Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Beth had always been an early riser and becoming a vampire did little to change that fact. By 7am she had already fed, showered and read at least 3 newspapers. Mick woke up sometime around 9 and Beth always teased him about it.
“Good morning slacker!” she teased. Mick looked undeniably sexy with a tiny towel wrapped around his lean muscular torso.
“Hey, I had a late night. Why don’t you try behaving like a vampire!” he teased back, leaning down to slowly kiss her letting his warm moist tongue run over her lips. A moan escaped her mouth then she pushed him away.
“Oh no you don’t! I have to meet Gary at the station and I don’t want to be late.” She said quickly getting up. “You should look at this” she said handing him the newspaper.

Hedge Fund Financier Josef Kostan jumps into the Governor’s race!

Mick read the article twice before looking at Beth.
“Is this a joke?” he asked.
“Not that I can tell. I called Gary as soon as I read it and he wants me to make an appointment with Josef and get the first interview.” Mick shook his head wondering what his friend was up to. Whatever it was Mick knew he wasn’t going to like it.

When Mick got to Josef’s office he saw that the press was already there.
“Mr. Kostan, can you tell us why you decided to jump into the race? You have no political experience” one reporter asked.
“Neither did Schwarzenegger but the voters still took a chance on the possibility that he could do something better for the state of California”
“What is going to be your platform?” another reporter asked.
“Jobs. Plain and simple. We need to provide jobs for all Californians. There are too many people out of work living on unemployment. It’s draining the budget of the state. My platform will be to create jobs and more job growth”
Mick had to admit, he sounded good. But the part of him that knew Josef too well was wondering what was in it for Josef”?

After the reporters had been shooed away, Josef called Mick over.
“So, how did I look? Do you think the navy tie would have been better?”
“Josef, you looked great. But why are you doing this? Do you know what kind of attention is going to come your way?” Mick asked concerned.
“Mick, look. I’ve been thinking about this for sometime. I think I can really make a difference. Besides Balthazar and I already saw the need to have a vampire in office here in California. Since Claude is no longer interested, I was the next choice”. Josef said.
“Okay. What do you want me to do? I know you want something?”
Mick, I want you to be happy for me” Josef said with smile. “And be my head of security” he quickly added.
“Of course you do” Mick replied.

Beth was in her office talking to one of her contacts trying to calm him down when Gary walked in looking anxious.
“Don, don’t worry. I’ll talk to the D.A. and call you tomorrow morning. Okay?” she was saying. She hung up and turned to face her station manager.
“What’s up Gary?” she asked politely. Beth really didn’t like the guy. She thought he was manipulative and kind of seedy, but the head honchos loved him.
“Beth. I need to know where we stand on the Kostan exclusive.” He said.
“Josef has agreed to an interview this evening at 7pm. I need to take Steve with me and we will have it ready to air in time for the nightly news.” She said.
“Great Beth! Great job! Get it back to the station as soon as you can.” He said walking out of her office. Perfect Beth thought. She hadn’t even called Josef yet. Well no time like the present. She called Josef’s private line.
“Kostan” she heard.
“Josef this is Beth. I have an enormous favor to ask”
“Yes, you can interview me. What time?” He asked casually
“Okay. Don’t come to my office, come to my apartment”
“Okay. Thanks Josef. You’re the best.”
“Keep that in mind on election night!” he laughed and hung up.
Beth had to smile. Josef Kostan. Governor. Somehow she could really see him doing it.

Kelly Carlisle was stunning and she knew it. Since she was in high school, she knew exactly what she wanted and where she wanted to be. While her other classmates could think of nothing other than getting married to rich CEO and having a few babies, Kelly wanted something more. All her life she had fascinated with the women on the news. Their perfect hair, perfect makeup. But not just that. They were smart and when they spoke people listened. That was power. So she worked hard in high school graduating valedictorian and getting a full scholarship to Columbia University. She majored in Communications and graduated second in her class. Everyone said she would be the next Jane Pauley or Katie Couric! But Kelly knew she would surpass them all. Looking at her image in the ladies room mirror she patted her nose with just a hint of powder to cover up the shine. Then she smoothed out her form fitting black pencil skirt. She stood 5’8’ tall and slim but with a substantial bosom which she didn’t really like but there was nothing she could do about it. People didn’t take sexy women seriously on the news. So she always tried to dress in an ultra conservative way. Never showing off her assets. When she came out of the ladies room she ran right in the station manager.
“Hello Gary” she said with just a hint of provocation.
“Kelly! Did you hear about Josef Kostan running for Governor?”
“Yes, I did. Are you sending someone over to interview him? You know, I was first on the Schwarzenegger coverage.” She interjected.
“I’m sending Beth. You see her husband and Kostan and very good friends so she arranged for an interview tonight!” he said grinning from ear to ear.
“I see.” Kelly said coolly. “I’m sure Beth will do a wonderful job” she said and walked to her office.
Damn that Beth St. John! She thought. Beth had only been at ActionNews for 3 months and they had already made her lead anchor! Kelly had been with the station for five years was still only the weekend anchor. Interviewing life guards and grandmothers who grew the largest tomatoes! It wasn’t fair! Kelly looked out of her office window. She saw Beth talking to Steve the cameraman. There was something fishy about Beth St. John. And Kelly would find out what it was and ruin her!

Edward Mulaney knew he was a shoo in for governor. He had been in politics his entire career. Starting out as the Assistant D.A., then as a circuit judge. From there he went on to become the city treasurer and lastly mayor. Now after all his hard work the Governor’s seat was now available and he was gong to take his place. Although some of his staff was in awe of Josef Kostan no one really took him seriously as candidate. He was nothing more than a playboy rock star type personality. Sure he was young and rich, but he didn’t have a clue on how to address the issues of California. And that is where Edward would crush him.
Last edited by Ella713 on Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Marigold »

Hi Ella,

This was very interesting to read. I think that Josef would make a great politician. How do you think he would get around eating at political dinners and such?

I like Kelly's character. Hopefully she and Ben won't cross paths - that could lead to trouble! Are you going to continue this story?

Good work! :twothumbs:

Fantastic banner by Kath40! Thank you!
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »


This is going to be good!

In politics, there is a very real tendancy to take a candidate at face value--and in this case that means take one look at Josef's apparent youth and success and make certain assumptions that would be light years off! In a debate, Josef will wipe the floor with this opponent, however, this will not be good in the long term. Should he be elected, he can appear to age but the clock will be running on his ability to keep that identity much longer. We are approaching Halloween and everyone knows the old trick of egg whites applied thinly to the skin and allowed to dry.

It can be done, but it will be a challenge and he will need some people in place to run interference for him without appearing to and deal with reporters that get too close and one reporter is already interested. Beth should come on board as his highly paid press secretary.

Just sayin'
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Kara »

Josef would make an excellent gov. He'll make Arnie look like a little boy in an open debate. :snicker: And I like Jen's idea of Beth being Josef's Press Sec. She has the credentials after all. But she's an anchor woman now? In such a short time? Wow. That might be a hard decision for Beth.

Hope you continue Ella. Really enjoy this. Thank you. :hearts:

Note: I think I read some of your stories from the old site.
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Kelly walked over to Beth as she was gathering things for the Josef Kostan interview.
“Beth what a gift from the Gods your husband being good friends with Josef Kostan! I wish you all the luck” she said trying to sound sincere. Beth stood and looked at Kelly. She knew the woman hated her and had no idea what she trying to pull but she wasn’t falling for it.
“Thanks Kelly. Oh, and congratulations to you for scoring the weekend anchor slot. I know Gary is really pleased with your numbers.” She said and walked away. Kelly stared holes in Beth’s back.
“That Bitch! I’ll get her” she said under her breath.

Beth sat in Josef’s very plush living room while Steve set up his lighting and camera equipment. Josef came out of his office looking every bit the politician. Dressed in a very conservative navy blue suit he reminded one of a very young JFK. Isabelle floated down moments later dressed in an amazing. light grey silk dress that belted at the waist and whispered in pleats around her knees. She took her place next to Josef and smiled.
Steve got the camera rolling.
“This is Beth St. John from ActionNews and I’m sitting at the home of financier Josef Kostan who has just announced that he will run for Governor of California. Mr. Kostan, you primarily work in the finance world. What made you want to run public office?”

“Well Beth to be honest, I’m unhappy about the economic state of California. In the past 10 years, many once profitable businesses that employed hundreds of thousands of workers are now closed. And thus far, no one in office has had a solution to the problem.” He said.

“What do you think is the solution to the problem?” Beth asked suddenly becoming serious in hearing his plans.

“Well, as you know Beth Kostan Industries is a very successful corporation. And I think that myself and others like me who have succeeded in life have a responsibility to help others. I want to create new jobs in California. That is the only way to boost the economy” Beth was impressed.
“When you say create jobs what kind of jobs are you talking about?”

“For instance, I’m building a new Hotel on Sunset. That hotel will create over 3,000 jobs alone. Encompassing every facet of the workforce. From blue collar to white collar positions. In addition to that I am also just finishing up the new waste treatment facility. Again, we are talking about over 10,000 jobs there alone. I think the present administration has been content to keep people on unemployment and issue them a check each week. Unfortunately that does nothing for the state of California. And let’s face it. No one wants to be on unemployment. People want to work.” He said.

“You opponent has said that you are not qualified to run for office and you have no experience.” Beth said.

“Actually Beth in addition to my business degree from Harvard I also have a law degree from Princeton. When I first came to California, I was on the Los Angeles City Council as my opponent knows” Josef said with a smile.

“Supporters of Mulaney are also weary of your personal life” Beth said slowly.

“Beth, sometimes the press embellishes a story. And the tabloids are notorious for printing stories that aren’t true. I no more had a relationship with Angelina Jolie than I did with….Jean Harlow!" he laughed "In fact. I'd like to introduce my fiancé Isabelle Bascianti.” It was then that Beth saw the large diamond on Isabelle’s hand.
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

“Congratulations to you both!” Beth said trying to stay professional. “Is there anything you want to express to the California voters?”
“Just this. Too many times people get caught up on things that have nothing whatsoever to do with the job at hand. I’m not going to pretend that I’m an alter boy for the sake of winning an election. But what the voters need to know is that I’ve built a Fortune 500 corporation from the ground up. I know what’s best for the economy and for the voters of California. I will never spin any issue or abuse the power granted to me. Remember, I will work for you”
Beth ended the interview and waited for Steve to leave for the van.
“Oh my god!” she squealed running to hug Isabelle “I am so happy for you!”
“Thank you Beth” Isabelle replied with a smile. Josef stood behind Beth.
“So, you’re not happy for me?” he joked.
“Of course I am!” Beth said giving him a big hug. “I’ve gotta run. The station wants this interview on the 11 o’ clock news.”
“We’ll head over to your place. I need to speak with Mick” Josef said as Beth turned to leave. When Beth had left Isabelle walked up to Josef.
“I know that look my love” She said with a grin. Josef wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
“You know me so well” he said unzipping her dress and leading her to the sofa.

They were all at Mick’s apartment and had finished watching Beth on the 11pm news.
“You know Josef I’m impressed. I really thought this was just some scheme of yours. I’m actually proud of you” Mick said looking at his friend in surprise. Josef grinned.
“Thank you Mick, for always thinking the worst of me!”

Beth came in fresh from her newscast.
“Josef, everyone loved the interview! They want to do a follow up interview after the results are announced!” Beth said breathlessly.
‘Fantastic.” Josef said “I propose a toast. To Josef Kostan the new Governor of California” he said with a smile. Beth smiled back.
“Josef I think we we’re supposed to make that toast for you” she said.
“You were too slow” he said and took a drink of champagne.

Kelly sat in her office lighting tapping her long manicured nails on her desk.
“So, do you understand what I want?” she was asking to a stocky older gentleman sitting in a chair across from her.
“Sure. Find out what ever I can about Josef Kostan and all of his friends. But you need to understand that if I’m going to be digging up dirt on a man like Kostan you’re going to have to pay me a whole lot more” he said.
‘You sound like you’re afraid Mr. Flannery” she joked
“Look lady. I spent over 38 years on the force and I know when something’s a bad idea. And you wanting to go after Kostan IS a bad idea. So since it’s me putting my ass on the line you better believe that you’re gonna pay up!” he said angrily.
“Alright. Fine. You get me what I want and I’ll throw in another $20,000”
With that Joe Flannery nodded his head, stood up and walked out the door. Once outside the television station he shook his head. What the hell was he thinking? Trying to dig up dirt on a man like Josef Kostan!

After retiring from the Boston Police Department, he came to Los Angeles in search of sunshine and warmth. But after 6 short months, he missed the action of police work. The adrenaline rush that came from catching some
dirt bag in the act and beating a confession out of him! So he decided to open up his own detective agency which is what most retired cops do in the end. You get a little excitement, but without the possible bloodshed.
But Josef Kostan was like a John Gotti of the West Coast. No one really knew anything about him except he was loaded. Like Bill Gates loaded.
At any given time he had a security team that looked like the defensive line of Chicago Bears surrounding him. What this reporter lady wanted wasn’t going to be easy. He’d need some inside help.

Josef was sitting in his office going over some financial reports when his driver Harold walked in with an envelope.
“Here’s what you asked for Mr. Kostan” he said and laid the envelope down on his desk. Josef picked it up and slowly took out the contents.
“As you can see Mr. Kostan I got clear shot of Mr. Mulaney both going in and out of the woman’s apartment. I waited about 10 minutes and got closer. Just as you thought sir. He’s having an affair” Josef looked at the photos and smiled.
“So young! And so flexible!” he joked turning the photos around. “Thank you Harold.” Josef said dismissing his driver.
Last edited by Ella713 on Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Oh, intrigue and counter-intrigue. I love it. :hug:
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Lucy »

political intrigue, backbiting and jealousy....all the components of a POT BOILER!!!!
Great story!
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Kara »

Political dirt digging is one dirty business. Sad but true. I hope Beth will get her vamp nose up on that devious Kelly and put her in her place. :dracula:

Thanks Ella. :hearts:
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Joe Flannery sat in his apartment a long time before making the call that would seal his fate.
“Patrick! It’s Joe Flannery! How are you?’ He heard himself say.
“Joe Flannery! How the hell are you! What have you been up to?”
Joe took a small sip of bottled beer.
“Well, I’m living in Los Angeles right now. I actually have my own private detective business”. He heard his old friend chuckle lightly.
“Once a cop always a cop, huh?’
“Pretty much. Guys like you and me get soft real fast if we don’t keep a hand in the cookie jar” he joked back.
“So, are you coming back to Boston for a visit?”
“Yeah, maybe in the spring. But listen, the reason why I called is that I’m working on this case and I need some background information on someone who went to Harvard” Patrick automatically going into cop mode, pulled a notepad out of nearby table.
“Ok Joe, what’s the name?”
“Josef Kostan. He claims he graduated from the Harvard. He’s around 35-37 years old, so just go back to the year when he was 18.”
“You want the full work up or just the school info?”
“Patrick I want the works.”
“So what did the guy do?” Patrick asked suddenly curious.
“He may be bullet proof” Joe said with seriousness. Patrick knew what that meant. He and Joe came up with that term to describe criminals that appeared to be untouchable.
“Give me a couple of days. And Joe, watch your back over there”
“Thanks Patrick. Believe me I will”

Patrick hung up and thought to himself
“Christ Almighty Joe, what have you gotten yourself into?”

Beth was in a great mood. Her interview with Josef won the nightly news ratings. Gary was happy and she was approved for all of Josef’s interviews upon being elected. It wasn’t until she was sitting in her office and saw Kelly walk by that she thought of an idea. Beth knew that for whatever reason Kelly didn’t like her very much and she could sense the woman was plotting something. She walked into Gary’s office.
“Gary, I just thought of a great idea. You know that Mulaney is going to want equal time since we’ve already granted Josef Kostan an interview, so why not let Kelly handle those interviews. I couldn’t possibly do them both, but Kelly is a real pro when it comes to getting information out of people” she said with a fake smile that she hoped was convincing enough.
“Beth that’s a great idea. Better to cover all our bases” he said and went off to find Kelly who most likely was hidden in some corner plotting world domination. Beth let out a small sign and headed for the editing room before Mick showed up take her home.

Harold suspected they were being followed. And after two wrong turns he was positive of it,
“Mr. Kostan sir. We’re being followed”. He said over his shoulder.
“Catch the bastard” Josef said calmly.
“We’ll do sir”. Harold said with a smile. He loved his job!

Patrick was checking the Harvard database. They did have a Josef Kostan who had graduated with a business degree in 1992 and again from Harvard Law in 1995. Then he also saw that there was Josef Kostan who had graduated in 1975. And in 1955. And in 1935! Patrick started to get that feeling he always got when something was seriously wrong. But then he thought of something. He was most likely from one of those old moneyed Boston families that always had to have the name of great grand father or something. Like the Kennedy’s. He sighed. Yeah, that was it. There was no way this guy was alive in 1935! He turned off his computer when he heard his wife calling him to dinner.

Patrick sat down and not for the first time, thanked God that he had chosen an honest, good wife like Margaret. Divorce rates were high on the force and he was always thankful that his family had never had to deal with those horrendous circumstances. After saying grace he began to slice into a perfectly cooked pot roast. After taking a bite he blew his wife a kiss.
“Thank you Maggie. I needed this” he said taking another forkful.
“You’re welcome. So who was that on the phone earlier?” she asked hoping that she didn’t miss a call from their daughter who had started her freshman year at Boston College.
“Don’t worry. It wasn’t Katherine. It was Joe Flannery. You remember him?”
“Of course I remember that rascal! And just what is he up to? She said with smile, remembering Joe Flannery as a man who was quick with a joke, a little too fond of the drink and simply couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
“Well, he opened up his own private detective office in Los Angeles. He wanted me to find some background information on a Josef Kostan. His wife dropped her silverware and stared at him.
“Josef Kostan?” she asked.
“Yeah. Why? You know him?’

“I wish!” she said. “He’s a financial whiz kid who took Wall Street by storm. He used to date Angelina Jolie. But that was before Brad Pitt and Billy Bob Thornton” she rattled on. Patrick looked up over his food.
“Hmm. Are they with the church?” he asked thinking she was speaking of people they might know.
“Patrick! No they do not go to our church! Angelina Jolie is only the world’s most beautiful woman. Right up there with Liz Taylor.” She said rolling her eyes and laughing. Patrick shook his head and thought that his wife really needed to stop reading gossip magazines.

Kelly was pulling out some files on Edward Mulaney. She couldn’t believe that Gary would stick her that old fogy! The public wanted Josef Kostan not Edward Mulaney. And once again Beth had one upped her. She slammed the file drawer shut and turned for her office when she saw the sexiest man she had ever laid her eyes on. She immediately straightened her skirt and seductively walked over to him.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but notice that you seem to be lost” she said placing a hand lightly on his arm.
“Actually I am. I’m looking for my wife. Beth St. John” Mick said. He saw her expression turn from flirty to murderous in a flash. She dropped her hand from his arm.
“Yes. The private eye. My name is Kelly Carlisle.” She said holding out her hand to him. Mick looked her over. She was incredibly beautiful in an overtly sexy way. Also in an arrogant way. He decided to play nice. You never know when you’d have to ask someone for a favor.
“Yes! I’ve watched you on the weekends. You’re very good.” He said smiling warmly at her.
“Thank you. That’s so kind of you to say” she said in a flustered way. “Oh! Beth is right down that hallway” she said pointing to her left.
“Thank you Kelly.” Mick said as he turned away from her. Kelly fumed.
What the hell was it about Beth Turner?

Beth was finishing up a call when Mick stepped quietly into her office.
“You all set babe?’ he asked closing the gap between them and kissing her firmly on the lips.
“Yeah almost” she said as she locked her desk drawer and turned off her computer. Mick sensed that Kelly was somewhere close.
“What’s up with that Kelly Carlisle woman?” Mick asked Beth speaking at a decimal that he knew Kelly would not be able to hear.
“Other than she hates me, who knows?’ Beth said taking his hand.
Kelly walked away. She knew they purposely stopped talking because they thought she was listening. Damn them both. Just wait until she heard back from her P.I.. She would crush them all. Too bad about the husband she thought. He was drop dead sexy! She checked her cell phone. No word yet from Flannery. She would wait one more night.’

Joe was in a panic. He knew that the bodyguard was on to him. He saw him first thing in the morning right outside the coffee shop by his apartment. Then again across the street from his office. And now there he was again in the diner drinking coffee. Joe slowly stood up from his table and went to the pay phone to place a call.

“Hey Patrick, Joe Flannery.”
“Joe, I’ve got a lot of information for you” Patrick began to say.
“Listen Patrick, I need you take down this number. It’s for a woman named Kelly Carlisle. She’s a local newscaster. Give her all the information as soon as you hang up.” He said urgently. Patrick knew that something was up. Maybe Joe had been made.
“Joe, let me call the police” his friend was saying.
“Its too late for that” he said as he saw Harold walking over towards him.
The line went dead and Patrick immediately punched in the number.
“Kelly Carlisle” he heard a woman say.
“Miss Carlisle. My name is Detective Patrick Connolly I’m with the Boston Police Department. I’m calling for Joe Flannery. He rang me couple of nights ago asking me to get some background information on a Josef Kostan. I think he’s in trouble. He called me and said that I should get the info to you as quick I could. If you have a fax number I’ll send it to you.”
“Of course.” Kelly said and gave him her personal fax number.
“Miss Carlisle. I would really appreciate it if you would let me know if Joe’s alright. This Kostan guy sounds like bad news” he said with concern.
“Don’t worry Mr. Connolly. I’ll take care of everything” she said and hung up. As she watched the papers come out of the fax, her eyes grew wide and she began to read all the information. The she smiled.

“Oh yes. Beth and her motley crew were all going down!” she thought then she burst into laughter.

The Governor’s Ball was an event that celebrated the end of one era while welcoming another and Arnold was making sure that this would be an event that the state of California would never forget. Most of his Hollywood friends were in attendance as well as some political bigwigs from Washington DC. Josef had never understood the allure of Arnold Schwarzenegger as an actor or a politician but his leaving office made the perfect arena for change. He and Isabelle walked in looking like royalty. Josef in his slim fitting tuxedo and Isabelle looking every inch the supermodel in a pale green toga styled gown. Photographers ran to their side and began frantically snapping photos of them.
Edward Mulaney couldn’t believe the attention that Kostan was getting. Times had certainly changed since he first started his career in politics. He remembered a time when people cared more about the issues at hand. JFK changed all of that. Now not only could any two bit celebrity run for public office, 9 times out 10 they actually won. But he couldn’t focus on that now. He was thinking about the interesting phone call he received from Kelly Carlisle, that news anchor. She said she had some very incriminating information on Mr. Kostan and she wanted to meet with him to discuss it.
Under any other circumstance Edward would have ignored this attempt to play dirty politics, but looking at the press fawning over Josef Kostan abruptly changed his mind
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Josef being Josef would have had a very solid background created for himself, and vampires must create identities and backgrounds for relocations, though I doubt many of those would have to stand up to the scrutiny a political run would draw. Seems to me that there would be a lot more to it than creating a paper trail. Paper trails can be faked, but an investigator checking out a paper trail would also go back and try to interview former classmates and look for class pictures, talk to former professors and the like.

There is intrigue at all levels here.

Josef's political opponents are out to bring him down, and Kelly is out to bring Beth down.

Looking forward to more.

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Kara »

I'm a bit surprised Josef did not change his name since 1935. I hope they can get to that incriminating info before it reaches evil Kelly. And she finally met Beth's husband. :snicker: Yeah. Sexy & gorgeous. :thud:

Thanks Ella. :hearts:
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Kelly walked into ballroom and immediately felt every man in attendance looking her way, and she expected nothing less. Her scarlet red gown was revealing enough to entice yet not to the point of vulgarity.
Within seconds several gentlemen were standing near her with offers of a drink or dance. She charmed them all and though none had gotten any further they all walked away feeling that she had favored only them. She made her way to the mayor’s table who instantly stood up when she approached.
“Miss Carlisle! How lovely you look tonight! Please sit down” he said pulling out a chair for her. “This is quite the affair don’t you think?” he asked casually.
“Yes, indeed it is. Tell me Mayor, do you have any favorites in this race?” she asked. The mayor cleared his throat.
“Well of course Miss Carlisle, I think they both have very positive platforms. But really it’s too early to tell at this juncture.” He said evasively.
“I agree. But Josef Kostan’s reputation leaves little to the imagination” she said and then instantly regretted her remark. The mayor turned to face her.
“I would have expected a journalist of all people to ignore the gossip in the tabloids and concentrate more on the facts.” He said tartly.
“Don’t get me wrong Mayor, but Josef Kostan has hardly lived a quiet life and seeing how he’s not attempting to hide this fact you surely can’t expect anyone journalist or no not to comment on it” she said and abruptly left the table. The Mayor watched the beautiful woman leave. She was up to something he knew it. He got up and went to find Josef Kostan. Kostan had been instrumental in his re-election and he wasn’t going to see some over ambitious news anchor undo any of it.

Mick and Beth stood at the entrance of the ballroom. Neither of them liked going to these sorts of affairs, but for Josef, they would always make the exception. Josef and Isabelle came walking towards them.
“Wow!” Beth exclaimed “You two really represent the new Camelot” she said with a smile.
“Yes, well hopefully without the tragic events that followed it” Josef quipped. “Listen, I found out from a source that your little friend Kelly Carlisle hired private eye to check into my background” Josef saw the look of apprehension on Mick’s face. “Don’t worry, all of my credentials check out. Densmore handled all of that long ago”.

Clark Densmore was a vampire of perhaps 600 years. Like many vamps he chose to never leave the world of academia. He had been in charge of the records at Harvard University for over 200 years, not that they knew that.
“But this woman’s petty rivalry with Beth is becoming a problem for us” Josef explained. Beth was livid. She knew that Kelly didn’t think that Beth was experienced enough for the nighttime anchor position, but this was taking things too far.
“Don’t worry Josef.” She said. “I’ll take care of it” she said walking towards the ladies room. Beth knew that Kelly would take the opportunity to follow her and try to get information she could use. Beth opened her sequined clutch and began to powder her nose. Sure enough Kelly came strolling in soon after.
“Beth! Don’t you look darling! Baby blue is definitely your color” she said condescendingly. Beth played it cool.
“Thank you Kelly. You look great as well. You know, Gary told me he assigned you do handle the Mulaney interview. Good luck with that” Beth said.
“Yes, well we can’t all have best friends in high places. Some of us actually have to work for our wages” she replied in a light hearted way that was anything but.
“You’re right Kelly. It’s an unfair advantage to be sure. But I have a great idea. What would you say if I could arrange and interview tonight with Josef Kostan?” Beth said with a smile. Kelly eyed her suspiciously. It wasn’t like Beth to just hand her something like this.
“You already interviewed him” she said cautiously.
“Yes, but as you pointed out, I’m a friend so I’m sure I was biased in my questioning. You would ask questions that I didn’t. Who knows what you might find out” Kelly thought about the possibility. Beth was right on one point. Her interview with Kostan was too soft. She really didn’t ask any hard questions about the issues. Maybe this could be her shot to the primetime anchor slot. Beth could see the wheels turning in her very lovely head.
“Of course Beth, if you think there’s something you missed. I mean network television is much more different from internet news”
“There’s always that possibility” Beth said through clenched teeth. “Let me speak with Josef” she said and turned for the door.. Beth walked out of the ladies room thinking of all the things Josef would do to Kelly. She’ll have the interview of her life!!!
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Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Actually, I feel just a little bit sorry for Kelly,,,

No, not that much, but a little, It is like the little girl blythely walking into the woods with absolutely no idea of the dangers awaiting her in there.

Kelly thinks she knows the landscape and the players, but she doesn't even know what the game is.
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
Beautiful banner by the Fabulous Phoenix
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Location: Des Moines, WA

Re: Public Service By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Beth walked up to Kelly while she was talking to a very well known Edward Mulaney supporter. Beth tapped her lightly on the arm.
“Josef said he would love to meet with you if you are available after the fund raiser. He and Isabelle are leaving early” Beth said with a smile. Kelly concealed her absolute delight at the prospect.
“I will see what I can do. I did have other engagements you see” she said coldly.
“Well, the offer stands. Good luck Kelly” Beth said as she walked away to join Mick.

The party was going quite well. Mulaney had gained the support of a couple of new supporters and was for first time since he heard that Kostan was running against him, he felt relaxed and confident. And when he saw Kostan himself approaching him, him he offered a broad smile.
“Well hello Kostan! Are you enjoying yourself?” He said.
“Yes I am Edward. You seem to be in grand spirits. Anything you like to share?” Josef said teasingly.
“No secrets Kostan. It s just a wonderful party.” He said amicably
“Everyone has secrets Edward. And I do mean everyone” Josef said as he walked away smiling. And like that Mulaney saw that his career in politics was over. Kostan had found out about his affair. Damn! He thought to himself.

Joe Flannery paced the inside of the room that he was thrown into. There were no windows and only one door which could only be opened from the other side. He had to face facts. He wasn’t getting out of there alive. Damn that reporter! He thought shivering in the darkness.

Josef knew that Kelly Carlisle was watching him and he also knew the exact moment she decided to approach him. He turned to face her and smiled brightly. If hr weren’t about to get married, he would have made that exquisite creature his. She walked toward him slowly. Her ample hips sashaying provocatively. Oh this woman was good! Josef thought.

“Mr. Kostan, I’m Kelly Carlisle” she said holding out her hand. Josef lightly shook her had.
“Yes, I know. I’m a big fan of your work”. He said. She titled her head to one side.
“Really? I fail to see how you could be a fan of my thrilling work on the Orange County swim team finals?” she joked in a light way trying not display the bitterness behind the words.
“Swim team? No. But I do recall your coverage on the Dunleavy Chemical explosion. That was great work. Frankly I think your wasting your time with ActionNews” he said.
“Then that makes two of us” she said with a wide smile. “That story was over three years ago. I’m surprised you remembered it”
“Oh Miss Carlisle, I never forget a thing. So let’s cut to the chaste. I will be requiring someone to handle my PR and frankly I can’t think of anyone more suited than you. I’ve been watching you. I see the way you interact with the public. Everyone loves you. That’s what I need.” He said taking a sip of champagne. Kelly was flustered. What he was offering was a once in a lifetime shot! But why hadn’t he asked his little friend Beth Turner?
Josef saw her face darken.
“I know what you’re thinking. Why haven’t I asked Beth? Look, Beth is a dear friend and she is very good at her job, but I need someone with more experience. You saw how soft she was in my first interview. I need someone more unbiased and well, a little more unscrupulous”
Kelly thought about his proposal for a while. She could just see the look on Beth’s face when she told her she would be working for her friend, Josef Kostan on the biggest campaign of the year! She smiled to herself.
“I’d like to speak with you some more on the subject” Josef said. “How about you drop by my apartment around 10pm? You can interview me afterwards”
“You’ve got yourself a deal!” Kelly said and turned to grab her wrap. She had just enough time to go to her apartment and change into something a little more suitable. Sometimes the Gods smiled down upon you. And they were definitely smiling!.
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