How it all began

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Re: How it all began

Post by allegrita »

Ooh! Shadow, you might be interested in the announcement I just posted about doing a group (not simultaneous) watch, one episode a week. :yes:
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Re: How it all began

Post by Shadow »

Absolutely! I just saw that post, and I'm definitely in!
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Re: How it all began

Post by Moonlightsonata »

I decided to copy this post from the 10 Year Anniversary Thread since this one seems to be getting more attention recently. I have been thinking about Moonlight a lot lately. Maybe I am the only one but it sort of made me sad when I saw how Alex looked recently. His hair is so short; he doesn't look anything like Mick now. I think that part of the reason I am saddened by this is I went to the hairdresser for a cut and blow dry yesterday and I don't have anywhere near the amount of hair I had when I was younger. It's not because I have gotten it cut - it's because so much has thinned. We don't think that much about women losing their hair unless they are sick, but women can lose hair like men; it's just not as acceptable. Anyway here is that post.

"I watched the first episode of Moonlight when it first appeared and was fascinated with it. I know I set it up for recording on what was then our VCR. I don't remember if I missed a couple episodes and then watched them on the VCR but I preferred watching them in person. At some point - maybe before the Writers Strike started - I found Moonlightline and became a member of that. I remember making contributions to supposedly buy the writers pizza, birthday gifts for the stars, gave money for ads, etc. only to ultimately find out it didn't necessarily go where it was supposed to. When the convention was being set up I knew I couldn't go (our daughter was graduating Law School) so instead I flew out to Los Angeles for the Paley Event (this also became a blood drive) where I met a number of people who are or were in this group. At the time of the Paley Event, we were still optimistic about the show being renewed. When it wasn't,I can't tell you how many letters, emails and calls I wrote or made to CBS asking for them to renew. I just couldn't understand when almost nothing was answered.

While the whole fiasco was occurring with the founder of Moonlightline, I joined another group but ultimately was so glad when this group was formed. This group has been a haven for me in terms of sharing with others how much these 16 episodes meant to us. The romance of Moonlight was so special. And while Alex was so handsome, his voice was entrancing, and the love story was like a fairy tale come true. By the way, while Alex was a significant factor in terms of my love for Moonlight, it was really the whole show that captured me, and not just Alex. In all my correspondence to CBS, I always stressed that it was about the whole show and not the star. I have really loved the fan fiction that appeared on these pages, and while some of the stories that really meant a lot to me were left unfinished, I still hope that someday, they will be.

While I was fortunate enough to attend the Paley Event and the events that week, as well as the Gala in Chicago, I wish there could be another event for those of us who don't live on the West Coast so that we could get to meet in person, more of the people still on these pages. After 10 years I am again willing to fly out for a fans of Moonlight event. I realize the planning involves a lot of time, but I would be willing to help. However, in the meantime I am so thankful for the show and all the people - especially the Admins - on this Board."
Thank you Coco for the lovely banner.
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Re: How it all began

Post by kath40 »

I was there from the beginning. I saw the coming Fall attractions and made a note to check this show out. I watched by myself as I couldn't get anyone, friends or family, to watch it with me. :nonono: I had no computer at the time so I had no idea there was a HUGE fandome out there who felt the same way I did about Moonlight. I first started recording Moonlight one evening when I wasn't going to be home. I had to see Fever the promo had me salivating. From then on I found my self re-watching the episodes several times before the next episode aired. Something about Alex's performance as Mick had me glued to my set. Each little subtle excretion just pulled me deeper and deeper into the story of Mick St. John. I was so happy they re-ran the first 3 episodes I missed so I could record them as well.
I started using my sisters computer right around episode 8 to see what I could find on this amazing actor Alex O'Loughlin and that's when I discovered Fan Sites including the infamous imploding MoonlightLine that scattered everyone to the winds of fate. :eyeroll:
I just couldn't get enough of Mick St. John. Alex breathed such real life into him I was forever hooked. :hearts: Moonlight and the fandom are the real reason I got my first home computer, a laptop. :teeth: I always thought I had to have a clunky desktop computer that I had no room for so I never bought one for home use. :slaphead:
aolver wrote:Was there from the beginning. Still there after all these years. Still read fan fic. Will always love it. I look at my pic of me with my arm around him every day and smile. He was so nice to me and Kath. He is nice to all his fans.
Yeah girlfriend, just ask my right hand. Image I can still feel Alex's slim toned waist as I stood with my arm around him. *sigh* as well as his hand across my shoulders pulling me closer for a second (non-fish like) pic. :thud: :snicker:
He was so incredibly nice and "real." I still remember his gasp "Oh, WOW!" when he saw I had my "Moonlight" photo book for him to sign among all the H5-0 stuff thrust his way. :happysigh:
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