Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

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Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by choccyterri »

Hello lovelies!! :ghug: So I do know that this is a little bit late, but I'm hoping that I can sneak it in... :brow: When I read the opening phrase, I knew who needed to write this little story. And with lovely Allegrita's help, Beth has been able to have a little say in my mind, and on the page. I really hope that you enjoy it! :flowers:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

For most people, time is a precious commodity. Moments are fleeting. Opportunities are easily lost. The clock keeps ticking. Still, it only takes five minutes to change everything.

If only I could change it back.

I mean, it’s easy when you meet someone, to see how much they enjoy their job. And I knew from the very beginning that Josh was practically married to his. He wanted to do well. Make a career, and do good things. It was a part of what I loved about him. And he knew how I felt about journalism, the way it could just take hold until I got the story, or developed the lead I was following. I guess it was an important part of how we lived our lives—independent, but all the while considering what the other was doing. But if I think about it, I was never worried about how safe I was. Even with my history. Josh was always there to make me feel safe.

When I think back on that day, I can still feel his arms around me. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you.” And when I replied, I meant it. Telling Josh I loved him wasn’t just a platitude, one of those things you say when you’re trying to find something to fill a space. I really did love him. Rely on him. Even though that day he hadn’t been able to keep me safe on his own, when he showed up at the apartment, he’d taken care of everything. Detectives and officers left and right, and that blatantly obvious cop car sitting out on the street. Yeah, anyone coming would know that I was covered. And the relief after what had happened at Bionalysis was like a breath that needed to escape. Riled as Mick was at what had happened, he knew that Josh wouldn’t knowingly put me in danger.

I listened while the two of them spoke, and I heard that edge Mick gets to his voice when he’s annoyed. But how could Josh have ever known Tejada would move so quickly? I could tell he was grateful Mick had been there. But to have him back… well, that gave me all the reassurance I still needed.

And then we get to the five minutes. The part that I’ll always need to change.

Mick had been in the other room while Josh and I spoke. Staring out of the window. Thinking about… who knows what vampires think about? As Josh held me, I glanced over at him, and watched as he tilted his head. I knew that he’d heard me tell Josh I loved him too. I knew because his head bowed toward the floor, and I saw him exhale before I buried my face in Josh’s shoulder.

After just a few moments, I could feel Josh’s hands begin to set me at arm’s length. “Everything’s going to be okay, Beth. It’s another piece of evidence against Tejada. Judge Evatt can’t keep ignoring all this.” He paused, blue eyes holding mine. “I’m going to head back to the office right now. See if we can’t get him to review Tejada’s bail conditions. We need this guy off the streets. At least away from his associates. The less contact he has with them the better.”

His hands rested against my shoulders as he looked at me. And I swallowed, lips pursed as I tried to reassure myself— this was what he needed to do right now. All he needed from me was a nod. A sign that I was okay. And he’d be gone.

And I nodded. Feeling his breath as he pulled me back to him, brushing my forehead with his lips. “I’ll call you as soon as I’m at the office, okay?”

And then I watched him go. Kind of a moment’s stunned silence that he was going to leave again already. But I didn’t stop him. Stupid. Why didn’t I make him stay? As he got to Mick they talked, Mick looking over to me as Josh asked him if he’d stick around for a while. I guess the look on my face told Mick that I needed him, needed somebody, close by. And so he was with me as I looked out of the window. Watched Josh as he crossed the street, and talked to the officer guarding the apartment.

If I’d asked him to stay, would everything have happened in the same way? Were Tejada’s men waiting for him to leave, or would they have come inside? Done whatever it took to get to the man who was trying to take down their boss?

I guess we’ll never know. All I know is that today I watched Josh die, and Mick could have helped me. I guess I’ll have to try to understand why he didn’t.

After the paramedics had gone, Carl waited with me for a while, but then eventually we knew that I needed to go home. Tonight I’ve watched the light fade through the open window. Felt the breeze on my face. Something I used to do while I sat with Josh. Something I won’t ever do again. Mick has already come and gone, quietly getting in and leaving through the window. I wanted to be so mad at him. To hit out at the one person who could have really saved Josh. But all I could do was argue like a child. How does Mick live with what he is? If it’s so bad, how can he go on existing? And to hear him say that given the choice, he would have let me die too? Well, I guess that’s how he feels about me. I suppose I’ll have to find a way to deal with that, too.

We’d joked just the other day about Mick finding a vampire bride to share eternity with. That the last time it hadn’t worked out so well. Right now, it’s something that I hope he’ll find. I know that he wants to protect me. To help take care of me. But anything more than that? Maybe we were both mistaken about what we thought was happening. And that’s probably for the best. If anyone is tied to his job, it’s Mick. Vampire detective has to be one of the most dangerous ways to live your life I can think of. Out all hours. Wait in the car, Beth. Yeah, maybe it’s best if I just stay out of his way for a little while. If he needs me, he knows where to find me.

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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by allegrita »

Terri, I don't recall seeing any other story covering this particular moment, and I'm so glad you have written this. This is Beth the night Josh died--raw from losing him, devastated, angry and hurt at Mick. Beth is so good at coping with her traumas by stuffing everything into a box deep down in her mind somewhere, but here she's just bowled over by grief, and genuinely wounded. She's going through that awful "If only things had gone a little differently" stage. She's desperately wishing she could go back and fix the past so that the story will turn out differently. And she is trying to convince herself that she truly did love Josh and that her feelings for Mick were a mistake. This is the Beth we saw with tears on her face, all scrunched up in a chair, trying to understand why Mick wouldn't (not couldn't, wouldn't) fix everything, the way he always had done before. And worse yet, she's been hit with that bombshell Mick dropped--that he wouldn't have turned her in the same situation. :Mickangel:

In about eighteen hours, she'll find out that Josh was going to propose to her... and it will hit her like a brick to the head that it wouldn't have been right to say yes. Because as much as she cared for Josh and truly grieves for his loss, she wouldn't have wanted to marry him. They had been moving apart for weeks, even months--and she just hadn't admitted it to herself. And she'll begin to acknowledge that whatever it is between Mick and her, it isn't a mistake, and it isn't going to go away.

But that's in the future. This is Beth at her most traumatized, when all her demons are out in force, and she just wants those five minutes back. :hankie:

I love the way you've captured her here. Damaged, despairing, in denial, and feeling very, very alone. :comfort2:
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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by jen »


This is wonderful.

You've done an amazing job of showing Beth as a multifaceted character, both experiencing and analyzing her own trauma and responses as she rides the tide of events in LLF.
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by francis »

Terri, I love this! After all this time you captured something new, a moment I hadn't thought about before. You show the complexity that is Beth, her feelings, her love for Josh that was strong. In this moment, she is no longer tempted by Mick, she is not yet in love with him, she still belongs to Josh. And he deserved that much.
Thank you!!! :flowers:
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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

What a wonderful take on a story we all know so well. You have given us a new look and I think you for that Terri. :kiss:
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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by choccyterri »

:ghug: Ladies, thank you for your comments... :heart:

This story for me all began with what happened in those moments between their hug and Josh leaving the apartment. What would have happened between the three main characters? If things had gone differently, and Josh had never left, would he still be alive? When we were given that wonderful opening line, it left me thinking how Beth would have handled herself. Whether or not she would have tried to alter the situation given the opportunity.

She will always be our feisty, amazing Beth, but she is only human. Wonderfully so, so I was left wondering how she'd be feeling. Guilt, sadness... balancing these with her new feelings for Mick, it must have been so difficult for her, and in my head she wanted to write this down.

:flowers: Thank you again for taking the time to read it, your words are greatly appreciated, as always... :heart:

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by Lucy »

You caught it all..... I always wanted to cry for Mick at that moment....I wondered if Beth understood all of Mick's talents.

:clapping: You've shed light on that so well. :hug:
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Re: Champagne Challenge # 156 Overtime. Rated PG

Post by cassysj »

I missed a lot of these stories. Really wonderful
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