Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

As I recall, and I am by no means an expert, no time limit was specified for the sire controlling the newby and teaching them the ropes, so to speak. While Coraline didn't do a good job with Mick in many ways, he did express gratitude that she taught him how to survive as a vampire.

I think Josef's response was something to the effect, 'are you saying something good about the ex?'

To which Mick replied, 'no'

Looking forward to more!

Thanks you!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel sat down gently on the bed with Zoe. His hand stroked the side of her face.

Brian paced outside of the door.
“I don’t understand why dad had to go in there with him. It seems pretty black and white.” Brian said more to himself.
“The little one has never tasted anything but purchased blood. He could very easily lose control. Mick needs to be there to stop him.” Isabelle explained. Brian hadn’t thought of that. Nicole had always been a very willing freshie for him.

Beth came in from work and saw the dour looks on Brian and Isabelle’s faces.
“What’s going on?” she asked. Brian and Isabelle both exchanged glances and begin to discuss what they should do telepathically.
“Beth, you should sit” Isabelle finally said. Then she and Brian began to explain the things that had transpired.
“Oh God” she muttered. “Is Zoe absolutely positive this is what she wants?” Beth asked as she thought about Zoe’s parents.
“It’s too late” Brian said as Gabriel and Mick both came out of the guest bedroom. Isabelle rose and went in the room to sit the child.
“Nothing we can do but wait” Mick said slowly waking upstairs.

Gabriel didn’t rest at all. Every hour he would open up the door and watch Zoe. There was no way he could sleep until he knew she was alright.

Sometime around 10am Gabriel had turned the cool air on in the living room and closed his eyes. He was just succumbing when he heard the door open. He jumped off the sofa and turned to face Zoe.

It was hardly possible, but she looked even more radiant and more beautiful than before. He slowly walked towards her.
“Zoe, how do you feel?” he asked gently smoothing back her hair behind her ear.
“I feel wonderful. A little tired, but strong. And thirsty” she said shyly. Gabriel took her hand and led her to the kitchen.
“Will it taste nasty?” she asked suddenly feeling fearful for the first time.
“No. I don’t think so. I think you will find it as refreshing as drinking water on a hot day” he said trying to think of something she liked. He always saw her drinking water. He poured some blood into two glasses and slid a glass in front of her. Zoe stared at the crimson liquid. The more she looked at it, the more she wanted to drink it. Her hands shook lightly as she picked up the glass and held it to her lips. As the first drops hit her lips, her eyes widened and she drank the entire amount. The first thing she felt was exhilaration! An almost euphoric feeling deep inside her.
“Could I have some more?” she asked. Gabriel smiled brightly at her and got her another glass.

Mick and Beth came downstairs and found Zoe and Gabriel in the kitchen laughing. Beth ran over and hugged her.
“You look beautiful Zoe” Mick said standing behind his son.
“Thank you Mr. St. John” she said with a smile
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

This is wonderful!

Zoe is fragile in that she doesn't understand either her own strength or the new rules of her existence, but she will have others looking after her until she does.

Thank you!
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

“Zoe you have to understand that while becoming a vampire does give you very specific strengths it also gives you very specific weaknesses, and The Veselie knows those as well.” Mick explained.
“So what do you want us to do dad?” Gabriel asked.
“I think all of you should go to your appointments. Isabelle will tail Brian and I will tail Zoe. Since they are the intended targets.” Mick said.
“Don’t let anything happen to her.” Brian said to his dad.
“Don’t worry. Nothing’s going to happen to Zoe.” Mick said.

Lulu was anxious. Her entire body ached this morning. She would have to have to have the elixir today or she would die. She had to deliver this girl.

At 2pm that afternoon, Brian, Zoe and Gabriel all left for their separate appointments with Isabelle and Mick not far behind. Zoe knew she should be nervous, but she actually felt calm and confident. All her life she always felt like a little girl who would never grow up, but now she felt like a woman. She noticed that men stared at her in a way she wasn’t used to. Brian said it was a pheromone and while it was flattering, it made her feel somewhat uneasy as well.

The taxi let her off at the address she had been given. Zoe looked up at the warehouse. This couldn’t be the place. It looked abandoned. She turned to go back to the taxi but the driver had left. Zoe holding the portfolio tightly in her hand walked towards the building. She rang the buzzer that was on the door and waited for a reply. There was a loud noise and the door opened. She slowly walked inside and let out a sigh of relief. The inside of building looked like an office. A regular old office. Almost like a doctor’s office judging by the chairs. She sat down and waited.

Brian made his way to the address he was given. The building was in Little Tokyo a just outside of downtown Los Angeles. He found the correct address and walked inside. He closed his eyes focusing all of his energy on the building. He sensed one other person. And that person was a vampire.

Boris watched the young girl on his security camera. She was beautiful. Almost too beautiful to kill. Maybe Viktor would let him keep this one for himself. He slowly left the office and went to greet her. Zoe saw the man come towards her so she stood up.
“You must be Zoe!” he said taking her hand and kissing it. “Lulu has told me much about you! I am looking very much forward to working with you. My name is Boris Kantankov.” He said in thick accent.
“Pleased to meet you” Zoe said smiling.
“Come with me. We will discuss what you will be doing today” he said leading her into a back room. Mick was on the roof of the building looking down. He could see nothing in the room but lab equipment and tables with restraints. Seeing this room he immediately thought of someone else with a similar name. And then it all made sense. The Veselie were picking up where Lola had left off. They were selling vampire blood as some kind of youth serum. They weren’t turning these girls to expand their numbers they were turning them to extract their blood!
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Oh, this ties into another case then! And now they will not have to turn Zoe, they already have a vampire here. Will they smell it? Will they want her for her blood now?
Can't wait to read more.
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick saw a man and Zoe enter the room. Zoe hesitated. The man pushed her into the room and shut it behind him. Zoe felt panic rise up in her throat then she glanced upward and saw Mick looking down at her and she smiled. Mick opened one of the small skylight windows and jumped lightly to the ground.
“Zoe” Mick whispered to her “These guys are creating new vampires to drain them and sell the blood!” He explained.
“Why would they want to do that?”
Mick told her of Josef’s ex Lola and her attempts with Black Crystal.
“It appears that vampire blood acts like a fountain of youth for humans”
“But why young girls? Is there something special about the blood of the young?”
“I think that The Veselie are running a con on Lulu. If she thinks that the stuff can only come from one source she’s more likely to pay a fortune for it. These vamps are con men Zoe. Nothing more.”
They heard someone approaching and Mick hid somewhere nearby.

Boris had returned and was now with another man.
“Ai dreptate Ea este foarte frumoasă” the man said to Boris who nodded his head.
“I’m sorry, was he speaking to me?” I’m afraid I don’t speak German” Zoe said. Boris laughed out loud.
“That is not German that is Romanian. And he said that you were very pretty”
“Tell him I said thank you” Zoë said nervously
Boris nodded to the man
“Mulţumesc. I tell him thank you” Boris said with a smile. “Now I would like to ask that you to lie down on the table” he said pointing to the gurney behind her.
“There are some test we must do before we start”
“Wait a minute. Lulu said nothing about test! This is supposed to be a modeling job!” Zoe said backing away from the two men. Boris was slowly walking towards Zoe.
“I do not want to hurt you. Please do as I say. If you are good Nikos will let you be mine” Boris said. Zoe stopped moving and looked at the man. Was he serious?
“What do you mean be yours?”
“My companion. My mate. Do not fear. Once you cease to please me, you can leave” he said as if he was offering Zoe and great deal
Zoe laughed hard.
“Puuuleeeze! You’re joking right?” she asked and continued to laugh. Boris became furious. No woman had ever laughed at Boris. He flew quickly at Zoe who just as quickly moved out of his path. Boris crashed into the gurney. The other man came after Zoe and grabbed her from behind. He barred his fangs then he felt hands around his neck and the snap of his neck before falling to the ground.
Boris looked at the other vampire who stood in front of him.
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »


Mick to the rescue!

Poor Zoe. Dodn't they know she was already a vampire? She had already been Turmed.
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

“All I want is the girl!” Boris yelled as took a step toward Zoe.
“You can’t have her” Mick said the tension in the room rising.
Boris suddenly relaxed.
“What would you like? I can get many things. Even vampires need certain things. What can I give you for the girl?” He asked in a smooth voice that sounded magically melodic. There was something about his voice Mick thought as he felt like he had been drugged. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. Isabelle said that the gypsies were tricksters. Like carnies. His voice had some sort of hypnotic force in it. Mick stumbled and tried to recover, but Boris kept talking in his sing song voice.

Zoe watched in amazement as she saw Mick grow weak. That man was doing something to Mick! But why wasn’t it affecting her? She glanced at the stool on the floor that had fallen over during the fight. She quickly picked it up and shoved the wooden leg into Boris’ back!

Mick suddenly came to and ran to Zoe’s side.
“Thanks” he said
“Why couldn’t they tell I was already turned?” Zoe asked in wonder
“There’s no decomposition on you yet. They had no way of detecting it. Come on, let’s get out of here” as he and Zoe made their way for the door.

Brian stood in the middle of the room waiting for the vampire to approach him. His eyes were closed and his mind was focused. He could hear everything in the building from the very top floor to the basement below.
He knew the attack would come from the left, so patiently he waited.
He could almost here the vamps thoughts. The vampire was angry over the killing of Lucius. This was not about his money making abilities. For him this was about revenge.
Brian noticed the mere shift in the air. He quickly turned to his left and dealt his fatal blow to the attacking vampire. Brian looked at his hand inside the vamp’s chest, his fist tightly wrapped around the vamps heart. He pulled it out and watched the vamp crumble to the ground.

Isabelle watched Brian with pride. He had become a very formidable vampire indeed. Balthazar would be glad.

Gabriel listened to the photographer going over every detail of the shot they wanted. Toothpaste! Of all things! Gabriel was barely listening.
“Gabriel! Pay attention! I need you to hold the girl at the waist and smile! Place your hands lower! That’s right. Now look at the camera!” the photographer was saying.
Gabriel was miserable. Zoe and Brian were most likely fighting off bad ass vampires, and he was stuck in a studio posing for a toothpaste ad!

Lulu kept calling the man but he wasn’t answering so she decided that she would go to the lab and see how things were going for herself.

She parked her car in the lot and could tell immediately that something was wrong. The door was wide open. Someone had found the lab! She walked slowly towards and took the steps even slower as her arthritis had come back in full force this morning. She hung onto the banister for support and pulled herself up the stairs. She walked inside and saw no one in the waiting area.
She walked further to the lab room door and that’s when she saw them. She screamed, clutched her heart and fell to the ground.

Gabriel went back to the agency after his shoot had ended to turn in his paperwork. He walked through the door everyone was in hysterics. Gabriel walked over to one other guy that he had noticed before.
“What’s going on?” Gabriel asked
“Lulu Ford is dead. She died of a heart attack. And her assistant has just found out the agency is broke. As in no money whatsoever”
“Where did all the money go?”
“Nobody knows. But they found Lulu in an abandoned warehouse in a sketchy area of town” Gabriel thought for a moment and decided that if the warehouse was clean with exception to Lulu, then that meant Isabelle
“So what is everyone going to do?” Gabriel said looking at the guy.
“I guess we’ll have to find a new agency” he said shrugging his shoulders.

Mick and Isabelle had found the missing girls’ bodies in a vacant building in Little Tokyo. There were 11 total including the body of Heather Tulley.
Their bodies had all been drained of blood. The building would have to be torched. They knew they couldn’t take a chance of the medical examiner finding those bodies and Mick would have to tell Heather’s parents that there were no leads.

“I can’t believe that three vampires did all of this” Mick said in exasperation.
“Yes, it was remarkable. They were running two very successful cons at once. Lulu for her money and the hunt for Brian for revenge”

Mick shook his head when he thought of all the lives lost.

“We did all that we could” Isabelle said to Mick when they were finished
“I know. It’s just all those girls…..” Mick tried to explain
“Yes. It is tragic. But at least The Veselie are no more.” She said.
‘That’s one thing I’m glad of!” Mick said with relief. “That one vampire did something strange to me Isabelle. It was like he mesmerized me”
“Yes, The Veselie bloodline are more magician than vampire”
“I can’t believe I never thought to ask this but how many bloodlines are there?” Mick asked
“At least a dozen that I know of. To get an accurate number you would have to speak with Ansgar.”
“And they all can do different things?”
“Yes.” She said simply and walked away.

Gabriel asked Zoe to marry to him and after asking her parents permission they went to tell Mick and Beth.

“Are you two sure about this? You’re still very young” Beth said unsurely.
Gabriel looked at Zoe tenderly.
“Mom, I knew it was meant to be Zoe the moment I saw her” Gabriel said kissing her lightly on the lips.
“Then I’m happy for you” Beth said giving them each a hug and a kiss.
“Congratulations Gabe!” Mick said hugging his son “Zoe’s wonderful! I know you two will be very happy”

Brian came though the door suddenly.
“What’s happened?” he asked stoically.
“Gabe and Zoe are getting married!” Beth said. Brian looked at them both.
“Congratulations” he said stiffly.
“What’s wrong?” Gabriel asked.
“I was wondering if Zoe would still want to associate with you after she saw this” he said and laid down a magazine.

There was a full blown two page spread of Gabriel St. John grinning like a fool holding a girl in his arms pitching Rembrandt Toothpaste!

Gabriel eyes widened then he groaned.
“Uhhh! I forgot all about that!”
Brian smiled
“So you’re saying that this stuff whitens teeth and freshens breath?” he laughed.
“Shut up Brian”
“Because if that’s what you’re saying, I have a hard time believing that!” Brian continued to joke.
“Shut up Brian!” Gabriel said.
“I think he looks beautiful” Zoe said studying the pages.

And then they saw something they had not seem since high school. Brian convulsed into laughter. So much that he had tears in his eyes. Gabriel looked at his best friend and started to laugh himself.

“Thanks a lot Brian!” he said punching him in the arm.

The End
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

This was a great story. I was a bit confused what Boris wanted and whom Brian killed in the end. It all worked out and now Gabriel and Zoe will marry. I'm glad that Brian still can laugh with his friends and didn't turn into some killer machine. :hug:
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Re: Pretty is as Pretty Does By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Great conclusion.

This clan is very dangerous.

But Gabe, Brian and Zoe can handke them.
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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