Important announcement from Phoenix to all members

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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by allegrita »

Dearest Phoenix,

When you asked me to take the board, I cried. Big tears. Because I know how much MLA means to you, and how hard it must be for you to give it up. :hankie: :bmoon: :Mickangel: :comfort2: And honey, I will miss you more than I can possibly say. :hug: :sigh: But you have to do what's right, and I support you completely in your decision, sad as it makes me. I am honored at your faith in me, and I promise to do my very best to be worthy of that faith.

You've created a wonderful place--a happy, friendly home where we can be comfortable to express our love of all things Moonlight, to write and talk and share favorite pictures. MLA is a place for us to remember, and reminisce, and look back with great fondness on our Little Show... but also a vital, vibrant, living place where we look forward in lots of ways.

It's my goal to make this transition as seamless as possible for everyone here, and to carry on your work of making MLA a happy, safe community of friendly people. I'm so grateful to you for putting together this amazing mod team. With their help, and the participation of our wonderful community, I have no doubt that MLA will go on for a very long time.



p.s. Dear MLA members, I'll have more to say to all of you, but I don't want to hijack Phoenix's thread! :ghug:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by PNWgal »

Sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing in the world to do, and sometimes the things we love the most are the things we need to give up for our own good. Giving up something you created and leaving it in the hands of others is a very hard thing to do, but Phee, for you right now it's the right thing to do.

You have to concentrate on you and mother and your career. We will miss you terribly, but you have to do what's good for YOU. Rest assured you're leaving the place in good hands. :ysmile:

There's a hotel chain here in the States whose slogan is "We'll leave the light on for you." The light's always on for you here, sweetie, anytime you want to come back. :hug:

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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by librarian_7 »

I'm not sure what I can add to what's been said, but just wanted to add my voice to the chorus...Phoenix, our dear Firebird, you had a vision for this site, and you honored me and the other mods in asking us to help you realize that vision.

I know how hard this decision was, and how many tears have been shed over it...and perhaps the consolation here is that the site will go on, in the hands of Allegrita and the rest of us. You are trusting her, and we are trusting her, to carry on in a manner that will do honor to Moonlight, to your vision of this peaceful,friendly place, and this community of fans.

As P'gal said so rightly, the light will always be on for you here. Times may change for you...and after all, aren't phoenixes famous for rising from their ashes?

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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by wpgrace »

:sigh: A little speechless... but... Love Phee. :heart: Will miss her. :bmoon: Wish her the absolute best. :pray: Am grateful. :hug: Forever grateful. :rose:
And may I compliment Phee, Alle, and their team, for the most graceful exit ever. In a fandom not exactly known for graceful exits.
You are a classy, clever crew, ladies. :ghug:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by MoonShadow »


I hope you never doubt how much you are appreciated and loved. I understand exactly where you are, I've walked this path and if you want to talk please feel free. Thank you never seems like enough. But take my heartfelt thanks for everything you have done. I certainly hope that you drop by when time allows and say hello.

be well, and best regards.
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by Tam »

Dear Phoenix,

we haven't spoken much personally, but I'd still like to add a little reply for you too. :comfort2:

I understand how hard this decision must have been for you, and I wish you all the best.

I met many wonderful people on this forum and it had brought me a lot of great things, inspired me to be creative again, boost my self-confidence, and so much more- and I have you and your awesome group to thank for. You rock!! Thank you so much for that. :hearts:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by moonlightlover60 »

Phoenix I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and saddened that you will be leaving the board. But you are doing the right thing, there's northing more important than your family and your health. You are definitely leaving the board in good hands, Allegrita has always been so kind and helpful whenever we had a question or problem. I wish the best to you with your writing and thank you so much for starting this wonderful board for us to keep the Moonlight still shinning brightly. :thanks2:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by jen »


As someone said upthread, I don't know what I can add to what has already been said (and I'll add, far better than I can). You are making the right decision for you, this time with your Mom is very precious. That is where you feel your focus should be now. Be kind to yourself in this process, too. Take care of your own health and welfare.

Thank you so much for your decision to leave your office open for us to continue to enjoy your wonderful fics.

I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that you will find time to visit this wonderful board, your creation, from time to time.

Please always know that you are missed,

Wish you success and a lot of joy as you reignite your writing career.

Love always,


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by kath40 »

So sad to hear of your leaving Phoenix. But very understandable you need time with your Mom and time to tend to yourself. My Mom has been gone for 20 years too soon now but my last days with her can never be replaced. Your time spent with your Mom is precious and deserves your attention. Good luck with the writing hope it grows big for you.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your mother and family.

((hugs)) Kath
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by VAsusieQ18 »

Dearest Phee,

I am saddened to hear about your mother. I went through the same situation not too long ago with my mom. And I can definitely say you're making the right decision to spend every possible minute with her. Those precious moments will sustain you through the difficult times ahead. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

And yes, this site is in good hands. These ladies will care for your "baby" and make sure it continues to grow and flourish. As your time permits, please drop by and visit. I know first hand the stress and time it takes to run a site, so best of luck to you and your family and be blessed.

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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by Moonlightsonata »

Phoenix - I wish the best for you and want to thank you for all you have done to make this board a welcoming home for Moonlight fans. Take good care of yourself and your Mother. Everything else I am thinking and wishing for you has already been said by others so again thank you so much. When you have some time we will be waiting. Hugs. MLS.
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by Phoenix »

Dearest friends,

This morning I responded to as many PMs as possible before my tears made it impossible to see clearly. :hankie: So I took a break for a little while to dry off - and then wandered in here, intending to write something intelligent.

The problem is that I've cried so much, the keyboard actually needs time to dry out. (I wonder if a hairdryer will do the trick?)

In the mean time, I just wanted you to know I've read through the whole thread ... and I will be back to respond to everyone. Later. When I can see properly.

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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

:comfort2: I can't even think of the right words to say. All I can do is join the chorus. Thanks for all you have done for Moonlight and for us. I'm sure this was a difficult decision. I'll be thinking of you and your mother, and don't forget to take care of yourself, too. And pop in when you can!

All the best for you, Phee. :rose:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by MoonlitRose »


I'm sorry that you mom is so ill, and absolutely, your family takes priority. Take care of yourself too, and best wishes for your writing. I have no doubt this was a tough decision for you, but the right thing to do for you at this time. :ghug:

Thank you so much for establishing this site, in which we can come to enjoy one of the greatest little shows ever. Moonlight lives on here, and I thank you sincerely, and also all who have made that possible. :ghug: :heart:
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Re: Important announcement from Phoenix to all members.

Post by bank1115 »

Ah Phee I can't tell you how saddened I am to read this. At a very down point in this fandom you created a great port in a storm and I am forever grateful for that. You will be trully missed. I hope you realize how much I personally have appreciated all your help. I wish you nothing but the best as you merge back into your real life. Please know you are loved and visit once in awhile. kays :heart:
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