FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 18----Housebreaking, Part 2.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure, featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Guillermo, Logan, Talbot, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘sealed the deal’ and became lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! He also shares ‘The List’ with Mick and Josef.) Borrows, with her kind permission, the original character of ‘Karl’ from Eris’ many fine FanFics.

OK? Ready? Here we go again!

Beth was awakened by hunger gnawing at her belly. Her sapphire eyes slid open. She was still laying on her side in front of the Newbie Suite’s gas fireplace. She remained still for a moment, scenting the air around her…….Mick was here somewhere, his rich earthy musk filled the space. She remembered him saying he was going to crash in the freezer in the other room.

What time was it? And was she still a wolf???? She slowly brought one hand up in front of her face, flexing her fingers. Yeah…..still a wolf…..a large, hand-like forepaw greeted her, each stubby finger tipped with a creamy talon-like claw. She sent up a silent prayer that she wasn’t going to be stuck in this form from now on.

So……looked like it would be raw venison for breakfast, instead of steak and eggs. Sighing, she rolled to all fours and shook herself vigorously. That whole shaking thing did feel awfully good…..no wonder dogs did it all the time! Glancing at the tall grandfather clock in the corner, she saw it was 10 o’clock. Morning or night? She stood still and listened.

She could hear Mick’s blood flowing through his veins in the next room, but no movement from him. It appeared he was sleeping……so it must be morning.

She strained her ears further…..trying to hear outside the Suite. Josef had said it was soundproof, and the Cleaner had said it was underground……but as she focused hard, she found she could begin to hear faint things beyond the walls, and above her……. She heard something moving through soil…..bugs…gophers? She heard a car motor shut off, and someone, presumably a woman, got out and walked with echoing steps in high heeled shoes. Click-click-click….. The underground garage? She must be close to that area. She cocked her head and listened harder…….. She could hear the faint sound of pots and pans clattering, dishes clinking…..the kitchen? Her stomach growled. She heard the laughter of women…..freshies?....…and the soft mew of a cat? What was a cat doing in Josef’s house? She blinked, puzzled, but this was kind of fun…….so she ignored her hunger alittle longer and continued to strain her ears to their limit, hearing the faint sounds of the house above her, grinning at each new trace she picked up. She heard the soft sound of a man snoring. Hmmmm…..vampires didn’t snore…..this had to be a human visitor in the house. She wondered who he might be…… She caught the music of birds singing outside……beautiful……….

Her stomach grumbled loudly, demanding her attention. She stopped listening to the house and headed for the fridge.

Pulling the fridge door open with one curved claw, her jaws gaped wide and she leaned inside. Her finger-sized fangs sank deep into the chilled deer carcass that had been left for her earlier by Josef’s maids. Bless them!

She pulled it effortlessly out onto the tile floor and dropped it there, pushing the fridge door closed again with her nose. Beth made an effort to be alittle tidier this time….. She wanted to keep the mess confined to a smaller area of tile….hoping to make things easier on the maids who would come to clean up after her. She daintily tore the plastic sheeting off the carcass, setting it aside…….and then settled down onto the floor, hunkering down over her meal.

With a full tummy, and freshly rinsed off in the shower, the graceful golden she-wolf that was Beth quietly padded into the Suite’s bedroom. She stood for a moment, gazing fondly at Mick as he slept soundly in his freezer case, oblivious to her attention. Her half-tail waved slowly back and forth.

She sighed, feeling sleepy again, and turned towards the plush king-sized bed. The silky fur on her muzzle, chest, and forelegs was still damp from rinsing off, but she had done a pretty good job of toweling herself dry.

Beth climbed wearily onto the bed. She worried a bit about being so tired, and so hungry, all the time……but Josef had said it was normal for a ‘puppy’….. and she trusted Josef……. She trusted that he knew a lot about werewolves, and wouldn’t steer her wrong.

The bed’s frame groaned under her weight…..having not been built for occupants the size of grizzly bears…....but it held. She turned in a circle a few times before settling down with a sigh of satisfaction. She glanced at the clock on the wall……11 o’clock in the morning. She hoped against hope that she would awaken to find herself back in her human form the next time. She curled into a ball and tucked her nose under the tip of her fluffy tail. Her large deep blue eyes slid shut and she was asleep again in a few seconds.

The first thing Ben Talbot became aware of was the heavenly aroma of freshly baked cookies. Still half-asleep, he smiled……his mom used to bake cookies all the time, when he was a kid. He missed home……he missed Boston…..he missed his family.

The soft couch beneath him was his next awareness…..followed by the sound of a plate being set down on a counter, and an oven door being opened. Ahhhh…..cookies……chocolate chip, he thought. Then another thought intruded…………..

Mick’s teeth! Mick had been growling at him again! He had hurt Mick’s feelings! Stupid! Stupid! A dark room, a lone round window…….and……BETH?! A huge golden wolf!? What the hell!!!!

Ben sat straight up, gasping, and pulling the afghan blanket around himself like a shield. His eyes were wide…..darting the room…..where was he?!

“Whoa there sport!”, came a familiar female voice, “Relax…..you’re safe. It’s Okay.”

Ben blinked and focused on the speaker. Simone stood on the other side of a counter that separated the family room area from the kitchen. She was smiling at him, and with oven mitts in place, she was setting a cookie sheet, fresh from the oven, on a thick wooden cutting board. “Simone? What are you doing here?”, Ben was incredulous.

“Baking cookies!” Simone laughed. “Want some? Chocolate chip, my own secret family recipe…..you’ll love them!” The willowy brunette pulled open a drawer and rummaged in it for a spatula.

Ben attempted to recover some of his dignity. He finger-combed his hair and swung his legs down to put his stocking feet on the floor and slip his loafers back on. He knew Simone from Court, from arguing across tables in his Office, or at the Jail, or in Court itself. She was an awesome Defense Attorney, and he dreaded having to face her in Court, but he liked her as a person, and respected her obvious intelligence. He rubbed his face, and tried to decide how to phrase his next question.

“So”, he began, “I take it…because you’re baking cookies in Kostan’s house…..that you….uhm……know?”

Simone flashed a grin at him as she carefully moved cookies from the cookie sheet to a nearby plate with the spatula. “Yes….I’ve known for a long time now. Welcome to the club, Ben! Although, I hear your introduction was alittle rough.”, her brow creased in sympathy, and her smile became a nervous one, “Sorry about that…… It happens that way sometimes. But you’re Okay now.”

Talbot shook his head. Yeah….I’m just peachy! Never better! Vampires are real, one damn near drained me, and now my Investigative Assistant is a werewolf! He didn’t say any of that out loud. “So….really…..Why are you here now, Simone?”

“Josef called me……told me what happened to Beth.”, her brow creased again, this time in deep concern, “I’m here in a moral support capacity. Most of Josef’s freshies are pretty freaked out by Beth’s…….. condition. They’re all afraid she’ll go Big Bad on them at some point. It’s daytime, so Josef and most of his staff are still down for the day. And that leaves a house full of nervous freshies and support staff…….hence the moral support from me……..and the cookies! There is nothing that a good chocolate chip cookie can’t fix!”

Simone flashed the million-watt smile she was so famous for in Court……many a Judge had melted in front of that high-caliber smile. Many a Juror, too. It just wasn’t fair.

Ben pushed himself to his feet and ambled towards the counter, eyeing the plate of fresh-from-the- oven chocolate chip cookies. He pulled up a bar-style swivel chair and sat at the counter, shamelessly reaching for a cookie. He figured he deserved one.

Beth jolted awake, lifting her head quickly and looking around. Mick was still asleep in his freezer case. She glanced at the ornately carved clock on the wall………..5 o’clock…..and since Mick was still sleeping, that meant it was 5 in the afternoon. It was summertime, so she knew it wouldn’t be dark for hours yet.

She didn’t bother to wonder if she was still a wolf. It was readily apparent that she was……she could feel her shape…..her own sheer size. She sighed……why didn’t she change back? Was something wrong with her? What if she was stuck this way forever? Tears threatened……her deep sapphire eyes beginning to brim and shine. Her tall triangular ears drooped slightly, and a soft whine escaped her throat.

Then the hunger washed over her……almost as strong as her initial hunger had been. She flinched…… Evidently, she hadn’t yet paid off that ‘metabolic debt’ Josef was always going on about.

She uncurled herself and stepped off of the king-size bed. She glanced once at Mick, only to have her lupine body respond in a most unpleasant way….. her stomach clenching and growling. She looked away from him quickly and bolted out of the bedroom.

The huge golden she-wolf trotted down the hallway to the Suite’s kitchen. Rounding the end of the breakfast bar, she skidded to a halt at the sight of the pile of deer bones left over from her mid-morning snack. Oh no……the maids hadn’t been here……they hadn’t re-stocked her! What now!? She checked the fridge, just in case……..empty.
Desperation washed through her…….oh lord…..oh lord……what now?

Beth began to pace back and forth in the Suite’s large living room…….a 700 pound golden wolf whipping back and forth, like an animal in the zoo. The gas fireplace was still burning, but it brought no comfort now.

Beth’s pacing tightened, growing closer and closer to the Lexan bubble window. Her stomach rumbled and clenched in fierce hunger……and her thoughts began to drift, disturbingly, to the handsome vampire asleep in the next room. It wasn’t romance that filled her thoughts of him now………… She cringed.

This must be what it was like for Mick……when I was human, Beth thought. The wanting me…..loving me…..but wanting me as food at the same time. It’s horrible!!! No wonder he was scared to be near me all the time! No wonder he was always so careful!

The speed of the golden wolf’s pacing accelerated, and she began to eye both the Lexan bubble and the sally-port doors. Which one would be the least amount of damage? She had to get out of here!

Josef’s face popped into her frantic mind……Stay….he had said……Stay!......she couldn’t stay!.....She had to get out of here…..Now!

She remembered the Intercom panel and headed for it…..trying to push the correct buttons with her now oversized short fingers. She ended up crushing the panel in her haste, the button for the kitchen impaled on one creamy white claw…..being pulled free of the panel…..the smell of ozone filling the air as the panel sparked and burned out. Shit!!!!!!

Beth snarled softly in mounting frustration. Her jaws opened slightly, long conical fangs glinted. Her thoughts once again drifting to the vampire asleep in the next room……so easy……there for the taking, like pheasant under glass……all that energy……all that power…….he smelled wonderful!

The beautiful golden wolf yelped and stumbled backward into the wall, horrified by her own thoughts..…..Okay….that’s it……I’m leaving this room NOW! She returned her focus to escape. It didn’t matter anymore that Josef might be angry with her……. She was sure any damage would be balanced against his friend, and her lover, still being in one piece tomorrow.

Her large sapphire blue eyes flicked back and forth between the sally-port doors and the Lexan window. Yeah…..the sally-port doors would be expensive…..there was a lot of machinery involved there. The Lexan window was the better option.

She approached the Lexan bubble, protruding into the room as it did. She sat in front of it and rocked back onto her haunches.

Okay…..careful…..do as little damage as possible……

What was she going to do once she was out? She had no idea……..she only knew that the consequences of remaining in this room were unacceptable…..with nothing to eat but Mick. Josef had said that leaving the Newbie Suite prematurely could be disastrous…….not as disastrous as remaining here with Mick……..

Beth took hold of the Lexan bubble with her clawed hand-like forepaws. She gripped……and her claws skittered off of the Lexan, leaving long scratches in its surface. Tough stuff! Beth repositioned, and this time, she sunk her claws into the Lexan, plunging deep, gripping……. Then she began to pull.

The frame of the Lexan bubble, not the Lexan itself, began to give……groaning and cracking……sheetrock dust filtered down to the floor……2x4’s split…….steel bent…...slowly…..ever so slowly……the Lexan bubble began to come free of its frame in the wall.

Beth rocked the Lexan bubble back and forth…..working it free of its frame-work. With one final snap and jerk…..it was loose…..just like pulling a tooth. She lifted the bubble away from the wall and gently set it down on the living room floor……hoping Josef wouldn’t be too angry with her.

With one backward glance towards the bedroom, the golden she-wolf plunged through the opening left behind by the Lexan bubble’s removal. It was a surprisingly tight fit….....Beth worked her shoulders through, and then her hips. She hesitated for a moment, standing in the tiny antechamber……. Dreading what she might find at the top of the stairs……. Perhaps a well-arm contingent of Josef’s guards…..ready to blast her to pieces with a hail of silver bullets? It didn’t matter……. She had no choice. There was no going back.

Ben and Simone were laughing, smiling, and talking alittle bit of shop, over warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies in the freshie’s family room kitchen. The young ADA was finally beginning to feel relaxed for the first time in many days. He took a big gulp from a glass of frosty cold milk, washing down those cookies.

“So?”, Talbot asked casually, “How long have you known? How did you find out?”

Simone smiled, chewing a cookie, and started to answer, when she suddenly froze, looking past Ben. Her eyes widened very slightly, but her smile remained……like someone who had just spotted a deer outside their kitchen window.

Beth climbed the stairs slowly, cautiously. Her nose told her there were no vampires up there……but she still expected Josef’s Security troop to open up on her at any moment. She stepped lightly onto the landing.

The familiar fragrance of chocolate chip cookies greeted her. She stood for a moment, taking everything in…….hey!......There was Simone! …… And Ben!

Simone was looking right at her. Ben had his back to her. They were both eating cookies.

This was some kind of family room…..so cozy…...

“Ben…..”, Simone said softly, “Don’t move…..and stay calm……no matter what. Follow my lead.”

“What?” Ben asked, confused.

“Hi Beth!”, Simone said brightly, “How are you? Want a cookie?”

Beth was here?! Awesome! She must have changed back and been let out, Ben thought. He started to turn around to face the stairs.

Beth stepped forward, towards the intoxicating smell of fresh cookies, and the welcoming invite of a good friend…….. but also towards the fragrance of meat coming from just on the other side of the little cozy kitchen area.

Ben swiveled in his seat at the breakfast bar, expecting to see human Beth standing there, perhaps in a bathrobe, smiling at him…….

He found himself up close and personal with an elk-sized golden wolf! She was eye-level with him….gazing at him with huge blue eyes….an impossibly deep shade of sapphire….. The she-wolf cocked her head slightly……..looking perplexed by his reaction to her…….

The wolf looked even more confused when Talbot jerked away and toppled over backwards, barstool and all, crashing to the floor…..his long legs and arms flailing akimbo…….

“Ben! Damnit!”, Simone said, “Keep still!”

Beth didn’t know what to make of this……..Ben had suddenly thrown out his arms and legs, yelped loudly, and tipped his chair over, going to the floor, flailing……… She flinched…..leaning away from him……

Then his scent hit her…….the fear……..he smelled like prey! The golden wolf growled softly, showing the tips of huge teeth, and stepped towards the human on the floor. He responded by scrabbling away from her……trying to escape……Prey!!!!

The golden she-wolf lowered her head and snarled……her jaws opened slightly, fang tips showing…..as she crept towards the man on the floor. He was terrified…..he smelled like prey……and she was tremendously hungry! He was an easy kill……one well placed snap……that was all it would take…… She saw his eyes, deep brown and wide with terror……


The golden she-wolf paused……

“Beth! Here Beth!”

The golden she-wolf turned her head and focused on the source of the call. A woman with long light brown hair was waving an object at her……the she-wolf knew this object…..it was a…….cookie?

Simone leaned across the counter, holding a chocolate chip cookie in one hand, and stretching towards Beth. This was crazy…..she knew it. She was balanced across the counter…..her belly on the countertop…..and her upper torso reaching out through open space towards a gigantic predator that could rip her in half as an afterthought. But…..Simone didn’t think Beth would do that…….. She understood her friend was in the grip of powerful instincts right now……. But she believed that Beth didn’t want to hurt anyone either.

Ben had seen the change his own behavior had caused in the enormous wolf that he knew was Beth…..but he couldn’t stop himself…… he had just been so startled.

When he first turned, expecting to see the Beth he was familiar with, and instead found himself looking into a huge pair of deep sapphire eyes……. The golden wolf’s expression was calm, curious, and friendly. He had jolted backwards away from the animal anyway, and tipped over, crashing to the floor…… That was when he saw a marked change in the wolf. Her expression became intense, her ears pricked forward, orienting on him. He saw her nostrils flare as she scented the air. He heard her growl, and saw her step towards him……

Ben knew he needed to freeze, needed to control his fear, but he couldn’t……he appeared to be operating on instinct too……just like this predator whose paychecks he signed. He scrambled backwards across the floor, in what he knew was a futile attempt to escape…..but again…..he couldn’t seem to stop himself. How come he kept ending up in the crosshairs of supernatural predators with self-control issues??? First Mick…..now Beth………. He couldn’t seem to keep himself off the damn menu!

Predictably, his attempt to scramble away from her only egged the wolf on. He saw her jaws start to open……my what big teeth you have, grandma……and her snarl deepened, as she stalked after him.

Then, to Ben’s horror, he saw Simone grab a cookie and throw herself across the counter top, balancing on her belly and extending the cookie in her hand towards the huge wolf! He heard Simone calling to Beth, and saw the golden wolf stop her advance on him and swing her head towards the slender brunette.

Beth starred for a moment at Simone, confused,…….then, with her predatory focus broken…..she remembered…..who she was…..what she was……….what she wanted most to avoid doing……and what she had nearly done…… The golden she-wolf whimpered softly and hung her head, sapphire eyes once again beginning to brim with tears. She turned and looked back at Ben, who was still laying on the floor in front of her, but had, at least, stopped trying to crawl away from her.

“I’m sorry, Ben…..really sorry…”, Beth said softly, “I hope I still have a job…..but if you need to fire me for this, I’ll understand.” Ben blinked at her in stunned silence.

Without waiting for an answer, Beth turned back towards Simone, who was still bravely holding a cookie out to her. She moved slowly towards Simone, her ears drooping slightly, her head and tail held low. Simone kept perfectly still.

Beth stretched her powerful neck out and gingerly reached her muzzle towards the offering. Simone pushed the cookie to the tips of her fingers. Beth opened her mouth just alittle and gently took the cookie from Simone’s fingertips, using only her lips. She then flipped the cookie back into her jaws with a toss of her head, chewing and swallowing the morsel quickly. “Thanks Simone.”, Beth said quietly, and Simone knew her friend wasn’t referring to the cookie.

“Anytime, Beth.” Simone smiled.

The golden she-wolf lifted her muzzle again, scenting the air, suddenly distracted. Ben’s eyes widened, but Simone gave him a don’t-you-freaking-move look, and he remained motionless on the floor. Simone slowly slid down from the counter to stand on the floor, and watched as Beth followed her nose, literally, through the small freshie kitchen to the large stainless steel swinging doors that led to the main kitchen. Beth nosed the doors opened and disappeared inside.

Once the doors swung shut behind the golden wolf, Simone motioned at Ben to get up, and he did so. He stood slowly, brushing himself off, and straightening his clothing.

“Thanks.” Ben said simply.

“No problem,” Simone replied, “and don’t you dare fire her!”, she added, glaring at Ben.

“She didn’t eat me. What’s to fire her for?” Ben grinned. He nodded towards the swinging steel doors where Beth had gone. “What’s in there?”

“The big kitchen…..the main one.”, Simone answered quietly, looking decidedly anxious, “It’s where the meat locker is…….that’s what she smells. Cross your fingers.”

“Why?” Ben was confused. Wasn’t it a good thing that Beth was tracking down the supply of raw meat that she was supposed to be eating?

An angry shout, in what sounded like French, answered that question…..followed by a crashing and banging that sounded like someone throwing pots and pans at a wall.

Beth slipped quietly through the swinging steel doors, drawn by the heavenly scent of fresh meat……lots of it…..coming from somewhere in this room. She glanced quickly around herself. She was in a very large professional-looking kitchen. No one appeared to be around right now, but the scent of humans hung in the air. Everything was covered in stainless steel, and spotlessly clean. Pots and pans hung from hooks above several cooking islands.

Her nose directed her to a large steel door off to the far right side of the room. She trotted over to it, her talon-like claws clicking softly on the polished floor beneath her large paws. Using one claw, she pulled the door’s handle and it opened smoothly. Inside was a well-behaved werewolf’s dream……numerous cleaned carcasses hung from hooks in the locker’s ceiling. Beth stepped inside just far enough to clamp her jaws around a nice fat deer. She lifted it off its hook and began to back out of the meat locker. That was when the shouting started……………

It sounded like French…..but Beth wasn’t sure. Then something bounced off her rump and clattered to the floor. What the hell?! Beth finished backing out of the meat locker and swung to face her attacker, deer carcass firmly gripped in her jaws…….she wasn’t about to give it up!

A short, pudgy, middle-aged man in a chef’s outfit stood there waving a frying pan in her direction and ranting at her…… yeah…..she was pretty sure it was French. His scent was filled with indignation, but no fear. The rotund little chef threw the frying pan at her…..she dodged it…..astonished, the venison carcass swinging from her jaws.

The frying pan impacted the wall behind her and then joined its comrade on the floor. This certainly wasn’t the nice chef who had brought her breakfast the other day!

Abruptly, the angry little chef switched to heavily-accented broken English. “You out of my kitchen now! You with your fur and paws! Out! I cook for humans in here! You not allowed!” He grabbed another pot down from a hook above him and hurled it at Beth.

Beth dodged it and bolted for the doors, her long claws skittering on the polished floor. The pot crashed into a row of gleaming utensils, knocking half of them loose, and resulting in a cascade of clanging as they tumbled to the floor.

Ben and Simone stood gaping in silence at the shouting and crashing coming from inside the main kitchen. At least there was no screaming or snarling, Ben thought. That was good.

The swinging steel doors burst open and the huge golden wolf galloped through carrying a cleaned animal carcass in her jaws like a shoplifter fleeing the scene. Her sapphire eyes were wide, and her expression was clearly one of surprise.

Once back in the freshie family room, Beth spun to face the kitchen doors, breathing hard, her expression shifting to anger. Her eyes blazed, but she was unwilling to put down her venison.

The little French chef stormed out after her, brandishing yet another very large frying pan. “You not come back in here til you on two legs! Four legs and fur not allowed!”

Beth’s upper lip lifted above her venison in a snarl that rumbled from deep in her chest.

“Oh?! You wanting more of this?!” The chef waved the frying pan at the elk-sized golden wolf. “No back-talk from you! Now get!”

Beth turned and bolted for a sliding glass door that led to one of the many outdoor patio areas on the estate’s grounds. Problem was……the door was closed.

The golden she-wolf hit the glass door going full-tilt and crashed through it like it wasn’t there, turning sharply left and disappearing with her venison still clamped tightly in her jaws.

Simone gasped and, after throwing the little chef a searing glare, she ran after Beth. Ben ran after Simone. Once outside, they both looked frantically around, but there was no sign of Beth. She was already out of sight.

Simone turned and stormed back inside, Ben trailing behind her. Simone immediately turned on the French chef. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”, she yelled, “Now she’s loose and it’s your fault!”

The little chef chuckled and shook his head, “She was already loose.”, he replied in his thick French accent, his English broken, “I change nothing. Dem Lupe Garous…..you must be firm with them when puppies…..or they walk all over you later, no? She not go far……she be fine.” He turned and went back into the kitchen, the doors swinging shut behind him.

Ben and Simone watched him go and exchanged glances. Now what? Simone wondered if she should wake Josef. Ben wondered if he should wake Mick…………..Oh shit! Mick!!!

Ben suddenly gasped out loud. Simone looked at him, “What?”

“Mick! He was down there with Beth!” Ben turned and bolted down the stairs to the Newbie Suite.

“Beth wouldn’t hurt Mick!”, Simone called after him, but he was gone, and clearly not listening. She sighed, and tried to decide if she should wake Josef, or Karl……or if she should just go out looking for Beth on her own? After all, the vamps would have a hard time looking for her while it was still daylight.

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, Ben stopped and stood in the antechamber of the Newbie Suite, collecting himself……bracing himself for what he might see. With one final deep breath to steady his nerves, Ben approached the gaping hole were the bubble window had been this morning. He stepped cautiously through the opening and stood still in the living room. The fireplace was still burning. Beth had been asleep there this morning.

Ben proceeded across the spacious room, heading for the hallway that he had seen Mick go down this morning. Something caught his eye in the little kitchen area……something on the floor. He paused, and then inched closer, peeking over the breakfast bar. He gasped and looked away……..

Surely that couldn’t be………..?

Steeling himself, he stepped around the end of the breakfast bar and looked full upon the little kitchen’s floor. A pile of bones, sticky with dried blood, greeted him. There was a folded stack of plastic sheeting beside it. Ben let out a sigh of relief……….. The bones did not look human. It looked like some kind of animal. And Ben doubted Mick would have been wrapped in a plastic sheet…..but who knew? He was learning that vampires were very weird.

Fairly certain that the remains on the floor were not those of Mick St John, Ben turned and headed down the hallway. He passed a large bathroom and peeked inside……nothing. Continuing down the hall, he stepped into the doorway of a very large, well appointed master bedroom.

Off to his left, Ben saw what looked like an extraordinarily large walk-in closet with ornate double doors that had been left standing open.

Inside this…..closet……was a glass case. And inside the glass case…..apparently a freezer…..was Mick. Naked as the day he was born…...but still in one piece.

Ben sagged against the bedroom’s door frame in relief, letting out a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding until that moment. He scrubbed his face and looked around the room, noticing that the covers on the bed were disturbed in a large round pattern, and guessed that Beth had probably curled up there to sleep at some point. He chuckled…… his dog used to do the same thing when he was a kid……drove his mom crazy.

He glanced back at Mick, sleeping in his glass freezer. He was fine…..one less thing to worry about. Ben suddenly felt creepy……. watching another man sleep in the nude. He turned and left, stepping back out through the hole in the wall, and heading up the stairs.

Beth ran full-out at racehorse speed along the side of Josef’s huge house. She carried her prize in her jaws, but she was outside! And it was still broad daylight! What if someone saw her!?

Josef didn’t have any close neighbors. All the estates around here had expansive grounds. But, people being the way they are, Beth was pretty sure at least one of Josef’s neighbors made a habit of trying to spy on him, with a telescope, probably. Every member of Josef’s Harem was stunningly beautiful, with figures like swimsuit models, and they lounged around the many hot tubs and pools on the property on a daily basis, often in the nude. Yeah…..some idly rich guy would undoubtedly try to entertain himself by watching the ceaseless parade of buxom beauties. Which meant someone could just as easily see her……a giant golden wolf, running around outside with a deer in her mouth.

She needed to find cover before she could settle down and eat. She wondered how angry Josef would be about that sliding glass door? Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind the extra damage…..in light of the fact that his fat French chef was still alive. She had to get away from that mean little man because she had wanted very much to kill him.

She careened around a corner, her large paws kicking up chunks of turf and soil in her wake. She spotted a walled patio area coming up ahead. Perfect. She bounded over the ivy-covered wall and landed beside a hot tub, outside a suite of some sort. She didn’t care……it was shelter from the possibly prying eyes of Josef’s neighbors, and she needed to eat her deer……NOW!

The golden wolf settled down between the hot tub and a tasteful patio furniture arrangement. She gratefully ripped off a chunk of venison and gulped it down without bothering to chew. She saw a shadow of movement inside the suite, but ignored it, ripping off another chunk of venison and bolting it down.

When Ben Talbot walked back into the freshie family room area, Simone was still there, pacing back and forth, and repeatedly moving to the shattered sliding glass door to peer outside.

She looked back at him as he approached. “I’m not sure what to do…..”, she fussed. Ben was not accustomed to seeing the lovely young defense attorney so clearly unsure of herself. It was unsettling. She looked at him imploringly. “It’s too early to wake the vamps. Would you help me look for Beth?”

Before Ben could answer, Heather swept into the room, a look of extreme irritation on her aristocratic features. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at both Simone and Ben, as if they had done something terrible.

“Would someone please explain to me why there is a big yellow werewolf eating a deer beside my private hot tub?”
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

Oh, I love this story so much and this chapter did not disappoint!! I love all the details you put into this about what Beth is feeling and her instinctive reactions from being a wolf and how she tries to sort things through in her mind. Ooh, I wanted to hit that nasty chef with one of his own pans!!!! :banghead: Poor Beth, with all the sensory input she must be feeling :dizzy: at this point!!!! Can't wait for more of this story... :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :cheer: :cheer: :heart: :slappy: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hearts: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :rose:


P.S. Loved the last line from the freshie! :coffee:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks so much, Mitzie! :hug:
Your feedback is soooooo encouraging to my muse! I'm so glad you're enjoying my story! :yahoo:
Oh, and the last line from the freshie? Heather isn't a freshie anymore. :whistle: She's the elegant 50-something former freshie who is now the Harem Manager. She lives in the estate full-time because she must ride herd on Josef's 100-plus girl Harem, handling the logistics and rotation assignments, etc.... (See Chapter 5).
Anyway....Thanks so much for your enthusiastic support! :rose: I really appreciate it! :MickBeth:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by redwinter101 »

Very nice, Lions. It seems like Beth is starting to get some control over her new nature. I especially loved how she has gained a new appreciation for what Mick goes through - loving her, but wanting her blood. Lovely.


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by coco »

Excellent lions :clapping:

Nice to see Beth finding things a little easier now :biggrin:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Red and Coco! :ghug:
Your feedbacks are so important to me! :rose: Yes....our lovely golden she-wolf is slowly starting to gain more control over her new nature. :thumbs:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Oh my gosh, Lions, your imagination never ceases to amaze me. I love watching what Beth goes through, learning how to cope, how to use her strength, and gain dexterity with her paws... she's learning not to make messes and how to clean herself. And she's even learning not to attack things that act soooo much like prey. (Stupid Ben.) LOVED the chef. He reminds me of the chef in "The Little Mermaid" who sings that wonderful "Le Poisson" song...

Simone is wonderful. Bless her for her quick wits. I hope werewolves don't have that problem with chocolate that dogs have, though...eek! But back to Simone--she is brave and kind, and fast on her feet--no wonder Josef likes her. (A lot.) I think Ben is starting to get a new appreciation for Simone...uh oh, Josef might need to introduce our ADA Talbot to the Tar Pits if he's not careful. :snicker:

I loved Talbot's unease with watching a sleeping nude Mick. Hmm...for some reason, I don't think I'd have that same unease. Perhaps I'm just more, uh... (Yeah, Allegrita--we all know what you are.) :drool: :heart:

Another fun, exciting, and interesting chapter!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Alle! :hug:
I just LOVE your feedback! You are such a hoot, girlfriend! :rose: And always a inspiration to me! :notworthy:
Thanks so much for reading my story, and for taking the time to post your wonderful feedback! :smooch:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


I suppose we were due for some kind of mishap. Really, it is due to insufficient planning. When one meal is eaten, the next one should be put in place so there is no need for Beth to get creative in satisfying her hunger but at least she is in the best possible place. Everyone around her understands the situation.

I hope everyone emerges from this current situation with all their skin (or fur) in place.

Thanks, Lions


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks, Jen! :hug:
Yup.....things were just going too well! :snicker: Murphy's Law....something had to go wrong....and improvising on the fly had to become necessary. :giggle: Isn't that always the way life goes? :rolling:
Seems to in my life at least. :snicker:
Thanks for reading and leaving feedback!
Lions :mooncat:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


:bump: :bump: :bump:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

This is what happens when you don't plan ahead.

If they just had the venison carcass that Beth needed in the fridge, she wouldn't have had to remodel the newby suite and terrorize Ben. Simone thinks on her feet and demonstrates a lot of courage.

Loved Heather's reaction to Beth being out. It is a disruption of the order of the house and that is not good.

Thank you!


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

I never cease to be amazed with how they react to the impossible in Casa Kostan. I guess when the deal with vampires on a regular basis, werewolves added to the mix is no huge step.

Thank you

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT--Ch 18--Housebreaking, Part 2. (PG-13)

Post by francis »

Gosh, you're writing this story both entertaining and funny, and absolutely gobsmacking and frightening. Beth has so much power and yet tries to do no harm. Love how Simone offered her a cookie. :snicker:
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