The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

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The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Charles opened the door and hoped for the best.

Sarah was pacing back and forth but when she heard the key in the door she stopped. Took a glance in the mirror and held her breath. She knew so much depended on this meeting. Charles didn’t approve and if she messed it up…

She ran over as soon as she saw her mother and hugged her tightly. Perhaps a little too tightly because Anne winced in pain.

I’m sorry. Sarah said. I’m so sorry.

It’s all right sweetheart. I’m so happy to see you. She hugged her daughter and Sarah realized she had to hold back a lot of her strength. Charles had told her to be gentle. She knew he was watching every move she made. Strike one!

Anne what would you like to drink? Charles asked.

Gin and orange juice.

Charles brought over Anne’s drink and two glasses for him and Sarah.

Sarah looked horrified. Charles I don’t feel like a Bloody Mary right now. Thank you.

That’s good because it came from Diane.

Sarah was blushing.

Anne asked. You know the names of your ummmm drinks?

Yes Anne. Charles said We have people who willing donate to us. They’re on our payroll.

Charles she doesn’t want to hear about….

That’s wonderful! Anne said. So I don’t have to worry about you suffering a food shortage.

I don’t think Mother needs to see us drink.

It’s in a glass Sarah. Not from the tap.


The tap? Anne asked.

Perhaps another visit. Charles said.

Mother, tell me all the news. What about my friend Linda Morgan?

Linda got married three years ago. She has a son about a year old.

A son? Wow! Janet Garvey?

She got married last year. She’s pregnant.

Marilyn Preston?

She got married four years ago. She has a daughter and one on the way.

All these babies. Sarah said sadly.

Well, I’m sure you and Charles will have a little one of your own soon enough.

Sarah smiled weakly.

Vampires can’t father or carry children Anne. Charles said.

I’m sorry. I didn’t know.

How could you know Mother? He’s just being deliberately cruel.

I’m being honest.

You’re being blunt!

This is a lovely house Sarah. Anne said. You keep a wonderful home.

I don’t keep it. Sarah said annoyed. I’ve never set foot in here before yesterday.

Well it’s beautiful just the same.

Thank you. Sarah said.

Sarah I think dinner is ready. Charles said.

When did you become an expert in Roast Beef?

I can see smoke.

Ohhhh! She ran into the kitchen opened the oven and smoke came pouring out. It’s Ruined! Ruined! Ruined!

Excuse me Anne. Charles said. He went into the kitchen and Anne could swear she heard growling. A few minutes later Charles came out. Anne the food is a little well-done, is that all right or would you prefer I take you to a restaurant?

He won’t take me to a restaurant Mother! Sarah yelled. According to him I can only be around a few people at a time.

I prefer well-done Charles. Anne said. It’s fine.

Anne ate the burned meat, the underdone potatoes and the black biscuits as if she were having dinner at a five star restaurant. They made small talk about books, and current events. Things were actually going well until dessert.

Sarah said. Well, I made this yesterday so it didn’t get burned. She brought out a lemon cake with lemon frosting.

My favorite! Anne said.

Mine too! Sarah said. She cut her mother a piece and realized that she couldn’t eat it. While she hadn’t had any food since she woke up, she was suddenly very angry that she couldn’t taste her lemon cake. This was her grandmother’s recipe and she had grown up with it. Now, all she could do was look at it.

Anne noticed the expression on her daughter’s face. What’s wrong dear?

I can’t. I can’t. There’s so much I can’t do. She picked up the cake and threw it across the room. I can’t cook! I can’t eat cake. I can’t have a baby. There are so many things! Her eyes turned silver and her fangs started to elongate.

Charles jumped up. Anne you need to go to the car immediately.

Anne stood up and started to walk to the door.

No!!!!! Sarah screamed. Mother don’t leave!!!

Anne stopped.

We discussed this Anne. Charles said. Immediately.

Anne opened the door and walked to the car.

Sarah was screaming. Why did you do that? Don’t make her leave! I’m calm.

Sarah you’re not calm.

She started hitting, biting and growling. Charles took the blows but restrained her every time she moved for the door.

Anne heard the noise and thought Charles was hurting Sarah. She ran back to the door but it was locked. She looked in the window and saw Sarah had Charles on the ground and she was punching and biting him. She went back to the car, opened the door and locked it.

Several minutes later Charles came out, opened the door, started the engine and drove away.

Charles, please let me say goodbye.

She’s too upset.

But you’re never going to let me see her again. Please.

He stopped the car. Anne I’m going to be honest with you. This went much better then I expected. I’m willing to try again in a few months if you are.

Anne was very confused. He thought this went well. What did I do to make her so upset?

You didn’t do anything. You’re just human and she hasn’t fully faced what it is to be a vampire.

I’m sorry.

For what? Being human?

I upset her with the baby remark.

That was my fault. I should have told you. I was trying to make her lose control, the fact that she held out so long is really quite remarkable.

Why did you want to sabotage the visit?

If you didn’t see Sarah lose control the first time, you wouldn’t listen to me about danger in the future.

She’s going to be very angry with you.

Not going to be. She’s livid.

Are you all right? I heard noise.

You heard noise while you were disobeying me by getting out of the car?

I thought you were hitting her.

Anne as a husband I would never raise my hand to my wife.

What about as a vampire what did you call it? Sire?

Things between Sires and Fledglings can get volatile.

I guess that’s an answer.

Anne I’m going to ask you some questions. I want you to respond without thinking and I will know if you’re lying.

All right.

Do you want to see Sarah again?


Did what you see today frighten you?


Is Sarah a monster?


Do you still love her?


Anne when she calms down, she’s going to realize how she must have appeared to you. She’ll be worried you think she’s a monster. If your feelings have changed for her let me know. I’ll take the blame for cutting off contact.

No Charles. She’s my baby. I just didn’t take you as seriously as I should have. I won’t make that mistake again.

I’ll have her call you tonight. I hope you stay up late. I may not get her calm before two o’clock in the morning.

Anne laughed. It will probably be three not two.

What makes you say that?

When she was a baby, she woke up for three a.m. feedings. Whenever she had nightmares it was three a.m. When she had colic I had to rock her until three a.m.

You know her well. Anne I think we can make this work.
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Re: The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by francis »

I like this story very much because it deals with the dangerous nature of a fledgling from the outside perspective. Sarah had a temper to begin with, and now it's worse. I really like Anne, she has a lot of understanding.
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Re: The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by cassysj »

The visit would bring stress to Sarah. For it to work her mother needs to keep being patient and listening to Charles.
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Re: The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by AggieVamp »

Oh Cassy, Cassy, Cassy! Have I told you lately I love you? :heart: This is SO good on SO many levels! I can't WAIT for the next installment!
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Re: The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by cassysj »

Aggie - Thank you! I'm enjoying this so much! I'm glad other people are as well.
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Re: The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by allegrita »

Cassy, this visit makes so much sense to me. Poor Sarah--she's going through a lot of what Mick faced. Even though she wanted to be turned, she didn't really know what she was asking for. I'm sure that no one can make an informed decision about something as fundamental and life-changing as becoming a vampire. It kinda reminds me of the blithe way my husband and I decided to have a baby. If we'd had a clue as to the amount of fear, pain, sorrow, anger, and frustration that goes with raising a child, we'd never have done it. And what made it worth all that ? The love we have for our son. :hearts:

I look at becoming a vampire the same way. If you were considering being turned, you'd think about the positive things--staying young and beautiful, never being sick, having strength and endurance, healing quickly...and even though you understood the words when you were warned about things like not being able to taste or eat, having to avoid the sun, possibly injuring those you loved by simply touching them--you couldn't know what it was going to be like until you were there--and it was too late to go back.

Sarah is a very strong, very powerful baby in a woman's body. She has so much to learn... and so many frustrations and sorrows to learn to deal with. But with the love of her husband and her mother, she'll make it through. And she's going to be a great vampire, I can already tell. :rose:
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Re: The Visit PG-13 Part 5 Forgiveness Series

Post by cassysj »

I agree. Sarah really didn't understand all the ramifications of life after turning. It makes you sympathize a little more with Mick since he didn't have a say. Charles knows she's a baby and is being cautious for both women.
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