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Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:47 am
by jen

This is absolutely lovely.

Beth has come to understand Mick well--far better than he thinks she does. I expect she understands a lot of things better than he thinks she does and she has learned to anticipate his motivations and moods well enough to find him at this fountain on this night.

Thank you for the tantilizing glimpse that she is also leading him away from the darkness and more toward acceptance and love.

Fabulous way to meet the challenge!!

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:37 am
by librarian_7
Oops. I got a little behind on replying. Thanks so much for the comments.

Lucy, it's part of Mick's charm, I think, that he doesn't realize just how much he means to Beth. (Not, I'm sure, for lack of her telling him...)

Luxe, awww, thank you! I couldn't pass up a great chance to use a word like "gravid." :teeth: I always adore your comments, my dear!

jen, I think you're right...Beth is a pretty smart cookie, and I know she "gets" him. She really gets him.


Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:56 am
by darkstarrising
Beautiful, Lucky :hug: and so true to the characters we came to love (and still do).

Mick will always doubt himself and the wisdom of his love for Beth.....that's just who he is. He sees the glass half empty and wonders if he should just fade away so that Beth could live the life she was meant to.
That was the right thing to do, he thought. The honorable thing. He could do that, and he’d never again be faced with the burning shame of wanting to bite down when his mouth was against her skin, never feel the cold, implacable anger at himself as someone who had dared to hurt Beth. His Beth.
His he thinks these words, he realizes that he could never leave. The bond that was forged between them together so many years ago, has only grown stronger.

But Beth is the wise one here. She knows and loves her vampire well enough to accept him and all his doubts, knowing she is the only one who can dispel them.
Maybe there were a lot more words that needed to be spoken between them, maybe there were still a lot of questions about the future that needed to be discussed, settled.

And maybe that could wait for another night, because the next words she spoke drove everything out of his head but the raw need to hold her forever.

“Mick,” she said, “come home.”
Happy sigh. :cloud9:

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:42 am
by Lucy
librarian_7 wrote: Lucy, it's part of Mick's charm, I think, that he doesn't realize just how much he means to Beth. (Not, I'm sure, for lack of her telling him...)

I see so many of the patently painful personality traits of Ron Koslow's other knight is tarnished armor, Vincent......Vincent and Mick us the same play book....both unabashedly unassuming when it comes to deserving love.

Thank-you for reminding us of the essence of ML.

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:01 am
by cassysj
This is perfect perfect Mick. Always wondering if he's doing the right thing regarding Beth not really thinking how upset she'd be if he disappeared on her.

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:36 pm
by Kara
Lilly wrote:Sometimes that vampire needs a good smack in the head. Like with a vase or something. :whistle:

Yes, I can absolutely see this. Even when he's gotten more comfortable in his own perpetually cool skin, there's still that doubt that nags at him. Did he do the right thing? Is he doing the right thing? Is he being too selfish? He may not be able to turn into a bat, but I swear he's as blind as one sometimes. :eyeroll:

And still he manages to break our hearts.

This is lovely, Lucky. :hearts:
What she said.

Thank you. :flowers:

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:31 am
by MoonShadow
Yeah anniversaries really get to Mick. He never will be able to walk away for those moments that have come to define him.
War, marriage, death, and of course, Beth.


would that he could change... nah, we love him just the way he is.

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:25 pm
by librarian_7
Thanks, cassy, kara, dsr, lucy.

And Moonshadow, yes, we do indeed love Mick just the way he is. And so, to his infinite good fortune, does Beth...


Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:40 am
by jen

Just reread this lovely little fic again.

How very Mick of him. Mick's insecurities are part of his charm, but simetimes...

I think it was Lucy who said something about him not being able to turn into a bat but he somehow seems like he is just as blind as one.

Of course Beth yearns for children but not just any children, she wants to carry his children and that is not just the clicking of a biological clock, that is a natural result of the depth of her love for him. She is 'all in' here. Now, as Josef once said, if they were only able to rewrite the rules of vampire love...

You have a fabulous talent of being able to sum up the magic and charm of Moonlight for us in these beautiful fics. Thank you so much for sharing with us!!!!!!

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:49 am
by Marigold
:hankie: It's very unfortunate that Mick thinks these thoughts. Sure Beth could probably have a more "normal" life with a human man, but who does she want to be with? Beth is strong and opinionated, and she can make choices for herself. Poor Mick, to be ridden with such guilt. :Mickangel:
“Mick,” she said, “come home.”
This is exactly what Mick needed to hear. What a perfect way to brighten up a sad story. Beth loves Mick exactly as he is, and she understands him very well. At least for now, she has made her choice. :happysigh:

This was wonderful! :rose:

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:02 am
by allegrita
You know... I think that the "right here, right now" thing was all Mick. Beth was ready to commit and he wasn't. So this scenario makes a lot of sense to me. Mick is still fighting against the possibility that he and Beth could be happy together. "Monsters don't get happily ever after." And Beth's there for him, reaching out to him, anchoring him. She is his home... he just needs to be reminded of that from time to time.

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:38 pm
by maggatha3
I had hoped Mick would have seen the light by the end of the Sonata. Four years later and he is still in that mood? Maybe then he will never change and we have to accept this , Beth seems to have , at least.

Well, all relationships need hard work and Mick is totally worth fighting for! :heart: :heart:

Lucky! :flowers:

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 8:33 pm
by BlueEyedMonster
Beth always there with just the right words and just the rigth touch.

Well done as always.

Re: The Scene of the Crime (PG-13) (Challenge #131)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:56 am
by cassysj
I just had to give this wonderful story a bump.