FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT------Ch 3-----Werewolf 101.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Guillermo, Logan, Talbot, Simone, and some really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘sealed the deal’ and are now lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way!) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, the original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics.

OK? Hold on! Here we go!


Mick had swiveled his chair in front of Josef’s desk, turning so he was fully facing Beth on his left. He stared at her in open-mouth astonishment.

Josef had his hands flat on the desk in front of him and was leaning slightly forward, also staring at Beth across the desk. Like Mick, his expression was one of bewildered amazement. Had he heard Beth right? She hadn’t just said that…..had she?

Beth looked from one vamp to the other and back again. She fidgeted in her seat, waiting for one of them to say something.

Josef finally broke the silence. “You grandfather was a werewolf hunter?”

“Didn’t I just say that?!”, Beth snapped, suddenly irritated by their reactions to her revelation. Their shock, and now their scrutiny, was making her feel like she had done something wrong.

“Yes….yes you did.”, Josef said quietly, regaining his composure. He glanced at Mick, “You didn’t know this little tidbit either, I take it?”

Mick blinked and shifted his attention momentarily off of Beth to look at his friend across the desk. “No….I had no idea.”

Beth looked back and forth between the two of them, getting angrier by the moment. “What?! It’s not like I was deliberately hiding something from either of you! It just never came up…..I was a child when grandpa told me his stories! I wasn’t even convinced they were true! My parents always told me grandpa was senile…..that I shouldn’t listen to him!” She realized she was ranting and stopped, drawing in a deep breath to calm herself.

“It’s OK, Beth.” Mick finally said, sensing her rising agitation and wanting to soothe her, “We’re both just surprised is all.”

Beth looked at Mick and smiled, grateful for the reassurance.

“Alrighty then, Miss Turner.”, Josef said abruptly, “You have our full attention. Please give us a thumbnail sketch of life with good ol’ grandpa.” He tented his fingertips in front of his face and eyed Beth with a bemused smile.

Beth looked at Josef. His expression was non-threatening……she decided he wasn’t mad at her, just caught off guard, like Mick had said. She took another a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Well, let’s see…..Grandpa moved in with my parents and I when I was seven years old. He was in failing health and couldn’t live on his own anymore. He passed away when I was twelve.”

“A little bit of a bigger thumbnail sketch than that, my dear.” Josef prompted. “You left out the part about hunting werewolves.”

Beth laughed nervously, raking her fingers through her long blonde hair. “Yeah….sorry….it’s just something I’ve never talked to anyone about. Not my entire adult life, that is…..so it’s strange talking about it now. I didn’t want people to think grandpa had been crazy.”

“No fear of that now.” , Josef quipped, “So….what did your grandfather tell you about werewolves?”

“That they are very big, very smart, very fast, and very hard to kill.” Beth replied. “That they don’t age and don’t get sick. That lycanthropy is contagious. That you could catch it if you are bitten and survive. That they can change forms anytime they want, whether the moon is full or not. That you can kill them with silver bullets, hurt them, and maybe kill them, with other silver weapons. That you can kill them by cutting off their heads, or just blowing them up with explosives. Grandpa said he favored blowing them up, from a distance.”

“Your grandfather sounds like he was a very wise man.”, Josef said, “I don’t suppose he had any apprentices? And, if so, do you have their phone numbers?”

“No apprentices…..none that he ever mentioned.”

“Too bad….cause we’re hiring. Oh well….what else did you learn about werewolves from your esteemed grandfather?”

Beth took another deep breath and glanced at Mick for emotional support. He smiled warmly back at her, and nodded for her to continue. “He said that most werewolves aren’t a threat to people, that most of them prefer to live in small towns near wilderness areas, and that most hunt wild game. That they have rules, and limit themselves to wild game. But, sometimes, a rogue comes along…… that rogues eat people, prefer people. He said that rogues are the only ones that need to be hunted down and killed. They were the only ones he ever went after. That’s what he called them…..rogues”

“Your grandfather was correct. That’s what they are called, and yes….they are the exception, not the rule.” Josef interjected, “Please go on.”

“Well….grandpa started telling me his stories after he first moved in with us….when I was seven. I loved his stories and hung on every word. I guess it struck a nerve with me somehow…..after what I’d been through….with Coraline, I mean….. when I was four.” Beth glanced at Mick and he dropped his eyes, still ashamed of what his ex had done, even after all these years.

Beth continued. “Because of Coraline, the things I’d seen, I knew there really were things that went bump in the night. No offense.”, she added.

“None taken.” Josef said. “Go on.”

“I loved grandpa’s stories because he always slew the dragon, so to speak. It made me feel safer, having him in the house, even though he was old and frail by then. I believed his stories completely, even though my parents kept telling me grandpa was a crazy old man. He used to have quite an arsenal, lots of weapons, and guns with silver bullets, but my parents made him sell all of it when he moved in, because of me, the little kid in the house. Can’t have stuff like that around kids. Anyway…..grandpa told me once that he had saved something for me, something very special, and that I could have it when I was old enough. I begged him to tell me what it was, but he just said I would find out when I was old enough.” A tear glistened in the corner of Beth’s eye at the memory. Mick had to repress an urge to hug her and comfort her.

“What did he save for you?”, Josef prompted, almost in a whisper.

Beth looked up at him and smiled sadly. “I never found out while he was alive. I wish I had…..I wish I could have thanked him…..let him know how much it meant to me…..how much it still means to me.” She paused, blinking back tears, her eyes taking on that distant look as she stared back through the years, to a memory from long ago. “Grandpa died quietly in his sleep, right there in our house, when I was twelve. I went in to wake him for breakfast, and he was gone, curled up on his side in bed, like he was just sleeping. He looked so peaceful.” Beth paused again, starring at her hands in her lap. “He had left a Will, and in the Will, he specified that the contents of a Safety Deposit Box at the Bank were to be held in Trust for me until my eighteenth birthday. Then, the Box would be mine. When I turned eighteen, I went to the Bank to claim my inheritance.”

Mick and Josef were listening intently, hanging on every word. “What was in it?”, Mick asked quietly.

“A solid silver sword, with a mother-of-pearl handle.”, Beth said softly, smiling, her eyes taking on that far away look again. “One of those like the Roman Gladiators used to use…. A short-sword, half really-big-dagger, half really-short-sword.”

“A gladius”, Josef commented.

“Huh?” Beth blinked at him.

“What you’re describing is called a ‘gladius’.” Josef explained, “It’s the weapon that the name ‘gladiator’ came from, because they commonly used that particular type of sword.”

“Oh.” Beth was quiet for several seconds, starring at her hands in her lap.

“Do you still have it?”, Josef asked.

“Of course!” Beth looked shocked, gaping at Josef like he had asked her if she was wearing any panties. “My grandpa’s sword?! I would never sell it! It’s priceless to me!”

“So…..let me get this straight.”, Josef began, “You are romantically involved with a vampire, our dear Mick here, and you have, in your apartment, something that is completely lethal to him?”

“I never thought about it that way!”, Beth protested, looking at Mick. “It was my grandpa’s! It’s a family heirloom! Besides…technically…..a sword is completely lethal to anyone!!!”

Josef was staring at her quietly, but intently. Mick caught the look and growled a warning at his old friend. Josef’s eyes flicked briefly to Mick, and then back to Beth.

Beth’s eyes narrowed and she glared at Josef with fierce determination. “No! You can’t have it! It’s all I have left of my grandpa! I’m not giving it up! Forget it!!!”, she shrieked at him, her face flushing again, only this time in anger.

Josef grinned and looked over at Mick. “You know….she doesn’t even pretend to be afraid of me anymore, and it’s starting to annoy the hell out of me!”

Mick relaxed a little at Josef’s playful tone. Clearly, the elder vamp had no intention of trying to take anything away from Beth.

“Take it easy, Beth.” , Josef said with a smirk, “You can keep your damn sword, as long as you promise never to use it on Mick, or on me.”

Beth’s jaw dropped and her expression became one of indignation. “You think I would ever do that!?”

“No….actually, I don’t. Sorry. “, Josef said quietly, trying to pull his foot out of his mouth, where it had clearly become firmly implanted. It was obvious he had now hurt Beth’s feelings. He was surprised by how much that idea bothered him. “What I would like to know, however, is how your Grandfather managed to battle werewolves with a short-sword and survive to tell about it?”

Beth eyed him for a moment, working her way through her injured feelings, and deciding to let the matter go. “Grandpa never actually used the….what did you call it?…..the gladius?…..in battle. He had told me that he had it made as a weapon of last resort, and that he always wore it on his hip, in its black leather scabbard, when he hunted, just in case, but had never needed it. He said that getting into a knife-fight with a werewolf would undoubtedly have a fatal outcome for any human, but that if all else failed, and he ended up trapped in a face to face confrontation, he would have used the sword in an attempt to take the wolf with him when he died. But, with his high-caliber silver bullets, fired at a distance with a scope, or, like I said, explosives, Grandpa never needed his weapon of last resort. I just didn’t know until I turned eighteen, that it was his silver sword he had managed to save for me.”

“OK,” Josef said after a moment, “Now for the big question……did your grandfather hunt vampires too? I’m I sitting across the desk from the granddaughter of a vampire slayer?”

Beth snorted in soft laughter. “No. Grandpa rarely talked about vampires, except to say that they existed. He referred to himself as a specialist…..in werewolves. I asked him about vampires a few times….I think because of the flashes of memory I had from the night Mick rescued me when I was four…..the fight that I saw….the sounds of that fight.” She paused and glanced over at Mick, who shifted uncomfortably in his chair and starred at the floor in front of him.

“I told grandpa what little I remembered seeing and hearing that night.” Beth continued, “He said it sounded like I had witnessed a full-on vampire fight…..that one vampire had kidnapped me and another vampire had intervened to save me. He said that vampires do a pretty good job of ‘policing’ their own, so he didn’t need to hunt them. They ‘handled’ their own rogues, he said. Grandpa had been in Alaska when I was taken, doing his usual wilderness outfitter ‘day job’, and was in the middle of nowhere with a group of tourists. By the time he got back to civilization, it was over with, Mick had rescued me and brought me home. Grandpa was getting pretty old by then, and he retired from Guiding, and from hunting werewolves, shortly thereafter.”

“So,” Josef pressed, “He never had a dealings with vampires at all?”

“Oh no….”, Beth answered, with a sly smile, “He dealt with them. They were often his clients, the ones who hired him to hunt down a rogue wolf. He charged a lot for hunting a werewolf. He said he would make more in one werewolf hunt than he made working all year as an outfitter and guide.”

“Yes….I’m sure that’s true,” Josef quipped, “If he, or someone like him, were available now, I’d pay them a small fortune to deal with our current situation. So….your grandfather must have been aware that werewolves who go rogue often go after vampires? It didn’t bother him? Being hired by one type of monster to protect them from another type of monster?”

Beth blinked at Josef in surprise. Had he just referred to his kind as monsters? “Grandpa always said that ‘monster is as monster does’. He believed we are all people…..humans, vampires, werewolves….all are people. There are many humans who can accurately be described as ‘monsters’. Grandpa always said he believed that we are all people, and that each species has its ‘rogues’.”

Everyone was quiet for a moment. Then Josef said softly, “I wish I had gotten the chance to meet your grandfather. I think I would have liked him very much.”

Beth smiled. “Grandpa said that it was easier for him, as a human, to hunt rogue werewolves when there were vampires around. He told me that, given a choice between a human and a vampire, the werewolf will go for the vampire every time, that they only take a human if there’s no vamps available. He said that the rogue wolf would be so distracted by the vamps in the area that it would fail to notice him, the human sniper on a rooftop, until it was too late.”


The Lead Cleaner wasn’t liking what she was hearing. A soft snarl rumbled in her throat as she held her cell phone to her ear, listening and trying to keep her rising temper under control. “Now look,” she said, trying to sound reasonable, “You can’t just ignore this situation! Do you have any idea what this could do to long-term Tribe-Pack relations? Nothing good, I can assure you!” She listened and her eyes flashed momentarily from their human shade of deep-brown to silvery-white, and back again. They were turning her down! “You are over-estimating the involvement of that organization,” she tried to convince them, “and there has only been one incident suspected of being related to them!” She listened for a few more seconds and then snarled loudly at the ‘we’re very sorry’ spoken at the other end of the line. Then the other party hung up.

The Lead Cleaner hurled her useless cell phone against the wall of her office in frustration. Now what? Great…..just great.

She was going to have to call Josef and let him know they could expect no help from the Pack……. not locally, not nationally. She had started with the nearest local Pack, a very small one, in Northern California. No luck. She had systematically worked her way up through Pack hierarchy to the head of the National Pack Council. Nothing….turned down flat. No help would be coming. They were on their own.


“OK then!” Josef said, smirking with his usual mock-enthusiasm, “We know where Beth is on the werewolf learning curve. How about you Mick? What did Coraline teach you about our large furry friends?”

Mick turned to Josef and shrugged. “Not a thing…..other than that they exist. She just said to stay away from the woods and I’d be fine.”

Josef scowled. “How typical of Coraline…..refusing to discuss, or even admit, that there might be something out there that she couldn’t handle. Self-centered and hopelessly arrogant.”

“Funny,” Mick laughed humorlessly, “That’s how she always described you!”

Beth shifted in her chair uncomfortably. She hated it when the subject of Coraline came up, even if she was the one who brought it up, as she had earlier. Coraline was both the terrifying kidnapper of her childhood, and the other-woman of her adult life. How messed up is that?

“OK.” Josef said, “Werewolf 101, college level. Beth will just have to sit through what she already knows.” Josef glanced across the desk at both of them. He had their full attention.

He began. “A werewolf, a real werewolf, is nothing like anything you’ve seen in movies, or read in books. A real werewolf is a force of nature, in every sense of the phrase. They are incredibly strong, and they are huge. Even a very petite woman would become a wolf that weighs in at around 550 to 600 pounds. A woman of average size, like Beth here, is going to become a wolf that tips the scales at around 700 pounds. An average size man will become an 800 pound wolf, and a really large man will become a wolf that tops out at 900 plus pounds. That appears to be what we are dealing with here in LA……a really big guy. From what the Cleaners have found near the scenes, the paw prints, the wolf we have on our hands is at least 900 pounds, maybe a little more.”

Josef paused, looking across the desk at his two friends. Beth didn’t look surprised by anything she had heard so far, except for the size of the creature currently prowling the streets of LA. For his part, Mick’s mouth was hanging open slightly. He was clearly stunned by everything he was hearing.

Josef continued. “Like us, werewolves do not age. They stop aging when they are Turned, from human to werewolf, by being bitten, and surviving. Like us, they are not susceptible to disease. Like us, they can only reproduce by Turning a human. Like us, they are vulnerable to silver. It is as poisonous to them as it is to us. Unlike us, sunlight doesn’t bother them in the least. Fire can hurt them, but they will heal, provided they are able to escape the flames. Catastrophic physical damage will kill them, like having their head cut off, or being blown up in an explosion.” Josef nodded to Beth, “Hats off to your grandfather, my dear. When it comes to killing a werewolf, my weapon of choice would be a good RPG launcher….from as long a distance as I could manage and still make the shot.”

“In their human forms, werewolves are as strong as we are, and their senses are every bit as keen as ours. They’re also phenomenal jumpers in their human forms, just like we are. In their lupine form, a werewolf is still not as fast as a vampire, but they are plenty fast, and they have greater endurance than vampires do….. much greater. In their lupine form, a werewolf’s senses are all much keener than ours, sharper than any creature on earth, as far as we know. And they do not need a full moon to change shape…..they can shift form anytime they wish, day or night. They have a tremendously strong drive to shift to lupine when the moon is full, but with age and experience, they can learn to control even that. They maintain their human intelligence and memories when they shift to their lupine form. They are not mindless killing machines, as they are often portrayed in horror movies. Like us, they are a thinking predator, but, also like us, they are often ruled by their appetite, their animal drive to hunt. Their appearance, in their lupine form, is like an enormous wolf, but with a shorter tail, only about half the length that a natural wolf’s tail would be, if an natural wolf were that big. They typically go on all fours, but are able to go up on their hind legs if the need arises. They are able to walk, and even run, on their hind legs if they have to…..but they are faster, and less conspicuous, on all fours. They retain hand-like features in their front paws, including an opposable thumb.”

“How fast are they, exactly?”, Mick asked.

“Cheetah-fast on flat open ground, in their lupine form, and on all fours. Sixty or seventy miles per hour. Less fast on uneven ground, or through obstacles, but still very fast. They are less fast in their human forms, but still faster than an Olympic sprinter.”

Mick whistled.

Josef nodded. “Yeah…..and they can keep that speed up for hours without breaking a sweat. That’s how they hunt us. They run us down. We are faster out of the gate, so to speak, but we can’t keep that speed up for very long before we begin to tire. They can. They just follow along behind us, following our scent, until we’re exhausted. Then they take us.”

Beth’s eyes were wide. Now that she knew, and liked, several vampires…..and was in love with one vamp in particular, the details of werewolf hunting behavior terrified her.

Josef went on, “A werewolf’s metabolism is an amazing thing….unbelievably efficient. Their regenerative abilities surpass our own. Their red blood cells carry and store oxygen to a degree currently unknown to science in any creature. That’s why they can run for hours without tiring. They can also hold their breath, if they need to, for a tremendously long period of time, because of all the oxygen carried and stored in their blood and their muscles. A metabolism as dynamic as theirs needs a lot of food to fuel it, so werewolves are typically big eaters. The more they exert themselves, the more they need to eat. But this incredible metabolic rate doesn’t cause them to overheat, like our metabolism can do to us. Their bodies are much better at containing that fire, so to speak.”

“OK….OK…”, Mick interrupted, “Back up alittle. How can a person, say my size, change into an animal that weighs 800 pounds? Where does that mass come from? And where does it go when they change back to human form?”

Josef smiled. He had wondered when that question would be asked. “Our scientists have speculated on that for decades. And, yes, we do have scientists…..remember Gerald? The eccentric little rocket-scientist and accidental Sire? Anyway…..at the end of the day, when discussing how werewolves add mass, and then shed mass….you end up talking about things that make my head hurt. Things like Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics, and Particle Physics. Things like the mysteries of Dark Matter, and the behavior of individual Atoms. When you get down to the Atoms that make up reality as we know it, matter as we know it, all the rules go out the window. The next thing you know, you’re talking about the past and the future existing simultaneously in the same space, blending back and forth. You start talking about how nothing really exists until you measure it….yeah, that’s what I said, until you measure it! Physicists call it ‘the measurement problem’, and I think that alone proves that they’re all mentally ill. The same kind of questions and issues come up when you ask how vampires do what we do….who the hell knows?”

Josef glanced across the desk at Mick and Beth. They both looked confused and their eyes were starting to glaze over.

“Anyway….,” Josef continued, “Our scientists’ best guess is that werewolves somehow pull in the mysterious, and poorly understood, Dark Matter and convert it to conventional matter, adding to their mass. When they shift back to their human form, they release that Dark Matter back into the Cosmos from which it came. Some also speculate that the same Dark Matter that they pull into themselves, in order to add to their mass, is what gives them their tremendous strength and speed. But who knows? Certainly not me…..like I said, the whole question makes my head hurt.”

“Why do they hunt us?” Mick asked, cutting to the chase, as he so often did.

“Because we, werewolves and vampires, are each others’ favorite food.” Josef answered. He smiled when Mick blinked in surprise. “We are both very powerful beings, full of energy and recuperative abilities. For a vampire, there is no better blood than that of a werewolf. Werewolf blood is the vampire panacea. It is said that werewolf blood can cure anything that might be wrong with a vampire. Unfortunately for us, werewolves feel the same way about vampires. Our bodies are packed with energy that they would love to consume. We’re a walking power-bar. Vampires, as you know, can feed on someone without killing them. Werewolves, on the other hand…..well, a werewolf feeding on a vampire involves them ripping us into fifty or so bite-size pieces. Not a survivable situation.”

Josef sighed. “Now, the reason the streets of LA are not crawling with werewolves looking for hapless vampires to eat is that most werewolves choose not to hunt two-legged prey of any species. They do this to maintain peace between Pack and Tribe, and for the same reason most vampires choose to either not prey on humans at all, or to only feed on willing humans-that-know, and to be careful not to kill their donors. To avoid detection, to keep the peace, and for all the pesky moral reasons Mick is always spouting.” Mick rolled his eyes at this sidelong swipe.

“A werewolf can be a vampire’s best friend, or his worst enemy. But for the most part, we just ignore each other, maintaining an uneasy truce of mutual tolerance and avoidance. Vampires prefer large cities because they provide the amenities we like to have, as well as a concentrated population of our second-favorite food….humans. Werewolves prefer rural locations, small towns that are close to large areas of wilderness where they can safely run and hunt wild game. Werewolves hate big cities….the noise, the smell, the crowds. They crave the wilderness, the vast and quiet forest. The biggest Packs are found living in small towns in places like Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Canada. Smaller Packs, and sometimes lone wolves, can be found in areas where access to wilderness is more limited. In general, the larger the unspoiled wilderness area, the larger the local Pack will be. The rogue responsible for the recent vampire deaths isn’t here because he likes LA. No, he’s here because there’s a large population of his favorite food…..”, He locked eyes with Mick, “Us.”

“You said a werewolf could be a vampire’s best friend?, Beth asked, “How so?”

“Well,” Josef answered, “You’ll recall what I said about werewolf blood being a vampire’s panacea?” Both Mick and Beth nodded. “A steady diet of werewolf blood will keep a vampire in better-than-peak condition, and will also make that vampire stronger and faster than other vamps of the same age group. Plus, a werewolf is essentially a Harem-of-one. A werewolf’s regenerative abilities are so extreme that they can literally make new blood faster than any vampire could take it….probably faster than several vampires could take it. It’s impossible to drain a werewolf. Add to that the fact that the bite heals completely the moment the vampire’s fangs are withdrawn, and you have the ultimate freshie.”

“Has that ever happened?” Mick asked.

“There have been a few scattered reports over the centuries,” Josef answered, “But only one that I have any personal knowledge of….” and then all three of them flinched violently when his cell phone rang.

Josef starred at the cell phone, ringing on his desk, demanding his attention.
Beth and Mick both looked at the cell phone, and then their eyes flicked back to Josef.

Josef hesitated for another second before answering the insistent device. He knew it was either going to be Guillermo, or the Cleaner, and either way, he was pretty sure it was going to be more bad news.
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101.

Post by coco »

How very intriguing :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101.

Post by lionsonleashes »

coco wrote:How very intriguing :D
Thanks Coco! :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

And so the Moonlight universe as we know it changes shape slightly. It grows to encorporate a wider range of humanity than is generally accepted, as both werewolves and vampires are, in a sense, just offshoots on the human family tree.

Lovely chapter, Lions



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Jen! :rose:
Yes.....the Moonlight Universe, as I saw it, expanded. :snicker: I've always thought werewolves had alot of artistic potential, and I just had to find a way to work them into my take on 'Moonlight'! :laugh:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

While waiting for the next chapter, I decided to read this wonderful story again from the beginning.

What a wonderful take on the Moonlight universe this is!

The wonderful balance that exists between Weres and Vampires--their unique abilities are so complimentary. Thanks, Lions!!


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

:hug: Thank you, Jen! :flowers:
Sorry Chap 29 is taking so long. :sigh: It's not for lack of Muse-action..... it's the lack of time to sit down and write. :vac: :dishes: :9to5: :iron: :washing: :washingline: :treadmill: You know how it is......RL can be so dogon time consuming! :giggle:
I'll get Chap 29 finished and posted as soon as I can. Thanks so much for your patience with me! :thanks2:
Lions :kitten:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


I do adore the synergy of it all!

Perhaps Mick, Beth, Josef, Logan, his parents and some of the good werewolves are moving to a point when they will recognize each other, value their differences and choose to work together.

Love this chapter and know what is coming next!



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

This is so great!

Josef does exposition so well. Vampires are perfectly situated to maintain a lot of information about various species that exist in human legend and superstition. A vampire scientist will not be constrained to hand their research off to someone else to continue at the end of their lives as humans do because of the lifespan.

It would really, really be fascinating to get a glimpse into werewolf society!

Just sayin' :whistle:



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

HeHe.... :snicker:
Thanks Jen! :hug: A peek into werewolf society is coming up in Chap 30, :thumbs: which still teeters oh-so-close to completion. :quill: It's a ponderous Chapter, with alot of Historical tid bits that I don't want to screw up, so I keep pouring over it, double checking, looking stuff up, then triple checking my content :reading: , and re-doing :quill: it whenever my frantic RL allows me the time. :phew:
Thanks so much for your faithful support and encouragement! :hug: :rose: I will get Chap 30 rounded off and Posted as soon as I can. :type:
Hugs :hug:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 3---Werewolf 101. (PG-13)

Post by francis »

I really like your werewolf lore. It's consistent and well thought-out and it has possibilities.
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