What is "The Cure" made of?

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What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by allegrita »

On another thread, LoveBite said,
This subject has probably been talked about in great detail long ago, but what do people think the "cure" was made from, and how would this substance or "stuff" cure a vampire?
We know that it involved an extinct species of plant. But what else was in it? Any ideas? How did it work, and why was it only temporary?

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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by dmcs66 »

I have thought about this quite a lot over these many years. I have a whole theory:
Basically, My thought is that the secret to the cure's recipe was that the blood base was the placenta (afterbirth) of one of the royal females who had the rare blood type AO-, like Coraline and Beth.
Maybe that would explain one reason why Coraline was one of so many siblings.
Coraline's mother probably also had the royal blood type.
Could Beth actually be a descendent of the royal family? I think she might be. (Sorry off topic)
The reason it was a secret was because the Royal physician who invented the cure never told the King or any of the royal family. He did not want to relinquish control to the King. He and the King were not always on good terms. Finally, he destroyed the laboratory, and supposedly everything need to make more of the cure. He and the Royal Gardner even burned the fields were the flowers and plants grow that were used to make the cure.
His research notebooks however were sent to America, years before the explosion for safe keeping.
Sorry to much to tell here.

Look forward to reading other theories.
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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by cassysj »

dmc that is a really interesting theory. I never thought about it much beyond the extinct plants. It makes sense that blood would be involved in some way for the vampire to be able to absorb it. Since I don't think if Josef ate daffodil greens it would increase his vitamin intake.

Now it gets really interesting to think what kind of blood. Children/Adult/Male/Female or relation to the vampire.

What if it's a mix of any human blood and vampire blood from your bloodline. Maybe not specifically your sire but your line. For example the pure cure worked on Mick because he was Duvall but that dose might not work on Josef. It would explain why the Duvalls weren't massacred years ago for any drop of the compound. I know Lance is old, powerful, etc but....there's always someone older or more ambitious. If it won't work on you unless you're in that line not worth stealing.

So for example to use the cure on Sarah Whitley you would need not only the plants and any natural ingredients you would need Josef's blood and human blood.

Some of my OC characters have the plants in greenhouses. If this theory were true it would make the plants much more desirable than Lance's compound because if you had the recipe you could cook it up for your own bloodline.
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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by allegrita »

That's a really cool twist on the idea, Carol! It's always good to figure in the politics, and heaven knows vampire politics would be complex, reaching over centuries as they do. :chin:

The appearance of the Cure made it look like it was based on blood, but I suppose it could be some sort of colored plant sap or fruit or something rather than blood that colored it. The plants they used in the vampire lab scene looked like something from Mars, though. :laugh:
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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by dmcs66 »

I agree,
Cool Twist Carol!
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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by jmc »

allegrita wrote:On another thread, LoveBite said,
This subject has probably been talked about in great detail long ago, but what do people think the "cure" was made from, and how would this substance or "stuff" cure a vampire?
We know that it involved an extinct species of plant. But what else was in it? Any ideas? How did it work, and why was it only temporary?

Speculate away! :bulb:
I don't know about the blood and politics but I always wondered about the "extinct" plants. Detroit was founded by Cadillac over 300 hundred years ago and I've read articles about the early settlers' ribbon farms. Many had what are described as French pear trees growing near the houses. They were not pretty, delicate trees; they did not produce a consistent crop. They grew to 80 feet tall with 8 foot trunks and produced small, hard fruit. History buffs have identified a few descendants of those trees still living and producing pears in our area. I think it possible that other old versions of plants could have survived in former French colonies and outposts throughout the world.
Southern California might not have been the best place to look but Coraline might have been on to something if she'd looked in Quebec or Louisiana.

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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by eris »

I doubt the show runners put much thought into the dynamics of the plant; they just needed something that would work. But if you want to get into biology, then my guess would be some sort of caffeine derivative (or botanic cousin). Caffeine was a common treatment for people near death around the French revolution (You've all read the Count of Monte Cristo, right?). It could stimulate circulation and ease breathing, etc.

If you go with the idea that vampirism doesn't technically kill the host animal, but slows their metabolism or shifts it into a kind of stasis, then adding a pure caffeine derivative to that system would allow the heart beat to register; they'd be breathing much deeper, etc.

Most recorded "outbreaks" of vampirism are tied to real rabies outbreaks, as are what most people consider the traits of a vampire. Very strong, an aversion to water (really only used in Dracula and some witch-lore), an aversion to sunlight, acting like an animal, even some people having fingernails that turn translucent to nearly glowing in direct light, and the condition usually comes from an animal bite. It's possible that whoever came up with the Cure storyline was intending to use a folk remedy for rabies as a baseline for the show.
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Re: What is "The Cure" made of?

Post by Lucy »

Never really gave it a whole lot of thought....it is interesting to know Lancome made an anti-aging serum using some rare apples from France....so....that could be a secret ingredient. :reading:
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