Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

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Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.

Previously on Savannah Returns...

“Now,” said Josef. “Let’s come up with a plan that will hopefully keep all of us alive.”

Chapter 8

A couple of hours later Mick stood up. Savannah had found a link for a marketing video about the mine tours which they all watched and then they studied the maps while discussing various options. “Okay, that plan seems to be the best.” he said. “Agreed?” The others murmured their consent. “Savannah, where does Jason keep his vampire hunting kit?”

“His what?” she replied, bewildered.

“His vampire hunting kit,” Mick repeated. “A box, probably about this size,” he motioned with his hands. “Contains stakes, some kind of large knife or blade…”

Savannah shrugged. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“Every vampire worth his fangs has one,” Josef added. “I’m sure Jason must have one somewhere.”

“Well, there is a wooden chest in his office. Like a trunk. Handcarved, kind of ornate. It’s always locked. He uses it as coffee table of sorts. Could that be it?”

Mick looked at Josef. “Sounds promising. Let’s go see.” They all trooped into the office, now neat and tidy from the Cleaners’ visit. Except for the broken oak desk still sitting where Savannah told them to leave it, no sign of a struggle remained.

“Here, this is it,” Savannah said pointing to a wooden trunk near the sofa. A glass tray sat on top of it holding a decanter and some glasses. Josef removed the tray and Mick examined the lock.

“You won’t have to break the wood, will you?” Beth asked. “It’s so beautiful with all the intricate carving.”

Mick reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his lock pick tool case. “This should do it without damaging anything.” In a minute he had the trunk open.

Josef let out a low whistle. “Now that’s a hunting kit!” he exclaimed.

Savannah’s mouth fell. “I had no idea… hiding in plain sight all this time.”

As Josef began to pick through the weapons, Mick took another look around the office. Spying a sports jacket on a coat tree, he went over to it.

“How big is Jason?” he asked Savannah, who turned to look at him. “Is he built more like me or Josef?”

“Like you,” she replied.

“Is this his jacket?” She nodded. Mick took the jacket off of the rack and held it to his face, inhaling deeply. When he lowered it, he saw Beth and Kylie giving him a strange look. He smiled. “I’ve never met Jason. I needed to know what his scent is so I can help track him down in the mine.” Then he removed his own jacket and slipped on Jason’s. It was a fairly good fit.

“Corduroy with suede patches on the elbows. The new you,” Beth smiled.

“Very funny,” he said as he removed the jacket. “This should work well with our plan.” Carrying the jacket he walked back over to the wooden chest. Josef stood up.

“I think we have enough here,” he held out his hands to show Mick. “We can’t carry too much with us without attracting attention.”

“Agreed,” Mick said as he looked in the box. “Why don’t you ladies take some of the smaller stakes,” he added with a sigh. “If all goes well you won’t have to use them, but I’d feel better if you had something.”

As Beth, Kylie and Savannah each took a couple of stakes, Josef and Mick exchanged glances and finally shrugged. They really had no other choice.

“Are we going to pack some blood bags as well?” Beth asked.

Josef shook his head. “I don’t think we can risk it. We’ll have to take fresh,” he added as he looked at Kylie and Savannah. They nodded in understanding.


They arrived early for their tour of the copper mine. Josef and Mick started to wander around the grounds, scenting for any sign of Jason or a recent scent that could be his abductor Aaron. They came across an emergency exit that seemed to have fresh tracks in the dirt. And fresh scents.

“Hey! You there!” Josef and Mick turned around. “You can’t wander around here,” an employee said. “It’s too dangerous. Please return to the visitor’s center and wait for your tour.”

“Sorry,” Mick mumbled and they walked back to the visitor’s center with the employee following them.

“Did you pick up anything?” Mick asked Josef in vampire subtones. “I thought I picked up Jason’s scent - very faint.”

Josef nodded. “I did too. And another scent that’s stronger. I believe Aaron’s using that emergency exit to get in and out.”

“I would have expected it to have a motion detector or some kind of alarm. Maybe he’s disabled it,” Mick said. “Do you think we can reach the spot from the inside?” he added.

“I guess we’ll find out on our tour,” Josef replied.

They rejoined the women and soon boarded the cog-rail tram for the ride down to the mine entrance. Wearing the hard hats they were given, they followed the guide into the mine, seven levels underground. Mick and Josef hung back, only half listening to the guide’s talk. They were more intent on sniffing around the many passages that were out of bounds for the guided tour.

Passing by a passageway marked with a sign that said “No Admittance: Emergency Use Only” Josef nudged Kylie and pointed at her feet. Kylie stopped and bent down to retie her shoe as the others waited nearby. Both vampires were keenly interested in peering down the passageway and scenting the air.

“Please keep up with the group,” a second guide said to them. “We don’t want anyone getting lost down here!” he said with a chuckle.

Kylie gave the man her best smile. “Of course not; I’m sorry. My shoelace came untied and I just stopped to fix it so I wouldn’t trip.”

The guide waited for Kylie and her companions to rejoin the main group. Mick and Josef exchanged glances and nodded. They had both smelled Jason down that passageway and the same secondary scent they had picked up outside. Josef nodded to Beth, who sidled up next to Savannah.

“You’re on; make it look good,” Beth whispered.

Savannah began to audibly gasp for breath. “Help! Please! I – I have to – get out of – here!” She stopped walking and grabbed Beth’s arm. “I – can’t – breathe!” The other people around them began to murmur and the guide at the front stopped talking.

“Is there a problem back there?” she asked.

“Yes, my friend is having difficulty breathing!” Beth called out. “We need some help!”

The guide pushed her way through the crowd. “Get back everyone, please, stand back. Give the woman some room.” She reached Savannah and the others. “What’s the problem?”

“Our friend,” Kylie pointed to Savannah, now doubled over and panting heavily. “I think she’s having a panic attack!”

“I – have to – get out – of here,” she gasped. Her eyes were wide and she looked terrified.

“Are you claustrophobic?” the guide asked. “We have abundant information posted that people who have problems with closed-in places should not go on the underground tour.” She sounded exasperated.

“She’s never had an attack before that we know of,” Beth offered helpfully.

Savannah clutched at Mick’s arm and looked pleadingly at the guide. “Never – I never – went in – a cave – before – didn’t know…”

“Please,” Mick spoke up. “We need to get her out of here as quickly as we can. I’m sure she’ll be okay once she’s above ground.”

“Well, the tram is way back there,” the guide pointed the way they had come. “She’ll have to go sit there and wait till the end of the tour.”

Savannah gasped even louder and shook her head violently. “No – can’t wait…”

Now Josef stepped forward. “Surely there is another way out. We just passed an emergency exit back there,” he waved vaguely behind him. “Can’t we take her out there?”

“That is only for emergency evacuations,” the guide said efficiently.

“What do you call this??” Josef said, his voice rising.

“That is a narrower passage than this and the stairs are steep,” the guide warned. “It will only make it worse.”

“As long as she knows she is headed upward, I think she can make it,” Beth said.

“We’re wasting time; we need to take her out,” Mick said and he scooped Savannah up in his arms as he turned to walk back towards the emergency exit.

The woman gave in and turned to the assistant guide. “Bob, go with them; we can’t have anyone getting lost. Radio ahead so the medical personnel can meet you at the top.”

“Thank you,” Kylie said as she turned to follow the others.

The assistant guide led the way past the warning sign, holding a large flashlight. Mick was next carrying Savannah, still breathing heavily, followed by Kylie and Beth. Josef brought up the rear. There were multiple paths leading off of the one they were on, which was clearly marked with exit signs. When the passaged narrowed, Mick set Savannah down on her feet. They were far enough inside the passageway now to be out of hearing range of the rest of the tour.

“The stairs are just a short distance ahead,” the guide announced. “I’ll radio up top from there. We’ll have to go up single file.”


Hearing someone fall to the ground, the guide turned around and saw Savannah sprawled on the hard floor. He ran back to her, squeezing past the others in the small space.

“Are you alright?” he asked as he knelt down over her, taking off his hard hat and setting it on the ground along with his flashlight. In the blink of an eye Mick picked up the flashlight and hit the guide in the back of the head. He slumped to his side and lay still.

“He’s not… you didn’t…” Kylie tried to ask.

“No, he’s not dead,” Mick assured her. “Just knocked out cold. He should be out for a good while.” He held his hand out to Savannah and pulled her up. “You did great, Savannah! Are you alright?”

Savannah brushed herself off. “Yes, I’m fine. Just thirsty from having to gasp for air like that!”

Beth reached into her backpack and handed her a bottle of water. “Here you go, drink this.” She turned to Mick. “Nice of him to take off his hard hat for you,” she said with a grin.

“Yeah, I was starting to wonder how I was going to manage that part!” Mick replied.

Josef had tied up Bob’s feet and hands and put a gag in his mouth. Kylie looked at him questioningly as he stood up. “Just playing it safe, doll. We can’t have him waking up before we’re done. If all goes as planned we’ll be finished and back here before he wakes up and he’ll never know what happened.” He picked up the unconscious guide and stashed him under the stairway, out of sight. Then he turned to the group. “Okay, we have a limited amount of time; let’s go. Mick, my man… lead on.”

To be continued...
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

Post by librarian_7 »

I haven't read, yet, but wanted to say I've been tapping my foot, waiting for this to come up!
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

librarian_7 wrote:I haven't read, yet, but wanted to say I've been tapping my foot, waiting for this to come up!
:laugh: :blushing: Ahem...sorry. We're on the road. Got back to the hotel just in time for H50 so the chapter had to wait. :2eyes:
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

Post by librarian_7 »

Ooh, you always have to end on a cliffie!

Can't wait for what happens next!
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

Post by allegrita »

Oooh, the game's afoot! (Wait--wrong detective.) :snicker: I'm glad Mick realized that the women might need something to defend themselves with. These vampires so often think they can do it all, and the humans won't be any use. Humph! :mdrama:

They're so clever, thinking up the plan to feign claustrophobia. That actually does happen in caves sometimes! I guess you never know if you'll be affected by it till you try it. :confused2: Anyway, they did a great job of getting away from the tour. Now the really interesting part begins! :teeth:
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Re: Savannah Returns (PG-13) Chapter 8

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

The cliffies are half the fun! :teeth:

Yep, they shouldn't underestimate the human women...:whistle:

Thanks for reading and commenting, Lucky and Alle! :reading:
Many thanks to Twilightdew for my banner and avi.
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