FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

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FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

Post by lionsonleashes »


DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Logan, Talbot, Guillermo, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others.
Rated PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘sealed the deal’, and are now lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! Mick and Josef find out about ‘the List’ from Talbot.) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, her original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics.

Okay? Ready? Ya sure? Right then! Hold on! Here we……go!


Josef watched the golden werewolf as she flinched hard, and squeezed her sapphire eyes shut abruptly. There it was, he thought to himself, the hunger had just hit her……they were out of time. Where was that Dog Whisperer guy from TV when you needed him? He saw the she-wolf’s nostrils flare as she scented the air.

Nothing happened at first. The very large golden wolf continued to stand on the other side of the Newbie Suite’s spacious living room, facing them, four-square on her long lupine legs.

Behind her, the Cleaner was leaning inside the Lexan viewing port, watching with her mouth hanging open. She rested her weight on the bubble’s interior surface, while her legs and hips were still out in the antechamber behind her. She continued to thump on the Lexan bubble with her palms, trying to draw Beth’s attention away from Mick and Josef. It wasn’t working.

“Mick….”, Josef whispered, “If she charges, she’ll come at me, because I’m oldest. I’ll try to draw her towards the back of the Suite, while you head for the exit and get out. I can stay away from her long enough for you to bring venison back.”

“Beth isn’t going to hurt us, Josef.” Mick was still staring at Beth’s new form in grinning astonishment.

“I’m just saying…..if she does…..keep that in mind.”

Mick ignored him, not taking his eyes off of the amazing creature before him. What a spectacular animal!

The hunger had washed over Beth with tremendous force, causing her to wince and grimace, closing her eyes. Disorientation returned, just when her head had been starting to clear………

She was so hungry! With her eyes still clamped shut, she scented the air……..and caught the powerful scent of not one, but two, energy rich sources of nourishment. Her newly installed instincts told her the scents were vampires, and that they contained all the power she would need. One in particular……several hundred years old…….was a very, very high value target. Her mouth began to water. Her stomach rumbled.

Her eyes snapped opened and locked on to the two vampires…….she began to step lightly towards them, moving silently on all fours. Neither one appeared to be trying to avoid her……..She inhaled again, drawing in and savoring their scents……..food……NO! WAIT! NOT FOOD!

Beth froze in mid-step, as the non-instinctual side of her mind screamed at the instinctual side. These were not food! This was Mick! The man she loved! And that really high value target? Well…..that was Josef…..a good friend……and…….Foster-Sire?

She remembered Josef saying he would be her Foster-Sire…..that he would teach her, and provide for her, if she would only trust him……

The golden she-wolf starred at Mick and Josef, confused by the clashing drives and emotions within her. Lover or food? Friend, Sire, or food? She growled softly. She was so hungry! She looked around the room, lifting her muzzle and scenting the air again for any other source of the nutrition her new body was screaming for………nothing.

The Cleaner pounded on the Lexan bubble again. She was really beginning to get on her nerves. Beth looked back at Claudia over the thick golden mane of her shoulder. She eyed the Cleaner and snarled, showing the tips of enormous fangs. The Cleaner froze.

Josef caught Claudia’s eye and shook his head slightly. Stop trying to distract her…..you're only going to agitate her further. The Cleaner got the message and fell silent, but she remained with her upper body leaning inside the Lexan bubble window, eyes wide, watching the scene play out before her.

Beth turned back to face Mick and Josef. She inhaled again….judging their scents. Her stomach clenched and growled…..they smelled…..wonderful!!!!! That rich earthy musk, teaming with energy……energy she needed desperately…...but……

From Mick….no fear…….only love for her rolling off of him in waves……and amazement……he trusted her.

From Josef……no fear…….only…..pack-leader pheromones…….strong…..in control……the one who leads and cares for those who follow………

She took a few steps closer to them, focusing now on Josef………

Inside her, a battle of instinctive drives raged for control…… Suddenly, a memory returned unbidden to her mind’s eye. She and Mick in Josef’s downtown office penthouse. It seemed like a life-time ago, but it was actually only a few days past. She had become angry with Josef when Mick let it slip that Josef goes out of his way to frighten and intimidate her boss, Ben. Ben Talbot had saved Mick’s life, and he was a good man. The poor guy was very new to the whole idea of vampires being real, having found out the hard way. The idea that Josef would toy with Ben like that, frightening him for laughs, had infuriated Beth. She remembered yelling at Josef, chewing him out. She also remembered his reaction to her behavior…….the way he stared her down, demanding without a word, that she submit, drop her eyes, stop challenging him. Human Beth hadn’t understood what was going on there……but werewolf Beth did now……Alpha-Male……Josef was Alpha. She had dropped her eyes back then, submitting to Josef’s status.

Food……..Alpha-Male……food…….Leader……FOOD…….Sire……Alpha- Male……food…….ALPHA-MALE……..SIRE…….LEADER.

Beth trembled and whimpered softly. As she advanced ever closer, she lowered her head and her tail. Her hunger was overwhelming……but so was her need for a Sire, a leader, a teacher, and a Pack. The tips of her tall triangular ears began to droop slightly.

Josef saw the change in her posture and smiled……. “There’s a good girl.” He slowly extended his right hand towards the 700 pound golden she-wolf as she inched closer. “Here to me, Beth.” He said softly.

The tip of Beth’s half-tail wagged ever so slightly as she closed the remaining distance between them. She crouched lower to the ground as she approached, and her ears drooped back against her head.

Josef gently stroked the top of the she-wolf’s golden head, and scratched her behind one ear. Mick looked on with a smile of wonderment.

“There’s my girl.” Josef said quietly. “You went off on us alittle prematurely, didn’t you my dear?”

Beth leaned into his hand and whimpered. She tried to speak, but her first efforts came out as guttural whines. She paused and tried again. “Hungry….Josef…… So hungry…… Help me!”

“I know, dear.” Josef answered, “The venison is on its way, hold on.”

Josef’s eyes suddenly went wide. Without making any sudden moves, he reached into his pocket with his free hand and fished out his handheld intercom device. He punched in a number and waited while it beeped with no one picking it up.

Mick saw the tension etched on Josef’s face. What was wrong? Beth was doing well…..but something certainly had Josef suddenly very worried……

Mick was distracted from this concern when Beth abruptly pushed her graceful golden muzzle into his chest, nuzzling, and demanding attention. He smiled and stroked her soft mane. "Hey baby.... Look at you!", he said softly

The interior sally-port door whooshed open abruptly, and Logan stepped in, carrying one cleaned venison carcass under his arm, and the other over one shoulder. His handheld intercom was beeping in his pocket. He was ignoring it because, between the load of venison, and operating the sally-port doors, he had his hands full.
“Sorry it took so long, Mr Kostan.”, Logan began, assuming the intercom call was a ‘where-the-hell-are-you’ thing, “I had trouble finding the venison in the locker…..” he grinned as he turned to face them, “It all looks the same to me.”

Everyone froze……and many thoughts rushed through many minds.

Logan saw an unexpected scene facing him……an enormous pale golden wolf stood on the other side of the room in front of Kostan and Mick. Beth???? She wasn’t supposed to have changed this soon!

Mick eyes widened and he intensified his stroking of Beth’s thick mane, hoping it would keep her distracted from what had just walked in. His Foster-son had jumped into the shark cage wrapped in raw meat!

Josef was mentally kicking himself for forgetting that he had sent Logan to get the venison for Beth, and that the kid hadn’t been notified when the shift had happened ahead of schedule.

Claudia looked down the wall from inside the safety of the Lexan viewing port. Her hand went to her mouth and her eyes widened further than they already were……oh no……Logan. Not that sweet kid! She cursed her own foolishness! If she hadn’t been so mesmerized……if she hadn’t been leaning into the bubble…..she would have noticed Logan coming……she could have stopped him! Now it was too late! How was she going to break this to his elderly parents? They had been such faithful humans-who-know for so long! How was she going to tell them what happened to their son? No! This whole hair-brained scheme was Josef’s idea anyway! It’s his fault! If Josef survived…..he would have to tell Logan’s parents what happened! Mick would believe that duty was his, being Logan’s Foster-Sire…….long-suffering martyr that he always is…..but Claudia intended on demanding that Josef tell Logan’s parents himself, and not foist the duty off on to Mick.

Beth’s delicate lupine head swung to focus on the new arrival, her ears pricking forward. Her nostrils flared, scenting. Meat! And another vampire!!! One who was not her lover, and not her Foster-Sire! She snarled and turned, charging Logan.

“Logan freeze!” Josef bellowed.

“Beth! NO!” Mick shouted.

Logan saw the golden wolf charging him. She was the size of a small horse! He backpedaled, but the sally-port’s interior door had already slid closed behind him. His back slammed into it, his feet skidded and slipped on the tile floor beneath him……his life passed before his eyes…..his feet flew out from under him and he fell to the floor, landing in a heap of vampire and venison, half leaning against the sally-port door. One venison carcass was draped across his chest, and the other was stretched out beside him.

Beth skidded to a halt over Logan, her snarling muzzle just inches from his wide, terrified eyes. Her lips pulled back further, revealing fangs the size and length of Logan’s fingers. Her jaws began to part slightly. Logan saw the golden wolf’s brilliant sapphire eyes flick from him, to the venison carcass draped across his chest, and then back up to his face again.

Suddenly, Mick was there, crouching beside him, and gently touching the golden wolf’s shoulder……. “Beth? Easy now……this is Logan……you know him……remember Logan? He’s our friend…..he’s my Foster-son…….Please don’t hurt him.” Mick was watching the she-wolf’s face with pleading eyes.

Beth snarled deeply, her muzzle crinkling, and hunkered lower over Logan. Protecting her soon-to-be-kill, Logan realized. Her sapphire eyes blazed, and flicked towards Mick.

“Logan….” Mick said softly, “Talk to her….”

Logan looked up into the huge golden wolf’s deep blue eyes, and was surprised to find her looking back at him…….

“Hey Beth….”, he began awkwardly, not knowing what to say……how do you ask someone not to eat you? “It’s me…..Logan. You know me. Don’t eat me, okay? I brought you some venison to eat instead…..instead…..of me.”

The pale golden wolf stared into his eyes for a few more moments…..then her jaws abruptly gaped open, huge fangs gleaming in the room’s soft lighting. Logan clamped his eyes shut and braced himself.

He felt, and heard the impact, as the enormous fangs sank in, sliding through flesh like butter, crushing bones……

The golden wolf stood, lifting the deer carcass off his chest. It dangled from her jaws, and she backed quickly away from Logan.
Mick offered Logan a hand up. Beth began to trot happily across the room carrying her venison, headed for the fireplace.

“Hold on young lady!”, Josef said sharply. The golden wolf stopped in the middle of the living room and turned to face Josef, deer carcass hanging from her mouth like an oversized chew toy.

“Not on the carpet, my dear.” Josef said with a slight smile, “Keep it in the kitchen please….on the tile only.” He nodded towards the kitchen area.

Mick, Logan, and the Cleaner, all gaped at Josef like fish. Where does a 700 pound werewolf eat? Anywhere she wants!

Beth stood blinking at Josef for a moment, then she snorted and turned, the venison carcass swinging with the movement, taking her meal to the kitchen and settling down onto the tile floor with it.

As the golden she-wolf tore the plastic sheeting off the carcass, Josef strolled calmly over to the sally-port door where Mick and Logan already stood.

“What do I do with this other deer?”, Logan asked, still trembling from his close call, and pointing to the remaining carcass wrapped in plastic sheeting and laying on the tiles of the entryway.

“Leave it….” Josef snapped, “She’ll find it. Let’s go.”

They all turned and looked once more at Beth. They could see her hunkered down over the carcass on the kitchen floor. She was facing away from them, protecting her meal from interlopers, her shaggy rump closest to them, the deer carcass the farthest away, sheltered further by the breakfast bar. She was ignoring them now, focused exclusively on her food. They heard the sound of flesh tearing as a chunk of venison was torn free.

Josef buzzed them into the sally-port, and the interior door slid shut behind them. The exterior door then opened smoothly. All three vampires exited into the Suite’s antechamber. Logan sagged against the wall.

“Shit!”, Logan breathed, still shaking alittle, “I thought I was dead for sure!” He ran a trembling hand over his face. Mick put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and Logan managed a weak smile for his Foster-Sire. “Thanks for talking your girlfriend out of eating me.”

“Anytime kid.”, Mick smiled, “Besides, she wouldn’t have done it anyway…..she’d have stopped herself.”

Logan shook his head and finger-combed his hair, trying to regain some semblance of dignity and composure. He wasn’t too sure Mick was correct in his confidence in Beth’s self-control. He was just glad to be alive. He looked up a Josef, who was watching him quietly. “What the hell happened?! I thought she wasn’t supposed to change til much later tonight?”

Josef shrugged. “So did I.”, he replied simply, “Like I told Mick earlier, it’s not an exact science.”

“Anyone care what I think?!”, the Cleaner barked. She was still standing in front of the Lexan bubble, only now she was standing up straight, instead of leaning inside of it, since the three other vampires were now also on the safe side of the bubble. She glared at them with her hands on her hips.

“Sure, Claudia! What’s on your mind?”, Josef quipped.

“I think you’re all mad as hatters!”, She snapped, “You all could have been killed……and I nearly became the first vampire in the history of the world to have a heart attack!”

Josef grinned at the fuming Lead Cleaner. “Ah now…..You’re just upset because I was right. Go on admit it……I was right.”

Claudia threw her hands in the air and hissed loudly in exasperation. “I’m leaving!”, she snapped, and stormed past them, heading up the stairs. “My crew will continue to guard your estate’s perimeter til sunup.”

Mick, Josef, and Logan watched her go, and then exchanged glances. Logan started it with a snort of laughter……Mick and Josef quickly followed suit…..and a full on knee-slapping laugh-fest began. The tension of what they had just been through was releasing itself.


Back inside the Newbie Suite, Beth was polishing off the first deer carcass, ripping off chunks of meat that weighed several pounds apiece and bolting them down. She hardly bothered to chew, even though she had to ability to do so.

The intercom channel for the antechamber had been left open, so Beth heard the Cleaner’s tirade and subsequent departure, followed by the guys’ raucous laughter. She was only half listening, but paused in her meal long enough to enjoy the sound of Mick actually laughing. What a lovely sound! He laughed so seldom……always so worried about her……her safety…..some new threat they faced, afraid she would get hurt. It occurred to her that Mick wouldn’t have to worry about her safety anymore. There wasn’t much that could hurt her now. And Mick’s brooding fear of accidently hurting her himself…..with his vampire strength and bloodlust? His fear of losing control of his darker nature around her? No longer an issue either…….Mick couldn’t hurt her now.....no vampire could. And as far as any new threats they might face in the future? Those threats had better watch out!

She smiled and returned to her venison, ripping off another large chunk and bolting it down. Wow…..this was soooo good!


The happy trio of vamps went upstairs, after glancing into the Suite through the Lexan bubble to see how Beth was doing. She seemed completely engrossed in her meal.

Once upstairs, Josef let Karl know all was well, and sent one of his Security Team downstairs to monitor Beth, in case she needed anything.

Josef poured a Scotch for each of them, his special ‘spiced’ Scotch. Logan looked surprised to be included when a glass was slid towards him across the counter.

“What?” Josef smirked, “I know you’re old enough to drink.”

Logan smiled and accepted the very expensive old Scotch.

“Here’s to werewolf whispering!”, Josef quipped, lifting his glass in a toast.

“To werewolf whispering!”, Mick and Logan intoned after him, and lifted their glasses beside Josef’s.

They sipped their drinks companionably for awhile. They had gone to one of the large grand living rooms in Josef’s mansion, because the usual hang-out, the Terrace Room, had been trashed by Josef and Karl’s wrestling match the night Beth was mauled. Now that the immediate danger of Beth’s initial shift had past, Josef planned on putting Karl in charge of cleaning up that mess, seeing as how it was his fault anyway.

Mick’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at it……Ben Talbot……again. Mick sighed. The man had called dozens of times over the past couple of days. Mick let it go to voice mail…..again. Ben had left dozens of increasingly frantic messages, and sent a few really insulting text messages. Beth had apparently told Ben she and Mick were going to try to track down the rogue wolf. Now Ben wanted to know where Beth was…..what was going on……why he couldn’t reach her…..why’s she not answering her phone…….why’s she not at her apartment……why’s Mick not at his loft…….had something gone wrong……was Beth hurt…….and so on.

Mick knew he was going to have to bring Talbot back into the loop soon. But he wanted to wait til Beth was stable. He decided he’d call Talbot back in the morning and try to explain what had happened. By then, hopefully, Beth would be back in her human form, and could handle Talbot herself. For tonight, however, Mick shut his phone off. Talbot would just have to wait.


After picking the second deer carcass clean, Beth sighed with deep satisfaction. That was better.

Then she noticed the mess she had left, and felt self-conscious. Bones and ripped plastic sheeting was strewn all over the expensive tile flooring of the kitchen and entryway.

She used her large forepaws and forearms to scoop the tattered remains of her meal into a pile in the center of the little kitchen’s floor. Sort of out of sight, but not close enough to any of the mahogany cabinets to risk smearing blood and them. She stepped back and inspected her work, cocking her lupine head to one side. That would have to do.

Then, suddenly thirsty, she flipped on the kitchen sink with the tip of one creamy white talon. At first she tried lapping a drink from the stream of water, but that was too hit and miss. She didn’t quite have the hang of using her long lupine tongue in her long lupine muzzle yet. Frustrated, she closed her mouth over the entire faucet head and was rewarded with a mouthful of cold water. She gulped down mouthful after mouthful, until her thirst was quenched.

She started to head for the fireplace to stretch out, but suddenly remembered Josef’s keep-it-off-the-carpet instructions. She craned her neck to view her own chest, and held her arms out in front of herself. Yeah……she was a bit sticky looking.

Sighing, she flipped the sink on again, this time to rinse off her large hand-like forepaws. She dried them as well as she could on a kitchen towel, and then trotted into the bathroom.

The luxurious bathroom, which had seemed so spacious before, was now a bit of a tight fit for her lupine body. She nosed the shower door open and slipped into it. After a moment of relearning how to operate the fixtures with her large, talon-tipped fingers, Beth got the hot water flowing. She rinsed her face, chest, forearms, and belly, ridding herself of any offensive residue. She opened her jaws and let the shower do a waterpik cleaning job on her teeth, followed by swish and spit a couple times. She turned off the water and shook herself while the shower doors were still closed. She had learned that lesson from bathing the family dog when she was a kid.

Stepping out of the shower, feeling fresh and well-fed, Beth grabbed a towel and sat back on her haunches, drying her thick golden fur as best she could. As she set the towel on the counter, she gazed at her own reflection in the large bathroom mirror. It didn’t seem real. Looking back at her was a huge golden-yellow wolf with deep sapphire blue eyes. She smiled…..the golden wolf smiled back. Huh…..amazing. She wondered what her Grandfather would have thought of this……but then, he only hunted man-eating rogues, so, she reasoned, as long as she doesn’t start eating people, she wouldn’t have been on Grandpa’s radar.

Beth made her way back into the living room. That lovely fireplace was calling to her.

She caught herself turning in a circle several times before laying down on the rug, and snorted with laughter at her own canine behavior. She yawned and stretched out on her side, with her belly facing the fireplace. Its warmth was soothing, and she was quickly asleep.
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by eris »

Ah... Logan, so easy spoken and casual.
Don’t eat me, okay? I brought you some venison to eat instead…..instead…..of me.”

Yes, it's important to clarify "Instead of" rather than "as appetizer to" ;)
“Thanks for talking your girlfriend out of eating me.”
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And the Cleaner:

I nearly became the first vampire in the history of the world to have a heart attack!”
I can see Guillermo doing the autopsy now: "Well, how the @(*^*#& did THAT happen?" :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by skyeeblue »

Great update.. that is so funny she turns three times and lays down... Love it Love it!!!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by redwinter101 »

Lovely, Lions. I particularly liked Mick's absolute confidence that everything would work out just fine.


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by coco »

lions I absolutely adore the faith Mick shows in Beth throughout this update.
Just lovely :mrgreen:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by mitzie »

I absolutely love Beth the she-wolf!! I am so relieved she recognized her sire and lover. Logan was sooo Logan in this!! What a hoot!!! :lol: Great chapter!! Love, love, love this story!!!!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

wonderful..yes the highlight for me also was Mick's unwavering faith. that was awesome.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 16---The Art Of Werewolf Whispering.

Post by lionsonleashes »

My humble thanks to all of you for reading my story and posting such encouraging feedback! :D It feeds my muse! ;)

Eris....I'm so glad you caught my efforts at humor in this....glad that those efforts at humor worked! :lol: Logan can always be counted on for comic relief! But there were, and will be, other humorous opportunities in just the situation itself. 'Housebreaking' a werewolf?! That's just got to have some funny moments! :lol:

Skyeeblue.....Thanks! Beth's canine/lupine tendencies can't help but be funny at times....It just totally would be funny at times! :lol: Provided she's able to keep her predatory tendencies in check too! :o

Red, Coco, and Luxe.....Thank you all so much! Yes, It seemed completely natural to me that Mick would have the same unwavering trust in Beth that she has always had in him. :D True love!

Mitzie.....Thank you so much! I'm glad you like Beth's lupine form, and I'm very glad you enjoyed Logan's comic relief! ;)

It will be a few more days before I can actually start writing Chapter 17. Busy at real life job. (((sigh))) But it is taking shape in my head as I dash through my real life days. Please be patient with me. Thanks! :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Lions, this chapter was really exciting--but I was right, Logan came to the rescue! And then Mick had to come to Logan's rescue, but...well... ;)

Beth as a werewolf is beautiful and powerful. She retains a lot of her old self, but it's more the basic character traits, rather than specific things. And now she's got to deal with a whole set of new urges. I love the way you described her struggle to understand what's happening to her, and I agree with the others who say that their favorite part is Mick's faith in Beth's ability to withstand her urge to kill him, for love's sake. Mick of all people understands about that. And sensing that kind of confidence in your beloved can inspire you to do things you wouldn't believe yourself capable of.

Another fabulous chapter, Lions, thank you!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thank you, Alle! :hearts: :notworthy:
Your feedback is so valuable to me! It's tremendously constructive, and helps me be a better writer! :rose:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-

Post by jen »


That went better than I thought. I was expecting some kind of parallel to a newly turned vamp with violent, uncontrollable bloodlust. Beth was violently hungry, but she controlled her hunger. Mick was wonderful. Totally trusting and Beth did not disappoint.

Wonderful chapter.

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Last edited by jen on Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

Post by lionsonleashes »

:heart: Thanks so much, Jen! :rose: :notworthy:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

Post by jen »


:bump: :bump: :bump:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-13

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Jen! :hug:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT-Ch 16-The Art Of Werewolf Whispering. PG-

Post by jen »

Claudia was surprised alright. I think Josef called it. She is used to being right and doesn't deal well when she isn't. I think Josef is probably very much the same. When events show that he is wrong about anything, he is NOT a happy camper.

Love Mick's reaction to seeing Beth in her lupine form. He still recognizes his Beth.

Wonderful chapter!



:flowers: :hearts: :flowers: :hearts:
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
Beautiful banner by the Fabulous Phoenix
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