New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

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New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by PNWgal »

For those of us that struggle with dialogue like I do, this is a great challenge!

Many, many thanks go out to allegrita for reading through this, cleaning up the mess, letting me bounce ideas off her and just generally being a great cheerleader. :hug:

Usual disclaimers apply. I own nothing by my own OC's


“Mick. You shouldn’t have come here.”

“I know, Belle...I know I shouldn’t have come to the house, but I had to talk to someone. I have to talk to you.”

“If Mr. Kostan finds out...he’s really pissed at you. If he finds out you were here, he’ll fire me. I can’t go back to the rotation,’s taken me so long for Mr. Kostan to see my potential.”

“I know...that’s why I asked you to meet me at the back entrance. Don’t worry, Belle - I’ll take the heat from Josef if he gets wind of my visit. Please, I...I gotta talk to you. I gotta explain why I did what I did. I tried explaining it to Josef, but he just didn’t get it.”

“Alright, alright! Here, come inside - someone might see you and it’s starting to rain.”

“Thanks, Belle.”

“Come along. We can talk in my quarters upstairs.”

“Uhhhh...I don’t think that’s such a great idea…”

“I promise I won’t take advantage of you, Mick.”

“You makin’ fun of me, Belle?”

“I am, and I’ll keep it up if it keeps that smile on your face. Now, come’re perfectly safe in my rooms and no one will bother us. It’s been a slow night at the house, and most of the girls are in bed. Watch that last step - it squeaks.”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“Come in, Mick...sit down. Would you like a drink?”

“Naw, I’m good. Belle...I don’t know where to start.”

“Well, you can start by telling me why you’ve decided to incur the wrath of Josef Kostan and break the heart of every freshie in L.A. by going off the vein. Mick, you know you’re too young to drink morgue’s not good for you.”

“Yeah, yeah...Josef makes sure I still get it fresh. I just don’t drink straight from the source anymore. I can’t. It’’s not right, not for me anymore.”

“I don’t think I understand.”

“I’m not sure I do anymore either, Belle. But holding that little girl I saved, looking into those big blue eyes, knowing what could have happened to her...I hate that my world touched something so innocent. A monster took her and a monster saved her.”

“You’re not a monster, Mick. You know that.”

“Do I? What I know is that my world and that little girl’s world will never collide again. I’m making damn sure of it.”

“What do you mean, you’re ‘making sure’? Mick, what are you doing??”

“I’m not doing anything! I her. Protect her.”

“Mick, that’s a dangerous game you’re playing. What if you’re seen? If Mr. Kostan finds out...”

“Josef won’t find out, and she never sees me. I keep to the shadows.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I’m a P.I., Belle.”

“ careful.”

“I will, Belle, I promise. This is something I have to do. She saved me.”

“From what?”

“From myself.”

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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by allegrita »

Oh, yay! You posted it, and it's so wonderful! :heart: I would love to learn more about Mick's relationship with Belle. They are obviously old friends, and she seems to have a real soft spot for him. (Not that any of us could appreciate that...) :winky:

I love the little touches in this: Belle warning Mick about the squeaky step, and inviting him in because she doesn't want him to get stuck out in the rain... :hearts: not to mention trying to tease him out of his dark mood. But she understands him, and realizes that he's hit some sort of turning point here. And she respects his decision, though she doesn't really understand it. She's the kind of friend Mick needs right now. I'm glad she's there for him. :hearts:

This is such a great answer to the Challenge. This is definitely a new life for Mick. And I'm so glad he's got a friend to help him through the transition. :yes:
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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by francis »

I really love this. Belle is a great character. You painted her with so few words, yet she's just the woman I would like to be - a good friend.
:comfort: Poor Mick needed that.
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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by cassysj »

This is such a great story. I love Belle and this is a big change for Mick definitely a new life for him.
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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by darkstarrising »

Wonderful explanation for why Mick 'went off the vein', PGal :hug:

I found this telling:
"A monster took her and a monster saved her."
Whatever love Mick felt for Coraline, taking the child Beth was the final straw in their relationship. By saving Beth and destroying Coraline, Mick has chosen a different path, distancing himself away from his wife and the world she represents. But he's still a part of that world, and while he can't go back to being human, he can make changes, like not taking blood fresh anymore.

Belle worries about Mick, and while she assures him he's not a monster, she recognizes that he is a vampire and warns him about the dangers of drinking morgue blood. When she offers him a 'little drink', I assumed she meant alcohol, but she might have been offering something else as well.
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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

I love that you showed that these two had an fairly long history and friendship in the little touches---squeaky step, etc. There was no need to belabor that point, it shined through with the light brushstrokes with which you painted the story.
Another great little fic. I'm not surprised at all! :heart:
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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

This is wonderful! What a great place in Mick's past to show us how it must have been. I'm glad he had a friend in Belle. I would like to hear more about her.

Reminds me of Rhett Butler and Belle Watson. :laugh:

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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by cassysj »

This is such a great story. I had to give it a bump
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Re: New Paths - Champagne Challenge #154 - PG

Post by PNWgal »


To my shame, I realize I never thanked any of you for commenting on this. :blushing: Thanks for giving this a bump, Carol, and thank every one of you that read and commented! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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"It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - George Eliot

"The dogs may bark, but the caravan passes on." - old Arab proverb

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