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Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:36 am
by r1015bill
Total speculation on my part.

Perhaps the picture of Alex with the cigar from July 19th did have something to do Malia's pregnancy and wasn't "just a cigar". ... =1&theater

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:40 am
by MickLifeCrisis
I hope they give her/him a Hawaiian name. They are always so pretty sounding.

The twitterverse says she's showing already? Guess they waited to make it public till they had to.

Congrats to them both!

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:15 am
by Lucy
Oh, Allegrita I do agree....

I hope this doesn't fly in the face of his drug rehab therapy. Sometimes they suggest a year before 'life-changing decisions'

The greatest gift parents can give their child is being LOVING love with each other.

I send meditations for their health and best wishes....

allegrita wrote:Hey, you'll get no tomatoes from me. My son has two children and no wife, and I don't get it. :shrug: But the good news is, there truly doesn't seem to be any stigma attached to having unmarried parents anymore... and however we may feel, it is definitely not considered obligatory by young people today to get married before having kids. So I guess we old fogies need to move with the times. :snicker:

What I am truly hoping for, for everyone's sake, is that they have a solid, happy relationship and that they can build a wonderful family together. That's the really important thing. :hearts: So I'll be sending some mental rainbows their way, for a firm and loving relationship and a happy, healthy family--whether or not there's any rings involved. :2cents:

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:44 am
by jenstc2003
LOL! OR the times need to come back to us. I am thrilled for them, but I also hope he'll do the right thing and marry her. As long as they're happy and in a stable relationship, though, that is the most important thing.
allegrita wrote:Hey, you'll get no tomatoes from me. My son has two children and no wife, and I don't get it. :shrug: But the good news is, there truly doesn't seem to be any stigma attached to having unmarried parents anymore... and however we may feel, it is definitely not considered obligatory by young people today to get married before having kids. So I guess we old fogies need to move with the times. :snicker:

What I am truly hoping for, for everyone's sake, is that they have a solid, happy relationship and that they can build a wonderful family together. That's the really important thing. :hearts: So I'll be sending some mental rainbows their way, for a firm and loving relationship and a happy, healthy family--whether or not there's any rings involved. :2cents:

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:58 am
by Emerald
MickLifeCrisis wrote:I hope they give her/him a Hawaiian name. They are always so pretty sounding.

The twitterverse says she's showing already? Guess they waited to make it public till they had to.

Congrats to them both!
This is just pure speculation on my part, but they might have wanted to wait until the risk of miscarriage was well and truly out the way (I know some of my relatives have refrained from making baby announcements until such time). I mean could you imagine if they'd announced the pregnancy when Malia was say 6 weeks along, and she'd lost the baby? Having to go through that in such a public arena would have been horrible.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:59 am
by Emerald
I've sent a brief email to Rachael just passing along the fans congratulations & well wishes at this happy news. Can't guarantee I'll get any sort of response, but at least Alex's rep will know the fans are sending positive thoughts to the happy couple. :twothumbs:

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:32 pm
by r1015bill
There very well could be legal complications to their marriage like she's not actually divorced yet.

OR they are keeping that private so the wackos don't come out of the woodwork.

I figure they know best how to handle their lives.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:21 pm
by Lilly
r1015bill wrote: I figure they know best how to handle their lives.
:hearts: :smooch: :hug:

I couldn't be happier for them. :heart:

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:23 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
She's not divorced??? :gasp: Oh dear.

Well, that explains why they haven't married yet!

I like to think that I am a fairly modern thinking woman but no matter how much I adore Alex, I don't understand the idea (which seems more pervasive in Hollywood) of having children without a formal commitment of marriage. Maybe I am more old fashioned than I'd admit but if you love someone enough to bring a child into the world, don't you love them enough to marry them?

I get that there are instances where children are conceived and love and/or a long term relationship are not in the cards and this is no way directed at Alex---- it's a feeling I have in general when it comes to famous people-whether it be actors, pro athletes, etc.----but why the rush to have a child? Unless it was a pleasant surprise, but then that gets me on my "why aren't these adults using contraception" soapbox!!!

Regardless of my personal opinions, I wish them nothing but the best and hope that they are together for the long haul, for their happiness and the happiness of the child. :hearts:

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:57 pm
by allegrita
Folks, let's not speculate on these people's private lives. We don't know, nor is it any of our business, whether or not Malia is divorced, nor whether she and Alex are married or intend to get married. I'm pretty sure that they only released this information because you can't hide a pregnancy. Let's give them what little privacy they can maintain.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:07 pm
by cassysj
Fleur de Lisa wrote:
I like to think that I am a fairly modern thinking woman but no matter how much I adore Alex, I don't understand the idea (which seems more pervasive in Hollywood) of having children without a formal commitment of marriage.
I don't think it really is more pervasive in Hollywood to be honest. I'm hard pressed to know anyone personally under 30 that has children and is or has ever been married. It just doesn't seem to be a priority with younger people and that may be because so many grew up in divorced homes but still had good access to both parents.

When I was little if your parents divorced.(like mine did) The father was generally not emotionally invested in the kids. He moved on with his life. Of course not all fathers but I can only speak for my experience and many of us in our middle 40''s.

I actually cut celebrities a little more slack in the baby situation because marriage is an emotional but also financial merger. When you have millions of dollars involved you don't want to rush into anything. You can be a good parent, take care of your child and even love the mother without an immediate binding document.

What I don't understand is when celebrities live together for years upon years upon years in community property states where the finances are already entangled. For heavens sake.....get married.

That being said I'm sure Alex and Malia are on :cloud9: and I am happy for them.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:37 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Sorry Alle. I certainly wasn't meaning to speculate on Alex's situation---- I only meant to state my personal opinions in general regarding famous people and baby making!

As I said, I am happy for him. He is a grown man and she's a grown woman so whatever they do, no judging from me. God knows there are enough pointy headers out there that are gonna have a field day with this.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:58 pm
by allegrita
I'm all for healthy discussion--and as I said before, I'm a little baffled, personally, by the fact that marriage seems to have become less significant to people their age and younger. I just worry when I see speculative statements about the specifics of their personal lives... that's how rumor avalanches begin. And although we are all loving and caring fans who wouldn't dream of hassling Alex and Malia and their family, speculations we make might get repeated by others as "fact," which could end up causing them grief that we never intended.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:39 pm
by Moonlightsonata
I truly hope that this post is considered "healthy discussion" because that is what I mean it to be. I love this board and don't want to do anything to hurt anyone. However, after reading this news, I realize that I had made what I think is an emotionally healthy decision in terms of myself and how I feel about Alex.

For too long, I have equated my "love" for Mick St. John to a "love" for the person who made him what he was - Alex. I flew out to Paley from the East Coast for the Moonlight Event. I contributed to Alex's birthday gift the first time when it never arrived there and then again a second time when it did. About 3 years ago , I got on the train in Philadelphia after a nice dinner with my husband, was picked up in Baltimore by another middle aged fan, and we drove the rest of the night to Pittsburgh just to see Alex filming a scene from "Three Rivers." He was gracious enough to pose for pictures with us and sign autographs, and we were delighted. If I had to do it over again, I would.

However, after reading about what Alex did or didn't say about Moonlight in that interview, and reading about this, I have taken Alex off the pedestal on which I still have the imaginary Mick St. John. While I don't regret the things I did more than three years ago and would do them again (at that time) I won't be doing them now. Mick St. John had more "old fashioned" values that the young people of today, and those values more closely reflect my own.

Thanks for allowing me the time to express my opinion.

Re: Alex is going to be a Dad (again)!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:21 pm
by librarian_7
I think it is important to draw a distinction between Mick St. John, who is an idealized, perfect character--and therefore fictional, even leaving aside the whole vampirism deal--and Alex, who is a real human being. And you know, even Mick isn't always perfect.

Anyway, though, it's also important not to put people on pedastals. We know (or we think we know) that Alex is a great guy. He certainly has come across that way in the countless interviews, behind the scenes glimpses, and candid encounters we've all studied over the years. However--and this is a big however--he's not necessarily a perfect human being. I'm very sure that he tries to be the best Alex he can be, and from what we've seen, he's pretty successful at that. If his outlook or approach to something is a little different that what any one of us would prefer, that's his prerogative. And it's impossible to avoid, because no one--not even Mick St. John--can be perfect all the time.

So, perhaps we can all agree to congratulate Alex and Malia on this important new chapter of their lives, and wholeheartedly wish them all the best with it.