An Unexpected Gift- G

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An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by JosefsRose »

Disclaimer. I'm only playing with them. There not mine.

Rating G

An Unexpected Gift

She stood in the nurses office, rethinking what she was doing there. She had done this time and time before, so why was this so different. Sitting, she riffled through the magazines stacked on the table, flicking through them, not really reading them. She glanced nervously around her. People sat all quiet, save a child who played with some blocks. Building them up, them knocking them down again only to start again. The crashing of the bricks seemed loud to her, but not as loud as the beating of her own heart. One by one, the others who were waiting went into there appointments then left. She was the last one, a lone figure sitting in the waiting room. Her head snapped up as a voice called her name. “Miss Turner.” she stood, “Would you like to come through?” She thought about leaving right then. Yet her feet didn’t obey her mind. She found herself walking into the nurses room. “So, tell me why are we doing this. Guillermo never actually told me.”

Beth blushed, “I want to give a friend a gift. Something special, unexpected.” She was once again on the verge of leaving. She was biting her bottom lip, in a nervous gesture.

“Relax, I understand. You can’t exactly go to the Red Cross and ask them. Being a friend of the family so to speak, you need to find other avenues. Well shall we get started?” She had a gentle look on her face, and a small smile. She led Beth over to the table, and patted it. “Jump up Miss Turner.”

“Please call me Beth.” She pushed up on the table and swivelled round. Laying back. “How long have you known about them?” Beth’s curiosity finally go the better of her. It seemed strange to talk to someone who was also in the know.

“Oh since I was 19. A friend took me to a club, and let me in on a secret. At first I baulked her, but soon I was approached. His eyes glowed, and I was intrigued. Well by the end of the night, I was a fresh bite, and never looked back. I only ever had one vamp, and he took care of everything, even putting me through college, and nursing college. I look after the girls who need medical aid.” There was a wistful look in her eyes. “Shall we get started. How much did you want to give?”

“I was thinking two bags. I know that seems a lot, but it’s a big thank you. Can we do that?” She wondered how much blood a person had to loose before it became a problem.

“I can do that, but you’ll have to replace the fluids before you leave here. I have some juice, and crackers.” She crossed to a small trolley and wheeled it over. On it were a few empty blood bags, a cotton ball, and a needle attached to some tubing. Taking Beth’s arm she found the vein, with a practiced skill, and inserted the needle. The other end she connected to a bag. “You’ve done this before, so just relax, and open and close your hand.” Beth followed the instruction, and lay back thinking about her plans for the evening. She was meeting up with Mick. He was going to cook her dinner. She had found out he was quite a good cook, even if he couldn’t taste the food. All too soon the nurse was changing the bag. Slooshing the contents around. “That’s one, and the second’s nearly done. How do you feel?” She checked Beth’s pulse, noting it was strong and steady.

“Just a little light headed, like having one drink too many.” Other than that she felt fine.

“All finished. I’ll pack these up, and get you the juice and crackers. If you stay about thirty minutes after that you should be good to go.” then she was gone, returning with a large glass of juice, and a plate of crackers. Beth sat on the table and ate the crackers. Drinking the juice, to take away the dryness they created. The thirty minutes passed, and with one final check over the nurse told her. “Just take it easy, and drink some liquids. It was nice to meet you Beth.” She handed her a small cooler. With a final smile she turned away.

“Thank you. I think he’ll enjoy this. Tell Guillermo, I said hi.” Then she headed out to her car. She placed the cooler on the floor of the passengers side, the Started up the engine. Taking it carefully, she headed to her destination. Parking in the garage, she headed straight for the elevator. Even as the lift rose, her heart started to beat a little faster. Was she really doing this. She had no time to change her mind as the doors opened. She strode down the hall, the cooler tight in her hand. Her knuckles white with the tension.


“Hi, I er.. I brought you something.” She held out the cooler to him. Shifting on her feet slightly uneasily. “A thank you.” She watched as he opened it. His eyes shifting from the contents to her and back again.

“What can I say, it’s umm…” He swallowed. “It’s an unexpected gift.”

“Why don’t you pour yourself a glass.” She watched him as he crossed to get a glass, pouring some of the dark liquid out. She noted his surprise, at the fact it was still slightly warm. He inhaled the scent. His eyes paling, at the ‘insight’ he got from it. Still saying nothing he took a sip.

“Mmmm, a rare vintage. AO- neg. You really shouldn’t have.” He walked back and sat down on the sofa stretching out like a big cat.

“Like I said. It’s a thank you. For sorting that problem out.” she gave him a smirk. “I’ll see you later.” then she headed back to the elevator.

“Yeah, bye Beth.” she turned, and waved.

“Yeah bye Josef.” and the doors closed.
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by cassysj »

Well she did owe Josef a gift for taking care of business. I really liked it! It was a surprise.
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by wpgrace »

Josef scores again! :evillaugh: Lovely Sweetie!
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

Wow, I wasn't expecting that ending! I was picturing Mick, but I should have been clued when he seemed nonchalant about it initially. Great work!!!!!! :hearts:
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by francis »

That was unexpected. That it was Josef, I mean. But it makes sense. She wouldn't let him drink directly from her, but giving him her precious blood would actually be one thing that he can't buy himself. And she has a big thankyou to make for the Foster case.
Well done!
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by librarian_7 »

I like this. And it's very much something Beth would think to do.

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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by redwinter101 »

I agree with Lucky - this is SO Beth...

And I'm sure Josef appreciated it. :snicker:


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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

You got me!!
Love our feisty, brave Beth.
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by RangerCM »

How original! Very nice surprise. Had me the whole way through. I'm just loving this challenge, today!
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by allegrita »

This is wonderful--a very appropriate gift for Beth to give to Josef, but one he wouldn't have expected. I like this, JosefsRose!
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by PNWgal »

I LIKED this. Beth dropping off a little thank-you for Josef after helping her "deal" with that slimy Foster.

Good job!

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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by jenstc2003 »

This is SOOO like Beth! I love it!


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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I wasn't expecting that ending at all! This was great!
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by eris »

Why do I get the feeling Josef would consider that a down-payment more than a gift? :whistle: Nice one :thumbs:
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Re: An Unexpected Gift- G

Post by MoonlitRose »

Now that was a gift that only Beth could give! I was so expecting it to be Mick! Great surprize! :thumbs: :curtesy: :hug:
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