Everybody Loves You Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Moonlight Fanfiction
Everybody Loves You
By Ella713
Rated PG

After inheriting all of Edward Farmington's estate Mick decides to give most of it away with alarming results!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mick and Beth cared very little for money. Mick was born in his human life into a working class family, Beth was raised a little better off, but it wasn't until becoming one of the undead that you are faced with accumulating massive amounts of money. And money had a funny way of owning you in the end.
They decided that after setting up trusts funds for Haley, Lisa, Abigail and Milagra, the rest they would give away. But to whom? It was Gabriel's idea to start a foundation for the everyday working families.
The people who worked 2 jobs just to make ends meet or the vet who came back from the Middle East and found work hard to come by. The more they talked about it the more excited they became.

Brian set up the foundation and in two months time "The New Life Foundation" was up and running.
Applications came in quickly and also quickly became overwhelming. Beth spent the majority of her time in D.C. with Josef. Gabriel was always busy with some new case that needed his attention, but Maybe Zoe and Amy could help him come up with a plan.

They all read letters that had been sent to the foundation. Each one more heartbreaking than the first.
"There are so many people hurting." Zoe exclaimed as she laid the letter down. "How do we choose?"
Amy looked up from a letter she was reading.
"Look Zoe, anyone can write a letter that breaks your heart, but weeding out the ones who really need this money from the frauds is what we need to think about."
"Really, Amy? Who would do something like that?"
"Uh anyone. Everyone. Zoe, you were one of the rich kids. You had everything a child could ask for. Some of us, like Brian and myself didn't have it so easy. I'm not saying not to give the people in need some help, I'm just saying you have to be on the lookout for folks trying to get a free ride. Not everyone can be helped. I say we create an application/essay sort of thing. They explain their hardship and how the money would benefit them and their families."

In no time they had a usable application feature on the website and they noticed that the request went down somewhat.
"Zoe! Read this one!" Amy said thrusting the application in her hands.

"Dear New Life Foundation, My name is Audrey Taylor and I am a battered wife with 3 children. My husband is a violent drunk, who had drank all of our savings away and we have no money to pay the mortgage on our home. I've wanted many times to take the children and run away, but I have no family and have nowhere to go. I thought that with the money from your foundation I could go back to school and perhaps get training. I know that I'm a good mother, but I can't seem to break away from my husband. Whenever I try to talk to him about a course I want to take, he gets angry and says he can support his own family. I'm lost and scared."

Zoe continued to read the letter then wiped her eyes when she was finished.
"That poor woman! We have to help her!" Zoe said vehemently.
"I agree, but you should go to the address discreetly and see what you can find out about her life" Amy said forever the voice of reason.

Zoe found the house quite easily and could tell right away that this was a neighborhood that was suffering. She stopped at the house next door to Audrey's to ask a few questions.
"Yeah! What do you want!" The woman screamed at Zoe.
"Hello, I'm looking for Audrey" Zoe said quietly. The woman stared hard at Zoe, trying to figure out what someone like her was doing on their block.
"What are you selling?" She asked.
"I'm not selling anything" Zoe said in confusion.
"Are you one of those Jesus freaks?" The woman ask switching the baby she carried on her hip to the other side. "Cause if you selling that salvation crap Teddy will take a tire iron to you"
"I'd like to see him try!" Zoe said in sudden anger. "Who is Teddy?"
"Her husband." She said pointing to Audrey's house. "If she don't answer the door, I figure he done already killed her" She said slamming the door in Zoe's face.
Zoe walked quickly up to the house and knocked loudly on the door. The door was opened by a little boy of around 7 years.
"Is your mother home?" Zoe asked looking down at the little boy who she could tell was cute even through the dirt layers on his face.
"She sick" The little boy said.
"What's your name?"
"Ricky. What's your name?" He asked.
"Zoe. I'm a friend of your mother's. She wrote me a letter and I wanted to speak to her about it" Zoe said gently. Ricky looked at the pretty woman in the nice clothes and opened the door to let her in. The house was a mess. Dirty dishes were all over the house. The smell was revolting. "Where's your father?" Zoe asked. Ricky shrugged his shoulder and started to walk up the stairs.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Zoe followed the boy up the stairs. He pointed to the door that his mother was in. Zoe slowly opened the door and peeked in. There lying on a unmade bed was Audrey. She had a black eye, a swollen lip and her right arm was in a cast. Zoe quickly ran to her side.
"Audrey! My name is Zoe St. John from the New Life Foundation. Grab your children and come with me!" Zoe said in haste. She went and knocked on the other doors. "Kids, come with me! We're leaving this place now!" She said. A door opened and she saw three of the saddest looking children she had ever laid eyes on. "Come with me, quick before your father returns!" She said ushering everyone out of the house and into her car. "Is there anything you want from this place?" Zoe asked to them all. Everyone shook their head and Zoe drove off with Audrey in tears beside her. She called Brian immediately.
"Brian, it's Zoe. Has anyone purchased Jeff and Helen's house?"
"No. I haven't placed it on the market yet" Brian said.
"Brian I don't have time to explain, but I need that house. I'll pay you for it" She said. Brian said nothing at first but he had trusted Zoe his entire life.
"It's yours Zoe." Brian replied.
"Thanks Bri!" Zoe said with a smile as she drove for the house.

They pulled into the driveway of the cute little 2-bedroom home. And Zoe walked everyone into the house. They looked all around never imagining they would ever live in a house this nice.
"Ok. there are 2 bedrooms upstairs. One for the boys to share and one for your daughter. I'm afraid there's only 1 full bathroom, but there's a half bath right over there." She explained. "Now listen. I'm going to get a doctor for your mom, and I'll be right back. Don't answer the door for anyone." Zoe sped back to the car and drove off to Julian's. She sent Amy to a furniture store to purchase all the things they would need and have it delivered today no matter what the cost. She called Mick and asked him to get them food and to meet her at the house. She called Haley and asked her to go shopping for the family and told them the ages. She ran up to Julian's house.
"Julian! We have an emergency! An abused wife with multiple injuries and her three children need to be looked at!" She said in a hurry. Julian was now used to Zoe's frantic desire to help the world. He picked up his medical supplies and followed her out.

Zoe knocked on the door lightly.
"Ricky, it's me Zoe." Ricky ran to the door and opened it.
"Hi Zoe!" He said with a smile. "I brought a friend of mine. He's a doctor. He's going to check you guys out and make sure you're all okay."
Julian looked at the family and crossed himself. He examined Audrey first. She had a lot of bruises on her body. He shook his head in sadness. Then he examined the children. All were unharmed but were a tad malnourished. Mick knocked on the door carrying 4 bags of groceries.
"Hey Zoe. You want these in the kitchen?" He said walking past her sitting the bags down and staring to unpack it all. Another knock on the door signaled the arrival of Amy. The furniture guys came in and started to carry in bookshelves, tables, beds, mattresses and kitchen gadgets galore. Audrey stood there with her mouth wide open as one by one things were brought into the house. Brian showed up a little later. Zoe quickly explained to him what she had found out and what she wanted to do and Brian did not hesitate to lend his support. He showed the children the backyard and engaged them in a running game.
"Is this from the Foundation? We can't afford to buy or even rent all this stuff" Audrey said biting her lip nervously. Zoe placed her arm around her shoulders.
"Yes, this is all from the Foundation and it's all yours." Zoe said.

Haley and Lisa came in with multiple bags filled with all sorts of clothing. Zoe eyed all the bags with a smile. "Well done Haley." She said as introduced her to Audrey and her 11 year old daughter Madison.
"Why don't you two go upstairs and help Madison with her room."

When everything was done Mick ordered pizza for the family.
Audrey set the table and noticed that the children had all washed up a bit and didn't look as filthy as they had. Before leaving Zoe walked over and gave each one them a hug.

Teddy was pissed! He was short on his paycheck yet again! He was so angry, he cashed it and immediately drank half of it away. He parked his old truck in front of the beat up house that he hated! Audrey better have some food on the table he thought to himself. He got out of the car and saw that the front door was open. Damn kinds were always leaving the door wide open. The moment he walked in the door he knew something was wrong. The house was quiet. Dead quiet. Where the hell were they! Maybe one of brats got hurt or something and Audrey had to go to the hospital. Just another damn bill he was going to get stuck with. He went into the kitchen and saw that none of dishes had been done. He threw a dirty glass across the kitchen and it shattered into a million pieces.
He opened the cabinet and took out the remainder of his Jack Daniels. Yep, He was going to get good and drunk. And when that witch got back he was going to have a long talk with her!
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Audrey, for the first time in 13 years actually slept the whole night. She woke up smiling then touched her sore lip. She woke up and began to make coffee. She looked all around and was still amazed that Zoe was able to orchestrate everything so quickly. A small study on the side of the kitchen was turned into a small bedroom for her. Amy had picked out all the furniture, bedding and kitchen items. Haley and Lisa purchased all their new shoes and clothing and she loved absolutely everything. She poured herself a cup of coffee and opened the refrigerator. She took out everything she needed to make a great breakfast for her children. French Toast with bacon and eggs!

Teddy turned over and opened one eye to see if it was still dark. He sat up and looked at the empty side of the bed. He quickly swung his legs over the bed. The pounding of his head let him know that he had again drank too much.
"Audrey!" he yelled before going to the bathroom. "Damn it! Audrey!!" He continued to yell walking into one of the bedrooms. It was empty. He checked all the rooms. Where the hell were they? She better not have gone to her sister's place again or he'd kill them both! That damn stuck up sisters of Audrey's. Two years of Community College and she acted like she graduated fro Yale or some such place. he splashed some cold water on his face and brushed his teeth. Now he's have to spend his Saturday chasing down some worthless broad. He was on his way out the door when someone call his name. He turned to find himself face to face with his neighbor Rita Coons.
"She done left you Teddy. I saw it myself."
"Bullshit!" Teddy said.
"Someone came to my door wanting to know where she lived I told her she was wasting her time, but she went over there and in all of 15 minutes Audrey were hopping in her car and driving away. She looked like she came from the agency." Rita said stumping out her cigarette. Rita could see that Teddy was furious. "I wrote down her plate number for you just in case" She finished.
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Re: Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Rita smiled to herself as she saw Teddy get in his truck and take off. She's always hated that guy! He threw a rock at her eldest son because a basketball hit the side of his house! He could have damaged his eye. It came that close! Now he would be locked up for a very long time if he was prepared to do what it looked like. She'd hoped that Audrey would get some sense in her pretty little head and not listen to the lies that would be coming from his mouth. A couple of times in the past Audrey would say she had enough, and she's leave with the kids. But she always came back to him. Not this time though. She knew in her heart that Audrey had left the bastard for good!

Ricky stumbled to the kitchen first. His eyes opened wide when he saw the food on the table. Bacon and scrambled eggs! They never had stuff like this before if they had anything at all. Madison and Reilly soon followed. They gave thanks and sat down as a real family. No yelling in the background. No hiding of bruises. No expressions of embarrassment. Just good warm food and laughter!

Zoe popped in after breakfast to discuss the foundation.
"The foundation in addition to this home, will also provide you with tuition to attend college or training in the field of your choice, as well as child day care. We also will retain an attorney to speak with you about your relationship with your husband. Here is the number of a counselor who specializes in women who come from abusive homes." Zoe said handing her a business card. Audrey sighed as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.
"I don't know how to thank you. I really believed that the me and the children would live that way until we died or Teddy killed us" She sobbed. Zoe rubbed her back gently.
"No more of that Audrey. You have a whole new life ahead of you! Any thoughts on what you'd like to do?" Zoe asked.
"I always wanted to go into nursing, but Teddy wouldn't hear of it. Whenever I heard about school or a class, he would slap me and said he was the man of the family and it was his responsibility." Audrey said sadly. Zoe as a staunch supporter of women doing as they damned well please, was livid. She felt like like ripping that man's head off herself!
"I'll pick up some college catalogs for you to look at. Amy will stop by to deliver a few more things for you and the kids this afternoon. Here is a cell phone since your land line hasn't activated. I already programmed my number along with Amy's. Call us if you need absolutely anything" Audrey tood up with Zoe and gave her a huge hug!

Teddy called a cop buddy of his to find out who this busy body was meddling in his life!
"Whew Teddy, you might wanna back out of this one. This lady is married to a big time attorney. And she's the daughter in-law to the woman who's the Press Secretary for The President. As in President of the United States" His friend said
"What the hell is someone like that doing breaking up my marriage?" Teddy shouted.
"I don't know my friend, but do as I say. Stay away. This could all blow up in your face" He said hanging up. Teddy hung up the phone. He didn't care who this bitch was. He'd be damned if she was going to ruin his life.

Zoe and Amy were having so much fun with the foundation. In the following weeks they had given money to a family who had just arrived here from Turkey, helped a talented violinist pay for her tuition at Juilliard, and had given tons of money to homeless shelters and soup kitchens in the Los Angeles area. Haley had just finished her senior year and had been accepted to Stanford University Veterinary School! Everything was going so well.

Teddy had been stalking the woman for a couple of weeks and hated her more each time. Strutting around in her designer clothes with her nose in the air! He hated people like that. They always thought they were better than everyone else. He'd make her take him to his wife if it was last thing he ever did on Earth!
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Audrey was beginning to feel like a self sufficient woman! She would be starting nursing classes in the fall and in the meantime was taking a class on how to handle personal finances as well as a tax course! The children had become involved in Children's Corner which was a summer program that allowed kids to put on their own play. They had decided on Robin Hood as their play and much excitement was going on around their house with plastic swords and costumes. They went to a small presbyterian church near their home which was her favorite thing to do. Teddy wouldn't allow religion in the house and called it silly garbage! But when he was away at work, her and the children would study the bible or listen to a sermon on the radio. Now she felt proud when her and her children walked into the church. People greeted them and welcomed them into the congregation.

Zoe and Amy were making arrangements to meet up tomorrow before they both went home. Teddy was angry because she hadn't been anywhere where Audrey might be. Maybe his pal was right. Maybe he should just back off.

"See you later Zoe! Tell Audrey and kids I said hi!" Amy yelled out as she got into her car and drove away. Teddy watched intently as the one named Zoe got into her vehicle and drove away. He was already plotting in his mind how all of this was going to play out. Once he got her silly ass back to their house, they would have a nice long conversation about how life was going to be from now on. He saw the woman pull up to the house and knock on the door. he waited to see who answered.
"Hi Zoe!" Ricky said throwing his arms around the woman. Teddy almost didn't recognize his son. His hair was cut short, and he was wearing a clean polo shirt and khaki pants. Where would Audrey get money for clothing like that? If that broad was sleeping around, a talking to would be the least of her worries! He got quickly out of his car and walked up to the door. After ringing the doorbell, he balled up his fist to be ready!
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Audrey opened the door for the first time in her life without fear but realized too late that her past had found her. She gasped and tried to shut the door, as Teddy grabbed a tight hold onto her hair and yanked her head back. Madison, Ricky and Reilly sat in mute silence for they knew what would happen if they tried to intervene.
"Well, what have got here?" Teddy said in a low growl. "Who you spreading, your legs for to get this pretty little house huh?" He asked.
Zoe was in the back yard placing the perennials she had purchased for the yard on the back porch.
She heard Ricky suddenly gasp for air. She stood up quickly and ran into the house. She saw Audrey being held in a tight grip by her hair by someone who must Zoe thought be her husband. Zoe grabbed the man's forearm so tightly he lost his hold on Audrey. Teddy turned to try and slap this woman, but she held his arm so tightly he thought it would break. He fell to his knees.
"You're going to break my arm you bitch!" He yelled.
"Audrey! Take the children upstairs and lock the door. Don't come out until I tell you to!" She said to them. Audrey grabbed the kid's hands and ran up the stairs. When Zoe heard the door lock, she turned to face this man.
"What kind of man beats his wife and children?" Zoe asked not expecting him to answer. "A coward. Cowards beat the wives and children because those are the only ones he can. The ones who can't defend themselves. But how do you handle yourself when you come across someone that can beat the crap out of you? You get drunk. Then you go home and beat them your family! Well, no more! You've just officially met someone who can beat the crap out of you!" Zoe said with a smile. Teddy again tried to pull his arm free but couldn't break free. He looked up at young woman and saw something hideous in her place. The glowing red eyes that sharp fangs. This thing was going to kill him.

Audrey sat in the bedroom holding her children tightly and praying Zoe would be fine. She was tempted to peak her head out but was afraid of what she might see. After a long while Zoe knocked on the door.
"Audrey. It's Zoe. Come on out" she said in a soft voice. Audrey was too scared to move. What if Teddy was making Zoe say those words. But Ricky jumped up and ran to the door and pulled it wide open.
"Zoe!" He yelled out in happiness. Zoe bent down and hugged the little boy. She rubbed his head.
"It's all over now. He won't bother you anymore" she said quietly in his ear.

Teddy was found in his truck at the bottom of a ravine. His alcohol content three times the legal limit. It was determined that he lost control of his vehicle and driven off the side of the road. An open and shut case as far as the police were concerned. They interviewed Audrey but she had no information to give them other than he had showed up at her home and wanted them to come back home, but she had refused.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Everybody Loves You Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Rita Coons was sitting in her home having a cup of coffee and reading the paper, when she heard the news on the television. She got up in anger. Those boys always forgot to turn the tv off when they left for school.

The truck was found in the ravine off I-90 yesterday morning. They driver Theodore Taylor apparently over the legal limit lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the ravine. Doctor's say his blood alcohol limit was 1.8. Luckily no other drivers were on that road at the time of impact" The reporter said calmly.

Rita smiled to herself well, it seemed like Teddy had did himself in after all she thought to herself.

Audrey wanted to fix her old house up to sell or give away to another family in need. Her and Zoe and Gabriel, Mick and Brian got together and emptied out all the junk they had accumulated. The house and walls inside were painted. Plumbers were hired to make all necessary repairs. New appliances were purchased, and landscape renovations were in place. Zoe let Audrey pick the family that would have her old home. After reading so many heart wrenching letters she chose Sgt. David Lester. He had lost a leg in the Iraq war and had not a lot of luck finding employment. He was married with three young boys. Her heart ached for this former serviceman who had given so much of his life to the service of others.

Zoe, Amy and Audrey were there as well as news cameras when they handed the Lester family the key's to their new home. The crowd that had turned out for the event cheered as the Lester's made their way up the ramp, that Mick had designed especially for the Sgt.'s wheelchair.

Audrey had found that working for New Life Foundations had indeed been a calling for her. As time went on, her confidence grew. She stopped thinking about her life with Teddy and focused more on the future. She had so much to live for. Her wonderful family. Her new wonderful friends. The only thing that troubled her these days was that there were so many in Los Angeles. So many even worse off than she had been. They needed to know that they were loved. That someone cared. And every day, Audrey got to prove that. She said a silent prayer and looked up to the sky.
"Thank you Lord, for loving me and sending me your Guardian Angels" she said with a secret smile.
Zoe and her friends and families were certainly that.

The End
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