Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

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Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

This is a very late entry for January’s 500 word conversation challenge. Thanks, again, are due to Allegrita for beta'ing.

Sometimes, the catalyst for a new phase of life is tragedy.

Hollenbeck Collateral

“I’ve got to say, Mick, the moralistic tone of that speech you gave me a while back about being careless with others’ lives is starting to sound pretty damned ironic.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, think back. Any instances of, oh, say, leaving a drained corpse in front of a whole pile of terrified witnesses? That ringing any bells?”

“You’re talking about the bar?”

“The Hollenbeck Bar? Yes.”

“I did what had to be done.”

“Really? You had to go in, start a fight, show off your decidedly unnatural strength and speed, and kill a man in the office by ripping his throat out?”

“Tejada had to die.”

“That’s debatable.”

“He ordered Josh Lindsay’s death. It wasn’t personal, Josef.”

“So he killed the guy who was sleeping with that blonde you’ve got the hots for. Seems like he did you a solid.”

“You really are a bastard, Josef.”

“Just practical.”


“Look, Lindsay died. So what? That’s what humans do. Look up the definition of mortal.”

“You think I don’t know that? Hell, I said as much to Beth at the time. But he was a good man. He didn’t deserve to die like that.”

“Good men die every day. We don’t have to deal out vampire justice for each of them. You should’ve let it go, Mick.”

“I’m not sorry I took out Tejada.”

“Yeah, I gathered that.”

“So what’s your problem?”

“The Cleaners’ report on the Hollenbeck includes collateral damage of eight other bar patrons that had to be eliminated, and three dancers – one of whom was 16 – who chose to become freshies, and who are on their way out of the country as we speak.”

“That doesn’t sound exactly willing.”

“Oh, trust me, given the alternative, they were more than delighted at the opportunity.”

“Jesus Christ, that’s cold, Josef.”

“Do not – I repeat, do not – blame me. You were the one who let them see what they never should’ve seen. This was on you, Mick. And I will be sending you the bill.”

“All right, all right. I was careless. Whatever the bill is, I’ll pay it.”

“Damn straight. And I haven’t even gotten to the little matter of the news crew that was intercepted two blocks away. You were that close to getting us splashed all over CBC News. The Cleaners were able to divert them, but it was close. Any closer, and that news van would have had a tragic accident. Think about it. Your little mortal is a reporter, isn’t she? Good thing her boss didn’t send her that direction.”

“You can yell at me all night, Josef. I deserve it. But making threats against Beth isn’t proving your point.”

“Yeah, I think it is. And that’s not a threat. It’s a certainty. If you keep getting involved with her life, and being careless, I will not be able to save either of you. What are you laughing at?”

“It’s not a problem right now, Joz’f. She won’t even speak to me.”

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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thanks for filling in the blanks, Lucky! There really had to be some fall out from Mick's rampage.

Wasn't it Josef who told Mick he needed to let his inner vampire out more? Guess he should be careful what he wishes for! :brow:

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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, MLC! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: Josef would NOT be amused at that, :winky: but you are so right! Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it. :devil:

On the other hand, Josef would probably answer that if Mick acted like a vampire more often, it wouldn't be as hard to control his urges. And he has a point. Mick really did blow it, big-time, and there's no question that he'd get called on the carpet by Josef over this incident. Josef is so angry (and rightly so) over Mick's lapse that he's treating him the way he treats other people--and Mick's not used to that. I really like the way Josef is deliberately belittling Beth here. We know as well as Mick does that Josef has developed something of a personal relationship with Beth by this time. (And although Mick might not know about the visit Beth made to Josef's office to ask about Coraline, we sure do... and that makes the psychology of this conversation so interesting.) Josef is going all "oldest vampire in LA" on Mick, and making the point that Mick's "fascination with the mortal ones" does not give him permission to endanger the immortal population. In the vampire world, Beth is an insignificant being, and this is Josef's way of reminding Mick of that fact. Even he can't protect Mick from vampire justice if he goes too far. And he definitely went waaaaaay too far at the Hollenbeck Bar.

I like your portrayal Josef in this mode, Lucky. He's ruthless, but he's definitely got a (secret) soft spot for Mick, and even for Mick's pet mortal. But Josef's got the perspective of 400 years behind him, and he knows, much better than Mick possibly could at the tender age of 85, how important it is to keep your first loyalty to the Tribe. Josef knows that Mick could easily have been wearing silver shackles and facing the flamethrowers--and he's fighting hard, as only he can do, to beat a little sense into his friend before it's too late.

I wish we could have seen this conversation take place onscreen. But without using a bit of description, you've somehow given it to us, Lucky. I can hear Josef's and Mick's voices, and I can even see their expressions and body language in my mind's eye. It's like reading a missing scene from the screenplay. Fabulous job! :clapping:
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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by darkstarrising »

This piece did a wonderful job of filling in the blanks of what happened after Mick took out Tejada, Lucky. Seriously, all those terrified bar patrons just left unscathed after seeing Mick in action? Not likely, and taking them out at well makes perfect sense.

OK, so on the surface, Josef is pissed, and rightly so. Mick was careless and his actions could have exposed the community. But secretly, Josef had to be cheering that for once, Mick let the inner vamp out. :devil: It's just not that Josef thinks Beth is worth it or that Mick understands the meaning of control.

What struck me in this piece is the 'discussion' between the two men of what the Cleaners had to do to keep a lid on things.
The Cleaners’ report on the Hollenbeck includes collateral damage of eight other bar patrons that had to be eliminated, and three dancers – one of whom was 16 – who chose to become freshies, and who are on their way out of the country as we speak.”

“That doesn’t sound exactly willing.”

“Oh, trust me, given the alternative, they were more than delighted at the opportunity.”

“Jesus Christ, that’s cold, Josef.”
Cold indeed. None of the patrons we saw at the bar were likely boy scouts, but still, the price of Mick's revenge was pretty high. No remorse on either vamps part that 'collateral damage' in the form of eight lives occurred. It's just who gets to pay the bill. Maybe Mick is becoming more like Josef, after all.

Loved the ending.
“Yeah, I think it is. And that’s not a threat. It’s a certainty. If you keep getting involved with her life, and being careless, I will not be able to save either of you. What are you laughing at?”

“It’s not a problem right now, Joz’f. She won’t even speak to me.”

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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Thanks for the comments! There were several thoughts that I just couldn't shoehorn into 500 words--like the fact that I'll bet the Cleaners probably ended up torching the bar to cover the evidence. And as you pointed out, Alle, Mick probably came very close to facing the flame throwers over this. I suspect if he didn't have one very, very powerful friend, he might have been toasted. I think Josef likely paid big $$ for the opportunity to ream out Mick on the phone!
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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by jen »


This is wonderful.

True to the personalities and also what we saw of vampire paranoia (a sometimes very necessary survival skill.

Wonderful job!!


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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Looks like I missed this the first time. This is an excellent fill in the blank.
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Re: Hollenbeck Collateral, Challenge #154 -- PG-13

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

Crisp, succinct, devasting.
I like hearing and seeing behind the scenes of vampire life - the cleaners, Josef being all Master of LA, keeping the tribe safe. As always this is a thoughtful and thought provoking piece from you, Lucky. Who ever considers the collateral damage that occurs when news of a major vamp out has to be suppressed? This little piece is very chilling.
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