1969 Sarah's Jealous Part 10 Forgiveness Series PG 13

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1969 Sarah's Jealous Part 10 Forgiveness Series PG 13

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Ring! Ring!

"Good Evening Kostan residence. Sarah said.

"AB Neg put your lord and master on the phone.

"Excuse me. Who shall I say is calling?

"The love of his life, bimbo. Put him on.

"He’s not here right now. Is there a number he can reach you at?

"Tell him Lola will call back sugar.

Sarah went back into the living room where Charles was talking with Mick and Coraline.

"Who was it? He asked.

"The love of your life.

Who? Charles asked

"Some little harlot that thinks it’s all right to call your wife’s home. Sarah picked up a vase and threw it at Charles.

"Coraline maybe we should go. Mick said.

"Oh, no! Sarah yelled. You don’t have to go anywhere. I’m going to New York!

"Sarah calm down.

"Don’t you tell me to calm down! We’ve been living together nine years. Who could have your number if she wasn’t current?

"Sarah I haven’ t been with anyone since you woke up. Charles insisted

"How many were there between 1955 and 60?

"Sarah calm down.

"You unfaithful monster! I’m leaving.

"Sarah wait!

Sarah stormed out of the house, jumps in her car and drives off to the airport.

She books herself on the next flight to New York and seethes.

How dare he cheat on me? The nerve! He’s so lucky to have me!

She arrived six hours later in New York and took a cab to her mother’s house.

She rang the doorbell and when her mother opened the door she burst into tears.

"Mother, Charles is cheating on me!

"Sarah are you sure? He seems to love you so much.

"Some hussy called the house and asked for him.

"Did she ask for him by his current name?

"No but that doesn’t mean anything with vampires.

"Did you give him a chance to explain?

Sarah was crying "There’s nothing to explain. Besides he admitted he was unfaithful.


"By not denying there was anyone when I was asleep

"Sarah! He didn’t know if you would ever wake up.

I wouldn’t have seen anyone.

"You’re not a man. Or 350.

"I don’t care. I hate him! I want a divorce!

"A divorce??? Sarah calm down.

Doorbell rings

"Mother don’t answer it!

"Sarah it could be important.

"It’s Charles. Sarah sulked

"Then it’s definitely important.

"I’m not talking to him! Sarah screamed.

"I’m not leaving him on the front steps! Anne yelled

Sarah storms up to her old bedroom.

"Good evening Anne. Charles said. I’m sorry to disturb you. Is my wife here?

"Yes, she is Charles.

"Your soon-to-be-ex wife! Sarah shouts down.

"Anne may I speak to her please?

"I’ll see if she’ll come down. Have a seat Charles.

Anne walks upstairs. "Sarah he followed you 3,000 miles I think he should be given a chance to explain.


"Five minutes!



I said No! Sarah screamed and started to growl.

Anne stepped back frightened.

Charles came racing upstairs pushed Sarah away from Anne and was snarling and growling.

"You don’t ever growl at her. He yelled. "Not as long as I’m alive.

Let me go! Sarah screamed

"Not unless you’re in control.

Sarah retransitioned. "Mother, I’m sorry. I forgot myself.

"It’s all right Anne said.

"No it’s not Anne. Charles said. He was glaring at Sarah.

"He’s right Mother. It’s not. Do you forgive me?

"Of course I do. Anne gave Sarah a hug. You always did have a temper.

"I’m going to talk to Charles. Sarah whispered.

I think that’s a good idea. Anne whispered back.

"Charles, let’s go downstairs and talk. Sarah said.

"Good night Anne. He said politely.

"Good night.

"Charles that awful woman shouldn’t have called our home. Sarah insisted

"Did she give you a name?


"I haven’t see Lola since 1946.

"How did she know how to get in touch with you?

"We’ve always found each other. She doesn’t know I’m married.

"How old is she?

"At least a hundred years older than me.

"You really aren’t seeing her? Sarah asked


"Charles did you see anyone when I was sleeping?

"Seriously. No. Did I have some dates? Yes.

"Dates that ended in bed?

"One or two.

"Charles, how could you?????

"I didn’t know if you would ever wake up. If I knew for sure that you would someday I’d have waited.

"How many women have you been with?

"I won’t answer that.


"No. I was over 350 years old when I met you, I wouldn’t answer that question if we had met when I really was 25.

There have been that many???

"It doesn’t matter if it’s one or one thousand. It’s not a question a husband should ever answer unless his wife is the first person he’s been with.

"But Charles. I’ve only been with you.

I know.

"Maybe I should be with another or a thousand.

"Then you would be the only one in this marriage who’s been unfaithful. Since you woke up there hasn’t been anyone else. You’re not the first woman I was ever with but I expect you to be the last.

Sarah grinned "Do you really mean that?


"All right. I’ll come home and cancel the divorce.

I’m happy to hear that. Why did you decide to talk to me?

"Because you stopped me with Mother. I scared her Charles. You came up and protected her like she was your family not mine."

She is my family. Charles said.

"That told me you were still my husband.
Last edited by cassysj on Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1969 Sarah's Jealous Part 10 Forgiveness Series PG 13

Post by francis »

Sigh. I love this. Especially the last part.
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Re: 1969 Sarah's Jealous Part 10 Forgiveness Series PG 13

Post by cassysj »

I'm so glad. I figure we had to have the Sarah jealous moment eventually. Charles does know how to handle the women in his life
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Re: 1969 Sarah's Jealous Part 10 Forgiveness Series PG 13

Post by mitzie »

Is Sarah trying to get Charles to leave her or what??!! She's being very rash, not thinking things through and she expects him to have never been with anyone because she hasn't!!!! I love this story and can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :gasp: :dizzy: :devil: :angel: :banghead: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :hyper2: :hyper2:

mitzie :mooncat:
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Re: 1969 Sarah's Jealous Part 10 Forgiveness Series PG 13

Post by cassysj »

Sarah is immature. But she's young both in human and vampire. Charles knows how to get her to listen.
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