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Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:42 am
by librarian_7
I really loved this piece, and I can hear Lola's voice come through so well. (Gee, wonder if we could get a recording of Holly reading this? How cool would that be?)

The story of Josef and the torch-bearing mob...Lola's description of how she got that password...too much. Poor Josef, his dignity would never survive.

Excellent job!


Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:56 am
by sabazzz
This was so good! I have never been fascinated by the Lola character, but you made her very interesting even for me!

Excellent writing and I can totally see her thinking like this. Great job.

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:12 pm
by Liana
I loved this story!
How you observed Mick and Beth through Lola's eyes... She's a real seductress!
Great words "Remember darling, half the world is night..." So true!
Josef and Lola was fun to read! She was a very interesting character, too bad we saw her only in one epi.
I believe Lola and Coraline were pretty much alike in their nature. Both manipulative, self-centered, but as much as I can't bear Coraline, I find Lola very interesting. And Holy did a great job showing her, because I even felt sorry, that Lola was gone, all her history...

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:54 pm
by kalua
Great story! You were able to capture a character seen in just a few scenes and give her depth, and while reading I could just hear her voice.

Since you pinpointed Lola so well, what about the story of her meeting Josef while building a pirate army? ;)

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:41 am
by GuardianAngel
I think your assessment of Lola's thoughts are spot on. It feels right. And amazes me just how right she was about some things and how wrong she was about others. Beth's and Mick's attraction to each other was easy to read. And how could Beth NOT wonder what it would like to be a vampire. But she missed the mark with Mick. It wasn't only the vampire in Mick that was attracted to Beth. She was no toy to him. But I don't think Lola was able to understand that. Pity. Her misjudgement of him was her downfall.

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:15 am
by darkstarrising
oooh....I could feel Lola's icy disdain for the 'human girl' and the rest of humanity as well. Her opinion of her own kind, save the Old Ones, isn't much higher.....even one as powerful as Josef she relegates to nothing more than a man controlled by his base desires, a plaything.

But this says it all, her contempt for humans, her contempt for the young vamp, her contempt for anything besides the eternal beauty that she possesses
She'd better hurry, I warn her. She's young and lovely now, but Mick will lose interest soon enough - probably after he buries himself in her body. If vampires enjoy anything, it's the chase. Once the cat catches the mouse, the fun is gone and the cat usually disposes of the toy by eating it. Besides, there's too much tender meat in this world to waste one's time on something old and tough. I run a lock of that lovely blonde hair through my fingertips and thrill when I feel her shudder at my touch. I know she's thinking about my words, I KNOW she wonders what it's like to be like us. She wants to know the power that runs through our veins, wants to know what it's like to rule the night like royalty. Her arousal kicks up a notch and even I can barely resist tasting this delicate piece of humanity.
Very nice, but very chilling.

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:19 am
by Shadow
Oh, how wonderful to see a story from Lola's point of view. Fantastic portrayal. I loved the high humor of her thoughts about Josef, especially in contrast to the chilling perfection of your ending. I agree with Red ... from just this brief encounter, she knows Mick and Beth frighteningly well.

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:50 pm
by redwinter101
As the episode discussions reach BC, I'm bumping as this is without doubt, the very best Lola fic I've read.


Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:46 pm
by bluedahlia3
Oh just wonderful Jen! So well written. :dracula: One of the best reasons for a season two would have been for more female vampires. They are so vicious in their own way. And I loved Josef in this *blue ducks and hides from lucky* :scary: Everybody else has made him out to be so different. Lola caught his hot button and pressed. Mick said it too! Something about his once in a decade booty call. :yahoo:

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:56 am
by one.zebra
PNW, Great to hear Lola again...loved her mentioning 'The Old Ones'...made me laugh.. I thought that's what she was!

Ruffled my feathers to hear her talk about Josef being wrapped around her finger, though...true, but bugged me no the less..

I'm not even getting started on Mick...MICK, Mick, mick......

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:53 pm
by PNWgal
Wow...I didn't realize I hadn't replied to the last half of comments on this. A thousand guys deserve better!

Ranger, I couldn't resist - when he told Mick he didn't give Lola his password on purpose, that was just the perfect opening for me. ;-)

Lisa...thank you so much. I'm glad Lola came across as true in this. LOL...wouldn't I like to be Lola - forever young and beautiful and she's delightfully wicked.

mitzie, thanks!

LOL, Lucky...I have to admit I sort of had you (and Eris) in mind when I wrote that section - I was hoping you weren't going to come after me. ;-)

sabazz, I'm glad I could get you to look at Lola in a different light!

Thanks, Liana. I think Lola and Coraline are alike in that they've learned much over the centuries, but I don't see Coraline being as ruthless as Lola.

I'm not sure I'm up to a historical fic, kalua...but I'm tickled you liked this. ;-)

GA, spot on. I think Lola had a good bead on Beth, but not on Mick. She related to him as a vampire, as SHE would deal with a human. And she most definitely underestimated Mick's resolve.

Lola WAS cold as ice and I think she reveled in it, DSR. She tapped into something in Beth that ALL women fear, I think...the fear of getting older. And I don't think she could imagine Mick having an interest in Beth once she was no longer young.

Thanks for giving this a read, Shadow! I figure she would hold Josef in contempt as much as anyone...she got around him without too much effort and I see her as despising weakness in anyone.

Red... :hug: Thanks for giving this a bump and reminding me to properly thank the folks that read this...and thanks for the compliment. ;-)

dahlia, I COMPLETELY agree with you about female vampires - I would have loved to see more like this. Cold, vicious and completely focused on what they want. And don't think I wasn't ready to hide from Lucky myself when I made Josef...less than strong when it came to Lola. ;-)

LOL, OZ, now don't hold back - let's talk about Mick! ;-) I sort of got a kick out of imagining Josef at the mercy of someone else when he seems so self-confident.

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:01 pm
by librarian_7
Now, now...protective as I may be, I'm the first to admit that dear Josef has his little weaknesses....


Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:15 pm
by Fleur de Lisa

Re: Half the World is Night

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:34 pm
by PNWgal
librarian_7 wrote:Now, now...protective as I may be, I'm the first to admit that dear Josef has his little weaknesses....

Yeah but...still. ;-)

Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:43 pm
by susieb
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but wanted to tell you that I think this is fabulous! :twothumbs: