Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

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Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Hi all :wave: ,

'Home is Where the Heart Is' is a continuation of the Moonlight / H50 crossover series that started with The Long Journey Home. Two more stories followed: Affairs of the Heart and The Faceless Ones.

'Home is Where the Heart Is' picks up about six months after the end of 'The Faceless Ones'. I think/hope there's enough background provided in this story so that it can be read without a lot of knowledge of the earlier ones.

H50's season five finale was harmless/ambiguous enough relative to the Steve / Catherine relationship, but what happens to it in season six remains to be seen. So, I present my little story which centers around a threat to the vamp community that Mick and Beth have to resolve but includes a plausible reason why Catherine stayed in Afghanistan.

The story is complete, consisting of six rather longish chapters that will be posted weekly, ending before the Season 6 SOTB. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy 'Home is Where the Heart Is'.

Rating is PG-13

As usual, I don't own any of the characters from either Moonlight for Hawaii Five-0, but dearly love to play with them. The one quote from Moonlight was authored by Gabrielle Stanton and Harry Werksman.

Home is Where the Heart Is

Chapter 4

McGarrett’s home – late night

Steve McGarrett couldn’t shake his uneasy feeling. Danny called earlier saying he’d be gone for few days to help a sister who was having some trouble. It wasn’t what Danny said, but what he didn’t say that bothered Steve. What kind of trouble? Danny verbally waved his hands, telling Steve next-to-nothing, then abruptly ended the call saying the flight was taking off. The last time Danny went to the mainland with a similar vague excuse, he’d been kidnapped by a vampire in LA bent on suicide-by-McGarrett. Still, how much trouble could Danny get into at home in New Jersey?

Knowing Danny, plenty.

Grabbing a beer, Steve sat down to watch TV. Finding nothing worth losing an hour or so of his life to, he turned it off, searching unsuccessfully for something to take his mind off Catherine’s absence.

I miss you, Cath, more than I can say. Maybe that’s the reason you’re staying away – I didn’t show or tell you enough how much you mean to me. Come home, Cath. Please, come home and I’ll never make that mistake again.

A knock on the door interrupted Steve’s thoughts. Hopefully, it was Mick and Beth saying they’d found Ruby. If not, they’d be looking for new information, something Steve didn’t have.

Apparently, Ruby was nowhere to be found and Beth was beginning to doubt she was on Oahu. “Mick still thinks she’s here, but with no sign of her and no new attacks, I’m not so sure.”

Steve wasn’t sure if this was good news or not. “If she’s not here, where do you think she could be?”

“That’s a question I wish we could answer. We’ll stay on Oahu a few more days, but if we don’t find her, we’ll go back to LA.”

Steve turned to Mick. “OK, so what makes you so sure Ruby is here?”

“If Ruby’s after revenge, Kimiko’s the one to help her get it.”

“Won’t change anything.” Steve sought to explain. “I wanted revenge for my father’s death and nearly got myself killed in the process. Danny? He wanted it for his brother’s murder and found himself fresh meat in a Columbian prison. We both got what we wanted, but in the end, my father and Danny’s brother are still dead. It’ll be the same for Ruby; she’ll get some momentary satisfaction, but it won’t change what was done to her. She’ll never be human or see her family again.”

When Steve turned away, Mick and Beth exchanged a look, each one wondering how Steve would react if he knew others were seeking revenge on him by killing the woman he loved.

Mick agreed. “You’re right and Ruby’s going to have to learn to live with that.” After answering a brief call from Akemi, Mick relayed her message. “Ruby’s at the compound. Kimiko wants us there now. You, too, Steve.”

“Why me?”

“Akemi didn’t say, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

A short time later, the three were ushered into Kimiko’s private chambers. This time, a handful of guards were stationed nearby, each looking fierce and eyeing McGarrett warily. No more unexpected visitors were going to get past them tonight.

Once inside the chamber, the palpable tension outside was only slightly eased. Ever serene, Kimiko was seated with Akemi standing protectively behind her. Ruby, for her part, seemed agitated as she paced back and forth across the room. When the St. Johns and McGarrett entered, Ruby approached Beth.

“I know you…well, not know, exactly, but I remember you. You were there when I died. You cried for me.” Turning to Mick, she continued speaking at a rapid pace. “You were there, too. You were worried about her, but now you’re both worried about me.”

Beth was astounded. “Yes, but how could you possibly know all that? You were dead.”

“Yes, but I could feel everyone’s pain, my parents’ especially, yet there was nothing I could do.” Ruby approached McGarrett. “I don’t know you, but I feel your pain as well.” Ruby reached out to touch Steve’s chest, then withdrew her hand as if it had been burned. “Death leads and you follow. Your body is scarred, but your greatest wound lies within, unseen, festering. To live, you must heal, you must heal, you… must…heal...

Turning away from McGarrett, Ruby grew quiet and still, seemingly lost in thought. For his part, Steve chose to stay silent and not make eye contact with anyone. Ruby may be speaking in riddles, but they were ones Steve understood. What he didn’t understand was how someone he’d never met could know so much about him. He’d heard Ruby had special skills, but nobody mentioned mindreading as one of them.

Eventually, Kimiko spoke. “My child, tell our guests why you are here.”

Once again, Ruby became animated, her eyes shining. “There is so much to be done. The world’s pain and suffering can be eradicated, if only we put our minds to it. The problems we think insurmountable aren’t, not if you have the resources and the will to solve them. And those of us who have hidden in the shadows can now come out into the light to help those less fortunate.” Ruby pleaded with those around her. “I’m running out of time. We must move quickly, we haven’t a moment to lose.”

At this, Ruby started to pace again, muttering to herself, seemingly oblivious to the others in the room. Kimiko rose and approached the young vampire, her voice soothing. “My child, you have travelled far and are weary. Please, let your sister take you to a chamber where you may rest.”

Almost childlike, Ruby nodded her assent, then followed Akemi out. When Kimiko thought it safe, she addressed the others. “As you heard, vengeance is not what this child seeks. She desires only to help those who suffer, but has not the time.”

Mick tensed. “She has all eternity, unless you’re planning to destroy her.”

“No, my son. It is not I, but nature who will destroy her. The silver in her blood has been poisoning her from the moment she was turned.”

“And you know this, how?”

“There are ancient legends about those turned as she was. The few instances recorded indicate that each spent a relatively short time as one of our kind. Some lasted days, others, weeks. This child has lasted far longer than any that I know of, but I fear her remaining time is brief.”

Saddened, Beth asked. “What happened to the others?”

“Legend holds that most of the unfortunate ones harbored evil in their hearts. Once turned, they grew more and more depraved, reveling in their power to inflict harm whenever they could. They became dangerous rogues, needing to be hunted and put down.”

“But Ruby wasn’t evil when she was turned, she never was….”

“This is true. The few unfortunate ones who were innocent exhibited remarkable powers, wanting only to help rather than harm others. Despite their efforts, they realized the poor and desperate will always exist, and this knowledge eventually drove them mad.”

“Is that … is that what’s happening to Ruby?”

“Yes. Before you arrived, she described her ideas for helping mankind. The longer she spoke, the more…agitated… she became. When I asked what was upsetting her so, the answer was as you heard-her time draws near. She knows, but does not understand, for insanity clouds her mind.”

“How long does she have?”

“A few days, no more. Until then, I have offered her a place in my home. She has agreed to stay, believing we will work to bring her ideas to fruition.” Kimiko inclined her head toward her shisha. “Akemi’s wise and compassionate suggestion.”

Mick was cautious. “What makes you think she won’t take off again? If she’s losing her mind, she could be more dangerous than ever.”

“I feel this…unlikely. As you said earlier, this child mourns the loss of her family. While they may never be replaced in her heart, my own will care for her. When the time comes, Ruby will leave this world in peace, knowing she was loved.”

For the first time, Steve spoke up. “With all due respect, ma’am, why am I here?”

“So that you understand Ruby poses no threat to the humans on these islands or anywhere else.” Kimiko approached McGarrett. “While I feared your involvement in this affair was ill-advised, I see you are worthy of the trust my son places in you. For the good of all, inform your people that Ruby has been found and to forget about her. Never speak of her turning or its effects, for fear those without honor will seek to exploit a destructive force they cannot control.” Kimiko laid her hand on McGarrett’s chest. “But do not forget her words to you. You must heal the wound within. Your heart still beats, yet alone, you are not living.”



When Catherine woke, she was laying on her side, her hands bound, her eyes blindfolded. How long she’d been out, she had no idea. While she couldn’t see anything, what she heard was horrific.

Esam!! He’s being tortured!!!

Her movement must have caught her captors’ attention and she was dragged to her feet. The blindfold was yanked off and Catherine found herself in the company of five armed men, one of whom addressed her in Pashto. “You should never have come to our country. You poison our children’s minds, turning them against our righteous ways. Had that been your only crime, your death would have been swift. Because you consort with the dog who murdered Umar Hassan, you will pay for his crimes as well.”

The room was spinning before Catherine’s eyes; she had no idea what this man was talking about. Before she could say anything, a weak protest came from a bruised and bloodied Esam. “Please, be merciful. She has no memory of this man.”

Their captor hesitated. “No memory? How can this be?”

Esam continued. “She was injured when you attacked our village. She does not even know who she is.”

“You lie!!” The man backhanded Esam, knocking him to the ground.

His voice barely a whisper, Esam protested. “No!! I swear, I speak the truth.”

Catherine finally found her voice. “Please, I beg you. Let Esam go. He’s done nothing wrong.”

The man turned his attention back to her. “No! By helping a criminal, he becomes one as well.”

Just then, another of their company entered the cave, gesturing anxiously for his companions to come outside. Moments later, gunfire erupted, lasting for several minutes. When it grew quiet again, the man returned and approached Catherine. Removing the headdress and scarf covering his face, his blue eyes locked with hers. “You OK, Catherine? C’mon, let’s get you out of this godforsaken snake pit.”

Totally confused, Catherine stared at the man, finding him vaguely familiar. “Who are you?”

“You’re kidding, right?” With no sign of recognition on her face, the blue-eyed man grew concerned. “You’re not kidding. Shit!! What the hell have they done to you?”

Four more men entered the cave, each dressed in military fatigues. One who appeared to be their leader spoke. “All of the hostiles have been neutralized, but there may be more in the area. We need to leave now.”

The blue-eyed man approached Esam, and finding him still alive, cut his bonds. “Hey, help me get this guy up.”

The leader balked. “The deal was to retrieve one package, not two. Leave him here. He’s half dead anyway.”

The blue-eyed man rose to his feet and confronted the leader. “Listen, Rambo. This is a man, not a package, and he helped Catherine. That makes him a friend. I say he comes with us.”

Before the leader could argue further, the blue-eyed man continued. “Kostan said if you want your money, you do as I say. Piss him off, and I guarantee he’ll make you bleed in ways you can’t even imagine.”

Swallowing nervously, the leader signaled to his men to carry Esam out of the cave and to a waiting truck. After a short drive, they’d rendezvous with a helicopter to ferry them to Kabul. As the blue-eyed man and Catherine followed the others, she stopped, then touched his face. “I know you. Danny. Your name is Danny.”


Oahu - hours before daybreak

After leaving Kimiko, Mick and Beth took Steve home and stayed with him for a few hours, hoping there’d be some word on Catherine. If the news wasn’t good, Mick was prepared to keep Steve from doing anything stupid while Beth was more concerned about consoling him. When it became clear Steve was exhausted and needed sleep, Mick and Beth returned to the guesthouse, seeking rest themselves.

Even at night, the Hawaiian heat was increasingly uncomfortable. With Ruby in Kimiko’s care and no word on Catherine, Mick felt it wise for both of them to get some freezer time while they could. Before retiring to the hidden room, Mick sensed his wife was bothered by more than just the heat. This trip had placed an enormous emotional strain on her, one he hoped to ease.

When Danny called a few days earlier, Mick saw a trip to Oahu as an opportunity to relax with his wife for a few days even if it didn’t mean basking on the beach. They’d both been working hard at their respective jobs and a little time away from LA seemed like a good idea. Besides, they both genuinely cared about McGarrett and wanted to help however they could. When Josef added finding Ruby to their agenda, the trip became more job than vacation. Ruby’s situation was stressful enough for Beth; knowing Catherine was in danger only made matters worse.

Drawing his wife into his arms, Mick held her for a few moments before asking if anything was wrong.

Pulling away slightly, Beth’s eyes sought those of her husband. “Are we doing the right thing, not telling Steve about Catherine?”

“You don’t think we are?”

“If something happened to me, wouldn’t you want to know?”

A lifetime ago, she’d asked him a similar question when he refused to turn Josh as he lay dying. Mick lied to her then, but he wouldn’t now. “Yes, but this is different.”

“How? Steve loves Catherine. He’ll be devastated if something happens to her.” Worry clouded Beth’s face. “Danny said the guilt alone would kill him.”

“You’re right – he would want to know, just like I would. Both of us would try to do something to save the women we loved. Difference is that Steve would probably die. So would Catherine.”

“I suppose you’re right. I just hope Danny is able to bring her safely home again.”

“With Josef’s mercenaries backing him up, the odds are in his favor.” Mick’s eyes sought those of his wife. “That’s not all that’s bothering you, is it?”

“No. It’s Ruby. I remember being in her hospital room, hoping she’d pull through, but now I wish she’d simply died. Being turned against your will is bad enough, but this…this insanity that’s destroying her, it just seems so …unfair.”

“Human or vampire, life is often unfair.”

“Something you can relate to.” Beth hesitated, then asked something she’d wondered about for a long time. “Mick, if Coraline had given you the choice, would you have agreed to being turned?”

Mick released his wife, then turned away. “Honestly? Back then, I might have done almost anything Coraline wanted me to. Even so, I’d probably regret it later.”


“Because I wanted my part of the American dream.”

“Getting married, having kids…”

“Yeah. Coraline robbed me of that dream, part of it anyway. Even if I had agreed to be turned, I’d probably resent it later on.”

“So what’s different now?”

Mick turned back to face his wife. “You.”

“I don’t understand.”

“If Coraline hadn’t turned me, if she hadn’t taken you all those years ago, we’d have never met. Beth, I don’t pretend to understand how or why things happen. All I know is that sometimes, we can’t always get what we want.”

Beth blinked in disbelief, then started to giggle; as he’d hoped, Mick’s deadpan humor broke the tension. “But if we try, we get what we need? Tell me, Mick, did you ever hang out with the Stones?”

“Only when they were in LA.” Mick gently kissed his wife. “Feel better?”

“Yes, a little.”

“Beth, I know that everything that’s happened to Ruby and Catherine has been hard on you. When this is over, let’s go away for a while, just the two of us.”

“Now that’s an offer I’ll hold you to that, St. John.” Beth sighed. “You know, when I started researching my article, I knew it was going to take work. What I didn’t realize was just how hard it would be incorporating Ruby’s story without involving vampires and still make it credible. I’ll definitely need a break before I start my next one.”

“So, where would you like to go?”

“Somewhere cold, without crime and where Josef can’t reach us.”

“Cold, I can do. Without crime, maybe. As for Josef...” Before he could continue, Mick’s phone rang. After a brief conversation, he knew his wife’s pain was about to get worse. “We’ve gotta go. Ruby’s dying.”


Kimiko’s compound

The end had even sooner than Kimiko predicted.

Since she’d arrived at the compound, Ruby had become increasingly agitated, neither resting nor taking any sustenance. She was always in the company of one of Kimiko’s family, watching and listening, for in her madness, Ruby was nothing less than genius.

Akemi had been summoned to Ruby’s chamber, surprised to find the young woman laying quietly on the floor, her guardian visibly distressed. “Over the last hour or so, our sister grew calmer, her movements, fewer. Now, she lays silent and still, so I thought it wise to summon you.”

Akemi instructed the guardian to find Kimiko, asking her to come at once. Within minutes, Kimiko entered the chamber, finding Akemi seated on the floor, cradling Ruby’s head in her lap, gently stroking her hair. “I fear her time has come, my mother. What should we do?”

Kimiko knelt by Ruby’s side. “What you are doing. Let her feel your compassion and know she is not alone.”

A short time later, Mick and Beth arrived, finding a dozen or so of Kimiko’s family sitting back on their heels, solemnly watching the scene before them. Ruby remained motionless and as Beth knelt next to Kimiko, she fought back tears. “I watched Ruby die once before. To watch her die again is almost too much to bear.”

Kimiko sought to soothe her guest. “Take comfort, my child. Ruby’s earthly suffering will soon end and her spirit will find peace.”

Mick stood helplessly in the background, wondering if Josef knew more than he let on.

Josef knows everything. If he didn’t know about the legends, fine. If he did know, why not clue us in? Didn’t he realize the hell he was going to put Beth through? When I get home, I’m going to get some straight answers from him.

For another hour or so, Ruby lay still, her eyes focused on something no one else could see. When at last her eyes closed, Kimiko stood, saying that Ruby had succumbed and it was time to release her spirit. She then lifted Ruby’s body, and cradling it against her own, carried it to a garden. There, she gently placed it on an stone slab, one her family had blanketed in dry grass and orchids.

One by one, members of Kimiko’s family approached Ruby, then bowed before placing more flowers on her body. Kimiko was the last to approach, igniting the grass before bowing then stepping away. Morning light was bleeding slowly into the night sky and when the sun broke the horizon, the fire embraced Ruby’s earthly remains. Her suffering now over, Ruby’s ashes floated away on the morning breeze, and with them, her spirit.

Kimiko and her family bowed together, saying something neither Mick nor Beth understood, other than it was a prayer for Ruby.

While Beth and Akemi consoled each other, Kimiko took Mick aside. “My son, you must comfort your mate. Let her unburden her heart, for it is near breaking.”

“I know and I will.” Mick glanced at the two women. “Beth and Akemi may be vampires, but their hearts are human.”

“May they continue to be so. Go, take your mate home, and with her my blessing and gratitude.”

Beth said little on the way back to the house, reflecting on all she’d witnessed. In the privacy of their room, Mick kissed his wife gently, then took her to bed, holding her close as she cried once again for Ruby.


5-0 Headquarters - morning

Alone in the office, Chin checked the status of their three unsolved murder investigations. Much to his relief, two very human culprits were arrested overnight. With no new murders or unusual attacks reported, Chin was beginning to think 5-0 was on a wild goose chase.

Grover was the next to arrive and seeing Chin, entered his office. “Got a minute?”

“Sure.” Chin noted his colleague’s appearance. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like hell.”

“Feel like hell, too. Didn’t get much sleep the last few nights, and when I did sleep, I wish I hadn’t.”

“Care to elaborate?”

Grover sat down in one of the office chairs. “I met that PI the other night, you know, the one that looks way too much like McGarrett to be natural. His wife, too.”

“Ah, that explains a lot.”

“Tell me straight, Chin. Are they really vampires or is McGarrett just messing with me?”

“Sorry, Lou, but I’m afraid they are.”

Grover waved his hand near his throat. “Do they really, you know…”

“Yeah, but not Mick and probably not Beth. From what they tell us, most vamps have arrangements with humans who provide their blood willingly, either for a fee or out of love.”

“That sounds... hell, I don’t know what that sounds like.”

Chin tried to reassure his colleague. “You have to trust me on this, Lou. Mick is one of the good guys. He saved Steve’s sister when she was attacked a couple of years ago and helped rescue Danny when he was kidnapped in LA. His methods are unorthodox, but he gets results. Kinda like 5-0.”

“And you’re OK with all that?”

“It took me a while, but yeah.”

When Kono arrived, Chin waved her into his office. “Any idea where Danny and Steve are?”

“No, I haven’t seen either of them. What’s up?”

“A couple of things. First, Lou met Mick and Beth St. John the other night and is now aware of their ‘condition’.”

Kono chuckled. “That explains the haggard look.”

Grover bristled. “You think it’s funny, huh? Undead, blood-sucking PI that could be McGarrett’s twin running around doing God knows what. It’s just not natural, that’s all.”

Before Kono could antagonize Grover further, Chin intervened. “The more important news is that our three murders are now solved.”

Kono was the first to react. “Based on how calm you are, I’m guessing the culprit is human.”

“Culprits, and yes, they are.” Chin brought two mug shots up on his computer. “Culprit #1, an addict, stabbed our first drug dealing victim when he couldn’t get his poison of choice. Strung out, the addict then moved on to our second drug dealing victim, stabbing him for the same reason. Culprit #2 murdered a fellow pimp over what was basically a turf war. Since there aren’t any new reports of ‘unusual’ assaults, either Ruby isn’t on the island or she’s not attacking anyone. Other than that, I have no idea what’s going on.”

Chin glanced at his phone, indicating a call from Danny. “But maybe we’re about to find out.” After a few minutes of intent listening, Chin ended the call.

Grover prodded. “OK, now you look like hell. What’s up?”

“That was Danny. He’s on his way back from Afghanistan with Catherine. Seems she was injured about a week ago during a Taliban attack.”

Kono was stunned. “Holy shit! Is she going to be OK?”

“Danny thinks so. Catherine’s exhausted and sustained a head injury resulting in amnesia. She doesn’t know who she is and only vaguely remembers Danny. Right now, they’re in Japan dropping off Takeo’s people, whoever they are.”

“Wait a minute, cuz. There’s a few thousand miles between Afghanistan and Japan. How did they get there? For that matter, how did Danny get to Afghanistan in the first place?”

Chin shrugged. “Beats me. Danny said he’d fill us in later. Right now, the private jet they’re on is being refueled and hopefully, they’ll be back here tonight. One more thing; as far as Steve is concerned, Danny is still in New Jersey helping his sister and he wants to keep it that way.”

Grover scoffed. “Good luck with that.”

“No kidding.” Chin paused. “Wait a minute. Takeo. I’ve heard that name before. Kono, remember when Steve went to LA to find Danny? Takeo was the name he gave me to call if he got into trouble.” Understanding dawned on Chin. “And I bet I know who owns the jet Danny’s using.”

Kono’s eyes grew wide. “Kostan? How did he get involved?”

“No idea, but I’ll bet you anything Kostan’s jet isn’t on Oahu anymore.”

Grover held up his hands. “Whoa. Wait a minute, people. Catch the new guy up. Who’s Kostan?”

Chin grinned. “He’s an obscenely wealthy businessman and very close friend of that PI you met the other night.”

“How close?”

“Let’s just say they have a lot in common.”

Grover held up his hand. “Say no more. My dreams are weird enough as it is.”

Just then Steve arrived, joining his team in Chin’s office. “Good, you’re all here. I’m guessing Danny is still in Jersey, but I need to brief you on what happened last night.”

Steve then relayed the events at Kimiko’s, stating that Ruby was no longer a threat to anyone. “Mick called me a little while ago saying Ruby is gone now, permanently. As far as 5-0 is concerned, this case is over. Forget everything you ever heard about Ruby.” Steve paused. “No, not everything. Just remember that a caring, gifted young woman died needlessly in the name of vengeance. Take it from me, revenge isn’t worth the price you pay for it.”

After Grover and Kono left, Steve asked Chin to take over for the day. “Mick said he and Beth will be heading home in a couple of days. If you’ll hold down the fort, I’m going home to get some sleep. It’s been a long couple of nights.”

Chin saw more than fatigue on his friend’s face. “What happened last night, Steve? What was all that about remembering Ruby and revenge.”

“She had so much potential, Chin, so many great ideas to help people and now she won’t be able to do any of it all because of something that happened two centuries ago. The really sad part? For everyone like Ruby who wants to help the world, there are ten, hell, maybe a hundred others who will use everything they’ve got to tear it down. I just wish it were the other way around.” Steve sighed. “Sorry, Chin. I’m just tired. Call if you need me.”

“Barring a tsunami, no, I won’t. Go home, Steve, and get some rest.”

You’re going to need it.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by librarian_7 »

Woo Hoo!! Such a good story!

A couple of thoughts--yes, Steve, you kinda blew it with the taking Kath for granted. I'm hoping you do get a chance to make it up to her.

Josef and Danny on the same side--now there's a scary thought!

Poor Ruby--she never had a chance.

Waiting anxiously for the next chapter! (I know, fic readers are just never satisfied, are we?)
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

librarian_7 wrote:Woo Hoo!! Such a good story!

A couple of thoughts--yes, Steve, you kinda blew it with the taking Kath for granted. I'm hoping you do get a chance to make it up to her.

Josef and Danny on the same side--now there's a scary thought!

Poor Ruby--she never had a chance.

Waiting anxiously for the next chapter! (I know, fic readers are just never satisfied, are we?)
Thanks, Lucky :hug: Glad you're enjoying the story. There's another bump in the road for Cath and Steve (next chapter next weekj), but there's definitely a light at the end of their tunnel.

In this crossover series, Josef doesn't think too much of Danny until this story. As for Danny, he's pretty much scared to death of Josef. Still, a snark fest between the two would be fun to watch. :snicker:

At the end of this story, I'll explain why there wasn't a happy ending for Ruby.
Love – the universal language, the story of Moonlight
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by allegrita »

Ruby really is a tragic character. She had so much potential to help the world. It's heartbreaking. :hankie: But I have to say, I'm glad that Steve has come to the realization that revenge is never sweet, at least not if you're a decent, feeling person. :sigh:

Yay, Danny to the rescue just in the nick of time! :clapping: I hope Cath will be okay with proper care. And what about Esam--what will happen to him?

Steve definitely needs a good night's sleep. The poor guy has been through the wringer, and I have a feeling that his internalized trauma is going to need to be dealt with, especially after he sees what happened to poor Catherine.

I hope Mick takes Beth on that vacation, and they can really get away from things for a while. I hate to see her so sad.

Great chapter. I'm enjoying this story so much.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

allegrita wrote:Ruby really is a tragic character. She had so much potential to help the world. It's heartbreaking. :hankie: But I have to say, I'm glad that Steve has come to the realization that revenge is never sweet, at least not if you're a decent, feeling person. :sigh:

Yay, Danny to the rescue just in the nick of time! :clapping: I hope Cath will be okay with proper care. And what about Esam--what will happen to him?

Steve definitely needs a good night's sleep. The poor guy has been through the wringer, and I have a feeling that his internalized trauma is going to need to be dealt with, especially after he sees what happened to poor Catherine.

I hope Mick takes Beth on that vacation, and they can really get away from things for a while. I hate to see her so sad.

Great chapter. I'm enjoying this story so much.
Thanks, alle :hug: Glad you're enjoying the story. Ruby is tragic, one of many whose lives were cut short through no fault of their own and before they could accomplish all they wanted.

There's only two more chapters left and the next one will deal with Steve and Cath's reunion. In the previous stories in this series, the muse had some fun with Danny, but now she's making it up to him. He really does take family seriously and in this case, he's a hero.

This story was written before the synopsis of the H50 season six premiere episode was released. In part, it said:
Danny shows concern for McGarrett regarding Catherine’s return to the island.

which could be interpreted a number of ways. In this story, Danny sees Catherine as the perfect woman for McGarrett and does everything he can to get them back together. Still, I'm not looking through rose colored glasses - there has to be some reason Catherine stayed away. This story provides one possibility out of many.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by r1015bill »

I'm just wishing that it was time for chapter 5 to be posted.

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

r1015bill wrote:I'm just wishing that it was time for chapter 5 to be posted.

How about tomorrow? (8/24/15)?
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by librarian_7 »

darkstarrising wrote:
r1015bill wrote:I'm just wishing that it was time for chapter 5 to be posted.

How about tomorrow? (8/24/15)?
Works for me!
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by r1015bill »

darkstarrising wrote:
r1015bill wrote:I'm just wishing that it was time for chapter 5 to be posted.

How about tomorrow? (8/24/15)?
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by Lilly »

There is SO much here. And it's all so very good. :notworthy: Dsr, I hate to sound like broken record, but once again, I am in awe of your pacing and flow with this story.

Not only that, but the characters are so rich. I just barely met Ruby and still my heart breaks for her. :hankie: Her capacity for empathy is amazing; you can't help but wonder what good she might have done if she had more time. One of my favorite lines is her summary of McGarrett:
darkstarrising wrote:“Death leads and you follow..."
That just stopped me in my tracks. It's such an apt description. It applies not only to his line of work, but also to his personal life, as well. I'm not sure I'll ever look at McGarrett again without those words coming to mind.

I also want to take a moment to thank you for your portrayal of Danny here. The show has made him into a flapping, flailing buffoon, at times -- so much so one has to wonder how he ever became a distinguished police detective. You have restored to him his honor, his competence and his valor in his rescue of Catherine and Esam. The fact that he stood up to the mercenaries was a particular highlight for me, as was this absolutely perfect line:
darkstarrising wrote:“Kostan said if you want your money, you do as I say. Piss him off, and I guarantee he’ll make you bleed in ways you can’t even imagine.”

LOVE it. :teeth:

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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

Wow!! Thanks so much, Lilly :hug:

I'm glad you can empathize with Ruby even though she appears only briefly in this story. In the earlier story 'The Faceless Ones' you get to know her a little more and see that she's a fighter and doesn't give up. That's why her ending here is so sad. She couldn't fight something that was killing her from the inside, taking her mind away.

That line about McGarrett - 'death leads and you follow' - really does describe his life from the time he was a teenager and he thought his mother had died. From the pilot episode on, McGarrett is a man driven by revenge for the deaths of those he loved. If he continues to allow death to lead him, he'll never be truly happy and enjoy life.

Totally agree about Danny. :yes: Unless it's a Danny-centric episode (like the one in which he kills Reyes or when Grace is kidnapped), we don't really get to see Scott do anything dramatic. He's reduced to whining and kvetching at McGarrett and there really is more to the character than that.

In the first story in this series, Danny meets Josef with no understanding that he's anything but human. What he does sense is that Josef is a very powerful and dangerous individual.
As a Jersey cop, Danny had been exposed to all sorts of people on both sides of the law and had developed a pretty good sense of who to steer clear of. It didn’t take a genius to see that Kostan was a major player in LA and that he and St. John were pretty tight, not to mention just a little creepy. Maybe all of his questions about Mary’s attack had ruffled a few Armani clad feathers and if Danny wasn’t careful, he might well go the way of that Tejada dude.
In the second story, there's an exchange between the two men in which Josef explains some of the less savory aspects of vampirism causing Danny to be violently ill and thoroughly disgusted. Eventually, Danny comes to understand that 'all vampires aren't monsters and all people aren't saints', but he's still basically terrified of Josef.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by librarian_7 »

Frankly, terrified is a very sensible reaction to Josef. I tend to write about a different side of him, but he's got a real ruthlessness to him.
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Re: Home is Where the Heart Is - Chapter 4 (PG13) 8/18/2015

Post by darkstarrising »

librarian_7 wrote:Frankly, terrified is a very sensible reaction to Josef. I tend to write about a different side of him, but he's got a real ruthlessness to him.
Agreed. In this series of stories, Josef hasn't actually demonstrated that ruthlessness, it's just that Danny recognizes him as a powerful man. Add to that the fact that Josef's undead is more than enough to make Danny fear him.
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