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Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:04 am
by wpgrace
Oh Jenny! How wonderful for you!! Congratulations on your raffle win! ANd we would LOVE to see you in costume!

Welcome home... and thank you so much for reporting back to us!!!!!! :hearts:

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:08 am
by Josefismysire
JosefsRose wrote:
P.S. To top it off I got two hugs, and a kiss off of Jason, and a hug from Jordan.
This is all I needed to hear....

:thud: :thud: :melts: :melts: :happysigh: :happysigh: :thud: :thud:

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:17 am
by RangerCM
Those pictures are just to die for! Love, love, LOVE Jason's hair cut in these and isn't that shirt delicious? The dark zip up had me melting on the floor. Jordan is looking fiiiiinnnne as well :melts: :melts: :melts:

I always love hearing folks talk about their first impressions of meeting Jason in person. :snicker: :snicker:

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:33 am
by Luxe de Luxe
JosefsRose wrote:Hey all, I have just got back from the con, and have had a blast for the entire weekend. :woohoo:

OK where to start. The guests were awesome. The talks were insightful, and hilarious. Two nights of parties, although there was one tonight, which I was unable to attend. Saturday morning, I was stewarding outside of the green room, having gotten close to certain guests giving an impromptue golfing lesson to one of the staff.(It wasn't Jason :hankie: ) Saturday night I was guarding the door to the main hall. Then partied till the early hours of the morning. :drinking: :redwine: There were others who were there several hours after after I left. Saturday afternoon I went and got my autographs of Jason. He is so nice and will chat to you if he has the time. :cloud9:

Sunday, There was a raffle to win a short but, intimate time, with some of the guests. I won one of the places available. I got to spend time with both Jordan, and Jason with only four others. It was fantastic :yahoo: , it was a far more relaxed setting. In the morning I had my photo taken with Jason. I was in full dress as a cleaner. One of the other con guest lent me her wrap around sunglasses, as I had my white contacts in. All of the guests were shocked when I took them off. If I can I will find a way to get the shot onto my computer, I will post it. I showed Jason the shot before he left the con tonight, and he was amazed at the diference.

Looking forward to the reports from the others.

Jenny :rose:

P.S. To top it off I got two hugs, and a kiss off of Jason, and a hug from Jordan.
this is unbelieveable!! I can't wait to see the photos and hear the complete blow-by-blow from the short meeting you had. :thud: YOu're one lucky gal.

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:58 am
by ari
Hey guys,

Just checking in. Hanging out watching the extras on Feed with my girls after getting back from the Con. Heading home tomorrow so I'll make a bigger post tomorrow (unless I completely crash when I get home). Had a blast here, been laughing with my friends so much my tummy is actually aching and I started to loose my voice for a bit LOL

Tell ya more later

Luv Ari

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:33 am
by allegrita
Thanks to everyone who has posted about the con--it sounds like you had a fabulous time! I can't wait to see more pictures... :hearts:

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:59 pm
by Lilly
JIMS - Thanks so much for the links. :hug: And, Jenny, how thrilling that you won that raffle!! What a chance of a lifetime that was. Honestly, are there two nicer guys on the planet?? I'm so happy for you. :hearts:

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:36 pm
by fever
I want to post some pics here that I managed to snap...even though I was "NOT ALLOWED" to use my mobile phone camera :grumble:

Had a few photos taken with Jason and Jordan..must admit I was :thud: ...had big time palpitations :heart: when I got near to them during photo session.....I couldn;t get a "bite" from Jason as they told him that he wasn't allowed to do a different pose of photo :hearts: and also got a big hug from Jason :hyper2:
At the meet and greet...Jordan was the last on our table..he sat next to me...sheesh I didn't even realise he is so damn HOT! Both guys were very sweet!

Can someone please tell me do I have to load them off to photobucket then post them here or insert a link???

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:39 pm
by RangerCM
You can either load them to photobucket and then post copies here, or you can set up a public folder in your photobucket and post a link to the folder.

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:41 pm
by Lilly
fever wrote:I want to post some pics here that I managed to snap...even though I was "NOT ALLOWED" to use my mobile phone camera :grumble:

Had a few photos taken with Jason and Jordan..must admit I was :thud: ...had big time palpitations :heart: when I got near to them during photo session.....I couldn;t get a "bite" from Jason as they told him that he wasn't allowed to do a different pose of photo :hearts: and also got a big hug from Jason :hyper2:
At the meet and greet...Jordan was the last on our table..he sat next to me...sheesh I didn't even realise he is so damn HOT! Both guys were very sweet!

Can someone please tell me do I have to load them off to photobucket then post them here or insert a link???
How wonderful!

fever - You need to upload your photos to PhotoBucket (or another photo hosting service). Then put the direct link they provide in your post, bracketed by IMG tags. Can't wait to see your pics!

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:41 pm
by ash
OK, soooooo how to write everything that happened? I can't really, plus there are so many stories that are the whole groups and deserve to be told bette then i can. so I guess I'll do a quick run down.


Due to the lovely london tube strike I had to get to my lovely ladies in an assbackward way, plus Sharon/Claires flight was delayed but they got here. We proceeded to talk about ML for the next 9 watch 4 episodes.


Had a lie-in until about 10 am, took our time to get ready to head out. Taxi picked us up at 2pm. Got to the hotel, met some of the girls and turned it money for hospitality suite (which was the best idea ever!!!!! thanks Nancy).

We all went to the pub, had dinner. Opening cerimony was SUPPOSED to be at 7:00 BUT Jordan's flight was late but 2 hours so it began about nine with Johnathan Woodward and Neil Roberts coming in to entertain us before the it began and to ease tensions

Our boys were adoreable and thanked us all for coming. Jordan looked very over whelmed. Jason was quiet as he is. Francis Capra was awesome as was Keith.

The girls went to the meet and greet which i could not as i had too high a ticket (you may hear that drama later about the amount of people left behind) however i did watch the girls have a time from the other room (filmaker in me) which was wonderful.

Neil Roberts saw me as the girls were with Jason and asked what i was doing and why. When i told him he offered to let me go into the room. SWEETHEART!!!! i didn't however and that is ok. My girlss had a great time. Meet and greet ended VERY late and we all headed back to my place.


Ok early start of 7 am to get ready by 8:30. We get to the hotel, go to the suite and I set up my equipment for the DVD. We did some recording and then the girls who had pic scheduled did their's. There was supposed to be a ML showing...there wasn't. Instead they showed Castle....I bitched and got one,after Castle, but i didn't watch it as we were having lunch and waiting for 2pm when Jason was going to show us Body Politic. I don't have any photos with the actors.

The Show is sooooo worth picking up. I can see WHY they didn't and it is mostly to do with audience. Cross your fingers for it cos Jason and it deserves a chance to be seen. BTW that was the first time Jason had seen it.

Francis Capra talked after and OMG!!!! i'm in love. Sweetest guy, not what he appears and very, very honest. We talked World of Warcraft LOL. He talked about Heroes VERY honestly and Sons of Anarchy too, again with extreme honesty. Wonder, wonderful man.

THEN....OUR BOYS. They were both so awesome and just adorable. The answered mostly ML questions with a few Entourage, The Surrogates and Body Politic thrown in. Our MSS girls represented as we do, with great questions. In fact without one would have gotten the guts to speak. We scared the boys alittle, which was to quote ms. pinkie " :beep: Awesome" in a good way LOL. I personally thanked them for my girls and for ML. How i found the balls i don't know.

Then was the autograph session. the girls got some awesome stuff, again i have none, personal choice. Then we had dinner and headed for the disco which was sadly loud and boring BUT it was the Vampire Dress and damn some of our girls were stunning. I got a kiss from Neil when i told him i had a major crush on Rex Buckland as a teen (ok i was probably more like 12 or 11 but shhhh, stroke the actors ego)

Once done we headed back to my place.


My sweet girls let me sleep so we got a late start, arriving at the hotel about 11. We hung out in the suite, had lunch, recorded Alex's messages and just relaxed. Janet called Pinkie and we got to chat then at 2:30 it was our time with Jordan alone in the Q&A. Sweet as pie man, gracious and in awe of our admiration of him. Great questions. Got a great travel story which i personally will not repeat from my question to him. he was also as honest as he could be about the cancellation of ML. Again our girls ruled and lead the crowd...basically still scaring the poor man, but he is used to us by now LOL

Jason and Francis were next. No one spoke....Anna (ari) got up and broke the ice with a very hehe personal body q LOL then the session started moving. I can say a few annoyed things about VM fans and their inability to...speak but no. Again awesome. There was some ML q's in there and VM as well as some WOW stuff (ROCK ON!!!!) the session ended on a serious note with some amazing things said about the kind of man Jason is. It brought tears to my eyes.

We're TOLD the closing ceremony would be at 7:30 and that our 9 set time was Sean Harry.....we started at 9 anyway because well....yeah not going there.

All the men had wonderful things to say, especially Jordan, Francis and Jason. Jason ended the ceremony with a touching speech that almost had the room in tears. The con closed "closed" and the guys stuck around another 20-30 min, giving hugs and hand shakes to the fans before they were rushed out by their handlers. However i got a hug from keith before, in fact about 10 of our group did.

Jason had a early flight to go on vacation with Lauran who spent the weekend with us so he never returned but at about 1 am, Jordan returned to the party. We all headed out after that.


Taxi to the airport at 7 am, got there at 9. anna boarded at for her 11:15 flight. Claire, Sharon and I waited for their flight then they headed out too. I dragged my tired butt home to do with for you.

All in all AWESOME!!!! weekend. Memories for a lifetime. It wasn't smooth to be honest as far as the event went but it was still awesome, i don't regret it...will i go again....depends on who comes too. I love ya all. anyone wants to add, feel free. Pics soon and the DVD just needs to be edited.


Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:54 pm
by Lilly
Thanks for the wonderful details, Ash! :hearts:

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:55 pm
by coco
:wave: everyone. Finally back home. Sorry I didn't get back to report again but I had no internet access after that first post.

I have come away from the Con such a Jason & Jordan fan. The boys could not have been more fantastic.

I went to get my pics taken with Jason & Jordan on the Saturday (and yay! I actually like my pics) and I turned into a complete fan girl with Jason :snicker: The only word I seemed to know was "hi" and I preceeded to repeat it three or four times to him. It made him laugh as he said "hi" and "hi again" back to me each time. :slaphead: Lucky & Lilly you asked me to say hi to him for you and that appears to be what I did. :snicker:

Autograph sessions took place that afternoon and I stood in the queue for Jason again and said to myself I'm not going to say hi this time. I know more words than that and then my turn to get pics signed and I opened with "hi jason" :slaphead: . I burst out laughing and said sorry to him and reminded him I was the girl who kept saying "hi" earlier in the day and he laughed along with me and then signed my pic with "Hi" Claire. Love Jason Dohring. :yahoo: I also got him to sign my Moonlight DVD cover which he signed "Hi again Claire. More love Jason Dohring. :yahoo:

I've never really had many fangirl squee moments but Jason Dohring made me a total fangirl this weekend. :hearts:

Jordan Belfi has the most amazing eyes too. We talked to him on the Friday night at the meet and greet and I spent the whole time just looking at him. :thud:
Gorgeous man and so very sweet. I loved his one on one talk on the Sunday. He talked about all things Moonlight and Josh and it was wonderful listening to things from his POV. I was never the biggest Josh fan but I'm a definite Jordan fan. :biggrin:

As I mentioned in my first post, I have pics but my camera was a nightmare so I'm going to upload them to my PC and see how they look. I tried so hard to get nice pics of them both but not sure it was a success.

All in all I had an amazing time this weekend. Not just with meeting Jason & Jordan but finally putting faces to names of friends from this board and other boards. I got to meet some wonderful ladies and I had an absolute blast.

Now just to figure out if I'm going to March now. :chin: ;)

Oh and last but not least - special shout out to ash for letting me stay with her this weekend. :smooch: It was lovely to see you again and hopefully we can do it again soon and also to SharonC & ari. It was wonderful to finally meet you ari, I had a blast with you and Sharon and I'm looking forward to meeting up with you ladies again real soon.

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:01 pm
by Lilly
coco - I am grinning like a fool over your post. :snicker: You sound like a real Jason fan-girl now. Welcome to the club! :hug:

And there was never any doubt that Jordan would win you over, as well. What a sweet, gorgeous man. :happysigh:

I'm just thrilled you had such a good time.

Re: BBM Convention news, pics & highlights - attendees post here

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:04 pm
by mwj01
Coco, I love your recap! :snicker: You and Jason are too adorable! I'm so glad you had a great time! :hug: