Vengeance is Mine Alone

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Vengeance is Mine Alone
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A very evil spirit comes back to Los Angles to kill Josef Kostan :eek2:

August in California was a very hot one this year and not too many people were running about. Health alerts went out daily and cooling stations were set up so the elderly and the poor could find some much-needed air-conditioned relief!
Marcelle LaRoux was a tall stunning African American model very much in demand everywhere. You couldn't turn on the television or open up a magazine without seeing her beautiful face smiling back at you. It was Bridgett that made Josef aware of the young beauty.
"Good heavens!" Bridgett said as she opened her issue of Vogue Czeck Republic and saw the beautiful young woman on the inside.
"Really honey, you'll have to watch your language." Josef joked noticing once again that his love never uttered a foul word in her life as he walked over towards her.
"Holy shit! Who is that?!" Josef said staring at the photograph of the beautiful young woman.
"That is supermodel Marcelle LaRoux, and she is worth the expletive, however you can stop staring Josef" she said closing the magazine and looking up at him with a smirk on her face.
"That young woman is going to be huge!" Josef said getting ready to go to work.

As Harold drove him to work, he spied a large billboard with Ms. LaRoux seductively spraying herself with Tom Ford Fleur de Portofino Eau de Parfum Spray. As he walked into his building the Newspaper vendor was holding the day's paper with a photo of Ms. LaRoux.
"This is insane. Why am I seeing this woman everywhere?" He joked as he got onto his private elevator.
He walked into the "Break Room" and saw at least 20 people watching an Interview with who else? Marcelle LaRoux on Good Morning America.
"What the hell is going on in here?" he asked loudly making everyone turn around. Brian walked in and looked at everyone.
"What's going on?" he asked quietly to Josef.
"I guess everyone is starstruck over this new model Marcelle LaRoux" Josef said, not wanting to look at the large television screen unless he became mesmerized. "You don't think she's another succubus, do you?"
"I will find out" Brian taking off to find out more.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by allegrita »

Uh-oh, who is this mysterious beauty?!
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 8:24 am Uh-oh, who is this mysterious beauty?!
Josef isn't going to like this at all! :confused2:
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

Brian was able to find out via Logan where the lovely Ms. LaRoux was currently staying and a thought to took him to her beautiful condo. No one was home so he took form and explored the large airy 3-bedroom condo. It seems that Ms. LaRoux loved French design and French architecture, because the entire building was decorated like a house from the French Quarter in New Orleans. He looked through all the dresser drawers and all the cabinets. Underneath the sink in the bathroom, he found three passports each with the same name but different photographs. Simone DuBois? Brian didn't recognize the name but he scooped up the passports to show them Josef and Mick.

"Sir, I found this in Ms. LaRoux's condo. She has 3 different passports with the same alias but different photos" he said handing them to Josef, who froze in disbelief.
"This reads Simone Josef!! You told me she was dead!!" Mick said in shock.
"She is Mick! I burned her to a crisp myself and watched her burn into ash!"
"So who knew you cooked her?"
"Other than Emma and you? No one" he said.

Hidijabah loved this life! That foolish blood drinker thought that a furnace would end her from this world!! She entered her luxurious apartment and immediately was on alert. A dark man had been in her home! She stared at her beautiful image and laughed out loud. Come if you will Josef Kostan! She would be ready!

Josef was staring at his office wall trying to figure out why this model had fake passports all under the name Simone Dubois? There's no way Simone survived. After paralyzing her making her drink the blood or the resurrected, she was incapable of doing anything, even speaking let alone coming up with some voodoo spell to bring her back. He called Alma to see if she had any idea of what could be going on.
"Hidijibah" Alma said the moment she answered the phone. "She done come back for you boy!" And Josef could tell right away he was speaking with Emma.
"But Emma how? How is she back? I did everything you told me to do then I set her ablaze" he said shaking his head at the thought of having to relive all of this again. Not a day went by that he didn't think of Hedy and what had been done to her. Josef had really come to think of the young bubbly Haitian woman he had save from Simone, as his own daughter. And he missed her. A lot.
"Hidijibah been planning her return since her daughter brought her soul back to this realm and now, she done hitched her evil on this young woman. You get to Zoe! She knows what can be done! And do it quick Josef!!" Emma said.
"Hello?" he heard Alma say.
"Hey Alma, I may need you later" he said.
"Sure, thing Josef. Let me know" she said hanging up. He told his assistant that he would be leaving for the day and headed for Gabriel's apartment.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

"Josef! What brings you by?" Zoe said with a large grin.
"I need your expertise. Do you have time for a story?" Josef asked. Zoe immediately took a seat on the sofa.
"Lay it on me Josef" she said as Josef sat next to her and told her all about Simone Dubois. He told her about Simone's voodoo mother and the things that both of them had done.
"I've never heard this story before" she said in surprise.
"Well, it was before you and Gabriel were born, but I guess what I'm asking is can this be possible?"
Zoe went to her private room and come back out with a large book in her hands.
"Ok, what you're talking about is The Transfer of Souls or commonly known as a Divination funeral ritual, wherein the 'soul' of the deceased is ceremonially passed on to a chosen descendant. It first came about in l’Estere, a village in central Haiti. This practice is centuries old, and I don't know of anyone that continues it now, but if this mother was a very powerful priestess, then it's definitely possible" Zoe explained.
"Can she be stopped?" Josef asked.
"Yes.......but you're going to have to give me some time to look everything up. Come back at two days' time, and I will have all the information you need. But if she has designs on you, you'll need some temporary protection immediately" she said getting up and began pulling things out of an old chest in the corner. "Here it is. Ok Josef, this is going to be unpleasant, but it will do the job" she said unscrewing an old bottle. "Take a large swig of this and swallow" she said while pouring a large brandy and keeping it near-by. Josef looked at bottle that appeared to be ancient, so he knew whatever it was he wasn't going to like it. He closed his eyes and took a large drink and swallowed it down.
"That had to be nastiest crap I've ever had in my mouth! What the hell was it?" he asked as he guzzled down the brandy Zoe had poured for him.
"Trust me Josef, you don't want to know, and I definitely don't want you throwing that up. This should work for a couple of days until I get everything in place. You'll have some bizarre dreams for a few days but that's it".
"So that's the only side effect? Some crazy dreams?"
"The dreams will be a tad violent so best that you and Bridgett sleep apart for the duration. We don't want anyone getting seriously hurt".
"I want this to be over with!!" he said in frustration.
"Look, we don't even know what she's planning or even if it will work. You are an angel after all so this all may be in vain, but I don't want to chance it." Zoe said.
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by allegrita »

Ohhh, I don't want to know what was in that drink. :no: I hope it works! :fingerscrossed:
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

Josef returned to his apartment to find Bridgett on the sofa having a glass of wine with Beth. They looked over at him and knew something was going on.
"That look on your husband's face tells me I don't want to know what's going on" Beth said finishing her wine and standing up. "I'll talk to you tomorrow Bridgett" she said giving her a brief hug and heading out.
Bridgett turned in her seat to face him.
"Tell me "She said with a sigh".
"This will take a while" Josef said sitting down next to her and holding her hand in his. Over the next hour, Josef told her all about Simone Dubois and his relationship with her. He told her about Sarah and how he had held onto hope that he could bring her back. Then with tears in his eyes he told her of Hedy and how much she meant to him and how very often he thought of her.
"She sounds like she was a very special young woman Josef" she said rubbing his shoulder.
"She really was. All I wanted to do is keep her safe, but Hidijibah destroyed her, and I had no other choice" He explained. "But in the end, she was destroyed along with Hidigibah."
"And now this Priestess has returned. Do we know what if anything that can be done?"
"Zoe is looking into things, but for now stay put in this building. Emma helped Alma place a very strong ward over this building so Hidijibah can't get in"
"So now all we do is wait" Bridgett said kissing Josef passionately to let him know that she would be with him always. No matter what circumstance.

Hidijibah was getting very tired of being photographed all the time, but this was the body she chose. A beautiful young thing that was very much desired by both men and women. And when she had finally slaughtered Josef Kostan, this world would be hers! One of the first things she would do would be to slay all the men.... well not all of them. They do serve a purpose sexually for some women, so she won't deny a woman's right to pleasure, but having them in charge of things would stop immediately!
"Marcelle, that was glorious! I think this is the best photoshoot I have ever done!" the photographer said with a excited, nervous grin. "Do you think..." he began to say.
"No. I will not allow that" she said as she saw the man's face change from nervous to menacing.
"I was not asking" he said walking towards her, never taking his eyes off her trying to grab her arms. Suddenly his chest felt tight, and he fell forward.
"Oh no!!!" she yelled out loudly as people came running into the room.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by allegrita »

Eek, she has a lot of power. :nosee:
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

Everyone was running towards the photographer who layed still on the marble floor.
"What happened?" someone asked.
"He was finishing up the photoshoot then he grabbed his chest and fell right at my feet!" Hidijibah lied inwardly smiling.

After speaking with the police who simply gazed lovingly at her, took down her response and let her leave, she felt like she could do anything. She picked up her phone and called Kostan Industries.
"Good afternoon, Kostan Industries. How may we help you" she heard a pleasant voice say.
"I would like to speak with Josef Kostan. My name is Marcelle LaRoux and I would like to speak with him regarding financial options" she lied.
"I will transfer you to his office" the voices said signing off and all she heard was light jazz playing in her ear.
"Hello, may I help you?"
"I need to speak with Josef Kostan."
"I'm sorry, he's not taking any meetings today, but I can transfer you to the CFO, Brian Petzer".
Hidijibah sighed with regret. She really wanted to speak with Josef and see his smug face while she sucked the life out of him, leaving behind nothing but a shell of a man.
"Yes. I'll speak with him" she replied.
"Brian Petzer" she heard a deep voice say.
"Yes. My name is Marcelle LaRoux. I'm sure you've heard of me." she said.
"No. I have not. Are you needing help with finances?"
" I do. I'm a famous model." she said wondering why he wasn't obsessed with her image as every other man was.
"Do you wish to invest your funds?" Brian asked becoming bored with this woman who was most likely some beautiful moron that wanted all to bow at her feet.
"Yes. I do" she said giving up on Brian. All she had to do was get into the office. "I'd like to make an appointment"
"Okay. I have something available tomorrow afternoon at 2:30pm if that suits." he said.
"That will be fine. I will see you then" she said hanging up.

Brian quickly let Josef know that his voodoo priestess had just made an appointment.
"How did you know it was her?" Josef asked.
"Alma of course. Or Emma to be completely accurate. She put some kind of whammy on the phones to alert of her calling".
"Kiss your wife for me Brian. What time is she coming?"
"2:30pm tomorrow, so let us prepare" Brian said.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by allegrita »

Awesome! She can't sneak up on those guys. :nonono:
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

Marcelle LaRoux walked through the doors of Kostan Industries with great fanfare, every male eye rested on her alone as paparazzi rapidly snapped photo after photo of her entrance. She walked to the security desk and smiled brightly.
"I am here to see Brian Petzer" she said looking the security man right in the eye and held his gaze. "When I call you, you will shoot both Mr. Petzer and Josef Kostan. And you will not search my things" she spoke to his mind. "I have a 2:30pm appointment" she finished. The security guard looking as if he had just woken up, smiled at Marcelle.
"Everything looks good" he said as he led her to the Executive elevators. "Just take this elevator to the top floor and it lets you out to Mr. Kostan and Mr. Petzer's office". He said returning to his desk.
Marcelle smiled thinking of how her daughter's life would finally be avenged! The elevator stopped on the 50th floor to allow someone entry. A young woman immediately got on the elevator was finishing up a phone call.
"Hello. How's your day going?" she said casually, then staring at Marcelle, her eyes widen in recognition. "Wow!! You're Marcelle LaRoux! I've been seeing your photos everywhere! You're quite beautiful." She said.
"Thank you" Marcelle said politely.
"Here to see Mr. Kostan?"
"No. I am here to see Mr. Brian Petzer".
"That's too bad. Mr. Petzer isn't swayed by a pretty face."
Marcelle looked at the young woman dismissively.
"Men are all the same and have been the same since the beginning" she chuckled.
"Okay....I tried to warn you" the young woman said getting off at the 57th floor. "Good luck. You're going to need it" she said as the elevator doors closed.

The doors opened to the 60th floor and there were but 3 people in the lobby.
"May I have your name please?" a very pretty woman asked in a professional tone.
"Marcelle Laroux"
"Yes, you have a 2:30pm meeting with Brian Petzer. Please take this visitor's badge and go down the hall" she instructed. She walked down the long hallway and came to large Reception desk. Another very pretty woman sat behind the desk.
"Your name please" she asked. Hidijibah sighed in frustration at the annoyance of so many check points.
"Marcelle LaRoux" she said firmly staring hard at the woman.
"Just have seat right there and Mr. Petzer will be right with you. Would you like something to drink? Coffee, water?"
"Water would be wonderful" she said. Suddenly she felt a singular chill in the air that seemed to hover right over her. Thinking that there was some spell at work here, she began to speak to the mind of the security guard. "Come now and shoot them both!" she said. And when she saw the numbers light up as the elevator passed each floor, she knew this was it!! She would get her revenge!! And the demons from hell will be destroyed. She could almost imagine Simone smiling at her.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by allegrita »

Simone's mom is some sort of demon voodoo queen?! :eek2: Josef, your background check people really fell down on the job! :snicker:
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by Ella713 »

The elevator doors opened, and Marcelle grinned then she saw the demon himself walk towards her. She looked all around for the Security Guard who it appeared was not coming to aid her.
"Well, speak of the devil and he appears" she said with a menacing grunt.
"I won't ask how you are here, as it appears you have so many tricks up your sleeve. But what I will tell you is that you will stop. Stop all of this and go on to the other side that you revere so very much. This world is not for you" Josef said calmly.
"Devil!! Unclean being!" She screamed as she raised her arms in the air and spoke the words taught to her by her Great Grandmother. "All of your kind will burn in the fiery pit!! As I speak it, so it will be!!" She continued to say the words of her ancestors. Josef stood before her with a sad look on his face. She began to scream louder as she saw her words were having no effect on the creature.
"I am sorry. Sorry for all that has happened to you. I am sorry for the death of your daughter. Truly I am" he said in earnest.
"What good does sorry do?" She said bitterly. "You killed my daughter!! My beautiful daughter!!" she cried out in frustration.
"Yes I did, but she did try to kill me".
Marcelle's face contorted in anger as she pulled the sterling silver dagger from her jacket pocket and ran at Josef. She saw the huge wings unfurl at his back and the dagger fell from her hands, landing on the hardwood floor with a loud clank. She fell to her knees refusing to look at the man who had turned her daughter into creature of night then ended her life.
"I wish things had been different. I really do. I cared for Simone a lot but we each wanted different things in life. All she cared about was you and the fact that you are standing before me is a testament to how much your daughter loved you. I had to kill a young woman who was like a daughter to me, because of Simon's desire to bring you back!" Josef said becoming angry as he thought of the childlike Haitian woman who made his days brighter that the sun itself.
"Are you going to kill me?" She asked finally lifting her head to look him squarely in the eye.
"No. But you will find that your days of practicing voodoo are over. By the power of three, it has been stripped from you".
"WHAT!!!!" she screamed out, then she saw how it was done. They had made her repeat her name three times and she never realized it.
"Hatred blinded you so much that you forgot the rule of three. Now you have a life. And you will grow old. And you will die. Live the life you were cheated of". Josef said turning around to walk away from her. Marcelle hastily picked up the dagger and jumped up quickly to stab Josef in the back. Josef turned around and saw the beautiful young woman fall to the ground with a huge hole in her chest and Brian standing in front of her with her heart in his hand.
"Are you okay sir?" Brian asked.
"No. I am definitely not okay and I think the time has come" Josef said.
"Are you sure?"
Brian walked away sadly thinking of everything he must do.

One Year Later

"Brian, have you heard anything yet?" Mick asked.
"Last night he rang and said that he and Bridgett were doing well. Enjoying a life of blissful solitude".
"You know, it's funny, because when I first met Josef I hated his guts! I mean he was arrogant, condescending and a straight asshole!" Mick said with a chuckle.
"What was he like in the beginning?"
"Pretty much the same!" he said laughing out loud. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vengeance is Mine Alone

Post by allegrita »

Josef, living a blissful life of solitude? That'll never last. :snicker:

What an exciting story! :thumbs:
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