Guy Trip Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

It took Gabriel 2 hours to find out that no Kostan employee had been involved in the theft.
"Dad, I think Logan was wrong and I can't believe I'm saying that because when it comes to computers, Logan is never wrong, but none of the employees have a clue as to what"s going on" Gabe said.
"Do you think it could be someone in Security?" Mick asked.
"If anyone in Security could do what I was told was done, they'd no longer be working in Security. Josef would have them working in office"
"Maybe no one knows".
"That would make sense for a thief. Getting a job in Security to gain access to the floors and walk away with 100 billion dollars. It's really genius when you think about it. Josef wouldn't think that anyone in Security would be capable of something like this".
"Sorry son, but it looks like you're going to be here for a little while longer. There are over 300 people working in Security". Gabriel sighed.
"Let me go back to Switzerland and check out. I'll be right back" he said taking off. It took Gabriel all of 20 minutes before he arrived back in the office. "Alright, let's go speak with Security"

Beth was having a drink with Bridgett, wanting to know how she was doing.
"How is Josef handling everything? I know he has to be upset" Beth said taking a sip of her wine.
"I don't understand it. Who would do something like this? Every vampire in California is well aware of the dangers of taking from Josef Kostan, not to mention every vampire not living in California. It makes no sense"
"I agree. Someone is playing a very dangerous game. Angel or not, Josef will not sit idlily by, why someone embarrasses him in this manor".
"Mick told me that Katrina was working on this. And if I know anything, I know that the thief will be ripped limb by limb"
"I just hope it's no one that is known to us. A betrayal like this will break Josef".

Gabriel got the list of every security person employed at Kostan Inc and began to interrogate them all one by one. And after an hour none that he had spoken to had any idea what he was talking about.
"What's your name?" Gabriel asked to tall man sitting in front of him.
"Damon Marsh" he replied. Gabriel closed his eyes and heard the rapid acceleration of the man's heartbeat.
"What is your true name and don't lie again!"
"Mark Addams"
"Why did you hide this information from us?"
"I have a record and it's hard as hell to find a job if you've served time! No one wanted to hire me, so I lied. Big fucking deal! I do a great job and I don't cause any problems for anyone!" he yelled.
"What was your crime?"
"B&E and assault with a deadly weapon" he said staring directly at Gabriel trying to shoe no fear. Gabriel simply stared at him waiting for him to elaborate. Finally, he jumped out of his chair. "Fine!! I broke into some rich guy's house and threatened him with a gun, I tied him up and robbed him of all his wife's jewelry and a lot of cash he had hidden in a safe" he confessed.
"SIT DOWN!!" Gabriel said sternly staring at the man who was now shaking all over. "Who is your partner? I know you didn't do this by yourself". The man held his head down and said nothing.
"So you don't want to talk?" Gabe said standing up barring his fangs. "You do know I can make you talk. And it won't be pleasant for you" he said walking towards the man.
"I don't know who he is!!! He called me on my cell phone and told me he wanted to get back at Josef Kostan and said if I didn't help him I would die as well as my wife and she's pregnant! What the hell was I supposed to do?" he screamed.
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Finally, they're making some progress! But who is behind this? :shrug:
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Re: Guy Trip Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel focused hard on the man, realizing something wasn't right.
"Stop looking at me! I don't know anything else! I told you the truth!" the man screamed out loud.
"I know you're telling the truth......." Gabriel said in confusion then stood and left the room.

Josef sat in the office of Father Kinnley who was also a vampire.
"Josef, what will you do when the persons are found?" he asked sitting back in his chair.
"What will I do or what do I want to do"?"
"What would Father want you to do?" he replied.
"Damn it Kinnley!" Josef yelled in frustration. Father Kinnley was always able to help him see the bigger picture in any situation no matter how angry Josef was.
"The Father would say its only money" Josef said quietly. "But this isn't money for just me, it's money for all of us!"
"Is it? Is it truly?" he asked looking at Josef with eyes that saw right through him.
"What do you want me to do" Josef asked with a deep sigh.
"Josef, I think that your mind has always had one singular focus. Keeping vampires safe at all costs, but surely you realize that isn't your job any longer. Having mountains of readily available funds to ensure a secret that is no longer a secret, cannot be your focus anymore" he said.
"So you think I'm doing this for power and vanity?"
"I never said that but ponder why that thought came into your mind" he said standing up. "I have to take my leave, but think Josef, think about what I said". He said leaving the room.

Josef made it back to his apartment when he heard a knock at his door and opened it to see Mick and Gabriel.
"Did you two find out what happened to the money?" he asked frowning a little as he remembered that someone had taken 100 billion dollars from him.
"Mark Adams on Security" Gabriel said. "But I believe that someone other than him is behind this. And that someone threatened the life of him and his family if he didn't help them" Gabriel explained. Josef threw his head back and screamed very very loudly in frustration. Angry that he cared so much about money but more angry that someone had pulled something over on him, in spite of all his security.
"Josef calm down" Gabriel said with a worried expression. Mick smiled a bit.
"Yeah, calm down Josef. Your money is still in the bank". Josef turned quickly to look at Mick.
"You son of bitch!!!" Josef yelled. "Do you have any idea what you caused?!!"
"Well, actually I caused nothing because everyone was in on it. From the bank, to Brian, to the Cleaners, Logan, Lucky, Mark Adams and Beth and Bridgett!" Mick said with a wide grin.
"Mick you had me going through an existential crisis! I even went to speak with Father Kinnley!"
"Yeah, I know" Mick said with knowing grin.
"You bastard! You had a Priest lie!"
"Father Kinnley didn't lie. He just didn't let you know that it was me behind it all".
"You bastard!!!" He screamed walking to his bar to make himself a stiff drink.
"Dad, I can't believe you would do this" Gabriel said finally.
"Sorry Gabe. I couldn't let you in on it don't do well with deception".
"You're an Angel, you shouldn't do well with deception either!"
"But when you have a best friend like Josef Kostan, I'm thinking the Father will overlook this one transgression" he laughed.
"I can't believe you did all this because I didn't want to go camping!" Josef wailed.
"Lets just say after years and years of Kostan pranks, I'd say we are finally even".
"Speaking of Mark Adams how did you get him on board?"
"I planted some thoughts in his mind so when you came to seek him out, everything he said would be proven true".
Well, Uncle Josef, Dad got you back big time!"
"We'll see" Josef said swishing his drink around. Gabriel looked at both of them and shook his head,
"You two are impossible!" he said walking out of the apartment.

The End
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