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Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:31 am
by eris
I wonder if there wasn't maybe an element of the story cut out. Maybe Beth had gone away to school in another state or something and he was surprised to see her back in LA. He went down to the broadcast - not only because of the "victim drained of blood" angle, but because he was surprised to see her again.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:14 am
by librarian_7
Well, they did say this was her first live webcast, so it was the first time, perhaps, that he'd seen her "live" recently.

I think that the injections are implied later, even if never shown. He has a rack of small vials in his freezer more than once, and also, let us not forget the hypo he uses to implant the chip in Beth in B.C.

I think the freezer was one of the most original twists on the vampire mythos they did, and I like it. And I've also been a vamp girl since I was 10....


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:42 am
by wondergirl9847
I figure that perhaps they think people don't like seeing injections on TV (me being one of them. LOL) so they only did it once. Although, they never show the needle going in. He used the needle on Beth in B.C., but they didn't show that either. He also used it in The Mortal Cure to get some of his blood to keep. Also, no showing of the needle punturing his skin.

I love Alex's voiceovers in NSTAV. His playful delivery on the line "I'd been waiting since six. Looks like I wasn't the only one." is awesome.

Agree that the interview sometimes seems more like Alex instead of Mick, but I don't care. I can pretty much say the entire interview word for word along with them since I've seen it so much. :lol: It's fun and informative. I've been a vampire fan for a long time too, and I think the updates are cool. There's nothing I don't like about Moonlight. Even the stupid plot holes and sometimes silly dialogue. I have unconditional love. Heh.

Can't say enough good things about the background music too, especially when he's shooting up and talking about detective stories and girls. Man, I love the music on this show!

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:39 am
by wpgrace
NSTAV wasn't the first ep of ML for me...I came into it halfway thru BC... started tivo'ing it from The Ringer on, but we didn't discover we could get prior eps until after FdL... so sorta in the middle of that whole Coraline arc, between FdL and SB, we finally saw this ep.

The interview was a godsend, cause we'd been trying to piece together the mythology ep by ep as we saw him do something. I also saw it much more as a love triangle... will he pick Beth or Morgan/Coraline?... than a flat out MickBeth love story, because of our viewing order. And until FdL, I didn't get that Cora was supposed to be the bad guy, cause I hadn't seen the full kidnapping/ fight/ fire scene.

So for me, NSTAV was filling in blanks and questions that eps 6-9 had raised. He REALLY is a reluctant vampire. He thinks he's a monster. It is a story about a girl, being Beth. Tho she DOES have a boyfriend... so different love triangle than I had thought. But I already knew that Cora, his wife, had taken her and that Mick had saved and "stalked" her. And knew how he had met Cora and how intense THAT relationship had been.

And already knew Mick was a riveting character... else we wouldn't've gone and bought the first 6 episodes.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:56 am
by coco
NSTAV hooked me right from the very beginning. I knew after watching the interview with Mick that I was going to love this show. I never found the interview cheesy. It's one of the best set ups of a character I've seen in a TV show. Love the other version so much better though. Wish we'd seen that in the eppy :)

I absolutely adore the moment when Mick sees Beth on screen for the first time and how he simply can't help himself and has to go see her. I personally think he was hoping she would somehow recognise him ;) That scene by the fountain was the beginning of my MickBeth shipper status and I knew I was so going to enjoy their interactions with each other.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:10 pm
by wpgrace
coco wrote:NSTAV hooked me right from the very beginning. I knew after watching the interview with Mick that I was going to love this show. I never found the interview cheesy. It's one of the best set ups of a character I've seen in a TV show. Love the other version so much better though. Wish we'd seen that in the eppy :)

I absolutely adore the moment when Mick sees Beth on screen for the first time and how he simply can't help himself and has to go see her. I personally think he was hoping she would somehow recognise him ;) That scene by the fountain was the beginning of my MickBeth shipper status and I knew I was so going to enjoy their interactions with each other.

You probably already know, but both Baywinger and Rijane (the Epilogue for See Me) have beautiful Fountain fics... Baywinger's is still over at VLF... I haven't checked to see if it is here.

And Lord knows where Ri's fic is... she is like the wind...

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:14 pm
by coco
wpgrace wrote:
coco wrote:NSTAV hooked me right from the very beginning. I knew after watching the interview with Mick that I was going to love this show. I never found the interview cheesy. It's one of the best set ups of a character I've seen in a TV show. Love the other version so much better though. Wish we'd seen that in the eppy :)

I absolutely adore the moment when Mick sees Beth on screen for the first time and how he simply can't help himself and has to go see her. I personally think he was hoping she would somehow recognise him ;) That scene by the fountain was the beginning of my MickBeth shipper status and I knew I was so going to enjoy their interactions with each other.

You probably already know, but both Baywinger and Rijane (the Epilogue for See Me) have beautiful Fountain fics... Baywinger's is still over at VLF... I haven't checked to see if it is here.

And Lord knows where Ri's fic is... she is like the wind...
Thanks Grace :)
I've read these wonderful fics before but may go check out Baywinger's again.

I also stop by for my rijane fix too ;)

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:02 pm
by GuardianAngel

The infamous fountain scene. Mick sees HER walking barefoot, through a freezing fountain at 2:00. Mick and Beth meet again. Do you think Mick hoped that Beth would recognize him?

And we meet a few new characters. What did you think of them?

Carl, the Lieutenant and often Beth's source.

Maureen, the Buzzwire Editor.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:49 pm
by coco
I loved Carl as a character. From the off set we saw a great relationship with Beth. Their banter always amused me. Wish we'd seen more of him actually.
Mo was a riot. She always made me laugh. She was in your face and always after the next big story and I also loved her relationship with Beth :D

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:06 pm
by PNWgal
Carl Davis was a GREAT character - wonderful back and forth with Beth. Maureen I wasn't so crazy about, but she's the perfect portrayal of a pushy editor of a gossip website.

I wonder what Mick's motivation to see her actually was. At that point, no mention of vampires had been made, so that wouldn't have made him go check the scene out. I think it was more to see if she DID recognize him more than a hope that she would.

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:21 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Pgal--my thoughts exactly.

I think he was curious about that very fact. Would she recognize him?
Saving her, following her life for all those years, how could he not want to get near her at some point?

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:27 pm
by darlingcat
More Interview Mick


Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:34 pm
by wpgrace
Thank you, D'Cat... Glory he is adorable in these... this looks like the longer version of the Interview... which was the better version...

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:56 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Okay, am I weird? Because I thought the injection thing was sexy as hell!
His reaction to it, Lord have mercy. They should have kept that in.
Yeah, it was, Fleur. I hope this is not gross, but it was like penetrating HIM, which I thought was hot!

Re: No Such Things As Vampires (Episode One)

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:08 pm
by wpgrace
wollstonecraft61 wrote:
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Okay, am I weird? Because I thought the injection thing was sexy as hell!
His reaction to it, Lord have mercy. They should have kept that in.
Yeah, it was, Fleur. I hope this is not gross, but it was like penetrating HIM, which I thought was hot!

Hmmm... wasn't what came to mind but I get your point... but definitely sexy... I was thinking more bad boy, tough guy thing... plus that damned reaction he had to it... now that was purely erotic! Clearly seemed more enjoyable than drinking out of the glass... the feeding scene later in ep 2, with the red head, also clearly preferable to drinking out of a glass... sadly we mostly saw him drinking out of a glass...