Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

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Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by Emma-lee »

My muses are back and this is what Josef demanded I write. Thanks to Jen for betaing this story. Please let me know what you think!

Unopened Treasure

Josef poured two glasses of 40 year old Macallan scotch, the last drops going into one of the glasses. He dropped a few drops of O- blood into the glasses and swirled them around. Then he turned and handed Mick one glass as he sat across from him on the leather couch. Josef enjoyed these relaxed visits he had with Mick, a friend that did not just like him just for his money. He smirked and sipped his favorite drink.
Mick watched him. “Something funny old man?” He asked as his eyes drifted to the tall bookshelf behind Josef. They found the very old wooden box on the top shelf, tucked behind a few other books and a vase Josef had won from a greek antiques dealer a few decades ago. He had always wondered what ancient treasure it hid inside it’s dark interior but never felt the moment was right. Mick sipped the drink the last drops in the bottle tasting as good as the first had a few hours earlier.
Josef shook his head. “No just thinking how you manage to stay in my good graces.” He said with snark.
Mick chuckled. “It probably has something to do with the fact that you are in awe of my good looks.”
“Hardly.” He said dryly as he sipped his drink.
“Josef, I have to know, what do you keep in that old box.” He flicked his eyes to where the box was resting.
Josef followed where Mick was looking and sighed. “That would be a box of old memories from my human days.”
Mick watched him. “Anything you care to share?”
Josef thought for a minute and then walked over to the bookshelf and pulled the box down gingerly. The lack of dust on the top showed that it was a very well cared for box. He sat back down, the box in his lap. Maybe it was the relaxed atmosphere or maybe the unexplained amount of trust he had in Mick, but he felt the need to explain about the box. Mick continued to watch Josef without breaking the silence. After a few minutes, Josef opened the box almost reverently and pulled out an old faded silk cloth tied in a bundle with a faded red ribbon. He opened the bundle with practiced efficiency and a lock of light brown hair was visible. He laid it on the table as he pulled out a small perfume bottle that was obviously very old. That was also placed on the table between them. Mick knew to not touch anything unless Josef allowed it. Josef pulled out the final treasure in the box, a letter. Still sealed with wax and the letter “E” imprinted in the now fragile wax seal. “Josef” was scrawled across the front of the envelope in a feminine hand. The envelope had never been opened.
“Who was she?” Mick asked softly knowing Josef would tell him only what he wanted him to know.
“Elizabeth, the beautiful daughter of a neighboring Manor . We courted for 2 years, seeing each other when we could.” A sad smile crossed his lips. “She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Made living under a tyrannical Lord’s rule worthwhile.” He paused and gently touched the lock of hair. Mick let him tell the story at his own pace. “Her parents were in danger of losing everything they had due to her father’s terrible accident in the fields. He was unable to work anymore and she had no brothers- just an older sister who was already married.” His face grew taught as he spoke and he wrapped the lock of hair back up in the cloth and put it in the box. “When I went to her house to ask her father for her hand in marriage, she was gone.” Josef went silent as he held the unopened letter in his hand. It was a long few moments before he spoke again. “Her father handed me this letter. Told me that she had already agreed to marry their Lord, and that I was not to contact her anymore.” There was pain etched in Josef’s eyes as he spoke. He put the perfume bottle and the letter inside the box and closed the lid. He looked at Mick.
“Anyway, I kept all this to remind me to not trust my heart.”
Mick looked at him sadly. “Josef…what about Sarah? You loved her just as much.”
Josef shook his head. “And look what happened to her. I am just not meant to have love.”
Mick reached out to put an understanding hand on his shoulder when Josef shrugged it off. “I’m fine Mick, I don’t need your sympathy. You wanted to know about the box and I told you.” He put the box on the table as if it had been made of silver.
Mick pulled his hand back. “What did you do after you left her house?”
Josef sighed. “I got drunk and stayed drunk. To the point that I shirked my duties to my Lord and was brought to him so drunk I could not even walk. Then he made me a deal I could not refuse. I would give him my life in exchange for my mother being freed from her serfdom.” He looked at Mick. “How could I refuse that, so I agreed.”
Mick looked at him, realization of what he said sinking in. “That’s when you were turned?”
Josef nodded. “The outside world thought I had died from the drunkenness. Elizabeth died later that year from the plague.” He shot back the rest of his drink.
“Josef, you should read the letter. There may be more to the story than you know.”
He flashed his eyes at Mick. “I know what the story was. She fell in love with power and money- what more is there to say?”
Mick finished his drink. “I am just saying sometimes there is more there than meets the eye- a little something I have learned from the PI business.” He stood. “I need to head out, but think about it, Josef. 400 years is a long time to hold a grudge.”
Josef said nothing as he watched his friend walk out. Once Mick was gone, he looked at the box, slowly opening it and taking out the letter. He held it in his hands as Mick’s words rang in his mind. But would reading it make a difference, change the way he had felt for a few centuries? There was only one way to know. He rubbed his finger over the wax seal and debated with himself.
After a few minutes he slipped a finger under the seal and broke it open, the ancient wax crumbling in his hand. Slowly he pulled out the letter and folded it open. His eyes teared up as he read it.
My love, I am very sorry. I love you and always will. You have to promise me you will never tell anyone what I wrote here. I had to tell you- but you must never say a word. I had to marry the Lord to save my family’s land. You know that my father was hurt badly when the horse overturned the carriage and he is no longer able to work the Lord’s land. The Lord took a fancy to me, however, and has offered to protect my family if I will marry him. It is the only way to save my family’s land- I have no choice. He also insists that I never tell anyone of the deal. I am to love him as my husband, and I will do my duty. But when I lay with him, I will imagine it is with you, my one and only true love.
Please remember I will love you until my dying days- and try to forgive me. Goodbye, my sweet Josef, until we meet again in Heaven
Josef let the tears fall as he refolded the letter and put it back in the envelope. He wiped his eyes and put it back in the box. He tried his best to put his stoic face back in place, with it only half working. Then placed the box back on the shelf and went to the freezer. He closed his eyes and visions of his sweet Elizabeth drifted through his mind as he drifted off, tears freezing to his cheeks.

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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by jen »

Emma Lee, this is exceptional!

You have crafted such a wonderful story in such a few words. The reader can see everything, and is swept up in this timeless love story. To think the truth of this was so close to Josef, all those years. At least Mick was able to get him to see reason and read the letter. Hopefully, opening that envelope will let some fresh air into his self imposed solitude.

Great job!!


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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by Marigold »

:hankie: :hankie: Beautifully done, Emma-lee! :rose:

I really like how you used the box and the letter to tell us this story. What a great look into Josef's human life. :flowers:

I'm so glad Josef read Elizabeth's letter. :hearts:

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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by Emma-lee »

jen wrote:Emma Lee, this is exceptional!

You have crafted such a wonderful story in such a few words. The reader can see everything, and is swept up in this timeless love story. To think the truth of this was so close to Josef, all those years. At least Mick was able to get him to see reason and read the letter. Hopefully, opening that envelope will let some fresh air into his self imposed solitude.

Great job!!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thank you Jenna :heart: I'm glad you liked it! I am hoping Josef allows himself to love again.
Marigold wrote::hankie: :hankie: Beautifully done, Emma-lee! :rose:

I really like how you used the box and the letter to tell us this story. What a great look into Josef's human life. :flowers:

I'm so glad Josef read Elizabeth's letter. :hearts:

Thank you Marigold! :hearts: I am glad he read the letter as well. At first he wanted to NOT read it and just have the readers know what it said..but you know Josef he had to know what we knew. :whistle:

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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

A very interesting and touching background for Josef. Imagine keeping that letter for centuries and never reading it until now! I wonder if he would have tried love more often if had read it sooner? Well, he has nothing but time... I hope he tries love again.

This was easy to picture happening. Thanks for posting!

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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by Emma-lee »

MickLifeCrisis wrote:A very interesting and touching background for Josef. Imagine keeping that letter for centuries and never reading it until now! I wonder if he would have tried love more often if had read it sooner? Well, he has nothing but time... I hope he tries love again.

This was easy to picture happening. Thanks for posting!

:hearts: Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wonder if he would have tried to get her back instead of drinking himself to a stupor.

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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by allegrita »

First of all, welcome back, Emma-lee! :hug: :hearts: It's wonderful to see you again, and you come bearing gifts, too! :flowers:

Ooh, Josef must have really been in a reflective mood if he shared this painful memory with Mick. Perhaps the entire bottle of scotch had something to do with it. :snicker: But the story is so touching! You have to wonder what would have happened if Josef had read the letter... maybe he wouldn't have lived long enough to become a vamp. :chair: He said in Sleeping Beauty that maybe he lived as long as he did so that he could meet Sarah... and maybe without his loving and losing Elizabeth so long ago, he wouldn't have been able to endure losing Sarah too. Things in the Moonlight-verse seem to happen for a reason. So maybe Josef is finally ready to give it another shot. I hope so. :heart:

Thank you for giving us a new story! And don't be a stranger, okay? :ghug:
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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by francis »

Josef needed 400 years to have the courage to open this letter. I wonder if his life would have turned out differently if he had opened it before. He would have realized that maybe love still is for him.
Great story, Emma Lee. :hearts:
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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by Lucy »

you know....this story just reinforces that Josef the human was exactly like Josef the undead.....

Perhaps it was Mick who prodded Josef to act.....but whoever it was....I am glad he finally faced that segment of his past reality....

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Re: Unopened Treasure- G (Josef)

Post by Emma-lee »

allegrita wrote:First of all, welcome back, Emma-lee! :hug: :hearts: It's wonderful to see you again, and you come bearing gifts, too! :flowers:

Ooh, Josef must have really been in a reflective mood if he shared this painful memory with Mick. Perhaps the entire bottle of scotch had something to do with it. :snicker: But the story is so touching! You have to wonder what would have happened if Josef had read the letter... maybe he wouldn't have lived long enough to become a vamp. :chair: He said in Sleeping Beauty that maybe he lived as long as he did so that he could meet Sarah... and maybe without his loving and losing Elizabeth so long ago, he wouldn't have been able to endure losing Sarah too. Things in the Moonlight-verse seem to happen for a reason. So maybe Josef is finally ready to give it another shot. I hope so. :heart:

Thank you for giving us a new story! And don't be a stranger, okay? :ghug:
Thanks Alle it is good to be back. And it would figure that Josef muse would be the one to come back and MAKE me write. :laugh:

I thought the same thing, that maybe Josef would not have become a vampire at all had he read the letter so long ago. Things do seem to happen for a reason. Though maybe Sarah was Elizabeth coming through at a different time to reclaim her true love.
francis wrote:Josef needed 400 years to have the courage to open this letter. I wonder if his life would have turned out differently if he had opened it before. He would have realized that maybe love still is for him.
Great story, Emma Lee. :hearts:
Thanks francis! He did need the courage to open that letter, maybe Mick is the one that gave him that courage....or like Alle said it could have been the whole bottle of scotch. :winky:
Lucy wrote:you know....this story just reinforces that Josef the human was exactly like Josef the undead.....

Perhaps it was Mick who prodded Josef to act.....but whoever it was....I am glad he finally faced that segment of his past reality....

Well done!!! :wave:
Thanks for reading Lucy! I am glad Josef faced it as well, maybe it will allow him to trust his heart again.

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