Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

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Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Okay, this is the last of the batch...for now. Again, no infringement intended.

Phantom Pain

You ever have a thought so bad, you didn’t even want to admit it to yourself?

I spent 55 years hating being a vamp, wanting nothing more than to be human again.

I got my wish.

Now, it’s like I’m missing a limb, like I’m constantly reaching out for something with a hand that isn’t there anymore. I feel like my head’s wrapped in a blanket—my eyes, my nose, my ears just don’t work the way they should.

I can’t bring myself to say that I miss being a vampire, but I’m starting to realize maybe it does come with a few advantages.

Josef is going to laugh his ass off, if he figures this one out, but maybe turning back—it might not be so bad.
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Re: Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Yeah... he had a week of finding out how handy those special powers can be. And you really could see him starting to yearn--just a leeeeeetle bit-- for the way things had been. Not that he'd have wanted to give it up so soon! He had a lot more of the fun parts of being human to experience, not to mention a certain someone... :sigh: But even if he'd had the full run of the Cure, I bet he would have happily let it all go, and gone back to being a vamp with a new appreciation for what was good about the condition. :yes:

Great job--it really feels like a voiceover. :rose:
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Re: Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

Post by jen »

Fabulous, It does feel just like a voiceover.

That brief return to the mortal coil was very educational for all involved!

Thank you!

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Re: Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

He spent so much time brooding about the downsides of his condition, I think he might not have realized the advantages, until he didn't have them anymore.
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Re: Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

Post by diane31 »

That's certainly the way he seems to have felt under Guillermo's care! :thumbs: Ok, except right then the pain was more than phantom... But from the way he admitted it to Guillermo you could just tell, he had been harboring these thoughts for longer than a few minutes.

And of course he would, if he could never appreciate the upside of his vampire existence before, it is mostly because he had been forced into it so brutally... :Mickangel:

Even though it was much too soon for him, and quite a sacrifice to make in this context, I am really happy for him that he got to turn back by choice this time. Ok, kind of pushed by circumstances obviously, but still he made the choice. He needed that I think. :chin:

Thank you so much for this! :hearts: :flowers:
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Re: Phantom Pain (Challenge 159)-- PG-13

Post by Shadow »

The last line is definitely my favorite -- Josef would certainly get a kick out of knowing this!

And turning human had to have been a bizarre transition, full of loss, especially since Mick had been a vampire a lot longer than he'd been a human. This sounds exactly like Mick's voice-over, as he is coming to that realization. Very nice!
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