The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

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The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

I love Josef! This was one of my favorites that I wrote on the Moonlightfans website!

Moonlight Fanfiction
The Change
By Ella713
Rated PG

Josef stared out his office window thinking yet not thinking at all. For some reason he couldn’t concentrate. Couldn’t focus. Something was wrong. He didn’t even notice when Mick stepped into his office.
“Josef. Josef!” Mick yelled snapping his fingers in front of Josef’s face.
“I’m sorry Mick, I didn’t see you there.”
“What’s up with you? I haven’t heard from you in over a week?” Josef slowly shook his head.
“Today’s my birthday” Josef said quietly. Mick was surprised. While Josef was his best friend, there was a lot Mick simply didn’t know and this was one of those things.
“Congratulations! That’s great! So what are you dong to celebrate?’
“Celebrate? What’s to celebrate Mick? I’m 412 years old. I mean what’s the point?” he said in a tone that Mick could only interpret as sadness, which was unlike Josef!
“Josef come on! This doesn’t sound like you. I’ll tell you what. Let’s go to Vegas and celebrate your birthday Rat Pack style! A little gambling a couple of shows. We haven’t done anything like that in a long time” Mick said becoming worried about his friend. Josef just sat there staring out the window.

Beth was in the living room doing what she called infinity push ups. Beth was in a constant state of awe over her physical strength and liked to test her endurance.
“What’s the count?” he asked casually.
“850” she said between breaths
“I just had the strangest encounter with Josef. Today’s his birthday and he seemed …..depressed almost sad.” Mick said. Beth stopped her exercise routine and stared at her husband.
“Josef depressed? That’s impossible” she said
“I know it sounds weird, but I’ve never seen him like this. Not even after Sarah died”
Gabriel came out of his room with a book and Beth took him into the kitchen for a drink.
“Maybe he’s suffering from Hiksiev?” she said with a shrug.
“What the hell is that?” Mick asked
“Vampire mid life crisis” Mick looked at his wife trying to decide if she was joking or not and found that she wasn’t. He threw his head back and laughed.
“Babe there’s no such thing as a vampire mid life crisis! Where did that come from?” he asked shaking his head.
“It’s true. Balthazar told me about it. When a male vampire reaches his 400th year they begin displaying all sorts’ irrational behavior. Sometimes The Counsel had to be called in to secure them until it passed. Balthazar said his own bout with it was frightening” Beth explained.
“Balthazar told you this? When?”
“I don’t know. A couple of weeks ago. He was in Los Angeles on business and stopped by to see how Gabriel and I were. We talked for a long time.”
“Has Isabelle mentioned anything?’ he asked.
“Only that Josef seemed moodier and that she was keeping busy with work to give him time to work through what was bothering him.”
“I wonder why I’ve never heard about this.” Mick said to himself, wondering what else there was about being a vampire that he didn’t know. First vampire births and now vampire mid life crisis!
“Did Balthazar mention what the symptoms are?” Mick asked.
“Not really. He just said irrational behavior. But Josef is how old?”
“Well, that is older than what Balthazar said.
“Has Josef’s behavior ever been rational?” Mick joked as he heard his phone ring.
“Yeah?” he answered.

“Mick its Guillermo. Josef called me and insisted that I go to Las Vegas with him to celebrate. Mick he’s acting really strange man…..I think you need to get here.” He said.
“Guillermo stay with him. I’m on my way. Are you at Josef’s place?
“No. we’re at his hangar at the airport.”
I’m leaving now” Mick said and hung up.
“Babe I gotta go. Josef is on his way to Vegas with Guillermo” he said running out the door. Beth sighed as Mick ran out.
“Sounds like a mid life crisis to me” she said.

Mick pulled into the hangar in time to see Logan boarding Josef’s private jet.
“Logan! What are doing here?” Mick called out to him as he ran towards him.
“Man! Josef Kostan called me! Just out of blue and said “Bro we’re headed down to Vegas to party for the weekend are you game’ So I was like yeah I’m game!” he rattled on.
“Josef said bro?” Mick asked confused.
“Yeah. Maybe he’s trying to change his image” Logan shrugged and got on board the plane.

When Mick entered the cabin he saw Guillermo already seated and looking tense. Guillermo had always been slightly afraid of Josef where as Logan thought Josef was the coolest thing since The World of Warcraft.

Josef was mixing drinks when he saw Mick.
“Mick my man! You decided to come with? Great! I took your advice and decided that a weekend in Vegas was a fantastic idea! So look I already booked us rooms in my private suite at the Bellagio so buckle up and let’s get going!” he said downing his scotch in one gulp
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Oh this should get good! :hearts:
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Either Josef has seen the light at the end of the tunnel, or an oncoming train.

Either way, it is gonna be a bumpy ride.

And not a female along to keep them grounded.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick sat next to Guillermo.
“You alright man?” Mick asked as they prepared for take off.
“Yeah. I just want to make it back to L.A. in one piece” he said as they felt the plane lift off to leave Los Angeles behind.

When they landed in Vegas Josef had a car waiting to drive them to the hotel. Mick called Beth to let her know that his visit to check on Josef had turned to a weekend in Las Vegas. Mick had just hung up when Josef snatched his cell phone from him and tossed it out the window.
“What the hell Josef!” Mick yelled.
“No calls to the wife on the watch.” Josef said with a smirk.

“Oh My God!” Logan yelled when he stepped in the suite “This is so awesome!” he said sitting his luggage down and running around touching everything. Guillermo quietly sat down on the sofa. Josef hit a button and an automatic shade started to rise showing a complete view of the lights of Las Vegas including a fantastic view of the famed water show fountains.
“Ok gentlemen, I say we hit the craps table, followed by a few hand of Texas Hold Em, followed by the lovely ladies in the Champagne Room and then what the hell, more ladies in the Champagne Room!” Josef said enthusiastically;
“Josef, you do know you’re married right” Mick asked
“Mick don’t be a buzz kill” Josef said “Logan, Guillermo let’s party!” he said as he walked out the door.

When they got to the casino Logan immediately disappeared to play poker, Josef headed for the craps table and Mick and Guillermo sat at the bar.
“Mick what’s going on man?” Guillermo asked.
“Look, Josef might be suffering from something called Hiksiev. It’s like a…” Guillermo interrupted him
“No shit?” he asked in amazement.
“You know what it is?”
“Yeah, it makes vamps go loco. It’s bad news Mick. You won’t be able to control him. He said he was 412? That means he’s going to be one pissed off bad ass vamp!” he said taking a sip of his rum and coke.
“Great, that's just what I need.” Mick sighed.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Yup. oncoming train.

At least Guillermo knows about it, so Mick won't be dealing with the problem alone. Now, how will Logan play into the mix. I don't think Logan is very old as a vampire. I just hope he will be an asset and not a liability. Sounds like they have all the liability they can handle right now.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

They both heard a commotion and looked around to see what was going on.
Josef was going on. He was in the middle of a heated exchange with someone else at the craps table. Josef threw a chip at the man.
“Go to the mall grandpa and let the grown ups play” Josef said. The man in question looked like he could in fact be a grandpa, but he wasn’t backing down.
“I saw it with my own eyes! He stole a chip from me!” he yelled. He nudged his wife “Martha saw it didn’t you honey” Martha nodded but to be honest she hadn’t seen anything and she really didn’t think the young man did it.
“Ha! You think I stole a chip from you Walmart? I’m Josef Kostan! I don’t have to steal from anyone!”
Martha grabbed her husband’s arm and whispered something to him. Probably telling him who he was arguing with. The couple slowly walked away.
“I’m really sorry Mr. Kostan. My husband doesn’t see so well” she said and took her husband away. Upon hearing who he was several ladies walked up to him intent on keeping him company while spending his money.
“Hello ladies. Who would like to blow on my dice?’ Josef said provocatively and held his palm out for the women to blow. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” he laughed.

Logan had found his way into an all night poker game and he had no intention of leaving. Mick tried to pull him out but Logan was adamant. And then Mick found out why.
“Mick this is a 10 grand buy in game!” he exclaimed
“Logan you don’t have 10 grand.”
“Well, not right now, but…”
“Logan please don’t tell me you charged it the room?”
‘Okay. I won’t tell you, but I can get it back and then some! I spend hours online playing this game, and I don’t need any sleep. It will be the easiest win ever!” Mick closed his eyes and sighed. This couldn’t be happening to him.
“You better pray that you win every last dime of that money back. There’s no telling what Josef will do.” Mick said and walked out of the room
He went back to the bar to get Josef and Guillermo and found that they were gone.
“Perfect!” Mick said.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Oh, man.

Mick can't catch a break.

First Josef mentally takes a holiday and now he is dealing with Logan the high roller.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick went outside and asked the valet if he had seen Josef Kostan.
“Yeah, he and other guy jumped into a taxi. Said they were going to the Champagne Room” one guy said. “you want us to get you a taxi too”
“Yeah, I’m going to need one”
They got a taxi and soon Mick was on his way to the infamous Champagne Room to stop his friend from ruining his marriage.

The Champagne Room was for lack of a better word “a house of ill repute”. For the gentleman with a lot of cash these very high priced lovelies could make Las Vegas worth the expense. And something told Mick that in Josef’s current state of mind, he could be there for a long time.

The vamp behind the desk smiled brightly when Mick walked in.
“Mick St. John! I always wondered when I’d see you again!” she said seductively.
“Hello Sophie. Where’s Josef?” She pointed to the door straight ahead.
“Would you like me to send a girl in for you or are you all into sharing?” she joked. Mick held up his hand so the gold band on his finger was visible.
“No thanks!” he replied as he turned towards the door.

The room was dark and there was some sultry music playing the background. Mick could see Guillermo in the corner making out with a young woman with fiery red hair. And to his right he saw Josef sitting on a sofa while a tall woman with an incredible body danced naked in front of him.
“Josef! What are you doing?’ he asked.
“I’m not doing anything yet but the night is oh so young.” Josef joked
“So I guess the name Isabelle means nothing to you?” Mick asked with annoyance in his voice.
“No Mick. Not at the moment”. Josef said standing up. “If I had known you were going to spoil all the fun I wouldn’t have asked you to come. So if you’re here to partake in the various wonders that The Champagne Room offers help yourself. If not go back to the hotel. I don’t need a nanny!” Josef said raising his voice.
“Fine! You know what Josef; you’re on your own!” Mick said and stormed out of the room. After Mick left the room Josef turned to face the naked woman.
“Now where were we?” He said while unbuttoning his shirt.

Mick unlocked the door of the suite and sat down on the sofa. He picked up the phone to call Beth.
“Hello” he heard her sweet voice say and it almost brought tears to his eyes.
“Hey babe”
“So how’s Josef?” she asked.
“Josef is……uh…not himself right now” Mick said
“You don’t want to tell me. That’s ok. It’s Vegas. I get it. What happens there stays there. But remember that you live here.” Beth said firmly. Mick laughed for the first time that evening.
“That’s something I’ll never forget”
After talking to Gabriel and promising that he would be home no later than Sunday he hung up the phone and turned on the TV. Maybe some mindless television would help take his mind off the mayhem that Josef was more than likely getting into.

After their venture to The Champagne Room Josef and Guillermo decided to stroll around the strip. Josef stopped and looked at Guillermo’s attire as if seeing it for the first time.
“What on earth are you wearing?” Josef asked.
“Jeans and t-shirt” Guillermo said becoming totally confused as he had been with Josef for the better part of the evening.
“Come with me. You’re not going to walk around with Josef Kostan dressed like a pauper” Josef said leading him by the arm and into the Hugo Boss Men’s Store. Josef walked over the sales associate.
“Please put him in something more stylish” and handed the man a wad of cash.
“Right away sir!” the young man said and took Guillermo to the back room.

There was nothing on television as usual so Mick decided it was time to go check on Logan.
Logan was still in the same spot although some of the players around him weren’t the same one’s he’d seen before. Maybe that was good sign he thought.
“How’s it going Logan? You get Josef’s money back yet?”
“Well….not quite yet” he stammered
“How much do you have?”
“I’m $20,000 grand in the whole…but listen Mick; I still have 12 hours to go! I’ll get it back. Trust me!” Logan pleaded. Mick shook his head and hoped for Logan’s sake that Josef wouldn’t remember any of this weekend.

Guillermo stood in front of the mirror. Sure he had worn suits before but never a suit like this! It fit perfectly.
“Now we’re ready to prowl the streets of Vegas!” Josef exclaimed.
As they walked down the street women turned their heads to stare at them. Guillermo could hear them whispering trying to speculate who they were and how much they were worth, And for the life of him he could not understand why he had been so frightened of Josef Kostan!
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

I realy hope Josef will look back on this Vegas trip as the lost weekend. Seriously. Short term amnesia may be the only thing to keep tarpits out of the near future for some of them.

Remember, Josef. Isabel has a flamethrower (doesn't she?)
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

The walked down the length of the strip and were passing a car dealership that sold Lamborghinis when Josef came to an abrupt stop.
“Look at that!” he said.
“Yeah she’s beautiful. Probably goes from 0 to 90 in five seconds!” Guillermo said looking wistfully at the car.
“Come on, let’s take one for a test drive” Josef said walking into the lot.
“You’re just gonna ask them to let you test drive one?”
“No, my check book is going to say let me test drive one” Josef said.

A thin hawk like man came up to them.
“I see you’re checking out the Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4. It’s our most popular model this year.” He said eyeing them noticing the expensive lines of their suits to the Italian leather of their shoes. Josef walked around the car, his hand lightly touching the body and detailing of the sports car.
“How much?” Josef asked.
“For this model the price is firm at $379,000.00” The salesman quoted.
“That sounds fair. Of course I’d like to test drive it first” Josef said
“Of course. I just get the keys and then we can go” the man said.
“No. I’d like my associate to ride with me.”
“I’m sorry sir, but that’s not our policy”
“Ok, tell you what. I’ll write you a check for the full amount and you let me take it for a test drive. If I don’t like it you tear up my check and if I do like it, well….you’ve just made the biggest commission of your career” Josef said as he pulled out his checkbook and wrote the check. He handed it to the salesman who eyes widen when he saw the name on the check.
“Oh! Mr. Kostan sir, of course! I thought you looked familiar. I’m sure we can make an exception in this case! Let me go inside and get the keys for you” he stammered and practically skipped all the way to the office.
“You’re really going to buy this car?” Guillermo asked in shocked surprise
“Who knows?” Josef said with shrug. The salesman jogged towards them and handed Josef the keys.
“Please be no longer than half an hour Mr. Kostan” he said but Josef was already piling Guillermo into the car.
Josef slid behind the wheel and turned on the ignition. The car roared to life and Josef quickly peeled out of the lot.

‘Josef hang on! Why are you driving so fast?” Guillermo said quickly fastening his seatbelt.
“Oh, because in about five minutes the salesman is going to realize that I picked his pocket and the check is not there” Josef said with a grin and held up the folded check in his fingers
“What! You stole this car?!” Guillermo asked in a panicked voice
Josef said nothing. He simply turned on the radio. The loud sounds of the Beastie Boys song Sabotage begin to blast out of the speakers.
“Let’s go to Reno” Josef said driving faster.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Now, Josef you said it yourself. Prison is not the vampires friend.

Has he completely lost it. No, he is stealing it!!!!!

And why? The price of that car is chump change to Josef Kostan.

Where is Balthazar when you need him...maybe Beth has a way to get in touch with him.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick sat in the plush suite thinking about Josef. Thinking about all he had done and all he had seen. 412 years! He wondered what he and Beth would be like 400 years from now. Would they still be together? Till death do us part? But what if you didn’t die? How long would Beth stay with him before she got bored and wanted to be on her own? Mick simply couldn’t think of his life without Beth.

Logan glanced quickly at his cards and then looked around at the players carefully. The man called Chris looked like he was going pass out any minute now, but then he had been pounding gin and tonics for the better part of the evening and they were now taking their toll. The other man named Matthew was opposite. He looked tweaked out of his mind. He had obviously done a line of coke while on break. His eyes were wide and bugged out and thin layer of sweat glistened over his brow. The man named Daniel looked cool and calm. He worried Logan the most. While not a player to take risks or to bluff when he had nothing, the man was smart and controlled. It was down to just the four of them. Logan had managed to win Josef’s ten grand back plus eight thousand more. Now he was playing for himself. For the pleasure of the game. And once he had secured Josef’s funds back, he started playing more confidently and he was convinced that he would win the prize at the end.

Josef and Guillermo pulled up to Harrhah’s Reno Hotel and Resort. It was first opened in 1937 as a bingo hall, but rebuilt in 1969 to mimic the more luxurious hotels in Las Vegas. Reno catered to mostly retired folks who still enjoyed gambling but not the fast paced action of Vegas.

Josef had always found Reno to be a poor man’s Vegas but since he was still in the mood to gamble and not deal with the local authorities, Reno it was.
Guillermo looked shaken and Josef knew he was thinking of prison. As if Josef would ever let things get to that. Why did these young vamps always freak out over every little thing?
“Come on Guillermo, I’ll spot you five grand. What do you want to play?”
Guillermo said nothing, he just looked at Josef not knowing how to respond to this vampire who had no idea what he was doing. He would have to break away for a moment and call Mick. Josef would be furious, but they were looking at being locked up for a long time. Its not like he could explain to the cops what Josef was going through. Balthazar would never allow that.
Josef went straight for the black jack table. Guillermo stood by the bar and ordered a drink. When Josef was engrossed in the game, he pulled out his cell phone and called Mick.

“Guillermo! Where the hell are you?” Mick asked
“Reno.” Guillermo said
“Okay. What are you doing in Reno?”
“I don’t know man. But Josef stole a Lamborghini in Vegas and drove here”
“He what?!”
“Don’t make me say it again man. You gotta call somebody and you gotta get here!”
“Ok, where are you?”
“Harrah’s Casino”
“I’ll be there as quick as I can.” Mick said. But before he left he had to call Balthazar and Isabelle. Josef was out of control.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

This is like The Hangover with vampires. I love this. I truly hope there is a way to bring Josef back to his senses, though.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

I wonder if the vampire council comprised of Old Ones have their own equivalent of the tarpits.

If they do, Josef may be on the fast track for membership.
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Re: The Change by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Guillermo could tell from where he was standing at the bar that Josef was using his “vamp skills” to win at the blackjack table. He won 5 games in a row totaling $100,000.00! It didn’t take long before a large man came up behind him and politely tapped his shoulder. The other players around the table all stopped talking. They knew what that meant. This was Reno not Vegas and old school mob boys didn’t like losing money. Ever! No one had ever won more than $25,000.00. At least not after the Benetti Brothers showed up to run things. This was their town. Let the corporations have Vegas. This little pocket of land belonged to them and them alone.

Josef coolly picked up his winnings and started walking with the men. As they passed the bar one man pointed at Guillermo and motioned him to come as well.

“Shit” Guillermo said under his breath as he joined the line and walked next to Josef. They were led through the kitchen and into a back room that had but one door and no windows. They told Josef and Guillermo to have a seat.
“Man, what did you think you were doing?” Guillermo asked
“I was winning. Was I supposed to lose? That would really defeat the purpose of my birthday don’t you think?” he said with a smile clearly not worrying about the situation and that worried Guillermo.
They sat there for almost half an hour when Angelo Benetti a large burly man in an ill-fitting Armani suit walked in. The two larger guys were behind him. He walked in and sat on the edge of the table in front of them.
“So. Here we are” he said in a voice that could only be described as straight New Jersey thug.
“Here we are” Josef repeated with a smirk
“Would you like to explain to me why you’re stealing from my casino?” he asked.
“I wasn’t stealing. I was winning or isn’t that allowed?’ Josef said.
The man shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant way.
“Some winning is allowed. But you were counting cards and that my dear fellow is not allowed” he said motioning to his two friends. Guillermo shook his head because he knew what he was going to have to do.
The largest of the men walked in front of Josef and got ready to deliver an explosive blow to Josef’s face when Guillermo jumped up and grabbed the man’s arm and gave it a solid snap. The man fell to the floor. Then he flew at the other guy while Josef took out the boss.
“That son of bitch was going to take my winnings!” Josef said in surprised voice.
“Josef we have to get out of here” Guillermo was saying as he frantically looked for a place they could hide the bodies. There was a knock at the door.
“Guillermo, its Mick. Open the door!” Mick said. Guillermo opened the door and there stood Mick Isabelle and Balthazar. Josef stood in the room looking at everyone as if seeing them for the first time.
“Hey Mick! What are you doing in Vegas?” Josef said with a smile.
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