Ksenia Solo (Bonnie Morrow in FtP) - Other Roles

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Ksenia Solo (Bonnie Morrow in FtP) - Other Roles

Post by allegrita »

DSR posted this morning about some cool facts she learned about the actor who played the creepy professor in NSTAV, and that reminded me that I've been meaning to post about Ksenia Solo, who played Bonnie Morrow in Fated to Pretend. I don't think anybody liked her portrayal of that character, and I kinda assumed she was just a poor actress. But then we saw her again in Orphan Black, and she was much better--and playing a believable character. She was really recognizable in Orphan Black, and I knew instantly that she was the same actress.

But.... this summer, Mr. Allegrita and I have been indulging in a bit of "guilty pleasure" TV on a streaming service, a silly Canadian-produced series called Lost Girl that I believe was shown briefly on SyFy. The premise is that a woman discovers that she's fae, and a succubus to boot. She gains energy by inhaling sexual energy from people. She discovered this power by accident when she was a kid, by accidentally killing her boyfriend. Anyway, has all sorts of adventures in Faerie-land. The lead actress is kind of meh, and the storylines are ludicrous, and the production values aren't much to write home about... but there were some characters in the show that caught our attention and wouldn't let go. Our fave character is Kenzi, the human BFF of the fae heroine. We just love her! She's so perky and funny and she does a great Russian accent ('cause the actress is Latvian!), and wears wonderful goth-chic clothes, and she was the breath of fresh air that kept us coming back to watch more episodes.

And guess who played Kenzi?!??? That's right, Ksenia Solo! :gasp: My hubby figured it out... I had been watching that show for weeks and I never recognized her. :blushing: Having seen what she did with the role of Kenzi, I am much, much more impressed with her acting. :clapping:

ETA: Holy cr@p, she played Veronica/"Little Swan" in the movie Black Swan, too! :yahoo: She was trained as a dancer.
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