1986 Public Service Announcement Forgiveness PG13

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1986 Public Service Announcement Forgiveness PG13

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended. Warning this story implies a sexually transmitted disease. Nothing descriptive but if that offends you please do not read

Anne is walking past the freshie floor and hears a young woman sobbing.

Anne knocks on the door. "Are you all right dear?

There’s a pause. " I’m sorry if I bothered you Mrs. Whitley. I’m fine.

"You don’t sound fine Suzanne, open the door.

This girl was a mess. Tears streaming down her face.

"What happened?


"Suzanne don’t tell me nothing. Did something happen with Sarah or Charles?

She nodded. "Charles said I can’t feed them until I see the doctor there’s something wrong with my blood. So I asked Sarah and she said my white blood cell count is elevated. Cancer runs in my family, I’m going to die.

"Did they say you had cancer?

"No, but what else could it be?

"Have you called the doctor?

"No, I don’t want to hear the news.

"You have to! Anne said. If they just mentioned it must be a new problem. Maybe if it’s caught early you’ll be fine.

"Do you really think so Mrs. Whitley? Suzanne sounded like a little girl

"Yes, I do. You call the doctor right this second.

Anne marched downstairs to the study where Sarah and Charles were eating.

"May I have a word with the two of you in private? Anne asked.

Charles and Sarah looked at each other and sent their donors upstairs.

"What’s wrong Anne? Charles asked.

Do you know what’s wrong with Suzanne?

Charles and Sarah look uncomfortable. "Yes, Anne.

"Why don’t you tell her? She thinks she’s dying.

"Why does she think that? Sarah asked.

"Cancer runs in her family.

I didn’t know that. Sarah said.

"Anne there’s nothing wrong with her that ten days worth of penicillin won’t cure. Charles mumbled

"So she has an infection, why didn’t you just tell her?

"Anne it’s a…..

Charles. Sarah warned.

"Anne it’s an embarrassing infection. Charles said.

"How can an infection be embarrassing? Anne asked. Ohhhh. Well, that’s none of my business. But one of you needs to tell her."

"Mother, we didn’t want to embarrass her by letting her know we knew. This way she goes to the doctor and everything will be fine."

But she’s terrified.

"She should be terrified. Charles said. She could have gotten a lot more serious diseases.

"Charles, I watch the news. Anne said. That’s why I think you should be the one to tell her.

"Why me?

"Because you’re right she will be embarrassed. Charles the girls think the world of you. If the doctor tells her and she thinks you don’t know what she had and it’s cured in a few days she’ll think she got away with something. If you tell her she’ll be embarrassed and take it seriously.

"Why can’t Sarah do it? Charles asked

"Because Suzanne’s a crier and Sarah will pat her on the head an say poor baby. You can be firm.

Charles tried a different approach. "It’s none of my business Anne.

"Their general health is none of your business! You just get another chicken from the hen house. I’m so disappointed in you Charles." Anne stood up and headed for the front door.

"Anne. Anne! I’ll go up and talk to Suzanne.

"I knew I could count on you Charles. Anne stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.

Sarah stood by the door and waved her mother inside.

"Mother, you were very hard on Charles.

"He needs to do the right thing.

"Mother you said you were disappointed in him.

"Sarah I tell you when I’m disappointed in you.

"Yeah, but he’s not....

Not what?

"Your son.

Anne blinked in surprise. "I suppose you’re right. I should remember my place.

"Charles really loves you. Sarah said.

"If you think I overstepped Sarah when he comes down, I’ll go home.

I think that’s best.

20 minutes later

Charles came downstairs.

Anne you were right. She was a nervous wreck and when I told her what she did have she almost melted in the floor. I told her not to be embarrassed but be careful. I think I made my point."

"That’s good Charles. I’m tired I’m going to go home.

"Are you sick? Charles asked.

I didn’t sleep well.

"All right. Let me walk you home.

"Charles I can walk twenty feet to my house! Good night!

"Good night Anne.

"Sarah what happened? He asked.

"Charles I told her she was out of line.

"You did what?

"I told her she can’t yell at you like you’re her son.

Charles was annoyed. "Sarah, I’m a big boy. I can handle being yelled at. I would even survive if she got her brush. She can say whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I’m going to bring her back.

He walked passed the pool and knocked on Anne’s door.

"Anne open up!

"I’m going to bed Charles.

"Anne. Let me in.

She opened the door and sighed.

"Come back to the house. Charles said.

"I think I should spend more time here. Sarah thought I crossed a line

"What line? Charles said. We don’t have any lines.

"Sarah reminded me I’m not your mother.

Charles sighed. "Sarah never did like to share. She’s just going to have to learn. We have to teach her. I want you to spend the night with us.

Anne smiled "Charles promise me something. If you think I do cross a line you’ll tell me.

"I won’t promise that Anne.

"Why not?

"You never told me I was wrong when I limited how often you could see your daughter. You never told me I over-stepped when I told you to move to LA. The three of us are pushy. We have to deal with each other."

You’re right. Anne laughed.
Last edited by cassysj on Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1986 Public Service Announcement Forgiveness PG13

Post by francis »

Yeah, the three deserve each other, they compliment each other, they love each other, so they can deal with a little jealousy and pushy-ness and bad behaviour and yelling. Like any other family.
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Re: 1986 Public Service Announcement Forgiveness PG13

Post by cassysj »

They are definitely a family. A little spat here or there doesn't bother them.
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Re: 1986 Public Service Announcement Forgiveness PG13

Post by mitzie »

I love this story! It is so much about family dynamics and how situations are handled. Can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :cheer: :hyper2: :hyper2: :woohoo: :phew: :devil: :giggle: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:
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Re: 1986 Public Service Announcement Forgiveness PG13

Post by cassysj »

Mitzie - Glad you like the family of Charles Sarah and Anne. They do run the gambit of emotions.
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