Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

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Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Just in time for Halloween! Kara, I think you may recall this story from the old site!

Moonlight Fanfiction
Evening of the Witch
By Ella713
Rated PG

Mick was puzzled when he opened the package. He stared at it for 10 minutes before closing it back up. Inside the box was what looked to be an assortment of leaves and twigs and some kind of animal that had been dead for some time by the smell of it. Maybe it was a Halloween prank. It was October 29th after all, but Mick knew of no one who would send him something like this. Beth came home and he showed it to her.
“Mick what the hell is that?” she said holding her nose.
“I have no idea. Someone’s attempt at humor obviously” Beth looked up at him and smiled.
“Maybe Josef?” she asked but even as she said the words she just couldn’t imagine Josef doing something as childish as this.
“Well. I’ll go ask him” Mick said laying a light kiss on Beth’s forehead.

Josef was busy at work when his assistant showed him into his office.
“Hey Mick, how are things?” he asked briefly looking up from his computer.
“Did you send me a dead rat in the mail?” Mick asked.
“What?’ Josef said with honest surprise in his eyes. “Why would I send you a dead rat?”
“Someone did”
“And your first thought was Josef did it? Mick, I thought we were friends?” Josef joked.
Mick opened up the small box and placed it on Josef’s desk.
“Someone is obviously trying to get your attention” Josef said at last.
“Yeah, well they got it. What do you think it means?”
“Maybe it’s an old case you were on. Someone thinks you ratted them out maybe? But….” Josef started to say.
“But what? Tell me Josef” Mick said.
“Voodoo.” Josef said.
“You’re kidding me? Hidijibah is dead Josef”
“I know, but something about this worries me. Let’s take this to a woman I know” Josef said grabbing his jacket
‘Who do you know?” Mick asked.
“Her name is Emma Thibodaux. She specializes in Haitian voodoo. She helped me with the whole voodoo thing before”
“What? She’s here in Los Angeles?”
“She is now. I moved her here personally” Josef said with a smile. “Lucky for us”

Emma Thibodaux walked outside of her small beachside cottage and sat on her porch. She loved California a lot more than New York City. The weather for one was better for her arthritis. Josef had been very good to her indeed. She didn’t have to worry about money anymore and she could do an occasional reading for someone without being concerned about charging them. Life was good but she sensed Josef coming and she knew that there was trouble around. She slowly got up from her chair and went inside to prepare some blood for Josef and his friend she sensed.

Josef and Mick pulled into the driveway of the small cottage and knocked on the door.
“Come in Josef!” an old voice called out to them. Josef shook his head in wonder and smiled.
“You have to tell me how you do that Emma” Josef said.
“I tell you already Josef. Blind does not mean cannot see.” She said bringing in on a tray two glasses of blood” “You two sit there” she said as she sat the tray down in front of them. Mick stared at the woman finding it hard to believe that she blind.
“What have you brought me?” she asked sitting back in her own chair.
“My friend Mick received this box in the mail today” Josef said sitting it in front of her. “What can you tell us?”
She opened the box and immediately frowned. Placing her hands inside she felt all around the contents. Taking a handkerchief out of her pocket, and wiping her hands she pushed the box away.
“Witches!” she said in disgust. Mick and Josef looked at each other .
“Excuse me?” Mick said. “Did you say witches as in riding around on broomstick witches?”
“How they travel is of no matter. Witches are trying to place a curse on you” Emma said firmly “They are two. Sisters. The older one is in charge of the other. They know you.. That twig is betula lenta. Black birch. It is very powerful. That there is knotweed which is meant to sicken and the rat is death.” She said. “You have made a powerful enemy”
“What can I do?” Mick asked
“Josef hand me my case over there” she barked out
“You know Emma some people actually say please” Josef said with smirk as he grabbed her case.
“What do those words mean to the likes of me?” she laughed and started getting to work mixing various herbs and stems. Placing it all inside a small bag she tossed it in Mick’s lap.
“Sprinkle that in your doorways. And what is left, you carry with you at all times. I tell you these witches mean to kill you”
Mick and Josef stood up to leave.
“Is there anything you need Emma” Josef asked
“I ain’t had no crab in a long time” she said.
“You got it” Josef said and walked out..
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Kara »

All she wanted in return is a crab. :snicker: But who are these sisters? And what did Mick do to them?


Hi Ella. Yes, indeed I remember this one. :wave: Thank you for bringing this here. I miss the stories on that site.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Wow, great start. What does she mean with crab? You mean like a lobster?
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick didn’t believe in witches, but nothing would hurt being prepared so he sprinkled the contents of the bag in the doorway of his building as well as his own door. Better safe than sorry.

Corrine and Carin sat in the abandoned warehouse that they had claimed as their own, planning the next attack.
“What do you think we should do?” Carin asked her twin sister who was a whole
4 minutes older than her.
“He is married now. I think the wife should be next” her sister said with a smile.

Their mother Heather was a powerful with and she taught her daughters from an early age about the power of white and black magic. By the age of 11 they were casting circles and by the age of 13 they had both invoked the spirit. But their mother was dying of cancer and she knew that she had little time before her precious little ones would be on their own. She told them of Anton Grier who was the most powerful warlock she had ever come across. She told them that in the event of her death, they must take off to find Anton and learn from him. When they were 16 their mother finally died. After her cremation they each took a handful of her ash, placed it in a satchel and went off in search of the warlock Anton. They did not have an address but their mother had told them that he lived in Oregon. Leaving their small ugly home in Wenatchee, Washington, they headed for Oregon. They prayed to Stolas the prince of hell for his help on their journey. From day one things went their way. They passed the Greyhound Bus Station as a bus was boarding. The bus driver was busy talking to a security guard and didn’t notice as the two sisters hopped on a board. They arrived in Portland Oregon the next night and there while sitting on the floor of the restroom they casted a location spell, chanting the warlock’s name over and over. The next day they found the warlock and presented themselves to him. He knew immediately who they were. When he saw their gray eyes and flaming red hair, he closed his eyes and whispered.
The twins cried and threw themselves into his arms and knew that everything would be okay.

Mick started going through all of his old cases to see if something jogged his memory and then he saw it. Meredith Sullivan. Thomas Sullivan and wealthy industrialist had come to Mick and asked for help finding his daughter who he believed had joined a cult called The Children of the Everlasting Night. They were supposedly witches or something of that nature. Thomas fearing that his daughter was already exposed to the cult, sent her to New York City to live with her grandmother, but she had run away and Thomas believed that she had come back to Los Angeles to be with her “sisters” as she called them. The leader of the cult was a man named Anton Grier, a petty thief and alleged child molester, now warlock guru. He had brainwashed a handful of misguided teenagers to join his cult and they were converting more each day.

When Mick finally found the cult they were holed up in an old farmhouse outside of Stockton, California. They were about to sacrifice a young woman when Mick broke in and untied the girl. All the members ran at Mick attacking him at once. Anton shoved a dagger into his chest. When Mick fell to the ground Anton lit a torch with the intent of burning the place along with all the evidence to the ground. He wasn’t expecting Mick to stand up and pull the dagger out of his chest. Anton stood there shocked and the torch slipped out of his hand and onto the surrounding hay that was on the barn floor. The barn went up within seconds. Mick managed to grab Meredith and pull her out just as the barn was collapsing with Anton and his members inside. By the time the fire trucks and the police arrived, there was nothing left. But Mick did not see the two pair of eyes that had ran into the woods before the fire and now watched him intently.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Good start. So Mick and Beth are married.

The witches are going to target Beth, and I am betting that as long as she is at home she will be fine, but once she leaves the protected area she is at risk.

Interesting backstory involving Josef. Will we hear more of that?
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Good start. So Mick and Beth are married.

The witches are going to target Beth, and I am betting that as long as she is at home she will be fine, but once she leaves the protected area she is at risk.

Interesting backstory involving Josef. Will we hear more of that?
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Good start. So Mick and Beth are married.

The witches are going to target Beth, and I am betting that as long as she is at home she will be fine, but once she leaves the protected area she is at risk.

Interesting backstory involving Josef. Will we hear more of that?
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle and Gabriel were so inseparable at times that it broke Beth’s heart. She knew that Gabriel loved her dearly, she was his mother but there was a bond between her son and the cleaner that neither her nor Mick understood. It was like she could communicate with him telepathically and control his moods. Gabriel now three years old was talking and behaving like a child of seven or eight. People would listen to him and whisper things like “child prodigy” or “genius”. They had already moved once since it became increasingly hard for people to believe that their son had grown so much so fast..
She had asked Gabriel what he and Isabelle did when they went off on their day trips but he just shrugged his shoulders and said.
“Just walking and talking and stuff” and Beth could get no more out of him. She knew she was being silly and Isabelle had done so much in training Gabriel. She and Mick would have never been able to do it alone. Isabelle was a godsend. So why was she questioning her now?

Gabriel was such a quick study Isabelle thought. She had never seen a vampire with his skill and reflexes before. He had the speed and agility of a cleaner.

After Josef had turned her he took her over to Dagos who was of the Nosferatu bloodline. He gave Isabelle his blood and taught her the ways of his clan until Josef returned for her. But Gabriel was born with this gift. She didn’t understand. Mick was sired by Coraline who was the bloodline of the Ancients. So where was the child getting this from?

Mick showed up at Josef’s office and handed him the file. After reading it Josef laid it down.
“So you think it’s a member of this cult group that has it out for you?”
“It’s gotta be. I mean I killed their leader, but honestly Josef, I thought they all died in the fire.” Mick said.
“That doesn’t seem to be the case. Did you do what Emma told you to do?” Josef asked suddenly
“Yeah. And I have it with me”
“Good because Emma knows what she’s talking about.”
“Okay, okay. Look, I’m going to go talk to Carl and see if he can get me a look at the file.” Mick said. As Mick walked to his car, he didn’t notice the man with the dead eyes watching him.
Last edited by Ella713 on Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

This is very involved and detailed. Must do some research. :biggrin:
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Lt. Carl Davis hadn’t liked Mick at first but over the years they had become pretty close. Each keeping the other in the loop when they were working a case. So Carl got the file on Anton Grier and handed it over.
“What are you looking for Mick?” he asked Mick tossed the box to him. “What the hell is that?” he yelled. The smell was overwhelming.
“This was sent to my place a couple of days ago. I took it to a woman who knows about this stuff and she said it was some kind of witch spell.”
“Oh, I get it. So you think one of Anton’s freaky witch teens made it out of that barn and now they’re after you.”
“Yeah. I guess that’s it.” Carl picked up the file and started to go through it.
“Well Mick, the coroner found 15 bodies and according to our files we have their numbers at 18. Of course you can subtract Meredith from that number since you rescued her”
“So you’re talking about 2 other members unaccounted for?” Carl nodded his head.
At least Mick knew now for certain what he was dealing with.
Carl pointed at the box.
“I’ll take that to forensics. Maybe they can get a print. Who else has handled the box besides you?” he said taking out a pair of gloves.
“Just me, my friend Josef and the woman we took it to.”
“I’ll look into it. Mick, watch your back!”
He thanked Carl and headed out of the police station. Putting on his sunglasses as he headed out, he didn’t even notice the man who walked up to him. Mick, shading his eyes and looking down at the man, was too slow to react to the knife that was plunged into his stomach. A cop coming out the station pulled out his service weapon and told the man to drop the knife.
The man appeared to be high or maybe just crazy. He jumped up with the knife in hand and ran at the police officer. The officer fired two clear shots and the man fell.
Mick knew he had to get out of there quick. The police officer came running over to him.
“Sir, are you alright?” he yelled as other officers came running out of the building. Mick stood up.
“Yeah, I’m fine” Mick said knowing that the wound was already healing. “He missed me whoever he was.” Mick said with slight grin and turned to walk away. The officer touched his arm.
“Sir, I’m going to need you stay put. Let the paramedics take a looks at you and I’ll need a statement.” He said.
“Yeah, sure.” Mick said but as soon as the officer turned around Mick took off. The young officer turned around and saw that Mick had left.
“Where the hell did her go?” he muttered looking around.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Who sent the guy on a suicidal mission just to out Mick? Can't wait to find out. I love Carl and I'm glad he got a guest spot in your story.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Emma burned the vision incense in her back room. She saw that the night creature friend of Josef’s had been attacked. Those witches knew about her protection herbs so they bewitched a man to carry out their bidding! Josef would be there soon. She had something that the witches would never see coming. How dare they mess with one under her protection!

Mick rushed into Josef’s apartment.
“We have to see Emma! I was attacked!” he said. “I thought this crap was supposed to protect me!” he said throwing the little bag down on the table.
“I don’t understand. What happened?” Josef asked truly in surprise.
“I was coming out of the police station when some guy came up to me and stabbed me in the stomach in broad daylight right on the street! Did I mention I was right out in front of the police station?”
“That doesn’t make any sense. Did the police arrest the guy?”
“No Josef they shot the guy. He’s dead! And if these witches are behind this we need to take care of this soon, before they start targeting the people I care about!”
“Well Beth and Gabriel are upstairs with Isabelle so their safe here, but let’s go have a little conversation with Emma” Josef said.

Corrine was becoming impatient. So far they had not been able to kill Mick St. John. He carried around protection herbs which they could not break and the man that they had sent to kill him had failed. They would have to come up with a more deadly spell.

“Sister, perhaps the way to kill Mick St. John does not lie in killing him at all. Perhaps it is time to kill all who are close to him” Carin suggested. “The wife and the boy are not under any protection”
And in one simple sentence Corrine knew that he sister had just come up with the perfect plan.

“Come in Josef” Emma called out from behind her door. “Sit down. I know what happened.” Mick and Josef came in and sat down.
“How do you know?” Josef asked.
“I saw it happen” she said. “Those witches put that man under a spell to carry out what they could not. My herbs protected you from them alone. So they sought out another”
“That explains the dead look in his eyes” Mick said remembering the man’s face.
“Wait Emma, you’re telling me that they can just put a whammy spell on anyone and turn them into a hit man?” Josef asked
“No more. They will come to you. And you will be prepared” Emma said. “There are many things said about witches that are lies, but two things are truth. Salt weakens them and if thrown in their eyes will blind them, and jute rope binding steels the power from them.” She said handing them the rope. “You need to do this fast before they found out about your true self. When that is known to them they will destroy you.”

“Why do you think Sister that this man is so hard to destroy?” Carin asked “do you think he might be a warlock?”
“I don’t know. It’s possible. He did survive the fire without harm, but that may have been just luck. I don’t know how our minion failed in his task. That truly baffles me. But come, now that we know the location of the woman and the child, we must hurry before he returns” she said as they left the abandon warehouse for what they hoped would be the last time.
Carin was not as sure in her gift as her sister, but somehow she knew that they would be killed and in all honesty she was relieved.

“Look Emma” Mick was saying “I don’t care about them losing their power! These girls are dangerous and if they come near my family, I will kill them where they stand!” Mick said angrily
“Emma, I have to agree with Mick on this one. They have to be stopped” Josef said.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Kara »

I feel for Beth that Gabriel has a special bond with Isabelle. Maybe it's the vampire thing, but still that's hard for a mother to do having to compete for her child's love.

Thank you Ella. :hearts:
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Gabriel jumped up from his spot and stood perfectly still for a moment, then he grabbed Beth’s hand and pulled her out of the room looking for Isabelle. They walked down the stairs and saw Isabelle staring at the door as if she were waiting for someone. Gabriel was confused as he tried to communicate with her the way she had taught him but she didn’t respond. Beth dropped Gabriel’s hand and slowly walked over to join Isabelle. Gabriel looked from his mother to his mentor. Suddenly he heard Isabelle speak to his mind in a weak voice.
“Hide little one! Now!” Gabriel ran away as fast he could, finding a place to hide that would be close enough for him to hear. A moment later he heard the doors burst open and heard two women speak.

“Look at them Carin! They are under our power! Now where is the child?” Corinne demanded as she looked frantically around. Isabelle and Beth were frozen in place not able to move of their own free will. Corinne walked over to Beth and stood to face her.
“Where is your child?” she asked.
“I do not know” Beth replied in a monotone voice.
“Is he in this dwelling?” she asked.
“But you don’t know where?”
“No” Beth replied. Corinne stood in front of Isabelle.
“Who are you?” she asked. Isabelle remained silent. Corinne looked stunned and stole a glance toward her sister. “I said who are you?” she asked again.
Isabelle remained mute.
“The will in this woman is strong sister. She will not answer” Carin said becoming frightened.
Corinne returned to Beth.
“You will stop them if they come? Do you hear me?”
“Yes I hear you” Beth replied.
“Come Carin, lets find the boy” she said as they went to search the apartment.
“Let’s check the upper levels. We were told the boy was three years old. He will be easy enough to fine” Corinne said confidently.

Gabriel heard the two women approaching. He jumped up upon the beamed ceiling and watched them from below.
“I could have sworn that I heard something.” Carin said looking behind her. “I can smell him. He has musty odor. Like Death! Come Sister! Let’s forget about the boy and take care of the two women!” she said urgently
“NO!” her sister screamed. “The boy must die! Just as a beloved Master died” Corinne began to chant. She was trying to enchant the boy. “Join me Sister!” she screamed.
They both began to chant. Gabriel looked down at them and wondered what they were doing. He had never heard strange words like that before. He almost giggled in the wonder of it.
Corinne stopped chanting and looked around.
“Why is he not here? Where is that damn brat?” she cursed. She saw he sister turn to leave. “Where are you going?” she screamed.
“I’m going down to cast a circle around the women so the men cannot reach them. You look for the boy if you like.” Carin said becoming tired of her sister bossing her around.
Corrine knew the boy was someplace near but her sister was right. They must prepare for St. John.
“Sister!” she heard Carin yell “St. John is here!” Corinne raced down the stairs to help her sister complete the circle. They were close.
Mick and Josef stopped as soon as they got off the elevator. They sniffed the air.
“Their inside” Mick said angrily and ran inside. There in the middle of the room was Isabelle and Beth. They weren’t moving. Mick ran to Beth only to be stopped by something. He couldn't get close to her. Something was holding him back. Some kind of barrier or force field.
“Josef! Its some kind of spell!” He yelled as Josef tried to get to Isabelle and facing the same barrier. Beth was looking at Mick without seeing him at all. She walked over to him and staked him in the chest. Mick felt himself falling. Sinking deeper and deeper down. Josef ran at beth to stop her only to be thrown into the next room. They had done something to the threshold that would not allow him to cross it.
“Sorry about that Mr. Kostan. You will need to stay put while we deal with Mr. St. John.
Vampires. I must say that really threw us for a loop. Oh yes, Mt. St John! I’m afraid your wife gave up your little secret. All of your little secrets! I now see how you were able to escape the fire without harm and the attack from my minion. But you will escape no more. What you stole from us cannot be replaced! The only father we had ever known is gone from this world because of you and you shall pay! And those you love shall pay!”

Gabriel gently jumped down from the beams and quietly made his way down the hall.
Isabelle was speaking to him. She was telling him to find salt. Gabriel went down the back way and into the kitchen to retrieve the salt. He grabbed the container and stealthily crept out; using the techniques that Isabelle had been teaching him. More ninja than vampire he placed himself hidden yet in plain sight and when he was close enough to his marks, he jumped up and threw the salt on them. Both Isabelle and Beth snapped out of the spell. Beth ran to pull the stake out of Mick.
“The rope” he said weakly. “Throw Isabelle the rope” he said. Beth threw the rope to Isabelle and snatched the stake out. Gabriel continued to flail salt over the two sisters making them weaker and weaker. Their hold over the threshold gave way and Josef ran out of room. He and Isabelle tightly binded the two and they fell to the ground.
Gabriel ran over to his parents and hugged them tightly.
“That’s my boy!” Mick said proudly kissing his head. Beth was crying.
“Mick! I am so sorry! I didn’t know what I was doing!” she cried.
“Babe, its okay. They had you under a spell. I’m fine.” He said kissing her tears.
Josef and Isabelle walked over.
“Are you okay?” Josef asked.
“We’re fine.” Mick said standing up. Beth looked over at Isabelle.
“How were you able to withstand them?”
“I still could not move of my own will but because of the Drago’s bloodline they could not make me do their bidding.” She explained.
“And Gabriel!” Beth gushed. “You amaze me more and more each day!” she said as she kissed his cheek. “But how did he know about the salt?”
“I told him” Isabelle replied. Josef looked at his wife.
“How the hell did you know?”
“Mick was thinking it. He kept saying the word salt, salt, salt in his mind” They all looked at Isabelle in surprise
“You CAN communicate with Gabriel that way! I always thought so!” Beth said.
“Yes. It has been this way for a year. Gabriel has many abilities that will come to light as he gets older. I fear that soon, I will have very little to teach him at all.” Isabelle said.
Mick looked over at the sisters.
“What are we going to do with those two?’ he asked.
“Well we certainly can’t let them live. Look how much trouble Simone caused with voodoo tricks! But I have an idea.” Josef said with a smile.

Josef and Isabelle drove to the beach to see Emma. There were lots of kids going door to door for trick or teats. When they knocked on the door Emma opened with a bowl of candy.
“Well ain’t you the scariest two that come to my door!” she cackled. Josef and Isabelle smiled. “Well don’t be standing on ceremony for the likes of me!” She said walking towards her chair.
“Is it all taken care of?” Josef asked.
“Go see for yourself” Emma said pointing her finger to the backyard.
Josef and Isabelle got up and walked out into the backyard. There was Corinne and Carin staring blindly into space hanging laundry a clothes line.
“Well their minds certainly look erased to me” Josef said.
“Indeed” Isabelle replied.
“The witches serving the voodoo priestess. That sounds like a fair punishment.” Josef said with a smile.

The End
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evening of the Witch by Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Great ending. I would love someone under my spell to do the laundry. Emma's reward for helping Mick. :laugh:
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