Go Figure, PG, Champagne Challenge #166

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Go Figure, PG, Champagne Challenge #166

Post by LaughtersMelody »

Title: Go Figure
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight, nor am I making any money from this, though I'm certainly having fun playing in this universe. No infringement intended.
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: For the first twenty-four years of his life, Jacob Fulton had believed that vampires were a myth.

A/N: This was originally written for Champagne Challenge #166: Canon Fodder, where the challenge was to write a story set in the Moonlight universe using only original characters. The challenge was originally posted in 2015, and I started playing with this idea back then, but I was never able to finish it. I began looking through some of my old Moonlight folders a couple days ago, though, and I was finally inspired to complete it. Better late than never, I guess, lol? :winky:

As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the source of all inspiration.


Go Figure

For the first twenty-four years of his life, Jacob Fulton had believed that vampires were a myth - the stuff of legends, folklore, movies, and pop culture.

Charlotte, his best friend (and a hardcore Goth), had spent almost as much time trying to tell him that he was wrong. Vampires were real, she’d insisted. There was nothing mythical about them, and she could introduce him to a few vamps if he wanted.

He’d always listened to her talk about those “vampires” with half an ear, never paying much attention beyond making sure to nod in the right places and offering the occasional, “Uh-huh,” all the while hoping he didn’t sound too sarcastic.

Then he’d lost his job at Big Joe’s Car Wash.

It had happened at the end of the month, and rent had been due, but he’d had to worry about the little things first, like, you know, food, so he’d sent his landlord a mental IOU.

Two months in a row.

That hadn’t gone over well.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t been looking for another job. He had been. But, job prospects were not stellar for a high school drop-out, and it wasn’t easy finding an employer who would hire someone with his particular qualifications - or lack thereof. When he’d mentioned this to Charlotte, she’d shrugged and said that there were vamps out there who were willing to pay for blood.

With his fridge pretty much empty and his landlord pounding on his door every day, he’d been desperate enough to finally ask her about one of those vamps.

At the time, he’d been expecting to meet some vampire wanna-be who wore all black, talked like Bela Lugosi, and had their teeth surgically altered.

The reality had been pretty different.

But, once he’d gotten over the whole vampires actually exist aspect of it, it wasn’t so bad. He’d donated blood for cash at hospitals before, and feeding vamps wasn’t really much worse than that.

Besides, it turned out that there was actually a pretty lucrative market for paid donations. There were the vamps that wanted to avoid the regular star-struck freshies who were all about the thrill of the bite, and then there were the vamps who were willing to pay for a little variety with their blood. (The freshie population, after all, had a decidedly skewed female to male ratio.) Once or twice, Jacob had even been hired to “cater” a vamp party, which made him feel a little like an entrée being passed around, but they’d paid well, so he’d put up with it.

In the first couple months working his new “job,” he’d actually made enough money to cover rent and food, and he’d figured that things were finally looking up.

‘Course, then he’d run into a newbie vamp whose sire had forgotten to mention that his fledgling didn’t have much control yet.

One bite and a whole lotta blood loss later, it was either turn him or put his name on a marble slab. The vamp’s sire had been decent enough to actually ask him what he wanted, and he vaguely remembered mumbling "Turn," before everything had gone black.

When he woke up, he was a vampire.

A few years had passed since then, and honestly, he was still getting used to the idea. But, all things considered, being a vampire wasn’t so bad.

The sire of the vamp who’d turned him felt really bad about the whole thing and had taken him under his wing. He’d even found him a job at a vampire-run club where he could bus tables and never have to worry about explaining why he couldn’t work the day shift. (And okay, the whole “immortality plus super strength” thing was pretty cool.)

In some ways, Jacob supposed, his life hadn’t really changed all that much. He’d always been a night owl, so he didn’t mind the hours, and if he wasn’t working, he mostly stayed inside his apartment and played video games, so…yeah, that was basically the same. But, hey, bonus - he didn’t have to worry about paying for food anymore (those star-struck freshies were kind of like an all-you-can-eat buffet, and unlike some of the vamps he’d worked for, he had no qualms about dealing with a bunch of eager women).

When he wasn’t working, gaming, or feeding, he still hung out with Charlotte a lot. The only difference now was that she kept asking him to turn her.

He figured that he would eventually. Eternity seemed like it would be kind of lonely without her.

Besides, he probably owed it to her, you know?

And maybe, if he got really lucky, she would fall for his “vampire charm” someday.

After all, if vampires were real, then anything was possible.



A/N: Thank you for reading, and of course, please let me know what you think!

And if you're interested, my other response to Champagne Challenge #166: Canon Fodder was a fic called Masquerade. :blinksmile:


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Re: Go Figure, PG, Champagne Challenge #166

Post by allegrita »

This story of a dropout who accidentally became a vamp is really interesting, Laughter! Jacob seems like sort of a "Leo" type vamp, with not a lot to recommend him--except that evidently he's better looking. :snicker: He's pretty pragmatic about the whole vampire thing, but if he's going to live for a long, long time, I think he'd do well to apply to night school :reading: so he can get a better job! :winky:

Charlotte wants to be turned, but Jacob would be a terrible sire! :gasp: She'd better find someone who has his un-life more together to turn her. :nonono:

Hmmm... I wonder if there really are goth vampires...? :chin:
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