Ho Ho Ho

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Ho Ho Ho

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Ho Ho Ho
Rated PG
By: Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A beloved department store Santa is found dead, but when his body disappears from the morgue, Mick and Carl try to out find why?

Beth was up early as she liked to get started on Christmas decorations right away, so when Mick had finally awakened, he heard her delightful off key singing of Joy to the World and began to smile.
"Already with the Christmas decorations? It's just the beginning of December" he said walking up behind her and kissing her neck.
"Already? You forget I initially wanted to put up the Christmas tree the day after Halloween!" she teased turning to kiss him.
"How could I forget" he said. "So, what's in your agenda today?"
"Well, after I finish up here, I'm picking up Lillith to go see Santa at the Beverly Center. She wants to give her list to Santa personally instead of mailing her requests" Beth said handing Mick the star to place on top of the tree. "That's perfect!" she said clapping her hands. "I do believe this is the best tree decoration I've done in long time".
"Well, I better get ready, Carl and I are swamped right now" he said turning for the shower "Have fun today, I'll see you later" he said blowing her a kiss as he went into the bathroom.

Harland Humphries loved his job and had been doing it for well over 30 years. His first yearly appearance as Santa was always the most popular of all the Santas in Los Angeles. Lines stretched down the block and around the corner all jammed packed with tiny tots who couldn't wait to let Santa know that they had been extra good this year with exception to one little girl named Maria who always gave the same answer, when he asked if she had been good this year. "Let's not talk about that now" she always said which always made him laugh out loud. Grabbing his large red Santa bag filled with little treats, he made his way to his car parked in the garage. He was just placing the key in the lock when something hit him hard on the head. Harland fell to the ground hard as he heard footsteps quickly walking away.

Carl looked up when he heard Mick approaching.
"We gotta go. Santa Claus was found dead a little while ago" he said grabbing his jacket.
"You're joking?" Mick said in surprise. "It's only the first week of December"
"It seems to get earlier and earlier. Let's go. Captain Hernandez wants us to meet him at the Beverly Center".
"No! Not Harland!" Mick said thinking this was going to upset a lot of children and their parents. he said shaking his head.
"Yeah, and you know how popular he was, so Captain wants us to wrap this up before Christmas".
They pulled up right outside the modest apartment building, following the officers to the parking garage.
Captain Hernandez looked up quickly when he was told Mick and Carl had arrived.
"Great, you guys are here. I really hope you two can figure this out. Vic's name is Harland Humphries. Age 66. He had this job for well over 30 years and no one has a bad word to say about him. At least not in the building anyway. Felix said it was severe blunt force trauma when something heavy as hell. Maybe a tire iron as Felix said there was motor oil found in the wound. I'd like you guys to run with this. You know how popular this man was and we're going to be receiving calls non-stop about this. Harland was looked upon as Santa Clause himself, so we need to clear this up quickly" he said with a slow shake of his head as he looked down at the man who had brought so much joy into the lives of area children including his own.
"Any I.D. on him?" Carl asked immediately falling back into "cop mode".
"No I.D. on his person, but a wallet was found in the glove compartment" an officer replied. "M.E. wants to move him" he said to the captain. And at his nod the EMT's began loading the body.
"Can we hold onto this wallet for a little while?" Mick asked.
"Yeah, just sign for it" he said walking away thinking his kids were going to have a fit.

Mick and Carl made their way into Harlan's apartment which was very nice for a department store Santa.
"How much do Santa's get paid?" Carl asked looking around at the fancy apartment.
"I don't think they get paid this much, even with the union stepping in" Mick replied. "This has to cost between 2.800- 4,000 a month!"
"We better call Logan to find this guy's finances" Carl said walking into the man's bedroom. "Hey Mick. check this out!" he yelled out.
"What ya got?"
"A birth certificate and a social card" he said handing it to Mick after he put on gloves.
"Harland Anthony Humphries, January 1st, 1856!" Mick said in shock.
"Which would make him 166 years old which we know human wise isn't possible unless.....he were enhanced"
"But who would turn an old man anyway? That doesn't make any sense.... unless he really is..."
"Don't say it Mick! I can't take anymore!"
"Think about it. No human being could survive sub artic temps so it would have to be a supernatural being"
"A supernatural being that is killed by a blow to the head?" Carl said.
"There is that" Mick said. "Look, you go see Logan and I'll drive over to see Zoe and see if she has anything on....Mr. Kringle"
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Interesting beginning! Poor kids. (Well, and poor Santa, of course!)
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by allegrita »

Aww, who would do that to Santa? :hankie:
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by cassysj »

Poor Santa had a run in with a real Grinch. :xtree: I couldn't resist.
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by Ella713 »

"Zoe, this is going to sound really strange.... but"
"Mick, you should know by now that nothing sounds strange to me anymore" she laughed.
"True....well, I wanted to ask you, if you have anything on Santa Claus. Like anything on him being a supernatural being."
"Of course, he is. Now what kind of supernatural being he actually is, no one knows, but Balthazar had documented quite a lot of information on the last one. His name was Heinrich Vostart, he was born somewhere around 1601, I think. He died by hanging because by this time the world thought anyone who was different was a witch or demon and that is when the next one relocated to the North. No one was going to go all the way up there just to accuse someone of being in league with the devil". Mick stared at her, hardly believing what she told him.
"Well, I have a dead Santa at the morgue" he said as he watched her eyes grow large.
"Humphries is dead?"
"You knew him?"
"Not personally, but I was aware of his existence. Was he murdered?"
"Yeah, blunt force trauma to the back of the head, but how many Santas are there?"
"Who knows, but what I do know is that there is only one of them at one time. Their lives are extremely long overall, but they started dying right after the witch trials. The Catholic church had everyone riled up about witches back in the day, so a hell of a lot of innocent people were killed because of lies about them being witches. If you check the history books on the witch trials, everyone accused of witchery was a prosperous man or woman with lots of land or lots of money and of course that land and money went to the people in law enforcement or on the hanging committee or the church. These Santa's righteous generous men, who truly wanted to bring happiness to all" she said going through a chest filled with very old books and finding the one she was looking for. "Balthazar wrote that these Santas are called Gefrieren Gebers and that these beings could manifest toys and trinkets for children and deliver them all over the world although, he could never figure out how they managed to travel the distances needed" she explained as she saw the look of disbelief on Mick's face. "Come on Mick! After all you've seen and all that you are, this is the one thing that surprises you?" she laughed.
"Yeah.....but......okay. Santa Claus is real, but who's killing them and why? I mean what's the end game here?"
"I have no idea, but what I can figure out is that when a Santa is killed, a new one pops up and simply continues. Maybe they will be able to hide well enough from whoever wants them dead. Humphries lasted a long while, but he was very visible and perhaps that was his fault. In the olden days, these creatures were never seen which is why so many refused to believe in their existence, but them staying so well hidden until it was time to pass out the gifts has kept them safe, but as the times have become so very transparent, it makes for an easy kill"

Carl simply stared at Mick as he told him what Zoe said about the deceased.
"You know, I knew he was real! I knew it! When I was little, I woke up because I heard something going on downstairs, so I got up crept down there and I saw him! He scared the crap out of me. I was getting ready to run back upstairs when he turned and looked right at me, smiled and vanished right in front of me. I never told anyone because who would believe me" he said shaking his head.
"Zoe told me that another would pop up to finish everything, but it makes you wonder what else is out there. I mean is Bigfoot real? Aliens from outer space? Jersey Devil?" Mick said.
"I think that one was proven to be a large owl"
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by allegrita »

This is sounding a bit like an episode of Grimm, and that is a compliment! I am loving this story. :yahoo: (But poor Santa! :bmoon: )
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by Ella713 »

allegrita wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:35 pm This is sounding a bit like an episode of Grimm, and that is a compliment! I am loving this story. :yahoo: (But poor Santa! :bmoon: )
That's where I got the name of Santa from! Straight from Monroe himself! :D
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by Ella713 »

It was all over the news that Harland Humphries was found murdered and children all over Los Angeles cried that Santa was gone and they would not receive anything ever again and the mayor was furious that this had happened at all. His entire campaign was run on keeping the streets of Los Angeles safe, by keeping crime numbers down and 18 days before Christmas, this happens. Of course, he received calls all day from angry parents and angry store owners that something had to be done. Brick and mortar stores were seeing less foot traffic and it felt as if they were lock down all over again.

Aura Lancaster who headed the very large South Coast Plaza Mall in Costa Mesa, stared at the older gentleman in front of her.
"Your name is really Kristopher Kringle?" she asked looking at the impressive resume in front of her.
"Yes" he chuckled heartily. "My name is actually Kristopher Kringle the III. I come from a very long line of Santas! My father, my grandfather, my great grandfather and 4 brothers have all donned the red suit! I think it has to do with our faces!"
"Is that a real beard?" she asked not believing her luck at finding another Santa so quickly.
"Check for yourself" he said leaning forward. Auran lightly gave his beard a tug. It was a real beard. That she could tell the moment she touched it.
"Well, as you know we lost a fantastic longtime Santa in a tragic murder, and it hurt everyone in Los Angeles"
"I had read about that, which is why I came as soon as I could. With it being so close to the holiday, everyone needs some Christmas cheer and not just the children" he said shaking his head slowly.
"So, what's with your love for being Santa Claus? It's not like it pays well or anything"
"My great-grandfather was in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, and he began to carve little items for people to keep their spirits up, during those tragic times and when the Nazi's were defeated, he kept it up each year swearing that all he wanted for Christmas was to see people smile again. He kept the story alive with each generation until it was instilled in each one of us. To spread happiness. I don't do this for money, I do this because there is no other way" he said. Aura was tearing up at his story and at his pure desire to see people smile and she knew that he would be the perfect Santa this year.
"Well, Kris you're hired" she said shaking his hand.

"Hi, I'm Lori Medows from King5 and I'm here at South Coast Plaza Mall and as you can see, there is a long line of people waiting to see the new Santa that was needed so badly. LA's favorite Santa Harland Humphries was brutally murdered a few days ago as the city cried for their loss, but Kris Kringle has arrived again and so many people are anxious to see meet him and welcome him into their hearts".

"Did you hear that Mick? Looks like we got another Santa Claus! Christmas is saved" she said with a smile as she walked over to hug him.
"Yeah.....let's hope we can hang onto to this one. Look, I'm going to swing by Gabriel's place for a bit. What's on your schedule today?"
"More Christmas shopping. Jackson Sylvia and Josef are all that's left on my list". Mick made his way to Gabe's as Zoe opened the door.
"I've been expecting you Mick. Guess you heard another Gefrieren Geber popped up. Those beings are like an endless game of Whack-A -Mole" she said walking away.
"I'd like to keep this one alive if we can manage'
"I figured out who's killing them and its one of our old enemies again, witches. Get this. During the Salem trials, there were three true witches who were hanged. They knew about the Gefrieren Geber's and what they were doing and tried to offer information about them as the true witches, but the Santa's were better at hiding their gifts from the townsfolk than witches who were brazen about their abilities all the time. So, none of them were put to death".
"And witches hold grudges" Mick said remembering his own encounter with witches.
"Yeah, they do. So, each year when a Santa makes himself known to the world, he is put out of commission"
"I have to talk to this new Santa. They're going to have to leave the mall work to the usual network of drunk Santa's and stay away from publicity" he said taking off.
"Hey, Mick!" she said jogging up to him. "Give Santa Claus my card" she said placing the card in his hand.
"No demands to bring him to you?" Mick asked with a smirk.
"I have no beef with a dude who wants to bring joy to people. We need more people like him in my opinion" she said.

Mick very patiently waited in line to speak with Santa himself.
"Mommy! He's too big to see Santa!" a little girl behind him yelled pointing at Mick.
"Amber!! No one is too big to talk to Santa!" her mother said to her as she looked up at Mick and smiled. "I'm sorry for what my daughter said, she's going through a selfish phase that will end up getting her placed on naughty list if she's not careful" her mother said staring at the little girl hard.
"I'm sorry mister, I didn't mean it" the little girl said quickly thinking she'd better be good, or she wouldn't get any toys this year.
"That's okay Amber. You see, I'm here to give him something from someone who couldn't make it today" he explained turning and seeing that he was next.
"Well, well well! You're too big to sit on Santa's lap!" Kristopher said with a booming laugh.
"I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and give you this" he said handing him the card. Kristopher looked down at the card and his eyes opened wide.
"What would the Historian have to say to me?" he said with a small smile.
"To stay away from witches for 1. And to not be so visible" Mick said shaking his hand and walking away so Amber could sit on his lap.

Hester Goody stared at the Gefrieren Geber so smug sitting in that giant chair! They were popping up quicker this time which she didn't understand, but she would destroy this one in a way that would make all of his kind sulk away like the traitors they were.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Dec 09, 2022 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by allegrita »

Ooooooh... a guy named Kris Kringle, who is a 4th generation Santa...? Or maybe he's just been around a long time.... :chin:

ETA: I've added this story to our Holiday Fic index. :twothumbs:
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by Ella713 »

Mick decided to stay put and follow Kris to his lodgings. He kept himself well hidden and saw the Santa leave the department store, pausing to say goodbye to his co-workers before taking off for his motel which was nearby. After half an hour, he vanished right before his eyes.
"What the hell!" Mick said to himself looking all around trying to see if he had hidden himself in plain sight, but he was nowhere to be found. Mick also knew that witches were about. He didn't know how many, but knew they were closely behind him.
"Come show yourself witch!!!" he screamed out into the night. Pretty soon a small woman was standing in front of him.
"What do you want bloodsucker?" she growled.
"Why, are you trying to kill this man?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Do not bother me anymore!" she said reading herself to vanish and continue looking for the Santa, but before she could get the utter the spell Mick grabbed her arm and was immediately at Brian and Alma's place. When the witch saw she not where she wished to be, she raised her arms and began to speak the magical words.
"Sorry, but you have no power here" Mick said to her. "Now tell me why you wish to kill this man". Alma came out of her meditation room and saw Mick standing in front of a very powerful witch.
"Well, what do we have here?" she said walking close to the woman and feeling how much power she possessed. "What have you done?" she asked.
"I have done nothing!!" she screamed out.
"She was following a Gefrieren Geber with murderous intent" Mick said calmly.
"Well unfortunately for her she will be placed in the hands of The Historian who will deal with this lot" Alma said.
"No!!! No, you can't do this to me!!" the witch screamed out"
"You did this to yourself because of your arrogance and selfishness. The Gefrieren Gebers did nothing to you! You want to kill them because they chose not to die alongside you?"
"You know nothing bloodsucker!! Our deaths are on their hands, and they must pay for it!! An eye for an eye!" she yelled in anger as again Mick took her arm, and they were in Zoe and Gabriel's apartment.

"Here you are Zoe, Alma told me to bring the witch to you". Mick said turning to leave.
"Is the Gefrieren Geber safe?" she asked anxiously.
"As far as I know. He vanished right before my eyes. I don't know if he knew I was following him or not" he said as they heard a knock at the door. Mick opened it and saw Kris standing at the door.
"You are The Historian?" he asked walking into the apartment.
"Yes I am. Why do witches want to kill your kind?"
"I believe they thought that we would use our good standing in the community to speak up for them which we could not. Before the trials we spoke with many witches and told them it would be wise not to be so open and brazen with their power, but they refused to listen. The hysteria was at its peak and there was nothing we could do."
"Liar!!!" the witch screamed. Zoe shook her head slowly in sadness. She hated writing any name in her book, but witches were extremely problematic and never learned from their mistakes.
"What will happen to her?" Mick asked.
"What is your name woman?" Zoe asked.
"I am Hester Goody" she said in defiance. Zoe pulled out a very large ancient book and using a quill pen wrote down the name of the witch. When she finished the witch began to yell as if in pain until she withered away and was nothing but dust. Mick stood stunned at what happened and stared at Zoe in disbelief.
"What did you do?"
"When a being is content and refuses to change their ways, they are taken away. to where I do not know as I am not privy to that information. But the work of The Gefrieren Gebers must continue without interruption" she said.
"Why? I mean why is what they do so important?"
"Happiness is something that is needed in the world, and I am just a small part of that. But so important it is, that when one of us is destroyed another will take its place and continue and continue, we must." Kris said solemnly. "Now I must make sure that others know that appearing in public is no longer the way to go and we will repent. Pride is not just a human thing" he said to Mick before vanishing.

Mick sat on Zoe's sofa trying to come to terms with all he just learned.
"How do you do this Zoe?"
"Like the Gefrieren Gebers, I do it because I must. This is what I signed up to do. You as an angel should know this".

Christmas Day

Beth and Mick were sitting with their sons and grandchildren along with great- grandchildren handing out presents and enjoying the holiday. And when everyone had left Beth saw two presents under the tree.
"Babe did you get me another gift?" she asked as she began to open the small box.
"No, I didn't. Maybe Gabe or Brian left them for us" he said as she handed him the one with his name.
"Oh, my stars!!!" Beth yelled out as she opened "It's a string of pearls! I always wanted this. Even when I was a little girl, and my grandmother had a pearl necklace that I kept trying on until she made me stop and had to hide it so I couldn't get it." She said with tears in her eyes! Mick opened his and saw it was keys. More specially car keys. He flipped the keys over and saw they were keys to his dream car! A 1957 Thunderbird!
"I can't believe this! I never told anyone that this was the car I always wanted" he said.
"Same here". Beth said. "Maybe there really is a Santa Claus" she said kissing Mick.
"Yeah, I think there is" he said.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Wed May 24, 2023 7:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ho Ho Ho

Post by allegrita »

Aww, Kris gave Mick and Beth their hearts' desires. :heart:
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