Down and Dirty Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Down and Dirty Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fan Fiction
Down and Dirty
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

When Los Angeles area homeless men begin turning up dead without certain body parts, Carl and Mick rush to catch a calculating killer.

"Alright Davies, tell me what's going on" Carl said.
"This morning at 6:30am dispatch said we had a DB in a park on Strander Blvd. It was called by some joggers. We found a adult male 30-50 years old. Apparently homeless, no I.D., no personal effects".
"Cause of death?"
"That's where it gets confusing Captain. The victim has a lot of things that could be the causes of death. He's missing his eyes, heart, liver, lungs and kidney. So it may be black market body parts job" The detective said.
"And that makes three." Carl said sitting back in his chair. "Go talk to the Parks Commissioner and see if they have any surveillance on the park at night And get some uniforms to start canvassing the area." Carl said picking up his phone and calling Mick.

"Hey Carl, how are things?" Mick asked actually glad that Carl had called.
"Mick I need you" Carl said.
"Well, I'm flattered man but what would Angela say?" Mick joked.
"Look, I got three dead bodies, all homeless with all kinds of missing body parts."
"Have you spoken with the ME yet?"
"No. I'm on my way now" Carl said.
"I'll meet you there" Mick said hanging up and grabbing his keys.

Felix had been the medical examiner of Los Angeles for over 25 years so he had seen some weird stuff, but this was something he had never seen.
"Tell me what we're looking at Felix" Carl said.
"First let me state this the very same perpetrator. The bodies are identical in every way. All the bodies were in a poor state due to inadequate medical care, drugs or alcoholism, so I'm fairly surprised that any of the body parts would usable even on the black market. But it's the surgical skill that caught my attention. A skilled surgeon and I'm talking about the best, would leave a signature. Something that identifies him and you can't get around that. This perp, used something along the lines of a high powered laser. These cuts are precise . I'm talking 100%. And no doctor could pull that off I don't care if he had the steadiest hands in California"
"Okay. So how many places in town carry lasers for sale?" Mick asked.
"I thought of that, so I checked around and no one carries it in California." Felix said.
"Expand the search to include the surrounding areas" Carl said.
"Let me finish guys. When I say no one carries it, I mean no one in the United States carries this"
"Could someone fly one or ship the laser here?" Mick asked.
"Only if they had some serious Pentagon type clearance. A laser like this wasn't made for surgery, it was designed for cutting meteors and space debris." Felix finished.

What the hell was going on?
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Re: Down and Dirty Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Reverend Paul Joseph assembled a slew of congregation members to go out and try to pursued the homeless to take refuge in local shelters. He pleaded to the local media to cover his attempts. He encouraged everyone to take part in this city wide rescue mission, but as time went on people became bored or busy or uninterested.
"Father Paul I don't understand. We had such a huge turn out just last week! Why would everyone quit when we are so close to helping these poor men. What's it going to take, a daily killing of the homeless for people to volunteer?" He ranted.
"I'm afraid you are correct. It is only in desperate times that people are willing to help, but they are always unwilling to see that everyday we are in truly desperate times" Father Paul replied.

"Maybe this was just a one off" Mick said hoping that it was just that. "With all the press and media attention, maybe the perp decided it wasn't worth it"
"Anyone that kills with this kind of precision, skill and stealth won't just give it up" Carl replied. Mick knew what he said was far fetched but it was worth a shot.
"What if we sent in undercover teams, posing as homeless?" Mick said suddenly.
"Its a huge risk Mick. This killer has some kind of weapon that we aren't even sure of, but whatever he used, sliced these men up like butter" Carl said.
"I was thinking of some of your more durable officers" Mick said. "You got at least 5 vampire officers on the force and I can gather another 10 or so who wouldn't mind doing a little undercover work. We can position them all around the homeless camps, shelters and parks in the city."
"Mick, that might work! How are you guys with lasers? Will it kill you?" Carl asked.
"I've never been cut with a laser but a vamp would heal within seconds of the cut. For a deep cut a little bit longer, but we do heal" Mick said.
"Okay. Let's go with this" Carl said calling all of the officers that he knew to be vampire.

Lisa stood with 5 other vampires in Carl's office.
"We called you all in here because of a perp that's killing homeless men. Now the killer is using some kind of laser on these men and removing body parts. And since you five don't have the fatality rate of the rest of the force, we wanted to send you undercover. Mingle with the homeless and see if they know anything. But more importantly tell us what you see" Carl said.
"There is a chance this could be an inside job" Mick said. "Someone who works with the homeless, someone they see everyday and trust. So keep an eye out for people who work in shelters and missions"
"There's only six of us covering all of Los Angeles. That seems pretty slim" Jose Lopez, an officer who had been on the job for 4 years pointed out.
"I'm bringing reinforcements" Mick said.

Mick went over his list carefully. He left off obvious choices due to their recognition. Gabe and Brian for instance would have a hard time with the assignment. No one would believe the CFO for Kostan Industries and a prominent attorney would suddenly be homeless. Steve volunteered without hesitation. he also knew that Lisa would be working the case and while his wife was a vampire, he still felt the need to protect her. Isabelle offered the services of some of the cleaners. So in all Mick had gathered 25 vamps to find this killer and make sure he paid the price.

Declan Price hated as if hatred were his sole purpose for existing. From as far back as he could remember he had these feelings against everything. Parents, siblings, neighbors, pets. Pretty much all things. He couldn't think of a single thing he didn't hate, other than root beer but that wasn't exactly a living thing. It had always been his dream to join NASA and go to space. Why? No people. Nothing but stars and empty space. He had even gotten use to the idea that the ship he would be on would have two or three others on board, but he could handle minimal conversation. And while he never got the chance to venture to outer space, he did work for NASA and that was close enough. The scientist he worked with were a lot like him. Quiet and dedicated to their work. But lately Declan had become bored. He needed to rethink his mission. And while looking at his prized laser it came to him. Extermination.

Declan had read somewhere that the first kill was always the hardest and there was some truth to that statement. But hey, if you could wrap your mind around the fact that you were killing someone, then the actual act should have been a piece of cake. But it was in a word difficult. His tools worked perfectly and there was a lot of blood to deal with.......he kind of felt queasy but after the second time, it was easier and the last time he didn't blink once.
"Why are you doing this? I never hurt anyone" The man said as tried to undo the straps that held him down.
"Well, that is exactly the point isn't it? You do nothing! Nothing to validate yourself! All you do is litter the streets and beg for money for booze and cigarettes. Vices you can't afford, but still you beg as if life has to pay your way! What do you do for this city? You pollute it. Like raw sewage and I plan on getting rid of you all" Declan said with a wicked smile on his face.

Lisa was excited about her first undercover assignment. She was determined to find this killer if it was the last thing she ever did.

Lisa was waiting with a lot of other homeless individuals to get into the shelter tonight. She sat on the small stool with her hood over her head and her head down. A large woman pushed Lisa.
"You're sitting in my spot" The woman said with an angry expression.
"If I wanted you to have this seat, I would have offered it you, but since I didn't, take a hike!" Lisa yelled back. The woman came back up to Lisa and was reaching into her pocket for something, so Lisa pushed her back and she went sliding across the floor and hit the back wall. Lisa quickly got up and left the shelter.

The team had stayed out all night and at 5am Carl got the call that another body was found.

Felix pulled back the sheet when Carl and Mick showed up to view the body.
"Have you eaten anything? This is going to be gruesome" Felix said. Carl took one glance and immediately turned around holding his mouth and taking deep breaths. Mick simply stared in disbelief. What kind of person would do something like this? "As you can see, what looked to be at first as body parts on the black market, has turned into something more sinister. More body parts are removed, and their looks to be some random blows with a heavy instrument all over the body. Some blows were with such force it caved in the mid section here" Felix said pointing. Putting the sheet back on the body. "Someone really hated this guy"

Steve still sat in his spot watching people walk past him. Some seemed to car somewhat as they handed him some change or a dollar, but most just walked by with looks of contempt on their faces. Steve couldn't understand why they would put themselves in this situation day in and day out. Steve felt their humiliation and their shame and vowed that when this was all over, he was going to do more to help these people.
"Excuse me young man. Might I be of assistance?" A calm voice said to him. Steve looked up to the man who appeared to be one of those scholarly types.
"What? You wanna help me?" Steve asked rolling his eyes.
"I do. Truly I do. If you're hungry I'd like to buy you a meal" The man said in a very controlled voice. Steve studied the man. This man hated Steve. He could tell in spite of his nice words.
"Yeah, I'm hungry" Steve said alerting Mick in his mind what was going on.
"Good. Come on, we'll drive some place. What kind of food do you like most?" He said walking Steve to his car and opening the door for him.
"Mexican is my favorite" Steve said.
"Well, one thing I know about California is that it has some of the best Mexican food" He said as he started to drive away from the area.

Mick and Carl were going over the file when Mick stopped suddenly.
"The killer's got Steve!" Mick said grabbing his mobile and calling Katrina. Lisa was just coming into Carl's office when she heard what Mick said.
"What?!!! He's got Steve?! Where is he gramps? Tell me!!" She shouted.
"He's just outside of Canoga Park" Mick said
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!!" She yelled.
"Katrina is on her way. Steve will be safe Lisa. Trust me." Mick said giving her a hug.

"You know, I've lived here most of my life and I know there ain't no Mexican restaurants out here" Steve said with his hand on the door handle.
"You caught me. I figured since you look like you need money, I could get you to help me with a little short project then I'd drive you someplace where you can grab a bite." He explained.
"Make me work for my meal? Alright. I get it" Steve said sitting back.
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Re: Down and Dirty Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

"So what's this place?" Steve said when he got our of the car.
"Oh, this is my lab. I work for NASA" Declan said.
"No shit? Are you a rocket scientist or something?"
"Something like that" he nodded leading Steve to an entrance.
"Would you like something to drink? Water, orange juice, beer?" Declan asked.
"Yeah, I'll have a beer" Steve said taking off his jacket because it was very warm in this lab.
"Of course you want a beer" Declan murmured under his breath. "So how long have you been homeless?" Steve shrugged his shoulders.
"Around 2 years"
"Surely you could find a job?"
"Not a job I could live on."
"I see you're married" Declan said looking at Steve's ring. Crap, Steve thought. He forgot to take it off.
"I used to be. She left me"
"Women tend to do that. What reason did she give?"
"She said I was a loser. But you know what? I'm better off. I don't need her" Steve said really trying to sell the part. "Look, you didn't invite me here to listen to my sob story, so just tell me what you want me to do" Steve said.
"Alright...I'd like you to lay on this exam table. I want you to help me with a little experiment"
"I want some money" Steve said curtly. Declan reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet.
"Okay. How's $50 sound?"
"I'll take it!" Steve said taking the money and shoving in his jean pocket and getting up on the table. "What are going to do with me?" Steve asked.
"Just a little energy drink for the astronauts." he lied as he strapped Steve to the table. When he had secured both his arms and legs Declan pulled out a large instrument.
"What the hell is that?!" Steve yelled.
"Do you really think you deserve an answer? You just sold yourself to me for $50! I can do anything I want to your worthless ass!" Declan said turning the laser on. Steve was beginning to worry a bit. He had been relaying information to Mick the whole time, he thought someone would have come by now. He didn't want to reveal himself to this joker, but he would if that dude try to laser him in pieces!
"What did I do to you? I did what you asked me to! What's your problem?" Steve asked figuring that if he kept him talking that would give Mick time to get here.
"I hate people like you! Worthless but always looking for a handout! Living in squalor and not doing a damn thing about. Turning this once beautiful city into one giant cesspool! Drunkards, drug addicts! Every single one of you. That's why your wife left wasn't it? Your drinking?"
"Alright! It was, but I've stopped all that! I swear!" Steve yelled out.
"Too late" Declan said raising the laser directly at Steve's eye.
Mick where are you!!!!! Steve screamed in his mind. With the laser coming at him closer Steve had no choice. He pulled free from the strap and jumped off the table. Declan remained calm.
"There is no way out I'm afraid. And seeing that I'm the one with the weapon, you know how this going to end". He said slowly walking towards Steve.
"You hate the homeless so much that you want to exterminate them?" Steve said moving around the lab.
"I hate all people, but the homeless just happen to be at the top of my list this month" Declan replied.
Steve stopped moving.
"You've done this before?" He asked in surprise.
"Of course. Prostitutes were a particular group I hated so I had a little fun with them. And guess what? No one cared that they were killed. No surprise there. Then I had a great time with the so called gangsta thugs. Those miscreants naturally thought rival gangs committed the crimes. But I had a lot of fun." He confessed confident that Steve would not be alive to tell the tale.
"You're a freaking scientist for Pete's sake! Aren't you suppose to be helping mankind?" Steve asked.
"I am. I'm helping mankind get rid of the undesirables" he said with a smile.
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Down and Dirty Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Suddenly they were startled by a loud knock on the laboratory door.
Go away!!" Declan thundered, but the door was bust opened and there stood Katrina in all her warrior glory.
"Did you not hear me knock?" She said in her cool voice quickly observing her surrounding.
"Who the hell are you?" Declan said pointing the laser in her direction. Katrina shook her head slowly.
"It is always the same with you humans isn't it? Everything requires a weapon. " She said running off towards the man and taking the weapon out of his hands and breaking it into thousands of pieces.
Declan screamed and fell to floor picking up the pieces that lay in front of him.
"What have you done?!! My life's work!!!" He cried out
"Steve. Are you well?" Katrina asked.
"Yeah. Thanks Kat." Steve replied. "What's going to happen with him"? Steve asked.
"For the sake of Isabelle and Joseph he will be given to Carl and he will lock him away while he stands trial. Killing him would be the best alternative, but things have changed much." She said picking Declan up by his neck and dragging him to her vehicle.

"Steve are you alright?!!" Lisa shouted running to him and throwing her arms around him.
"I'm fine baby." Steve said holding her tight. Carl walked up be hind Lisa.
"Good job Steve" Carl said shaking his hand.
"That guy is crazy! And he confessed to doing this a while ago. With prostitutes, and rival urban gangs" Steve explained.
"You'll have to appear in court" Carl said.
"No problem" Steve said as Carl had a uniform take his statement.

"Is this creep talking?" Mick asked.
"The only thing he's saying is that his life's work was destroyed" Carl repeated.
"But someone will pick things back up. It's an ongoing cycle Carl. It never ends." Mick said sadly.

The End
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