Death Becomes Her - Chapter 5 (PG) Posted: 1/24/18

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Death Becomes Her - Chapter 5 (PG) Posted: 1/24/18

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all!! :wave:

Here is the fifth chapter of this Moonlight /H50 crossover story, with another five or so to follow.

As always, I don’t own these characters, but dearly love to play with them, nor do I profit in any way from this story.

In memory of our own dear Librarian 7, aka Lucky :rose:

I hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 5

LA – Josef’s Compound - night

Josef couldn’t remember the last time he was so on-edge. He’d placed Simone in one of the guest rooms, then assigned his most trusted associates to guard her, watching for any change in her condition. If there was, Josef was to be notified at once.

The last time Josef experienced a failed turning was over a half-century ago when Sarah Whitley slipped away from him. At the time, he didn’t know what was happening. Turnings varied; he’d heard of many cases where transitions were delayed, sometimes by several hours. So, he waited.

And waited.

Night turned to day then back to night again and still there was no change in his beloved’s condition. Sarah lay upon the bed looking more asleep than dead, but she was neither. After the second night, Josef began to panic wondering what he’d done wrong and what he could do to bring Sarah back to him. He’d contacted some old associates, some with centuries more experience than he, but none could provide any suggestion for Sarah’s recovery. In various ways, each of them told him that he should destroy her body and grant her spirit peace.

He didn’t listen.

In 1955, Charles Fitzgerald, as Josef was known then, was building his empire and influence in America. Wall Street was fertile ground for him to acquire and invest assets as no one else had ever done before. The greater his success, the more he was beginning to believe there was nothing he couldn’t achieve. He was omnipotent; everything was his for the taking, all except Sarah.

Weeks went by and still Sarah remained still as a statue, yet her skin as soft as a living person. Cool to the touch, but by no means the icy feel of the undead. Ensconced in a brownstone under one of Josef’s aliases, Sarah was safe for a while, but time wasn’t on his side. Sarah’s father, a powerful and wealthy man in his own right, was moving heaven and earth to find his daughter. If he did, Josef knew there was no place he could hide from John Whitley’s wrath.

Josef had a friend, a woman who’d been a doctor before being turned. It was she that planted the idea that with time, science might provide an answer that currently eluded them. While others encouraged destroying Sarah, the doctor advised Josef to give it more time and leave Sarah in her care. She also encouraged him to flee New York, leading Sarah’s father away from the city where his daughter lay in limbo. In time, perhaps, Sarah would awaken and spend eternity with her beloved.

Josef left.

He felt a coward, but his friend had done as promised, caring for Sarah as if she were her own daughter. Yet a half-century later, Sarah lay as she had on that night long ago, a night filled with the promise of eternal love. It was time, finally, to free Sarah’s spirit from limbo and let her rest in peace.

Now, history was repeating itself, but the players and circumstances had changed considerably. Simone hadn’t granted her permission to be turned as Sarah had done. For all Josef knew, Simone didn’t want to be turned, but had kept the pendant as a reminder of the man she had once loved so dearly. A reminder that had put her in limbo, perhaps never to return.

There was, however, one common factor in both cases: Josef’s blood.

That’s what bedeviled him now. Josef couldn’t tell you exactly how many people he’d turned successfully over the centuries, but the number was upwards of one hundred. So why, in all those circumstances, did his only failed turnings occur with women he loved?

Is this God’s punishment for my sins? If so, why punish Sarah and Simone? It just doesn’t make any sense. There’s got to be something else. But what?

Josef’s thoughts were interrupted by one of the vamps guarding Simone. Something was happening.

Faster than he’d ever moved before, Josef was at Simone’s side. Once there, he dropped to his knees and sobbed.


Iolani Palace – the next morning

Jerry finally decided the time had come to grab the bull by the horns, or in this case, confront members of 5-0 to fill him in on what was going on. If some unknown person was messing with his computer, Jerry felt he had a right to know whether the subtle warning could escalate into an actual threat.

Jerry had spent the night in his office again, doing everything he could to regain control of his system. Whoever was infiltrating his computer was definitely a pro, someone he’d like to meet under different circumstances. Despite his best efforts, Jerry couldn’t find any malware that prevented him from finding and storing any information on Kostan or St. John. It was like his searches went into the electronic ether, returning with nothing, even though Jerry knew damn well there was plenty of information out there. He’d found it, once, so by definition, it was still there.

When his most recent attempt continued to yield nothing, Jerry sighed and decided to approach the problem from another angle. Instead of looking for the same information, he’d mentally review what he remembered and started to make handwritten notes.

Strong genes in Kostan and St. John families, check.

St. John related to McGarrett? Unknown, need further info.

Kostan, ludicrously wealthy playboy, St. John, married working stiff, check

Both men currently live / work in LA, check.

No images of either men before the 90’s, except for that St. John dude’s father from the 50’s, check.

That last point caused Jerry to pause for a moment. He had made a mental note to explore this before, but had gotten caught up in trying to figure out how to get around the ‘blockade’ on his electronic searches.

Electronic searches…electronic images….digital images. That’s what’s different! Digital imaging made advances during the 90’s and has now all but replaced film. Why wouldn’t it? Digital imaging is so much faster and more efficient than film, no nasty chemicals for development, no processing time. Aim, click, and voila, picture! OK, so the resolution isn’t as great as film, but unless you’re a professional, who cares?

Soooo….what makes these two guys from LA so camera shy? Even if they were ugly ducklings as kids…wait a minute…I never found any images of them as kids, only adults. What are the odds? Too high for me to count. There’s got to be something else.

Images of adults, no kids, check.

No change in facial features over, what, 20 years? Check, but I don’t believe it.

Only images are digital, no emulsion film…silver emulsion, if I recall correctly, check.

So, both men seem ageless, Kostan cold as ice, per Noelani, and no images of them except as adults before the 90’s…

Jerry’s pen hovered over the paper as the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place. Conspiracy theorist to the bone, he was mostly excited, but there was also a small voice urging caution.

Vampire? No way, but how do I find out for sure? It’s not like I can walk up to St. John and ask him if he’s a blood aficionado. Maybe not, but I’ll bet anything that McGarrett knows. Rest of 5-0, too.

Notes in hand, Jerry left his office and headed for those of 5-0. One way or another, he was going to get some answers.


Iolani Palace - afternoon

Upstairs in 5-0’s offices, Grover was discussing his findings with Danny and Chin. “O what a tangled web we weave…”

Danny took the bait. “I take it you found something.”

“Yes, sir, I did. Just not what I was expecting.” Grover lined up images of Ted Miller, Samantha Miller Greg Mariner and Simone Walker on the plasma. “Let’s start with Greg Mariner. Sixty-two, been practicing law on Oahu for over 30 years, widowed four years ago, no kids. Decent lawyer, better administrator, all-in-all a pretty good egg, best I can tell. Based on Chin’s interviews, Mariner genuinely liked Walker, admired her ability, and hoped she’d take over for him when he retired.”

When Chin nodded his agreement with Grover’s assessment, he continued. “Next we have Samantha Miller. Forty-one, married for 15 years to Ted, 43, again, no kids. Works as an interior decorator with a business in Waimanalo, but business hasn’t been all that good lately.”

Chin interjected. “That’s not unusual. Businesses like that slow down when the economy does.”

“True. But she’s thinking of closing the shop and working from home. I visited her shop this morning and one of Miller’s employees, a Nadia Collins, was more than happy to chat about her boss. The boss that told her she’d might want to start looking for another job.”

Danny challenged. “OK, but if the employee is disgruntled, justifiably so, I might add, can we believe anything she tells us?”

“Sour grapes? Yeah, there was some of that, but one thing she told me was worth following up on, so I did. Nadia said that Mrs. Miller was having a little trouble on the home front. Her hubby, Ted, had become distant and Mrs. Miller was determined to find who the target of his affections was.”

Danny raised his hand. “Let me guess. Walker? And she didn’t feel the same, so Miller kills her? Or she does feel the same and his wife kills her out of jealousy?”

“Nope. Remember wondering where Mariner got the money for that pricey county club? He got it from Ted Miller, a guy he’d known for the last 5 years or so. I got it from a buddy of mine at the club…”

“Wait, you’re a member of the club?”

“Nah, but my golfing buddy is. Anyway, he says that Mariner was playing golf as a guest in a foursome than included Miller. Seems the two of them hit it off, so much so that Miller later sponsored Mariner as a club member and ‘gifted’ him with the membership fee.”

Chin whistled. “That’s some gift. The initiation fee is 50 grand last I heard. So where does Miller’s money come from?"

“His late papa came from old money, real old money. Unlike most silver-spoon kids, Miller got a job and invested his slice of the pie wisely. The man is swimming in money.”

“OK, if Miller is so rich, why does his wife work? Clearly, she doesn’t have to.”

“Well, that’s where my conversation with Nadia got real interesting. Like I said, Miller is smarter than your average rich guy. He didn’t want the little woman turning into one of those bored wives with too much money, his money, that is, and even more time to spend it. So, their pre-nup stated that Samantha Miller had to be engaged in some ‘meaningful activity’, for profit or otherwise, a minimum of 20 hours a week, unless prevented by illness or infirmity. Otherwise, she’d get nada if he died or they divorced.”

“Wow! Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a pre-nup.” Danny stared at the images on the plasma trying to find the connection among them or a motive for killing Walker. “OK, we’ve got a lawyer who seems to be a ‘good egg’ as you put it, with nothing but praise for Walker, a jealous wife who wants to know who her wealthy hubby is screwing on the side and that same hubby who gives a lot of money to the ‘good egg’ lawyer, whom I’m guessing is the target of Miller’s affections.”

“You got it.”

“I got nothing, Lou. Don’t get me wrong, what you’ve found out it great, but something’s missing. Like where does Walker come into play?”

Chin grew thoughtful. “Wait a minute. We know that Mariner planned on having Walker succeed him when he retired, right? He also said that he was looking forward to travelling, something his job never let him do. As such, I can’t see him as Walker’s killer, Lou.”

“He’s not, but you’re almost there.” Lou dismissed the image of Samantha Miller on the screen, placing Simone’s image between the two men. “Walker was a threat, not to her boss or Samantha Miller, but she was to Ted Miller. Take Walker out of the picture…” Lou removed Simone’s image, leaving only Miller and Mariner on the plasma. “What have you got?”

Understanding dawned on Chin. “A way to keep Mariner from leaving Oahu. Without Walker to succeed him, he’d be reluctant to leave until somebody else was ready to take over for him.”

Danny continued. “And Miller keeps his golfing buddy and whatever else Mariner is to him.”

Grover concluded. “That’s what I’m thinking. Problem is, we’ve got motive and access but no proof.”

“Then it’s time we get some. Chin, call Mariner and ask him to come in here. Let’s see what light he can shed on Ted Miller.”

“What about Miller?”

“Like Lou said, we got no proof. If we go after Miller first, he’ll just lawyer up. Mariner, however, might be able to give us leverage on Miller.”

As Chin went off to make the call, Jerry entered the office.

“You got a minute, Detective Williams?”

“For you, sure. What’s up?”

Jerry decided the best approach was a direct one. “Are Mick St. John and Josef Kostan vampires?”


Kimiko’s compound - afternoon

Mick and Beth rose, refreshed after a long rest. The island heat, even at night, necessitated more freezer time than normal. As such, the two had spent little time searching for Simone’s killer, choosing to co-operate with McGarrett and his people, to a point, that is.

Whenever the killer was identified, his fate would not be left to the human judicial system. Vengeance was Josef’s to be had and Mick was determined he have it. How that was going to occur under 5-0’s collective nose was yet to be determined, but with McGarrett’s current condition, spiriting the guilty party away might prove to be relatively easy.

Kimiko had yet to return, leaving Akemi to continue as hostess, a situation both Mick and Beth were happy with. As guileless as Akemi was, her mistress was anything but and might seek a way to take advantage of Josef’s current distraction.

As the two were taking some refreshment, Akemi entered their suite. “I trust I am not disturbing you.”

Mick gave her a half-smile. “No. Any word from Kimiko?”

“Yes. My mistress has been unavoidably detained and wishes me to extend her apologies. She sincerely hopes to see you before you return home. Have you any idea when that might be?”

Beth sighed. “Not really. You remember Steve McGarrett, right? His people are making progress, but they haven’t arrested anyone yet. If they don’t make an arrest soon, we’ll probably go home and let 5-0 continue the investigation.”

Akemi’s eyebrows rose. “Let human justice be the culprit’s only punishment? I’m surprised that your master would agree to that.”

Mick snorted; having Josef referred to as his master was annoying, but when in Rome… “Josef hasn’t agreed to anything. Right now, his attention is focused on Simone.”

“His mate?”

“Simone wasn’t his mate. She was human when she was involved with Josef.”

“As was your mate at one time, was she not?”

Mick’s eyes narrowed. “Your point?”

“When I was human, I married a man I loved. We had a child together and our love grew until death came between us. When I was turned, my husband believed me to be gone, but my bond with him was never fully broken. Even though he has been dead for centuries, I still can feel his touch, hear his voice and see the love he had for me in his eyes. He will always be a part of me, and I will always be with his spirit.”

Akemi turned toward Beth. “I offer my words as comfort, when the time comes for your friend’s spirit to be freed. She will always reside within the heart of her lover, as he will with her spirit. If this is not what makes a mate, I don’t know what is.”

Beth understood. “Making it all the harder for Josef when he releases Simone.”

“For a time, yes. His grief will close his heart. Should he allow grief to rule him, he will never open his heart again to love. For our kind, an eternity without love is a terrible fate.”

Knowing how Sarah’s loss had affected Josef, Beth wondered if losing Simone in the same way would forever close Josef’s heart.

After Akemi left, Mick was ready to see what progress 5-0 had made. He expected that Beth might stay with Akemi, for the two seemed quite happy with each other’s company, but she indicated she had an errand of her own to run. “If you’ll drop me off at Steve’s house, I want to see how he’s doing.”

“You know we can’t do anything for him, right?”

“You mean like turn him? I know he wouldn’t want that. I just feel I should talk with him, see if there is anything I can do for him.”

“Does this have anything to do with Catherine?”

“No, well… maybe.”


“I know, it’s none of my business, but I’d like to understand what happened. I thought the two of them were ready to be together.”

“Maybe they were. Maybe something happened that nobody saw coming.” Mick held his wife at arm’s length. “What I do know is bringing up Catherine will likely hurt him. OK?”

“OK. I’ll tread carefully, I promise.”

When Mick dropped Beth off at Steve’s house, he feared the odds of her keeping that promise were as low as Steve recovering.


Iolani Palace – afternoon

Danny looked like a fish out of water, his mouth hanging open, his eyes bulging. “Come again?”

Jerry had been around Danny and the rest of 5-0 long enough to know a stalling tactic when he saw one. “Kostan and St. John – are they vampires?”

“Jerry, you’ve been in the basement waaaay too long, buddy. You need to get some fresh air…”

While Danny was protesting, Jerry noticed that Lou was quietly retreating to his office. Knowing that Lou would normally bust on him about his supernatural theories, Jerry was convinced he was right.

“Detective, please. I’ve got more than enough evidence. What I’m really concerned about is whether whoever is messing with my computer might come after me. Since they’re blocking every search I try on Kostan and St. John, I’m guessing he works for one of them, so maybe he’s a vampire, too. If that’s the case, I need to be prepared, you know, if they come after me.”

Danny stared at his colleague; Jerry was sincere in his fear of whoever was blocking his searches. If the unknown tech genius did work for Kostan, then Jerry had every right to be nervous.

“Listen, Jerry. I’ve dealt with Kostan before. What I can tell you with all certainty is that he is a very powerful, very scary guy. If somebody is doing his dirty work, you’d better take the hint.”

“So, you’re not denying….”

Danny erupted. “What did McGarrett tell you, huh?”

“To forget everything I found and not get involved.”

“Do you trust McGarrett?”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts, Jerry. If you want to keep your badge, walk away. That’s an order.”

As Jerry left the office, Danny wondered which would win – Jerry’s curiosity or his desire to work with 5-0. If it was the former, Jerry might pay for his curiosity with his life.


Later on, Danny, Chin and Grover sat in McGarrett’s office getting ready to talk with Greg Mariner, who had arrived a few minutes earlier. After the social pleasantries, Mariner glanced at his watch.

“I’m more than willing to help, but I can’t be away from the office too long. With Ms. Winters, I mean Ms. Walker gone, ‘busy’ could easily spiral into chaos. Ms. Walker was such a help…” Mariner paused, looking ashamed. “God, will you listen to me? The poor woman is dead and I’m whining about work. Forgive me, gentlemen. What can I help you with?”

Chin gave Mariner a re-assuring smile. “We appreciate your help and we’ll make this as quick as possible. First, would you relate to my colleagues what you told me about your future plans prior to Ms. Walker’s death?”

Mariner look puzzled, but complied. “As I told Lt. Kelly, I was looking forward to retiring this year. Ms. Walker was not only a talented attorney, but a fine administrator as well. I was confident I’d be leaving the office in capable hands.” Mariner paused, as if lost in thought. “I had planned to retire a few years ago, before my wife died. We had always wanted to travel, you know, see the world and all, but one or both of us was always too busy. After Meredith died, I decided to stay in the office, to keep myself busy.”

“I’m sorry to have to ask you, but what caused your wife’s death?”

“Meredith was killed in a car crash. Hit and run, just north of Kaupo Beach. She was coming back from Waimanalo at night. It happened on a dark stretch of road. No traffic cameras, no witnesses.”

“Was the driver ever caught?”


Grover was taking notes. “Mr. Mariner, can you tell me the date of your wife’s accident?”

Without hesitation, Mariner replied. “October 17, 2013.”

Grover caught Danny’s eye, then left to retrieve the file on Meredith Mariner’s accident from HPD.

Danny shifted the conversation. “So, after your wife died, you kept working, to keep busy. I can understand that. Other than Ms. Walker being ready to take over, why retire now?”

“My wife was a vibrant, healthy woman who should have lived another 20 years or more. When she died, life’s brevity was made painfully clear. I might live another five years or five days and if I wanted to see places other than Oahu, I’d best get to it.”

“So no other ties to the island, friends, family?”

“Not really. Meredith and I had no children and most of our few remaining relatives live on the mainland. As for friends, I never really socialized with people in the office. Saw enough of them during the day.” A sad smile played across Mariner’s face. “Besides, Meredith was the one who arranged any get-togethers. I have made a few friends playing golf, but none of them are what I’d call close. I’m sure they won’t have any trouble finding a replacement for me in our foursome.”

“Foursome, huh? Always play with the same guys?”

“No, not always, but I do tend to play regularly with a few. Ted Miller, Gary Kapua, Sonny Armstrong for the most part. Gary and Sonny are also widowers, so we have something in common. The three of us get together a couple of times a month and go out to dinner. Ted is married, but he was there for me when Meredith died. Got me into the club to help keep my mind off her loss. He’s been a good friend, a good listener when I needed one.”

“So none of these guys are going to be heart-broken when you leave?

“No, I don’t think so.” The lawyer in Mariner finally emerged. “Forgive me, Detective, but what does my golfing have to do with Ms. Walker’s death?”

“Maybe nothing, but I have one more question for you. Did Ted Miller ever want more from you than friendship?”

Mariner was clearly offended. “I can assure you, Detective, my record in the Public Defender’s Office is spotless. I have never, nor will I ever, let anyone influence my decisions involving the judicial system. What makes you think otherwise?”

Danny and Chin exchanged a look, with the latter trying to soothe Mariner’s feelings. “I apologize, Mr. Mariner. We weren’t suggesting any professional impropriety. What Detective Williams was asking is whether Ted Miller wanted a closer personal relationship with you?”

Understanding dawned on Mariner. “You think he wanted me to be his lover? You think he killed Walker to keep me from leaving?”

Danny nodded. “In a word, yes.”

Seeing the blood drain from the lawyer’s face, Chin continued. “Look at it from our point of view, Mr. Mariner. Miller had means; he was certainly strong enough to strangle Ms. Walker. He had access, living next door to her. What we didn’t have was motive.”

“Until you found out that he brought me into the club.” Mariner rubbed his face trying to process what he was hearing. “Ted is immensely wealthy, so I thought it just a generous offer at the time. I made it clear from the beginning that there would be no quid pro quo, however. My social life and my professional life were to be kept completely separate, and I assure you, gentlemen, they have been. Even if Ted had made such an …advance… toward me, I would have declined.” Mariner sighed. “Losing people you love breaks your heart. I should know. Meredith loved me for the man I was, warts and all. When she died, I lost the love of my life and I’ll likely never love anyone like that ever again.”

At that moment, Grover stuck his head in the office, signaling for Danny to come outside to talk with him. “I had HPD beam me the accident report. The cops didn’t have any suspects, like Mariner said, no cameras in the area and no witnesses. Paint transferred onto Mrs. Mariner’s car was white, one of the most popular shades of white in the whole damned country. HPD didn’t have the resources to track every white vehicle down on the island.”

“Maybe they didn’t, but we do. Send the report to Eric and Jerry, see what they can find.”

“I thought you were keeping Jerry out of Walker’s case.”

“I am. This is another case – Meredith Mariner – and he doesn’t need to know that they may be linked. Besides, I’ve got a bad feeling about this and I can’t afford not to use him.”

“You thinking that Miller is involved in Mrs. Mariner’s death?”

“Right now, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t.”

As Danny made his way back into McGarrett’s office, he never noticed the shadow on the balcony outside that office.


McGarrett’s house - afternoon

When Beth arrived at McGarrett’s, a unfamiliar young man opened the front door. “Can I help you?”

Beth recovered quickly, identifying herself as one of Steve’s friends. “I visited Steve yesterday. I just stopped by to see if he’s feeling any better.”

Before the young man could answer, Steve told Nahele to let Beth in. As she entered the house, the feeling that she had experienced earlier was even stronger than before. Steve was propped up on the sofa, reading a book.

“How are you feeling, Steve?”

“Better than the other night.” Steve glanced at Nahele. “Being under house arrest apparently is working. By the way, Nahele, meet Beth St. John. Beth, Nahele. Nahele is taking care of me till I get back on my feet.”

After exchanging social pleasantries, Nahele excused himself.

Steve caught Beth’s eye. “Danny told you, didn’t he?”

“About your illness? Yes, I’m afraid he did.” Beth took Steve’s hand in hers. “Is there anything we can do for you?”

“Nah, the new meds haven’t had time to kick in yet. I’ll be fine.” At Beth’s silence, Steve sobered. “Won’t I?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think so. You’re body…it’s decaying.” Beth tapped her nose. “Unless a miracle occurs…” Beth shrugged slightly. “I’m sorry, Steve, really.”

Steve was silent for a while. “Were you offering a miracle?”

Beth’s eyes grew wide. “O my God! You think I want to turn you?”

“You’re here, Mick isn’t, and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t do it.”

“You’re right, he wouldn’t…wait a minute. Do you want to be turned?”

“Not really.” Steve paused. “I don’t want to die either. No disrespect to your nose, I’m not giving up yet.”

Beth smiled. “Good. Besides, I’m still pretty new to this. Maybe I’ve got it wrong.”

Nahele returned with a pill and glass of water for Steve, asking if he could get Beth anything. When she declined, he returned to the kitchen.

“Nahele’s a nice young man. Is he related to you?”

“Nah. His mom is dead, his father went to prison, so Nahele was left on his own. Got into a bit of trouble when he was younger, but he’s a good kid, has a real job, besides keeping an eye on me.” Steve shifted gears. “Any news on Walker’s murder?”

“No. Mick was going to stop by and see if Danny and the others have found out anything.”

“What about Walker? Has she, you know…”

“No, but Josef hasn’t called us since he left and Mick doesn’t want to pester him, especially if there’s still some hope.”

“But you don’t think there is, do you?”

“Honestly? I don’t know.” Beth thought for a moment, then decided to confide in Steve. “Last night, Mick hinted at another case like this. This person never completed her transition. Eventually, her body was destroyed so that her spirit could find peace.”

“You said ‘eventually’. How long…”

“Over 50 years. Her sire loved her deeply and spent a fortune on research trying to find a way to bring her back. It broke his heart when he finally let her go.”

Steve looked shocked. “Kostan?”


“No offense, but I never pegged him for the romantic type. What do you think he’ll do this time?”

Beth shrugged. “We’ll find out when we get home.”

“You’re leaving?”

“In a few days, if nothing on Simone’s murder comes up. Mick and I think that our time would be better spent supporting Josef when the time comes. Besides, we have faith in your people.”

“Good to know.” Steve sensed Beth’s agitation. “Is there something else?”

“Yes, but I promised Mick I wouldn’t…intrude.”

“He’s not here, so ask away.”

“What happened with Catherine? God, I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I prefer the direct approach.” Steve re-positioned himself on the couch. “She left, said she had some things to do before she settled down. I was hurt, confused, but she’d left before.”

“And you thought she’d come back again.”

“Part of me did, another part knew something was different. She came back about a year ago, but only to tell me my mother was in trouble.” Steve waved his hand. “Suffice it to say, my mother decided the CIA was more important than her kids, again, but this time, she managed to rope Catherine into her operations.”

“I’m sorry, Steve. I shouldn’t have brought up bad memories.”

“Hey, it’s OK. Catherine’s moved on and so have I. I’ve been seeing a young woman, Lynn. We have a lot in common, like each other a lot, but where it’s going… well, I guess it’s going nowhere now.”

“Hey, I thought you weren’t giving up hope?” Beth’s phone rang and she had a brief conversation with Mick. “Josef called saying he’d send his jet whenever we wanted to come home. And no, he didn’t say anything about Simone.” Beth rose, and after motioning Steve to stay where he was, kissed him on the cheek. “Take care, Steve. I’ll let myself out.”

After Beth left, Steve pondered whether she was right about his chances of recovery. He was weak, tired, but he’d chalked that up to not eating much or keeping down what he did eat. But something felt different now. Something was physically wrong that he might not be able to fix. Beth’s comments only confirmed his fears.

With that thought in mind, Steve stared at his phone for a few minutes. Eventually, he made a call he never thought he’d make.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 5 (PG) Posted: 1/24/18

Post by allegrita »

The case is fascinating. I'm trying to sort out all the clues, but I'm mystified. Jerry's out-of-the-box thinking shouldn't surprise me, but it did. He nailed it! When are they going to let him into the V club? :snicker:

As for the more personal stuff... my heart is breaking for Josef. But we don't know why he was crying. Maybe they were tears of relief? We'll see... :chin:

I'm very glad Beth visited Steve. I think her direct approach was definitely the right one. I think it was a relief for him to talk about things a bit... both his relationship (whatever it is) with Catherine, and his state of health. I'm glad Nahele is caring for him. :comfort2:

So who is Steve calling...? Hmmm.... :brow:
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 5 (PG) Posted: 1/24/18

Post by Lucy »

You’ve given us possibilities to ponder. Wonderful words. Leave it to Beth.

Thank you for your tale.
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 5 (PG) Posted: 1/24/18

Post by Moonlightsonata »

I just wanted to let you know I am continuing to enjoy your story. I hope to have more comments next day. Thank you again.
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Re: Death Becomes Her - Chapter 5 (PG) Posted: 1/24/18

Post by darkstarrising »

Thanks, ladies, for continuing to read :ghug:

I had a little fun with Jerry in this story. In so many ways, he's like a little kid, willing to believe in what most people won't. Whether or not he'll actually learn the truth about Mick and Josef, :whistle:

Beth can't help herself; she cares for Steve and in earlier stories, came to understand his complicated relationship with Catherine. But having Catherine up and leave is just something she can't understand, with good reason.

Chapter 6 is going up soon. :biggrin:
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