything I would do?”
“I don’t know Gabriel. Maybe its something that’s a part of your nature.” She said turning away from him.
Gabriel was stunned by her words but he remained in control of his emotions.
“Zoe. That’s not really fair. I didn’t even want to go to the stupid party. You told me to go. I walked in, Dylan asked me if I wanted a beer and I said no. I was sitting on the sofa and Brittany sat down next to me being… know…Brittany and the next thing I know, she grabs my face and kissed me. I pushed her off and yelled at her! Did Page tell you that?’ he said looking at her.
“Who said anything about Page?” Zoe asked cautiously.
“Zoe, I know it was Page. She’s jealous of you. Everybody knows that” Zoe heard her cell phone ring in the distance.
“Come in.” she told Gabriel “But be quiet. My mom is sleeping and she would have a cow if she knew you were here.” She ran into her room to get her phone. She picked it up on the last ring.
“Hello” she said.
“Zoe. It’s Marcy. I hope you don’t mind me calling you. I got your number from Franklin. Listen, you’re going to hear people tell you some story about Gabriel kissing Brittany and I wanted to tell you that it’s not true. Brittany just sat next to him and kissed him. I saw the whole thing. Gabriel pushed her hard”
“Why would you be telling me this? You’re Brittany’s best friend” Zoe asked wondering if Gabriel had worked something out with Marcy
“Well she’s not my best friend anymore. She’s been talking about getting Gabriel for her prom date since last year. I have nothing against you or Gabriel. You guys look great together and you look happy. Brittany is a trouble maker. I’m just saying don’t believe what she’s going spread around.” Zoe softened at the girls words.
“Thanks Marcy. Thanks a lot.”
“You’re welcome” Zoe hung up the phone and walked out into the living room and saw Gabriel with head in his hands. She slowly walked over towards him and sat down.
“I’m sorry for thinking you could ever do something like this Gabriel. I am so sorry.” She said placing her hand on his thigh. He looked up at her with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“I love you Zoe.” He said. "You're the girl I want to be with forever. You're the girl I want to marry".

Gabriel sat in his room for a long time before going to sleep. He didn’t know how much longer he could put up with these mortal children! If that’s what childhood was like, he was glad that he had no real part of it. Being around them on a day to day basis was like being locked in an insane asylum. It was no wonder that mortals preyed so easily on one another. But the love of his life was mortal. She said she wanted to be with him forever but did she really know how long forever was in his world? If he offered forever to her would she take it?

Mick and Beth noticed how quiet their son was the next evening.
“How was the party Gabe?” Mick asked.
“It sucked” Gabriel said.
“Uh oh. What happened?” Mick asked suddenly
“Dad I don’t get mortals. They do all of this petty stuff to each other all the time. Why?’ Mick sighed. He wished he had an answer for his son. But these questions had been asked since the beginning of time.
“Gabe, I guess you could say that it’s just the human nature to try and best everyone, but honestly I don’t know. Did something in particular happen?”
“This girl Brittany. She’s kind of the school’s good time girl if you know what I mean” Gabriel explained. Mick nodded. “Well I was sitting on the sofa and she sat down next to me and started saying stuff like how different I was and how deep I was. Next thing I know she grabbed me and kissed me”
Mick had been in high school. He knew how this game worked. The “easy girl” sets her sights on some guy and puts him in a compromising position so that the girl he’s with finds out about it. Mick shook his head. Some things never change.
“I take it Zoe found out about it?”
“Yeah. Some girl named Page called her and told her about it. But she left out the part about me not wanting to be kissed and me pushing her away”
“Of course she did”
“But I told Zoe what happened and she believes me.”
Mick smiled. “That’s great Gabe!”
“Dad. I don’t think I can do this school thing anymore. Some kid is going to do something and I won’t be able to control myself anymore.”

Brian loved working with Josef. There was something so fascinating about him. And not just the whole 415 year old vampire thing. He was dynamic. He was everything that Brian had always dreamed of being when he grew up.
“How’s Gabe doing” Josef asked over his computer.
“Well, he’s got some typical high school problems.” Brian said.
“Some girl of questionable reputation set her sights on Gabriel and did something at a party that she knew would get back to Zoe.” Brian said still concentrating on the stock numbers floating across his laptop screen. Josef smiled. Over four hundred years and mortals still had not changed.
“Some things never change” Josef said. “But he’s handling it okay?”
“Well Mr. Kostan, you have to understand. Gabriel didn’t have to rise through the ranks of the high school class system. He started on top from the beginning. So I don’t think he knows really what to make of all the stupidity and pettiness. Yours truly however came from the bottom rung so I never had any expectation that those kids would be anything other than what they are.” He said sounding much older than his 14 years.”
“You would make an excellent vampire” Josef said.
“Can I lose my virginity first Mr. Kostan?” Brian laughed out loud

Zoe was not looking forward to Monday. Even though she now knew that what happened was just some ugly plan of Brittany’s, everyone would come up to her just to tell their version of what they saw. Gabriel on the other hand had been quiet the whole of the weekend. She knew that he was weighing all the options and she could tell that high school had become a burden for him. A burden he no longer felt he could carry or indulge. And that scared her. He was a vampire first and foremost. And Zoe knew that the guy she loved had had his fill of all the juvenile behavior.

They walked into school together hand in hand. Everyone was silent as they watched them walk down the hall. Gabriel heard a few whispered thoughts.
“I can’t believe she is still with him after what he did?” One girl whispered to her friend.
Gabriel blocked it all out and held Zoe’s hand tightly in his.

By lunchtime Gabriel had made his decision. He was leaving school and offering Zoe life forever with him. They would live wherever they wanted. Maybe London or Paris or even Nova Scotia. They would leave all of this nonsense behind them. This life and these kids held nothing for them.

Brittany saw Gabriel headed for the football field and decided to follow him. She knew that Zoe wasn’t with him she saw her headed to Algebra with her friend Amy. Why not take the opportunity to offer herself to Gabriel St. John? She quietly followed him past the bleachers and through the path that led to a small wooded area in back of the school. She paused a moment to check her make up and to put on a little lip gloss before she took another step.
Gabriel was standing there waiting for her when she stepped out into the clearing.
“Why are you following me Brittany?” he said in his clear quiet voice.
“I just wanted to talk to you” she said stepping slowly towards him.
“We have nothing to say to each other Brittany”
“Gabriel I’m sorry if Zoe got the wrong idea about what happened. I would be happy to explain it to her. But it’s not my fault if people want to gossip” she said indignantly.
“Not your fault?” he said sarcastically.
“No” she said still slowly walking towards him. “I had nothing to do with it. But tell me Gabriel. Tell me you felt nothing in that kiss and I’ll walk away.”
“I’m a boy. Of course I’m going to respond to a kiss. Even from somebody I don’t want to kiss.”
“Not the same Gabriel. I could tell that you haven’t done a lot of kissing and that’s a shame.” She said standing right in front of him and dropping her book bag “I could teach you if you’d like?” she said innocently.
Gabriel stared at this girl. He heard all the confusing things running through her mind.
“You want to teach me how to kiss?’
Yes, I do Gabriel” she said and placed her arms around his neck. Gabriel held her face in his hands and looked into her eyes.
“Listen to me Brittany. You have no idea who I am. You don’t want to kiss me. And you don’t want to have sex me. In fact, you don’t want to have sex with anybody. And you won’t have sex until you get married. Do you understand?” he said gently. Brittany slowly nodded her head and walked away.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Now he's getting the hang of it!

Gabe should get a public service award for that one! Brittany would have caused problems for somebody throughout her high school time and probably college, too.

Maybe Gabe and Zoe are the exception rather than the rule and they know their minds, even at such a young age but I still think running away from their problems is not the best way to handle them. There is no highschool plot that Gabe cannot handle with a little mental redirection, and he seems to have to maturity and ability to handle it. He doesn't exhibit any of the power trip a human with those talents could easlly be drawn into.

Brian needs to put on a few years, but I see fangs in his future!

Thank you!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel heard the bell ring and made his way to his chemistry class. He saw Brittany up ahead and she walked right past him without looking his way. He smiled to himself and for the first time since the Friday, felt like maybe things could work out.

Gabriel parked his car in a secluded section of the beach. He and Zoe were in the back seat talking about their plans for the future.
“Gabriel, to be honest I don’t even know if I want to go to college” she said.
“I know. Me too. I mean what’s the point?’
“Well, I suppose we have to get jobs” she said.
“I have a trust fund Zoe” Gabriel said with a smile. Zoe rolled her eyes
“Of course you do!” she said laughing. Gabriel leaned over to kiss her and after a few tender moments they both knew that they didn’t want to stop. Gabriel’s hands shook as he slid her t-shirt over her head. Zoe kissed him passionately her hands sliding under his shirt. She sat up quickly and hurried out her jeans. Gabriel held in his breath and just looked at how beautiful she was. Her hands reached for his belt buckle. Gabriel was starting to have second thoughts. Maybe they were too young for this.
Zoe quietly whispered in his ear.
“Gabriel I’ll love you forever” And with those five little words Gabriel lost all control. He shed his jeans and laid down on top of her. His hands explored all of her body. Gabriel looked deeply into Zoe’s eyes.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked breathlessly
“Yes Gabriel. I’m sure” she said Gabriel reached into his jeans on the floor and pulled out a condom that his dad made him carry all the time. Zoe sucked in her breath as she prepared herself.
“What are you kids doing in there” they heard outside the car window.
“Nothing! We aren’t doing anything!” Gabriel yelled out.
‘Open up right now” Gabriel and Zoe sighed and quickly put their clothes back on. Gabriel opened the window to see a beach officer peeking inside.
“You two smoking a dope?” he asked.
“No!” they both said.
“No officer we don’t drink” Gabriel said.
“Then what are you doing parked over here?”
“We just wanted to be alone sir, so we could talk”
The officer smiled knowingly. He was young once. He knew how those stolen moments were.
“I’ll let you off this time with just a warning, but this is a restricted area. You can’t park here,” he said as he told them to move on.

Gabriel sighed deeply and looked over at Zoe.
Boy that was close! He thought.

The End
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Re: Growing Pains By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Maybe Gabriel should use the same words on himself and Zoe that he used on Brittany. And turning Zoe so young is not a good idea. Josef needs to talk some sense in his godson. How will they stay in one place longer if they look so young and don't grow anymore? (I guess only the Cullens can get away with something like that.) :laugh:
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