Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

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Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG
Characters: Josef, Mick, Beth and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: This is a sequel to Fresh from the Farm and Follow That Freshie. I recommend reading at least "Fresh from the Farm" (a one-shot) before "Jealousy." It will make a lot more sense that way!
Thank you dear Lorig for the support and boost of confidence. And of course for being my idea bouncer.

Special thanks to darkstarrising for the plot bunny. In a comment to "Fresh from the Farm" she asked if the other girls were jealous. Hmm...


Chapter 7

Savannah had heard the shower running in the basement, followed by the hair dryer. She took it as a good sign that Kylie was on the mend. She fixed another sandwich for her and tried to figure out what was going to happen now. Maybe after another few days Josef would believe she really had left without a word and would have her banished from his mansion. Knowing that Kylie wouldn’t be working for Josef satisfied Savannah and in a strange way seemed fair to her. Carrying the sandwich on a plate, she unlocked the door at the top of the stairs. She walked half way down before turning around and going back to lock it. If Kylie was up and around she didn’t want her bolting for the door. At the bottom of the stairs she unlocked the other door, expecting to find Kylie up and about. Instead she saw the previous sandwich uneaten and Kylie sprawled across the bed.

“Hey Kylie - get up!” She set the plate down and went over and shook her, getting a low moan in response.

“I don’t wanna feed the chickens.”

“Chickens? What chickens? What are you talking about?” Savannah rolled Kylie over and pulled her into a sitting position.

“Too tired. You feed the chickens.” Her speech was slow and slurred, like she had a mouth full of cotton.

Savannah started to worry that something was seriously wrong with her. “Kylie? Are you okay?”


Mick pulled up across from Savannah’s house and studied the outside while he waited for Beth. He noticed an outside door to the basement and wondered if it was an apartment. Beth pulled up behind him and he went to help her out of her car. “Hey there,” he smiled.

“Is Kylie here?” she asked.

“I don’t know yet. I don’t even know if Savannah is here. This is where she was living when she worked at the Moonlight.”

They walked up to the front door and Mick listened but did not hear any heartbeats inside. Motioning for Beth to follow, he walked around to a side door that was less visible from the street. Again, he listened for the presence of anyone inside, then used his lock picks to quickly gain entrance. They found themselves in the kitchen. Beth noticed two purses on the counter top. “This looks like the bag Kylie always carries to the mission on Saturdays,” Beth whispered. She looked through the contents and found her driver’s license. Mick looked through the other purse, and found Savannah’s license.

“She must be holding Kylie somewhere,” he said quietly to Beth. He looked around and saw two doors with dead bolt locks. This one should lead to the garage, he thought as he quietly turned the handle. It opened easily and Mick looked into the garage. He could see perfectly in the dark and his vamp senses told him no one was hiding in there. He closed that door and shook his head at Beth. He tried the handle of the other door, but it didn’t move. Locked. Mick looked around the kitchen and out the windows to get his bearings, then looked back at the door. “I bet this used to lead to the basement before it was turned into an apartment.”

“Do you think she’s down there?” Beth asked.

He put his ear up close to the door and inhaled deeply; human scents and heartbeats, both very faint. Mick nodded at Beth and held up two fingers. He took out his lock picks again and began to work on the lock.


Kylie didn’t respond. “Kylie, can you hear me?” Savannah was really beginning to panic now. “Kylie?”

Kylie turned her head to look at Savannah. Suddenly her eyes rolled up in the back of her head and she collapsed backward onto the bed, shuddering in convulsions.

Savannah screamed.


Mick almost dropped his lock pick when he heard the scream. Without wasting another second he broke down the door, flew down the stairs, and broke open the other door. Savannah screamed again when she saw Mick burst through the basement door followed by Beth. Beth grabbed her shoulders. “Savannah! Stop it! We’re here to help Kylie!”

Savannah clapped her hand over her mouth and stared at them with wide eyes.

Mick had immediately gone over to the bed and after a quick inspection, turned Kylie on her side. He sat down beside her. “Tell me exactly what happened,” Mick said, looking sternly at Savannah.

“You…you’re that guy who works at the mission with her.”

“Yes I am. I’m Mick St. John, I’m a friend of Kylie’s and Josef Kostan’s, and I’m also a private investigator who’s been looking for you. Now tell me what happened!

Savannah gulped. “She fell and hit her head…”

“On Saturday night, yes I know that part!” Mick was growing impatient. “What has happened here? When did these convulsions start? How long has she been like this?”

“I brought her here Saturday night, late. She was barely conscious. She got dizzy and threw up; I figured she had a mild concussion. I put her on the bed; she passed out and didn’t wake up till Sunday night.”

“Twenty-four hours later?”

“That’s about right. Maybe a little less.”

“What was her condition when she woke up?”

“She was a little groggy at first, but then she remembered everything. She was fine! We had a conversation! She just had a headache is all!”

“And then?”

“Then she fell asleep again. A little while ago I heard her using the shower and the hairdryer. I figured she was better. I came downstairs to bring her something more to eat, but noticed she hadn’t eaten what I had left for her earlier when she was still asleep.” Savannah pointed at the untouched sandwich and banana next to the bed. “She was lying on her stomach across the bed. I said her name and rolled her over and she started talking all weird.”

“What do you mean, ‘talking weird’?” Beth asked.

“She was saying crazy stuff about feeding chickens! Only it sounded all funny, slurred like. And then her eyes rolled back in her head and she started convulsing.”

Mick looked sharply at Savannah. “So after the concussion, she woke up and carried on a rational conversation?” Savannah nodded. “But after she seemed fine yesterday, now she slurred her speech, started talking about chickens and had this seizure?”

Savannah nodded, trembling. Mick whipped out his cell phone and called Josef.

“Tell me you’ve got some good news,” Josef said.

“I’ve found Kylie, but she needs an ambulance and probably a neurosurgeon. I think she’s got a subdural hematoma. We’re at 5732 North Pine, the basement apartment.”

“I’ll take care of it and meet you at Sacred Angels Hospital.”

“Oh and Josef? She has visible bite marks. You better make sure the EMTs and the surgeon are family friendly.”

“Already covered. What about the bitch who did this? Did you catch her?”

Savannah cringed when she overheard Josef’s remarks.

“Yes. Beth will stay here with her,” he looked at Beth for confirmation and she nodded as she put her arm around Savannah’s shoulders, “and I don’t think Savannah is going to try to run.” Savannah hung her head and shook it. “We’ll deal with her later, Josef. Right now Kylie needs immediate medical attention. I’ll see you at the hospital.”

Savannah noticed Kylie had stopped convulsing, but was lying perfectly still. “What did you say was the matter with her? Is she going to be alright?”

“Let’s hope so. I said I think she has a subdural hematoma.”

“What’s that?”

“She’s slowly bleeding inside her brain and it’s building up pressure. It’s has to be relieved. Then hopefully she’ll be alright.” Mick looked at Savannah. “Why did you kidnap her?”

Savannah choked back sobs and Beth held her tighter. “I… I didn’t mean to. Things just got out of hand. She wasn’t supposed to get hurt!”

Mick suddenly looked towards the door. “The ambulance is coming.” He turned back to Savannah. “This isn’t over. You have an awful lot of explaining to do.” Savannah hung her head as the tears began to fall.

Mick moved out of the way as the EMTs rushed in and lifted Kylie onto the gurney. He pulled Beth aside and whispered in her ear. “See what you can get out of her.” Then he kissed her cheek and followed the EMTs out the door, heading for his own car.

One more chapter to go...
Last edited by MickLifeCrisis on Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by tucutecats »

oh great story,glad kylie is going tor savanna going to the tarpits/she deserves it
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by darkstarrising »

Savannah isn't going to get out of this by shedding a few soon as Kylie wakes up, she'll tell how Savannah hit her

Kylie does wake up, doesn't she? :hankie:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by librarian_7 »

I'd say an awful lot depends on how Kylie responds to treatment...if she's permanently injured -- or worse -- Savannah has had it. Josef will never let such a thing pass. But if she recovers, AND she pleads for clemency for Savannah, the girl might be punished but not killed. I think she's probably gotten her last ever vampire bite, however, either way.

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by allegrita »

I tend to agree with Lucky. I think Mick and Beth are pretty good judges of character, and they seem to believe Savannah. So assuming Kylie is okay, and assuming Mick and Beth add their voices to Kylie's, I'm betting that Savannah will be all right. But yeah, I'm thinking she's not freshie material. You can't be that jealous and make it as a freshie.
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you tucutecats, dsr, Lucky and Alle for reading and leaving comments! :flowers: I love seeing what everyone thinks is going to happen to Savannah. We'll find out Sunday night! :reading:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by librarian_7 »

And I've gotta say...I really hate these freshies who are only after Josef for his money. It's no wonder he puts on such a cynical front.

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by francis »

Oh Kylie, please be okay!
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by jen »

Uh huh. I didn't take it all the way to subdural hematoma, but I knew something was going on inside her head.

At least Kylie will get the help she needs. If Kylie has any part in this and honestly I don't know that she will, Savannah may have a chance (a very slight one I'm afraid, but unfortunately that is her own responsibility).

Thank you

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Chapter 7

Post by Marigold »

I'm so glad Medic Mick and Beth arrived in time to get help for Kylie. :phew: Hopefully, she will be okay. :fingerscrossed:

Well done, MLC! :flowers:
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