Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

And your lovely comment has made mine, coco :D

After so many struggles to finally be together, I just think this separation is as close to unbearable as it is possible to get; the only thing keeping them both going is the prospect of being together again. But yes, each and every day is a struggle not to give in to despair.

And can you really imagine Beth letting some guy get away with calling her honey?? :lol:


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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Oh...Red, it's 20 after 3 in the morning and I shouldn't be up...but your story captured me and wouldn't let me go. My heart aches for Mick and Beth--and Josef, too. They are strong but they do struggle every moment against relentless despair. All they have is the work they do, a goal to achieve--Mick working to defeat the Legion, and Beth immersing herself in work, but still feeling that she's not doing enough. And now she's thought of it. She can help him from afar. I'm scared to death for both of them, and for Josef too. Every chapter you post, I am both thrilled and filled with trepidation at what I'm going to see. I love this story but it really is so hard to go on this journey with them.

I have to say that if you weren't such a damned fabulous writer, my life would be a heck of a lot easier. I would just say, "the hell with her--I'm not gonna read anymore of this story!" But... no, that's not an option, not at all. So I go along on this hard journey, with an ache in my throat and a wrinkle between my brows, hopeful and afraid for these people who are so dear to me. I know you will be true to them, but that doesn't mean they're going to come out of this unscathed. But I trust you, I truly do. You don't do easy, but you always do beautiful.
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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by francis »

<fangirling> A new chapter! Squeeeee! </fangirling>
I love how Beth adapts to her situation, finding satisfaction in her job, new friends. Will Pete be good for her? He's a good reporter, seeing behind her mask. Her investigating on her own may be dangerous, especially with what Josef showed Mick. I hope she isn't in over her head.
I love how Mick bites into the investigation, to keep sane, satisfied with his professionalism. I wonder what's up with the family.
The last paragraphs, the longing, the despair, made me choke up. Poor Mick.
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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

*holds alle's hand* I wish I could offer platitudes, but, truth is, you've got this story pretty much nailed. I'm sorry it's such torture - but this is where it had to go. Never easy, but thank you for the beautiful.

francis, thanks for the squee, fangirl!!! Beth, in over her head? Because that would be so unlike her... The despair is never far from the surface - they just want something that should be so simple, to be together, but the obstacles in their path seem too big, too insurmountable and that is the greatest pain of all.


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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

Give them (almost) insurmountable odds.
Throw everything you can at them. (Hear that kitchen sink?)
Life is hard. Their human/vamp life: hard times 100.
Facing these things makes them closer, the bond stronger. Sometimes the bond has to go through hell befoe the "happily ever after" comes.

That is why I adore this story. It's not easy. They have problems. Granted, their issues are tougher than any we have to face, which is why this is lovely, wonderful escapism. I am not fond of quickly resolved, uncomplicated fiction, it doesn't ring true. They are at the beginning of their journey together, and rough patches are to be expected. The test is whether they can overcome them. And here is where 'Miss Positivity" chimes in: they will, and be the better for it.
And we will looooove their journey.
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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Lupine »

Red, you made my day. I've waited sooo long for this update and it was sooo worth the wait!

The pain of their separation is still as raw for Mick and Beth as it was on their last day together. But they have each made a conscious effort to push it down enough so that they can function well enough to work towards their goal of being together again. These two are both such strong characters, which is why I love them so, but it can be very difficult to live with such pain everyday and not be assured of the outcome you want. Somehow, I feel that it's going to be more difficult for Mick. Especially with Josef already making veiled hints about the difficulty (impossibility?) of the task ahead.

And speaking of veiled threats...was Josef suggesting that Mick turn Beth, when he told Mick that he should be considering his options?

There are so many wonderful parts to this whole but the part that made my breath hitch the first (and second) time I read it was...
But Mick hadn't fallen into the trap of feeling empathy for his prey; the machinations within this house were part of the cabal that dared to decide his fate, whether he lived or died. Whether Beth lived or died. Watching their familial harmony fed the dark fury that slow-burned in his gut, day in, day out. They had what they would deny him. They judged him unworthy, unclean, an outcast. "Judge not lest ye be judged," he whispered. He knew Josef thought he would baulk at plotting against women and children, but he was wrong. The family inside this unassuming house was his target and he would be relentless in his pursuit of them, to their very destruction if necessary.
When we first met Mick, empathy for his "prey" is what set him apart from the other vampires. And he judged himself unworthy, unclean, and outcast. Now he will do whatever is necessary to get back what he loves. But are there boundaries that should not be crossed in the pursuit of even noble goals? And if those boundaries are crossed and we are successful, does it taint forever what we have gained?

How far will Mick, and Beth, go to get what they want? I can't wait to find out, and in your sure hands I know I won't be disappointed.
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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

FdL, I do so hope that you continue to love this particular journey :)

Lupine, I'm so happy to see you here, reading and commenting - you have such insight into these characters. I completely agree that it is going to be harder for Mick - this battle occupies his every waking moment whereas Beth at least has her work to keep her occupied. Plus, as I said above, I think she just copes with stuff better than him and will continue to do so now that she has her own particular mission. And I think she is far more likely to have faith that everything will turn out okay, whereas Mick is consumed with despair, no matter how much he tries to push it away.

As for Josef's hints - it's nothing to do with turning. That is absolutely not an option here (the Legion is all about keeping vampire numbers down - that's the whole purpose of them keeping Mick and Beth apart, so Mick turning Beth would be a death sentence anyway). Josef wants Mick to think about other ways of staying alive, i.e. not getting back together Beth or maybe going on the run.
Lupine wrote:When we first met Mick, empathy for his "prey" is what set him apart from the other vampires. And he judged himself unworthy, unclean, and outcast. Now he will do whatever is necessary to get back what he loves. But are there boundaries that should not be crossed in the pursuit of even noble goals? And if those boundaries are crossed and we are successful, does it taint forever what we have gained?

How far will Mick, and Beth, go to get what they want?
I loved this. It is Mick's relationship with Beth that has finally stopped him seeing himself that way, that has allowed him to dare to hope for happiness with her, which makes it all the crueller that it might now be torn away from him. And as for crossing boundaries, have you hacked my computer???? You'll just have to wait and see for the outcome but this is a question that both Mick and Beth will have to answer.


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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by dreamcatcher »

So so perfect! I loved everything about this update!

Beth is making her mark in the new job not only because it’s her natural habitat, where she operates best but also because she’s concentrating all her efforts on it, partly to keep her mind off Mick and her heartbreak.

Mick is being so resolute and doesn’t let Josef’s warning of the enormity of what they’re up against deter him. Is Josef testing his commitment? I’m already anxious for their safety if they get exposed poking their noses into legion affairs. They seem so vulnerable!

You write them all brilliantly. You really allow us to feel their anguish and it hurts so much! Mick watching the screen: Beth running out of the bar: Josef trying to keep it all together. And I really like the sound of Pete. I hope he continues to be one of the good guys!

I love, love, love this fabulous story and can’t wait to find out where it goes!
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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Hey, dreamcatcher, your first post! I'm honoured :)

Thanks for the lovely comment - I completely agree with your assessment of our three characters, all struggling to cope in their own ways.

Delighted you like Pete too.


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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by Raven »

Red! Each time I read a new installment...oh, the intensity of the emotions, the curves and dips of a road unknown...careening sends my heart, hammering, into my throat. Two lives disrupted, searching blindly to find some semblance of order amidst chaos...and love, brilliant love, the one constant, the way back, the healer. Can it be enough? A year is a tremendous amount of time for a human but Beth is a survivor. Mick is counting on that...what he's not counting on is that Beth is coming in through the back door. Can she meet him halfway? Oh gosh, Red! You give me hope! Arms in the air, fists tight (cats scurrying) a resounding "YES!" when I read this...
The Legion had to be here too. Now it seemed so obvious.
She would find out; she would find them; she would make sure Mick didn't have to carry the load alone.
The wrath of Beth! I love it!
Beth has filled Mick with love, happiness and life and the darkness that had once threatened to consume him was rendered inert...will it start festering and rise up, causing Mick to believe Beth's true happiness is in her new successful human life, away from vampires, without him and all being with him brings? The air has shifted and Josef seems to be...dropping subtle hints...oh, I'm thinking way too much...I shall have to run back over to chapter 4, yes, that's a good one. :lol:
Fantastic stuff Red, just fantastic!
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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

*tackles Raven*

So lovely to see your comment. I'm grinning.

And I loved this (with apologies to your cats!):
Raven wrote:Arms in the air, fists tight (cats scurrying) a resounding "YES!" when I read this...
Raven wrote:Beth has filled Mick with love, happiness and life and the darkness that had once threatened to consume him was rendered inert...will it start festering and rise up, causing Mick to believe Beth's true happiness is in her new successful human life, away from vampires, without him and all being with him brings?
Now, you know I'm not gonna answer that, right? You'll just have to wait and see....

Delighted you're here, delighted you enjoyed the chapter.


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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by janicevictoria »

Red, great new chapter, you can really feel the angst of Mick and Beth's separation and the gnashing of teeth, it's painful....A year is a long time for a human to endure, but if Mick is the prize for waiting, then so be it! ;)

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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Thanks, janice.

If only there were a guarantee that they would be reunited at the the end of that year, then it would all be so easy. I think they would both be able to bear the separation - but it is the ongoing uncertainty, the fear of what might happen, that eats away at them... particularly Mick.


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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by lmm »

I will have to agree with all your fans here, red. Wonderful, wonderful chapter. Full of heartbreak and angst. So many brilliant lines that was already posted by others. You know, that it was not my most favorite of your stories, but I think it grow on me. I loved this chapter, a lot, a lot, a lot… :P

I do want to compliment you on the procedural part of the story, though. You are doing such great job with it. I know that the story is ultimately is about power of love and devotion to each other. But to have such an interesting plot will just help to bring more from the characters. I am really hooked. When I just started reading the story I was thinking just how hard it must be to figure out ways the plot will have go. And I am sure looking forward to what you will give us next. :)

Also I am whole heartedly agreed with what Lupin said in her post and it was that exact paragraph that brought some hard questions to my mind. How far will they both go? Will they cross that line? And do I really like this Mick? Or I prefer Mick whose empathy to others, even to his prey, is what made me to fall in love with him (yes, I admit, I am in love ). For me it was the most important paragraph of whole chapter. Thank you, red, for making me think…
But Mick hadn't fallen into the trap of feeling empathy for his prey; the machinations within this house were part of the cabal that dared to decide his fate, whether he lived or died. Whether Beth lived or died. Watching their familial harmony fed the dark fury that slow-burned in his gut, day in, day out. They had what they would deny him. They judged him unworthy, unclean, an outcast. "Judge not lest ye be judged," he whispered. He knew Josef thought he would baulk at plotting against women and children, but he was wrong. The family inside this unassuming house was his target and he would be relentless in his pursuit of them, to their very destruction if necessary.
And Josef?! Is he on the crack or something? To ask Mick to consider other options??? Does he know his friend at all? :roll: Well, he is very practical vampire, so I guess he is going to consider other options… ;) And btw, what happened with Simone? Will we hear about her one day? Josef was very unhappy about it, I remember.

I do have one complain. And I really hope that you will not get offended by it. I miss Mick the Vampire. This is the story about vampire/ human relationship. And the vampire side of Mick is little bit in the shadows right now. I mean Josef and Mick are vampires and I think we are missing that side of them. :)

Again, brilliant chapter, red. Thank you.

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Re: Afterglow, part seven (M/B/J, PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »


Thanks, as always, for your wonderful comments. I'm delighted that paragraph made you think - it heralds some very important decisions for Mick in the future.

I'm sorry Mick hasn't been vampy enough - I think it's probably because so much of what has happened in the last couple of chapters has been introspective, and when he's introspective, I see him as so very, very human.

But both he and Josef are gonna need the vampires to come out to play pretty soon, I promise.


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